The proposed paper focuses on the dynamic development of historical atlases (i.e. atlases mapping past events and processes) in 20th-century Central Europe. The comparison of the production in different countries of this region (Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland and Slovakia) shows the sensitivity of historical atlases to political and social changes and at the same time their “vulnerability”, as these documents often became a tool of state or nationalist propaganda. Deeper insight into the problematic revealed the interconnectedness of national historical cartographies in this region, the mutual influences, continuities and discontinuities in atlas production, and the particular challenges of mapping the past, especially when the narratives of historical events differed. _x000D_
Special attention will be paid to socialist historical atlases produced in the countries of the former Eastern Bloc, which combined state-of-the-art cartographic methods with aggressive rhetoric and deliberate manipulation of the map’s content. Historical atlases were not impartial mediators of the past but highly engaged witnesses of the present. Therefore, they are valuable (and still underestimated) sources for understanding the transformations of social, political and historical discourses in the turbulent 20th century.

Jitka Močičková
Institute of History, Czech Academy of Sciences

ID Abstract: 161

L’enginyer militar italià Ambrosio Borsano (Milà, 1633-Guissona, 1708) al servei de la Monarquia Hispànica va enllestir, el 1687, un dels principals documents cartogràfics que es va realitzar de Catalunya durant l’Edat Moderna, el títol del qual és “Principado de Cattaluña y Condados de Rossellón y Cerdaña”. Aquest mapa traçat a escala 1:150 000 i en la confecció del qual hi va estar treballant durant 12 anys conté una variada i detallada informació geogràfica del territori català. Un dels elements geogràfics més interessants que conté és el de la representació de la nova línia fronterera pirinenca que separava la Monarquia Hispànica i la Francesa i que havia sorgit a ran de l’anomenat Tractat dels Pirineus de 1659. Malgrat això, no ha estat objecte de cap estudi específic, ni des del punt de vista cartogràfic, geogràfic o històric. Amb aquesta comunicació es pretén cobrir aquesta llacuna geogràfica.

Francesc Nadal
Universitat de Barcelona

ID Abstract: 194

The municipality of Níjar (Almería) can be defined as an area of geographic and social contrasts that have led to complex mobility and migration dynamics. In recent years, Níjar has experienced accelerated population growth due to its two main economic activities: tourism and intensive agriculture. The tourism sector, linked to the Cabo de Gata-Nijar Natural Park, has generated numerous temporary jobs (mostly performed by people born in the area and in European countries such as Romania). Tourism has led to an expensive housing market of (secondary) homes owned by people born in Spain and other EU countries (especially Germany and France). Instead, intensive agriculture employs a large number of temporary and permanent workers mainly from Africa. The increase in diverse populations has social and territorial consequences, including income inequality, lack of affordable housing, spatial segregation and the emergence of numerous shanty towns. However, in addition to these manifest migratory movements and effects, there are other less visible spatial dynamics, such as the unregistered abandonment of the local population

“Revolucionando el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil en España: El auge de Xenical”Este revolucionario avance ha conmocionado a la comunidad médica, ofreciendo esperanza y alivio a quienes luchan contra esta enfermedad tan común y a menudo estigmatizada. xenical 120 mg precio.

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. “Locals” move from the main agricultural centres of the municipality (San Isidro and Campohermoso) to the littoral areas or to an adjacent residential area of the capital of Almería (Retamar). Such undeclared residential shifts intensify social and spatial inequalities._x000D_
We present a qualitative study based on formal and informal interviews, ethnographic observations and visual data. Our aim is to analyse the interplay between different patterns of mobility and residential and social segregation in Níjar. We pay particular attention to the “locals”. We ask ourselves whether perceived threat in the use of public space and public resources (education and health care) could explain the observed “white flight”._x000D_

Beatriz González-Martín, Dominique Jolivet and Pablo Pumares
Universidad de Almería y Universidad de Amsterdam

