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1186 | 540 | Slow grey cities: the digital revolution of Elderly in urban environment | Tony Urbani

What if the next big digital revolution is done by the elderly? It would seem a paradox, but this is the point of view of Massimo Mantellini, an expert writer in digital technologies and society, who in his latest book: Invecchiare al tempo della rete, argues this possible revolution._x000D_
According to Censis data in Italy, after the Covid-19 pandemic, over 65 people using the web increased by 51.5%. _x000D_
In the coming years in Italy and in Europe the elderly will see their weight in society increase, they will become more and more critical mass in terms of numbers, but also in terms of human capital and social capital, to be used even after the “working life”._x000D_
Elderly people could promote a relationship between digital technologies and the urban context in a slower, more reflective, more sustainable, and responsible way._x000D_
“The ideology of speed”, of what can be done faster, has entered the public debate as an un-criticized myth. The acceleration of processes and daily life brings with it advantages, but also the loss of information and often also loss of meanings. _x000D_
In contemporary city societies we live quickly. It takes the “right” time to reflect on the impacts of digital technologies in everyday life and urban contexts, how they are changing our lives and what are the positive impacts on the one hand, but critical on the other. _x000D_
If this revolution takes place, we can have technologies with a “more human” face, not only from the point of view of interfaces, with artificial intelligences increasingly “similar” to human relationships and interactions, but also respectful and harmonious with the times of life and nature._x000D_

Tony Urbani
University of Tuscia – ITALY

ID Abstract: 540