Ukraine possesses a vast cultural and natural heritage (CNH), but significantly lags behind in applying the cultural landscape approach, recognized as one of the fundamental and effective tools of preserving CNH._x000D_
The state of cultural landscapes has been a long-standing concern, which has been significantly exacerbated by the full-scale armed russian aggression against Ukraine, as a result of which, among other things, over 1000 cultural heritage sites were destroyed or damaged, and 20% of natural protected areas were affected._x000D_
Addressing this situation must be an essential component of Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction strategy, and must be ensured through the further implementation of state cultural, environmental, and urban planning policies, in strategic and spatial planning at different levels._x000D_
An important consequence of such decision could be the acceleration of Ukraine’s implementation of international legal obligations and tasks (including the European Landscape Convention) in connection with the official acquisition of candidate status for EU membership._x000D_
One of these tasks should be the identification and mapping of domestic cultural landscapes. Given the complete absence of legislative, normative, methodological, and scientific support for this process, the creation of an electronic atlas “Cultural Landscape Heritage of Ukraine” is considered as an initial stage._x000D_
For the purposes of mapping, cultural landscape refers to a holistic image of a cultural-natural local territorial formation that is a common product of the historical and contemporary interaction of given society and its environment of significant cultural importance, which is valued and protected for its cultural (material and spiritual) and natural qualities._x000D_
The atlas is planned to present approximately 2,000 of the most significant cultural landscapes, the typological classification of which consists of 25-30 types grouped into 8 groups (will be improved in the process of work).

Kateryna Polyvach
Institute of Geography of the Slovak Academy of Sciences; Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

ID Abstract: 172