1172 | 685 | Bioregionalism and Solidarity Economy: interweaving perspectives for a territorial re-habitation and re-generation | Roberta Curiazi, Lucia Piani
Since 2012, UNIUD has been studying the solidarity-based economy realities in Friuli Venezia Giulia region, being part of the Forum of Common Goods involving citizens, local authorities, and associations interested in which processes to activate territorially in order to address the crises affecting the globe at different levels. This leads to the Regional Law 4/2017 “Norms for the Valorisation and Promotion of the Solidarity Economy”, focusing on community-territory relations by orienting economic actions towards the creation of a “citizens’ sense of consciousness” to promote local supply chains by applying a socio-economic and cultural model centred on local communities, and on solidarity, reciprocity, environmental sustainability, social cohesion and care for common goods principles. The research evolution led us to reasoning about a possible theoretical-conceptual connection between Territorialist-Bioregionalist and Economic-Solidarity approaches, to characterise and size the sector on the basis of L.R. 4/2017 criteria, and to find out the spatial and territorial dimension of FVG economic-solidarity good practices, central to the activation of local economic paths. Reading the ‘solidarity-based’ territorial transition according to the FVG context, the research shows the presence of a certain variety of realities that can be considered as a part of the Economic-Solidarity panorama; according to the R.L. 4/2017, we found that Economic-Solidarity-based realities are already present in all territories in a fairly balanced way, so that we can think about structuring an economic local model in which community and territory become fundamental tools to the activation of Economic-Solidarity-based circuits (productive chains and networks), and to the sustainable reactivation of productive territories, but considering that the Law application will depend on a bottom-up activation process that still needs to be put in place to build new solid solidarity territorialities.
Roberta Curiazi, Lucia Piani
University of Udine (Italia)
ID Abstract: 685