La pesca tradicional o artesanal es una de las actividades económicas que ha sido afectada por el modelo de desarrollo basado en el crecimiento económico capitalista. Este desarrollo ha invisibilizado la práctica tradicional por sus valores y cultura del oficio artesanal, los que se asocian a una sabiduría y tiempo de trabajo diverso, intercambio y transacciones en red y una organización económica colectiva, incómoda para la lógica individual de extracción de los recursos pesqueros y la acumulación económica a partir de la exportación._x000D_
Se plantea el objetivo de reconocer cómo es que las comunidades pesqueras tradicionales subsisten. Se plantea el enfoque de las economías comunitarias de JK Gibson-Graham como posibilidad para analizar todos aquellos activos que les ha permitido a los pescadores artesanales subsistir de acuerdo con sus propios valores. La propuesta metodológica se basa en un estudio cualitativo realizado en las localidades de Horcón y Ventanas (Chile) entre el año 2019 y 2021. La investigación se desarrolla además en un área geográfica denominada como “zonas de sacrificio”, nominación utilizada para señalar geografías de la devastación por contaminación en base a energías fósiles. _x000D_
Dentro de los resultados, se destaca que existe un conjunto de prácticas económicas invisibilizadas que aportan aprendizajes para pensar las economías de subsistencia, tanto por sus valores como por las prácticas, necesarias de transmitir para otro tipo de economías tradicionales y economías diversas que están emergiendo. Trueques, “pedir fiado”, “redistribución de excedentes” son prácticas que pueden valorarse como parte de una economía de la subsistencia tradicional, pero también como activos diversos al desarrollo capitalista que puede aportar al paradigma del ecocentrismo._x000D_

Gino Bailey
Departament Geografia, UAB (Universitat Autònoma Barcelona)

ID Abstract: 660

El ecocentrismo inspirado en la ecología profunda reivindica un posicionamiento simétrico e interdependiente de los humanos con el medio.  En la medida en que este enfoque integra el bienestar de lo no-humano (Eckersley, 1992), el paradigma del ecocentrismo apunta a la necesidad de modificar el presente orden civilizatorio de la monocultura colonial, imperial y extractiva (Boaventura, 2014). Desde este marco, y con la voluntad de superar las visiones catastrofistas de narrativas sobre un futuro distópico (Braidotti, 2013), la sesión se plantea como objetivo explorar desde la disciplina geográfica aportaciones teóricas y metodológicas en la línea del ecocentrismo. La sesión invita trabajos que reflexionen sobre:

Estudios críticos al cientificismo y biocentrismo
Propuestas del ecofeminismo crítico
Avances teóricos y prácticos desde la bio y geodiversidad que cuestionen la relación utilitaria con la naturaleza
Experiencias de sabiduría ancestral y conocimiento ecológico local 
Experiencias de alter-indigenismo y culturas ancestrales
Casos y prácticas de economías diversas y tradicionales
Casos y prácticas del buen vivir en el Norte y Sur global
Reflexiones en torno a la transición en el enfoque de derechos de la naturaleza
Modelos y experiencias de agricultura diversificada
Prácticas urbanas alternativas de colectivos, cooperativas y asociaciones ciudadanas
Casos prácticos enfocados a la construcción de realidades transformadoras.

Dickerson A (2020) Ecocentrism, economics and commensurability. The Ecological Citizen 3(Suppl B): 5–11.
Borràs S (2016) New transitions from human rights to the environment to the rights of nature. Transnational Environmental Law 5: 113–43.
Braidotti, R. (2013). Posthuman humanities. European Educational Research Journal, 12(1), 1-19.
Brown MB (2018) Speaking for nature: Hobbes, Latour, and the democratic representation of nonhumans. Science & Technology Studies 31: 31–51
De Sousa Santos, B. (2014) Epistemologías del sur, Madrid, Akal.
Eckersley, R. (1992). Environmentalism and political theory: Toward an ecocentric approach. New York, UCL Suny Press.
Gaard, G. (2011). Ecofeminism revisited: Rejecting essentialism and re-placing species in a material feminist environmentalism. Feminist formations, 23(2), 26-53.
Gibson-Graham, J. K. (2008). Diverse economies: performative practices forother worlds’. Progress in human geography, 32(5), 613-632.
Gudynas, E. (2010). La senda biocéntrica: Valores intrínsecos, derechos de la naturaleza y justicia ecológica. Tabula Rasa: revista de humanidades, núm. 13, pp. 45-71.
Haraway, D. J. (2013). When species meet (Vol. 3). Minnesota, University of Minnesota Press.
Jonas, H. (2015). El principio de responsabilidad: Ensayo de una ética para la civilización tecnológica. Barcelona: Herder
Leff, E. (2002). Saber ambiental: sustentabilidad, racionalidad, complejidad, poder. Madrid,Siglo xxi
Neurath O (2005) Economic Writings: Selections 1904– 1945 (ed. Uebel T and Cohen R). Kluwer, New York, NY, USA.
Plumwood, V. (2002). Decolonisation relationships with nature. PAN: Philosophy Activism Nature, (2), 7-30.
Radcliffe, S. (2005). Development and geography: towards a postcolonial development geography? Progress in Human Geography,29(3), 291-298.
Robbins L (1935) An Essay on the Nature and Significance of Economic Science (2nd edition). Macmillan, London, UK
Winter CJ (2019) Decolonizing dignity for inclusive democracy. Environmental Values 28: 9–30.
Wienhues A (2017) Sharing the Earth: a biocentric account of ecological justice. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30: 367–85.
Zaragocin, S. (2020). Geografía feminista descolonial. Geopauta, 4(4), 18-30.

