This study aims to develop a flood sensitivity assessment tool using machine learning (ML) techniques and geographic information system (GIS)

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. The importance of this study is integrating the geographic information systems (GIS) and machine learning (ML) techniques for mapping flood risks, which help decision-makers to identify the most vulnerable areas and take the necessary precautions to face this type of natural disaster. To reach this goal, we will study the case of the city of M’sila, which is among the areas most vulnerable to floods._x000D_
This study drew a map of flood-prone areas based on the methodology where we have done a comparison between 3 machine learning algorithms: the xGboost model, the Random Forest algorithm and the K Nearest Neighbor algorithm. Each of them gave an accuracy respectively of 97.92 – 95 – 93.75. In the process of mapping flood-prone areas, the first model was relied upon, which gave the greatest accuracy (xGboost)._x000D_

University of M’sila

ID Abstract: 119

The contribution proposes a reflection on 1) toponymy as a political and identity instrument, and 2) toponymy as a political instrument of ideological propaganda._x000D_
In a critical (and also comparative) perspective, the contribution studies on the one hand the processes of topogenesis and production of social space (place and street names) related to the memory of mafia victims in Italy: a process that moves from below and generates identity ties despite distances; on the other hand, it analyses the processes of topogenesis and production of social space (place and street names) related to the (more or less mythological) pantheon of the separatist political party Lega Nord per l’Indipendenza della Padania: a process that moves from above and generates identity ties despite (or also thanks to) surrealism._x000D_
Geografías cívicas y geografías surrealistas: el poder de la toponimia._x000D_
La contribución propone una reflexión sobre 1) la toponimia como instrumento político e identitario, y 2) la toponimia como instrumento político de propaganda ideológica._x000D_
Desde una perspectiva crítica (y también comparativa), la contribución estudia, por un lado, los procesos de topogénesis y producción del espacio social (topónimos y callejeros) relacionados con la memoria de las víctimas de la mafia en Italia: un proceso que se mueve desde abajo y genera lazos identitarios a pesar de las distancias; por otro lado, analiza los procesos de topogénesis y producción del espacio social (topónimos y callejeros) relacionados con el panteón (más o menos mitológico) del partido político separatista Lega Nord per l’Indipendenza della Padania: un proceso que se mueve desde arriba y genera lazos identitarios a pesar (o también gracias) al surrealismo._x000D_
We kindly ask for the possibility to present the contribution in Spanish (or French) with slides in English._x000D_
Solicitamos la posibilidad de presentar la contribución en español (o francés) con diapositivas en inglés._x000D_

Giuseppe Muti
Università degli Studi dell’Insubria (Varese, Italia)

ID Abstract: 661

This contribution based on fieldwork in the archives of geographical and mountaineering societies in London, Berlin, Paris and Grenoble first looks at some of the scientific and diplomatic debates raised by the existence of Mount Everest as a place name, and examines key arguments put forward to defend or criticize its use from its suggestion by the surveyor general of India Andrew Waugh at the Royal Geographical Society in 1858 to current discussions on the enduring presence of mountain exonyms in post-colonial toponymical and cartographical contexts. _x000D_
Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, the initial controversy between Waugh and Brian Hodgson, a naturalist and keen linguist who was then British resident at Kathmandu, was echoed by extensive commentaries on the use of non-local names in mountain toponymy and cartography. Those debates notably show that before the name of the peak became a symbol of European onomastic imperialism, it is first and foremost the commemorative use of a personal name that was considered a case of failed geographical nomenclature that would certainly soon be replaced by a better name. Then why has this name not been supplanted by a more fitting toponym yet? Will it ever be? _x000D_
I propose to use perspectives from critical geography, the linguistics of names, and pragmatics to formulate three hypotheses on the future of exonymic place-names, from Mount Everest to other cases in the Himalayas, the Alps and the Pamir._x000D_

Felix de Montety
Université Grenoble Alpes

ID Abstract: 753

Toponyms, i.e. local geographical names, not only have a specific origin, but are also often used in the names of various institutions (e.g. culture, sport, etc.), giving them a more easily noticeable local/regional/national character and facilitating identification with them by the inhabitants. The subject of the presentation are toponyms contained in the names of football clubs in two Polish regions (Wielkopolska and Małopolska). The names of football clubs have been a focus of interest to researchers for many years and for many reasons, i.e

Afortunadamente, los avances de la ciencia médica han allanado el camino para tratamientos innovadores que pueden tratar eficazmente la disfunción eréctil y ayudar a los hombres a recuperar su confianza y vitalidad. xenical comprar Xenical es un medicamento innovador que ha cambiado las reglas del juego en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil..

