1270 | 628 | Socio-spatial dynamics of social exclusion | Luděk Sýkora
This paper discusses the development and nature of segregation processes in Czechia with a specific focus on the spatial concentrations of population living in material poverty. Using the spatially detailed database about the recipients of allovance for living, the research maps the most pronounced spatial concentrations of poverty and social exclusion and evaluates intra-urban and intra-regional differences. The analysis of 2015-2022 focuses on the socio-spatial dynamics of social exclusion during the years of the economic growth and increase in well-being and following years affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, war in Ukraine, energy crises and inflation. The insights from the analyses are contextualized in terms of long term social and urban development in a post-socialist country and its cities, national and local policies and practices related to segregation and social exclusion, and narratives related to the populations threatened by the risks of social exclusion and segregation.
Luděk Sýkora
Charles University, Faculty of Science, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development
ID Abstract: 628