1168 | 739 | Fishing Communities Facing to the 2019 oil spill off the coast of Brazil: Diagnosis and indicators as management tools for socioal enviromental disasters | Julliet Correa da Costa; Miguel da Costa Accioly; Fábio Pessoa Vieira
This paper’s objective is to present a general quali-quantitative analysis of the 43 bioregional maps elaborated in the “Manchas de Sofrimento: enfrentamentos das comunidades pesqueiras ao derramamento de petróleo de 2019” project scope, based on the knowledge and skills perceived in the involvement and territorial management existing in fishing communities. Such maps were elaborated by associations, social movements, fishing colonies, women’s organizations, all these fishermen and fisherwomen from traditional communities directly affected by the oil spilled on the Northeastern coast in 2019. The communities’ public opinion data, collected throughout the process, provides a legitimate diagnosis of the spill as their reports allows an understanding of the disaster experienced from the point of view of those who have direct links with the affected spaces through their lifestyles, housing, and profession, and who were the first to suffer the consequences and damages of this incident of such great proportion. The entries were grouped as 17 indicators that allows a reading of relevant directions, from the point of view of the communities and recommends directions for studies, debates, and confrontation actions for other disasters that may occur on the Brazilian coast. Additionally, the relations established with the environment in which the communities are inserted and with other parties are evident in the reports of the strategies and articulations established for maintenance of their social structure against the impacts of oil arrivals in these territories.
Julliet Correa da Costa; Miguel da Costa Accioly; Fábio Pessoa Vieira
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Universidade Federal da Bahia
ID Abstract: 739