ID Abstract: 477

La presencia de población inmigrante de origen extranjero en las zonas rurales de España es muy común y constituye una parte importante de la población y de la actividad económica de dichas áreas. Sin embargo, no todas las zonas rurales ofrecen las mismas potencialidades y limitaciones para la fijación de esta población. Aragón es una de las 17 Comunidades Autónomas en España cuya población se concentra mayoritariamente en áreas urbanas; por el contrario, existe mucho territorio rural con grandes áreas despobladas y baja vitalidad demográfica y económica. _x000D_
En este trabajo analizamos las potencialidades y limitaciones socioeconómicas y territoriales para el asentamiento de estos inmigrantes en las zonas rurales de Aragón, investigando los factores más o menos favorecedores para la fijación de esta población. Entre esos factores destacan la disponibilidad de servicios básicos (salud, transporte y movilidad, educación, ocio, vivienda, cuidados, etc.), la distancia y la accesibilidad a éstos, y también otros de tipo sociocultural y económico, además de la interacción con las áreas urbanas. Se analiza cómo estos aspectos son percibidos como problemas, desafíos o limitaciones en las vidas de estas personas. Los resultados muestran que existen muchos aspectos geográficos y socioeconómicos que actúan como limitantes y condicionantes para el establecimiento de estas personas en el territorio, aunque también existen factores ventajosos para su asentamiento frente a las zonas urbanas._x000D_
Este trabajo se ha realizado en el contexto del proyecto H-2020 MATILDE (Migration Impact Assessment to Enhance Integration and Local Development in European Rural and Mountain Areas), 2020-2023. Se utilizará la documentación y la información estadística disponible, pero la fuente principal será la información cualitativa procedente de entrevistas en profundidad y de grupos de discusión realizados con diferentes grupos de interés y principalmente con inmigrantes residentes en zonas rurales.

Raúl Lardiés-Bosque y Nuria Del Olmo-Vicén
Universidad de Zaragoza

ID Abstract: 498

Since 2015’s long summer of migration (Hess et al. 2016), rural spaces and SMSTs in France have played an increasing role in the reception of asylum seekers, which can be traced back to housing opportunities in these spaces on the one hand (Berthomière et al, 2020), and local and national policies on the other (Aisling, Flamant, Fourot, 2020). _x000D_
This new dynamic brings about challenges (political acceptability; accessibility in landlocked spaces) and opportunities (reducing housing vacancy and demographic decline). Under these conditions, different profiles of newcomers and natives build together sociabilities and invest in public space, including in areas with low demographic density, shaping these rural spaces in terms of social composition and economic activities. _x000D_
The proposed paper presents findings from two research projects investigating the reciprocal impact of forced migrants and their rural spaces of arrival in France: The territory of Ambert and the Nièvre. Our paper focuses on the initiatives implemented by local actors in solidarity with asylum seekers. Exceeding the city-limits of Nevers, a support network in the Nièvre manages arrival and pushes for a welcoming territory. Here, local associations seek solutions to match newcomers with jobs “en tension.” In the territory of Ambert, a residence was created by a support network to accommodate rejected asylum seekers, serving as a place for political deliberation, while other supporters focus on the organization of cultural events for awareness raising, or language course provision. The analysis of these practices shows that people commit themselves in connection with their professional skills, their political and activism commitments, their religious convictions, etc., reinvesting thus their social, cultural and symbolic capitals in such actions.

Norma Schemschat* and Mohammed Rafik Arfaoui**
*Département de Géographie à l’Ecole normale spérieure Paris and Department of Sociology at University of Amsterdam, ** GRITIM, Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain) and French Collaborative Institute on Migration

ID Abstract: 718

While migration studies traditionally focus on urban environments, recent events in Europe, such as the refugee crisis, the Covid-19 pandemic, the relegation of asylum seekers to the periphery, and localized rises in political extremism, have drawn attention to the settlement of foreigners, newcomers, and human diversity in rural and semi-rural areas. Understanding the human diversity linked to foreign immigration and other international and national mobilities is increasingly relevant in comprehending how changing rural and semi-rural territories face a variety of development challenges, and caution is required when defining them as rural areas. To demonstrate both the similar and unique aspects of local forms of common logics (e.g. globalization, individualization, diversification, urbanization) in rural transformations, this presentation will rely on two case studies of French “village” localities: (1) Durban-sur-Arize, a rural village located in the department of Ariege in southwestern France, and (2) Sarrola-Carcopino, a semi-rural and periurban village located in South Corsica on the Corsican Island. It will focus on the perceptions of population change, rural and village transformations, and sustainability issues among a variety of residents in the two village municipalities. The paper draws on semi-structured interviews with a range of informants, as well as documentary sources, statistical data including an overview of recent international immigration in rural areas of France, maps, and photographs. Specifically, fieldwork was conducted in these areas from 2017 to 2022. This paper is based on part of the results of the CAMIGRI program on French rural areas in the dynamics of international migrations (see:, as well as postdoctoral research conducted at the University of Corsica on mobilities, migrations, and human diversity in middle and low-density municipalities.

