Since the first decade of the 21st century, there have been different events that force us to rethink the future of globalization. The different climatic, economic, pandemic, energy and war crises show that the current system is unsustainable in the medium term. Today we can see the episode of the obstruction of the Suez Canal by the Ever Given container ship in March 2021 as a metaphor for the end of the cycle, for the passage of globalization towards a new world regionalization.
In this period, the industrial sovereignty of each region and country is debated from different points of view, calling into question the resilience of a fundamental sector for the progress of nations. Meanwhile, the advances in new technologies and the pressure of consumer society allow reshoring, the return of industrial production plants to developed countries, to be a growing and vital trend for the future of Europe or the United States.
In this context, the session proposes to investigate the reality of this process of “Reindustrialization of Europe”. Reshoring, nearshoring, onshoring, backshoring, are terms that are opposed to offshoring, which characterized the expansion of globalization and the new international division of labour. The crises in global supply chains cause large corporations to rethink their development strategy and in these new plans factors arise that can determine a new life for European industrialized spaces, beyond their conversion into industrial heritage.
The session invites researchers to present communications that allow answering these or similar questions: Is it sustainable to continue with the deindustrialization of Europe? What should be the role of public institutions in this new dynamic? What examples exist in the different industrial branches that verify this trend?, What are the real dimensions of reshoring in Europe?, What reasons motivate the transfer of industries from third countries to the European continent?, What is the result on the local level of the implementation of new factories? Can the industrialization of a territory reverse the processes of demographic emptying? The session will be managed in English, although communications may be sent in any of the languages ​​of the congress. Presentations will preferably be in English

Xosé Somoza Medina (1)
(1) University of León (Spain)

ID Abstract:

The phenomenon of industrial relocation or “reshoring”, as opposed to the widespread process of dislocation or “offshoring”, typical of globalization, is a relatively scarcely extended business strategy, although the successive crises in global supply chains, geopolitical tensions or the effects of the pandemic have placed this possibility on the political agenda, with declarations and specific action programs that seek to promote industrial relocation in developed countries. The United States, Germany, Australia or the European Union itself have discussed the possibilities of increasing the weight of the industry to relaunch their economies._x000D_
The phenomenon of industrial relocation began to develop in the first decade of the 21st century, partly in response to increasing instability in global supply chains and rising energy costs. These two elements, far from showing a positive dynamic in recent years, have increased their worst effects on the world market, leading some authors to consider whether we are facing a new model of globalization._x000D_
This communication aims to analyze the main obstacles that can stop this type of initiative in industrial companies, analyzing the recent evolution of the factors of production on a global scale._x000D_

Somoza Medina, Xosé
University of León

ID Abstract: 200

Poland and other Central and Eastern European countries have been the site of many Foreign Direct Investments in the automotive sector over the past two decades. FDIs are known to bring positive impacts on national economies, but also local development, which is well illustrated by the concepts of multiplier effects and corporate social responsibility (constituting theoretical background for the study). The research aimed at: 1) investigating conditions for and effects (local impacts) of investments in the automotive industry in Poland, 2) analysing electromobility as a chance for further development of the automotive industry in Poland and Europe._x000D_
The case study for the research are Volkswagen plants in Western Poland, in particular Volkswagen-Crafter production plant opened in 2016 in Białężyce near Września (Greater Poland region), one of the largest greenfield investments in western Poland after 1990. On the basis of data obtained from the company representatives and local self-government authorities, numerous benefits for local residents and the environment resulting from the actions undertaken at Volkswagen have been described. Questionnaire surveys among residents have shown that the main benefits of the plant are new jobs creation, new municipal and infrastructure investments, an increase in Września’s prestige, an increase in turnovers in the service sector as well as the creation of new block estates and establishments of new companies (many cooperating with Volkswagen)._x000D_
The prospects for the future in the automotive sector will be analysed by selected examples of investments in the electromobility sector. It is a technological trend supported by European and national policies driven by the fight for clean environment and mitigation of climate change. Production of electric vehicles and components to these vehicles may create lots of opportunities for reindustrialisation of Europe in the years to come. _x000D_