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La disfunción eréctil, una enfermedad prevalente que afecta a millones de hombres en España, es un problema complejo y delicado que puede afectar significativamente a la calidad de vida.Si usted o alguien que conoce experimenta síntomas de disfunción eréctil, es esencial que consulte a un profesional sanitario que pueda proporcionarle un diagnóstico adecuado y recomendarle la opción de tratamiento más apropiada. cialis contrareembolso 24h.

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. they are the subject of frequent local conflicts, in particular in the case of changes in traditional names in connection with the implementation of the marketing goals of the club authorities (Creţan 2021), but also in the case of changes dictated by political shifts (Sindbæk 2013), which is associated with their functions, marketing, identity or even totemic functions (Fastyn 2021)._x000D_
In the presentation, I want to address a less frequently discussed problem, i.e. the scale of occurrence of toponyms and their individual types among the local names of football clubs from two physiographically different regions of Poland – lowland Wielkopolska and upland-mountainous Małopolska. The research results allows to answer the questions whether the differences in the geographical environment translate into the commonness of toponyms (and their individual types) in the names of football clubs and whether the more physiographically diverse natural environment translates into more frequent use of toponyms in the names of football clubs (in particular hydronyms and oronyms)._x000D_

Artur Bajerski
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland

ID Abstract: 928

Starting from the premise of a consideration of onomastics as a transversal and interdisciplinary science, at the crossroads of linguistics, history and geography, we propose a reflection on the role of the toponym as an “interpretative tool” for the differentiation of space and, particularly, of landscape forms. In a more specific way, in the communication we approach the idea of the place name as a landscape indicator. This is to say: the consideration of the place name as a linguistic entity that provides us with some referential elements that, properly limited and contextualized, they allow us to make a “semantic reading” of the environment. In other words: they allow us a logical and concatenated interpretation of the similarities and differences that manifest themselves in the geographical space and that, through place names, end up implying the fixation of certain meanings, at different scales, of the physical environment.We complete the theoretical proposal with the consideration, from this point of view, of a region in the central sector of the Pyrenees, La Terreta, in the middle basin of the Noguera Ribagorçana river, in the border between Catalonia and Aragon, as a case study (case study which we materialize on the analysis of twenty particularly significant toponyms). This region is characterized, on the one hand, by a geological structure of great diversity – which gives rise to a physical environment with marked contrasts and differences; on the other hand, by a linguistic substrate (in the framework of North-western Catalan dialect, known as ribagorçà) of great lexical and onomastic richness. These qualities make the area of study a kind of “natural laboratory” especially suitable for our research purposes.

Joan Tort Donada, Xavier Planas Batlle
Universitat de Barcelona, Ministeri de Territori i Habitatge. Govern d’Andorra

ID Abstract: 972

La geomática, aparentemente una disciplina empleada únicamente a la ingenieria, reúne dentro de sí misma las cualidades necesarias para estudiar y explicar muchos de los fenómenos que nos rodean. Por ello, acoge en su seno la actuación y estudio en disciplinas como la geografía tanto humana como física, y sus subvariantes como la teledección, la geodesia y la la fotogrametría.  Los datos generados a partir de la combinación de geomática y geografía generan información muy relevante para el estudio de varios fenómenos del planeta. Dicha información puede ser procesada de manera alfa numérica de diferentes formas, pero especialmente en términos estadísticos, que dan lugar a interpretaciones sobre la distribución y reconocimiento de patrones espaciales para la ocurrencia de diferentes fenómenos naturales y antropógenos. En la actualidad, este tipo de análisis de información geográfica se emplea en diversos ámbitos como la prevención de desastres, la planificación del territorio y la conservación de recursos naturales, aunque no son los únicos.En esta sesión se propone exponer proyectos y estudios interesantes en geografía que empleen este tipo de disciplina.

Barbara Polo (1); Jordi Marti (2)
(1) University of Barcelona, (2) University of Lleida

ID Abstract:

Place names (toponyms) are proper nouns describing natural and cultural features of a landscape. They often become fossilized over time. The diachronic perspective offered by some place names allows to virtually reconstitute part of the natural and cultural elements of disappeared landscapes.
Toponymy also has a referential value, because it designates places and distinguishes them from other places.
Place names also have an identity value, since the inhabitants of a place feel affectionately linked to their living place and, therefore, to the place name defining their living place.
Toponymy is also an ideological science, because the political context determines the choice of one precise place name and not another plausible one.
Any scholar interested in toponymy from its landscape perspective; or from its referential aspect; or from its identity view; or from its ideological context are invited to participate in this session.