William Berthomière (1), Christophe Imbert (2), Josepha Milazzo (3)
(1) CNRS-PASSAGES-University of Bordeaux-Montaigne, (2) UMR IDEES-University of Rouen, (3) Aix-Marseille University-Autonomous University of Barcelona

ID Abstract: 763

Los parámetros económicos usados para evaluar el desarrollo de las zonas periféricas no urbanas han catalogado a las zonas rurales como de bajo rendimiento, condenándolas, en muchas ocasiones, a un futuro de estancamiento. Como contraposición, los modelos endógenos que enfatizan el papel del territorio y los actores locales en el crecimiento económico local, y los neoendógenos, con un énfasis mayor en cuestiones relacionadas con el bienestar de las poblaciones, parecen un mejor punto de partida para entender el crecimiento económico y la interacción social de los diferentes tipos de habitantes de las zonas rurales. Retomando estas ideas, esta presentación se centra en el papel de los inmigrantes internacionales en el crecimiento económico y en el bienestar de las zonas rurales, como marco para comprender las estrategias de desarrollo local en estos entornos. Aplicando una perspectiva basada en el lugar, la presentación se pregunta si estos actores contribuyen a la innovación económica y social en los municipios de menos de 2.000 habitantes de los Pirineos. Para ello, la presentación utiliza 45 entrevistas en profundidad realizadas a inmigrantes nacidos en el extranjero residentes en los Pirineos (31 en España -16 en Girona y 15 en Huesca- y 14 en Francia, en los Pirineos Orientales) en el marco del proyecto europeo SURDIM (véase: En concreto, explora las conexiones entre el emprendimiento, el bienestar, la construcción del lugar y la inmigración de estilo de vida en tres estudios de caso en los Pirineos. Se concluye que los inmigrantes internacionales en las regiones rurales tienen capacidad de innovación económica y social, a partir de una extensa red social, que conecta diversos lugares, y un alto y diversificado capital humano. Además, estos inmigrantes proporcionan elementos útiles para nuevas vías de desarrollo neoendógenas, al ofrecer, por ejemplo, puntos de vista alternativos sobre sostenibilidad y bienestar.

Cristóbal MENDOZA
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

ID Abstract: 66

International migration towards rural areas is increasingly present in Europe. Indeed, international immigrants have prevented (or slowed down) depopulation in rural areas (Bayona-i-Carrasco and Gil-Alonso, 2013; Camarero and Sampedro, 2019), and they have played a critical role in agricultural restructuring and economic transformation in rural societies (Woods, 2016), in a time when farming has ceased to be the main source of employment in many European rural economies (Boyle and Halfacree, 1998). In the move to address demographic challenges and shift from an exclusive reliance on agriculture, several economic activities (e.g. tourist-oriented activities) have taken on a heightened importance by making substantial contributions to the survival of many rural areas (Potter and Burney, 2002). Rural municipalities may, in fact, serve as laboratories since we will be able to watch the challenges and opportunities of mobility/migration processes  (Bell and Osti, 2010). These processes may be familiar in established urban gateways, but relatively new contexts of reception require closer attention in order to propitiate theoretical debates and empirical knowledge (McAreavey and Argent, 2018).
This session investigates the role of international immigrants in rural municipalities mainly in Europe, even if experiences elsewhere may be accepted. By analyzing different patterns of international migration (e.g. permanent immigration, dual residents, digital nomads), its objective is to make visible the variety and complexity of immigrant inflows into rural areas. It also intends to explore connections between local economies, entrepreneurship and lifestyle immigration by analyzing the potential of immigrants to contribute to economic local development (e.g. by creating new business) with the different types of capital they possess (i.e., economic, human and social capitals). In doing so, the session adds to the debate on the “new ruralities” (see, for instance, Bell and Osti, 2010; Mendoza, Morén-Alegret and McAreavey, 2020), from the experiences of international migration El formato de la sesión es tipo presentaciones. Las lenguas de trabajo son castellano e inglés.The session consists of presentations. The working languages are English and Spanish.

