1253 | 528 | Silver fir in the Pyrenees: post-glacial migration and possible existence of refuges | Albert Pèlachs (1), Caroline Scotti (2), Jordi Nadal (1), Ramon Pérez-Obiol (1), Bruno Fady, Jesús Julio Camarero (3), Aaron Pérez-Haase (4), Virginia Carracedo (5), Raquel Cunill (1), Marc Sánchez-Morales (1) i Juan Carlos García Codron (5)
The study of the colonization of silver fir (Abies alba) in the Pyrenees, where the species forms its southwestern distribution limit in Europe, has been widely debated based on palaeobotanical records. The debate has revolved around two main issues: 1) whether there were silver fir refugia in the Pyrenees or nearby areas during the Last Glacial Period, and 2) how the colonization (or expansion) of silver fir occurred during the Holocene in the Pyrenees._x000D_
In this study, palaeobotanical information gathered through a literature search and obtained from pollen diagrams was compared with novel genetic data from 43 silver fir populations on the southern Pyrenean slope. Additionally, these data have been compared with genetic data available for the northern slope (Scotti et al., 2021). To study colonization dynamics, we analysed the beginning of the continuous silver fir pollen curves on 43 selected pollen diagrams to identify the species arrival._x000D_
No glacial refugia were either because they did not exist or because they were crypto-refugia and could not be detected
. According to genetic data, there were two genetic groups in the Pyrenees that probably originate in two or more refuge zones. They have been identified eastern and western groups and a central mixed area. Paleobotanical and genetic data agree if different Holocene colonisation phases occurring during different periods are assumed. There would have been a primary colonization path from east to west during the early Holocene and additional but minor colonisations from crypto-refugia due to Holocene climatic changes.
Albert Pèlachs (1), Caroline Scotti (2), Jordi Nadal (1), Ramon Pérez-Obiol (1), Bruno Fady, Jesús Julio Camarero (3), Aaron Pérez-Haase (4), Virginia Carracedo (5), Raquel Cunill (1), Marc Sánchez-Morales (1) i Juan Carlos García Codron (5)
(1) GRAMP-Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; (2) INRA UR 0629 -Avignon (France); (3) Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (IPE-CSIC); (4) GEOVEG – Universitat de Barcelona; (5) GIMENA – Universidad de Cantabria
ID Abstract: 528