Joan Membrado (1)
(1) Universitat de València

ID Abstract:

According to the most accepted interpretation, the word fado derives from the Latin “fatum”, destiny. The origin of fado is still debated, even if its passage through the Luso-Afro-Brazilian universe is now universally recognized

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. On the other hand, there is no doubt that fado appeared in Lisbon in the XIX century, establishing its places of production and fruition in popular districts like Alfama and Mouraria. It has been argued there is a special bond and an inseparable link between Lisbon and fado, as is particularly evident from the titles and the lyrics of the songs, which contain an unusually large number of references to the city and to its topography and heritage: “One of the main lyrical themes of fado is the city itself, particularly those areas most associated with the music’s origins such as Mouraria, Alfama and Bairro Alto. A mythology of place is summoned up in fado songs texts” (Elliot, 2010). Based on this point of view, in this paper we analysed the lyrics of all the fado songs listed on the website “Portal do Fado” (almost 8.000 songs, presumably all fado ever composed), looking for toponyms that could be directly or indirectly associated to the city of Lisbon as a whole, to its geographical elements (e.g. the Tagus Rivers) or to parts thereof (neighbourhoods, specific streets, squares, monuments, casas de fado, theatres, restaurants, bars, infrastructures, transportation means), trying to give a spatial dimension to this form of “topophilia” towards the city of Lisbon, in the sense indicated by Yi-Fu Tuan (1974), that seems to be inherent in fado as a musical genre.

Luca Zarrilli
University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara (Italy) – Department of Economics

ID Abstract: 22

Following the Second World War, Taiwan was placed under the control of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) on October 25, 1945. The KMT government took the “De-Japanization” policy by the Commemorative street-renaming strategy to eradicate the symbol of Japanese authority and promote Chinese consciousness. From then on, most streets were renamed after the Confucian moral code, Three People’s Principles or national leaders in every city of Taiwan. After martial law period, with the gradual rising of local consciousness in recent years, Chen Shui-Bian, the mayor of Taipei city primarily renamed the Jei-shou Road in front of the President House to Ketagalan Boulevard to challenge hegemonic structures of power on 21st, March, 1996. From then on, one by one street was named after aboriginal tribes, such as Siraya Boulevard, Monga Boulevard to present the transformation of streetscapes in Taiwan. _x000D_
This paper will discover the semiotic and political operation of commemorative street names to focus on a political analysis of naming practices and the cultural production of place by examining the procedures of the naming and the renaming of streets in the cities of Taiwan. Further, we complicated how street names, in addition to their fundamental role in the spatial organization and semiotic construction of the city, are also participants in the cultural production of shared past. In order to conclude that the power of commemorative street names stems from their ability to implicate the national narrative of the past in numerous narratives of the city._x000D_

Wenchuan Huang
Taiwan and Regional studies department, National Dong Hwa University

ID Abstract: 270

In the presentation we analyze the toponyms of the settlements around the Croatian-Hungarian-Serbian tripartite border, where politico-territorial settings changed several times in the course of the last the century. It is therefore worth examining how territorial changes and the fall of socialist regimes have influenced the symbolic landscape. The analysis was carried out along the lines of the nation-state, regional, local, and socialist categories. _x000D_
Quantitative analysis showed significant differences between the toponymies of the Hungarian and the South-Slavic states. The Hungarian toponymic system is more nation-state centric and lacks national pluralism. In contrast, the settlements of the southern Slavic states have a more ethnically, territorially and ideologically pluralistic name system. However, when complemented by qualitative analysis, it can be seen that certain symbolic policies may be a source of conflict in the region. Although Yugoslavia and Hungary used to have significant territorial conflicts in the region, this is no longer evident in the current symbolic landscape. Instead, the memory-political conflicts surrounding the armed conflicts of the dissolution of Yugoslavia emerge. Another result is that regime change has also taken place in a different way in the region. On the Hungarian side, the disappearance of names associated with the communist regime was more complete, while in Croatia and Serbia they are still present. This suggests that the symbolic landscape of the southern Slavic states and the Hungarian territories under study developed in quite different ways. In contrast to the relatively consistent and homogeneous Hungarian toponymies, the South Slavic territories are rather confused, with the Yugoslav, communist name stock, regional and local identity, and, in the case of symbolic politicisation, a newer ethno-national narrative of confrontation, with few but all the more weight.

György Orsós, Péter Reményi, Dávid Kopunovic
György Orsós: PhD Student, University of Pécs, Hungary; Péter Reményi: Associate professor, University of Pécs, Hungary, Department of Political Geography, Development and Regional Studies; CERS Institute for Regional Studies, Hungary Dávid Kopunovic: BA student, University of Pécs, Hungary, Department of Sociology

ID Abstract: 566