Wojciech Dyba
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan

ID Abstract: 348

El voluntariado es enormemente valorado tanto por organismos internacionales, como por la ciudadanía en momentos en que se producen importantes crisis. Se ha evidenciado recientemente con la COVID-19, e incluso en la actual derivada de la guerra de Rusia contra Ucrania. Sin embargo poco conocemos de sus características y de sus impactos socio territoriales al margen de las crisis, es decir de la labor silenciosa y cotidiana en diferentes lugares, en que un importante número de ciudadanos entregan a quienes más lo necesitan, de manera altruista y solidaria lo más valioso que tienen: su tiempo de vida y sus conocimientos (experiencia acumulada). En este contexto se hace necesario reflexionar sobre diversos aspectos del voluntariado como son: ¿Su implantación es homogénea en el espacio y en el tiempo? ¿Qué dificultades existen actualmente para conocer adecuadamente su impacto socio territorial? ¿Los países han legislado sobre el tema y favorecen su expansión?. ¿Las universidades lo impulsan? ¿La comunidad geográfica hace voluntariado? ¿Por qué desde la geografía debemos implicarnos especialmente? Se parte de la hipótesis de que su implantación e impacto es muy diverso y que hay una objetiva necesidad de potenciarlo. El objetivo general es mostrar el diferente grado de implantación que tiene el voluntariado a escala internacional y de manera específica en un país de Europa, dos de África y dos de las Américas, así como la muy diversas labores que hacen los voluntarios de la ONU en la actualidad. Lo anterior se completará con estudios de caso que muestren el diferente grado de reglamentación existente en España, Marruecos, Costa de Marfil, Brasil y Cuba, lo que ayudará a comprender más adecuadamente, tanto las dificultades para conocer su importancia, sus particulares características, como su grado de implantación social. Se continuará mostrando la importancia que otorgan las diferentes universidades de esos países, a impulsar el voluntariado universitario. A través de un análisis de las principales actividades de voluntariado que realiza el estudiantado universitario que cursa geografía, se mostrarán sus impactos en el desarrollo local en: Granada (España), Tetuán (Marruecos), Korthogo  y San Pedro (Costa de Marfil), João Pessoa (Brasil) y Ciego de Ávila (Cuba). Lo anterior permitirá reflexionar sobre la necesidad de impulsar el voluntariado entre la comunidad geográfica, para tanto tratar de avanzar en el muy lejano reto de conseguir los 17 objetivos de la Agenda 2030, como impulsar una cultura territorial que favorezca que la ciudadanía sea más consciente y comprometida con la realidad que nos ha tocado vivir. Presentaciones con PowertPoint en español y en francés

Juan C. Maroto-Martos (1)
(1) Profesor Titular en el Departamento de Geografía Humana de la Universidad de Granada, (2) Universidad de Granada. (España), (3) Universidad de Ciego de Ávila, Cuba, (4) Universidad de San Pedro (Costa de Marfil), (5) Universidad de Peleforo Gon Coulibaly de Korhogo (Costa de Marfil), (6) Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (Brasil), (7) Abdelmalek Essaâdi University (Morocco)

ID Abstract:

The topic of nature conservation must overcome the antithesis between men and parks and must educate responsible environmental protection behaviour._x000D_
Volunteering in nature parks represents an opportunity for land conservation, environmental and civic education at the same time, and a true dialogue between man and nature. Volunteering is an opportunity for active citizenship to be involved in nature conservation and an opportunity to promote and disseminate the culture of protected area and environmental sustainability._x000D_
A growing motivation for caring for the commons in general and for the environment can now be observed among citizens. This research proposes an analysis of the implementation of volunteer programmes in Italy’s National Parks, Marine Protected Areas and Regional Parks. The results show the current sensitivity of the sector to the issue of voluntary service for nature._x000D_
The main and most significant Italian volunteer programmes were observed, such as the programmes of the Abruzzo National Park and the Casentinesi Forest National Park. Local stakeholders supporting the project in logistics and mentoring of volunteer groups were interviewed._x000D_
Finally, the research proposes methodological support for park managers to introduce structured forms of voluntary activities for nature into the management system, without additional effort on the part of the organisations. _x000D_
Nature parks can get from this study a project format for solutions that are appropriate to their own context or supplement their current programmes._x000D_

Lara Fiorentini (1), Francesco Faccini (2)
(1) Regione Liguria, (2) DISTAV, Università di Genova

ID Abstract: 920