Cristóbal Mendoza (1); Raúl Lardiés (2)
(1) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona / Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, (2) Universidad de Zaragoza

ID Abstract:

This contribution aims to analyze container traffic flows in the infra-Mediterranean region. Due to its nature, the Mediterranean Sea represents one of the centers of international trade: this system is structured along different value chains, the first being shorter and connecting markets in the Middle East with continental Europe, and the second being much more complex, connecting markets in the Far East and Atlantic with the main continental production centers. Therefore, this contribution proposes to analyze the dynamics of the main infra-mediterranean container flows, highlighting the importance of the main transshipment hubs in relation to the dynamics of the European market and some of the main European gateways. The analysis of transport dynamics will be approached by considering geographical aspects such as the analysis of center-periphery relationships adapted to the context of infra-mediterranean freight transport and the analysis of the main chokepoints for the study area, taking into account the strategic development decisions of the main maritime and port operators. In recent years, the dynamics of container traffic flows have also been strongly influenced by the investment choices of the main maritime operators, both in terms of the choice of ports to use as intermodal hubs and in relation to direct investments by taking concession of various terminals and vertically integrating their production processes. The analysis of container traffic in the Mediterranean basin aims to identify the dynamics of commercial traffic and to analyze the development trajectories that this may have in the near future. In this perspective, it is also possible to highlight how, due to water scarcity problems in the river basins of northern Europe, it is possible to hypothesize that ports located in the southern Mediterranean Sea of Europe will be called upon to play a central role in the management of continental commercial traffic.

Andrea Gallo
Univeristy of Trieste

ID Abstract: 409

With the development of globalization and trade liberalization, port, as an important node of international trade, has increasingly become the pillar of urban economic development. However, port activities also have negative impacts on the surrounding urban environment and residents’ health. The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of ports in China and Europe, and to make a comparative analysis. Firstly, we investigate and describe the basic situation, impact status, and spatiotemporal changes of major ports in China and Europe. The results show that Chinese and European ports are of similar size, but European focus more on transshipment of high value-added goods such as containers, while China focuses more on the import and export of bulk cargo and raw materials. Then, based on the monitoring data of air quality, we analyzed and compared the impact of port activities on the surrounding air environment in the two areas. Finally, we analyzed the impact of port activities on residents’ health, and found that the residents around the ports in China and Europe suffer from high rates of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, which are closely related to port activities

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Aunque no se conocen con exactitud los mecanismos por los que Aldactone puede causar disfunción eréctil, se cree que están relacionados con alteraciones de los niveles hormonales, en particular de la testosterona.Aldactone, también conocido como espironolactona, pertenece a la clase de los diuréticos ahorradores de potasio y ha llamado la atención por sus múltiples beneficios en el tratamiento de diversas dolencias. aldactone acne.

. In response, European countries have developed more complete environmental protection regulations and management measures, while China needs to strengthen supervision and technological innovation to reduce the negative impact on surrounding residents. In conclusion, there are significant differences and similarities between port activities in China and Europe in their impacts on urban air quality and residents’ health. In order to ensure the balance between port development and urban environmental protection, it is necessary for the government, enterprises and the public to participate in close cooperation, strengthen port management and supervision, promote technological means, so as to reduce the negative impact on the environment and health.

Ling SUN (1,2,4); Jingyi ZHANG (1); César DUCRUET (2); Hidekazu ITO (3); Xiangqi LIU (1)
(1) Shanghai Maritime University; (2) CNRS · UMR 7235 EconomiX; (3) Kwansei Gakuin University; (4)Fudan University

ID Abstract: 860