Alejandra Guerrero Lozada (1); Gino Bailey Bergamin (1)
(1) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

ID Abstract:

The Arctic nation of Iceland is one of the last frontiers of tourism (Huijbens, 2022) representing an island and population transitioning rapidly from being primarily a fishing-dependent community to a tourism destination (Einarsson 2009). These changes bring with it various ethical reflections on human-nature relations, the subjects of moral consideration, and the preservation of essential ecosystems. This presentation focuses on the locality of Húsavík, the self-proclaimed whale-watching capital of Europe. As the town prepares for marine planning processes, tourism is identified as a sector to be investigated for future management. However, in scholarly terms, tourists have been primarily treated through quantitive methods. This study uptakes qualitative methods and participant observations to shed insight to the international tourism experiences of nature and wildlife. _x000D_
The research brings together an interdisciplinary perspective (including anthropology, psychology, geography), the theoretical frame of ecotourism (i.e. wildlife and nature-based tourism) and a discussion of classifications of ecocentrism, to interpret qualitative data

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. Philosophical approaches to environmental orientations distinguish between ecocentrism and anthropocentrism which are understood as a way of positioning our being-with and relating-to the world. Here, environmental ethics offers a basis who rethinking humanity`s place in the natural world (Sarkar, 2012). From a methodological point of view, challenges in measuring ecocentrism are discussed and strategies for identifying profiles along a wider spectrum are brought forward. Studies approaching ethical perspectives for tourism (Chauvat et al., 2021) have argued that management such as for wildlife tourism, based in nature, respectively call for policies which reflect an ecocentric value system. As such, the results may contribute to further informing management in the case of Iceland.

Jade Zoghbi
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

ID Abstract: 78

In France, there have been few studies of fare-free public transport by the scientific community. Debates therefore tend to be reduced to ideological representations. In this context, the French Observatory of cities with fare-free transport ( was created, as a joint initiative of the Urban Planning Agency of the Flanders-Dunkirk Region (AGUR), the French Ecological Transition Agency (ADEME), and the VIGS association of researchers, in order to stimulate scientific researches on this topic._x000D_
Over the last few years, the members of the French Observatory have conducted no less than six independent studies to understand to what extent fare-free public transport policy has encouraged people to change their mobility practices. After Dunkirk, where local authorities implemented entirely free of charge policy in 2018, the metropolis areas of Nantes, Montpellier and Calais have recently become new fields of surveys. _x000D_
The investigations are specifically focused on exploring the role of fare-free public transport policy in promoting sustainable mobility practices, while acknowledging that other urban public policies also play a significant role. By analyzing how fare-free public transport policy contributes to making public transport a viable option for different types of trips, researchers hope to gain insights into sustainable mobility practices and the broader impact of urban public policies._x000D_
The French Observatory of cities with fare-free transport’s involvement to the Barcelona event could come in the form of a poster on a few cases special features (Dunkirk and Montpellier for example). The main objective would be to present an overview of the knowledge that the French Observatory has collected concerning the impact of fare-free public transport policies on travel behaviours. _x000D_

Members of the French Observatory of cities with fare-free public transport
French Observatory of cities with fare-free public transport –

ID Abstract: 442

This paper explores the reception of the UK Government’s £2 fare scheme, as a recent programme to “get people back on the bus”. Whereas low or no fares for public transport has gained currency in the context of academic and policy contexts, this paper presents some industry perspectives from some English bus operators, and discusses them alongside with media discourses of such scheme. With the focus on English rural bus services, this paper presents some marginalised perspectives of the operations and long-term effects of low or no fares policies. It argues alternatively with a consumption framework instead, from the rather dominant justice and rights frameworks (such as Cresswell, 2010; Sheller, 2018) in understanding the meanings and levels of fares. Major points include comparing with choices in automobilities, to which how paying the expenses of a car has contributed to the status of car travel vis-à-vis that framework being applied on public transport for those willing and able to pay. It also discusses how a planner-driven public transport network potentially further reduce public transport options by exerting fuller control of people’s choices, and how fare-free transport potentially discard efforts made in raising statuses and standards of buses, such as the premium brandings by English bus operators. It aims to cover views from a wider spectrum, and of some under-represented stakeholders that are crucial to the operations and making choices itself, not only justice-minded activists and planners, towards contributing to a fuller discussion of the idea of public transport fares fundamentally.

Kevin K.H. TSANG
Institute from Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship, Goldsmiths, University of London

ID Abstract: 490

Since January 2020, Cascais has been the pioneering city in Portugal to offer zero-price public transport to residents, workers and students in the territory, as an expression of the universal right of mobility. The object of research is structured in an explanatory triangulation approach around three areas of study – Fare-free public transport, Behavioral Economics and Public Policy approach – with the age group of young people, who actively participate in the promotion of fare-free public transport in the territory of the Municipality of Cascais. With the mission of answering the research question “If price is no longer the deliberative criterion of modal choice, what has taken its place in the architecture of choice?”, a summary analysis of the problem was carried out, based on academic and documentary literature, complemented by mixed methodology actions to primary data, collected in fieldwork through an original questionnaire survey. The empirical research allowed inferring that the factor substituting price, which are weighted at the time of modal choice, are primarily the traditional factors of mobility, verifying the maintenance of the primacy of punctuality, schedule frequency and travel time. The optimum levels of use of public transport continue to fall behind. Thinking of young people, the study agreed on the need to adopt complementary measures to modal shift in favour of public transport

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Topamax (topiramato) es un medicamento que ha ganado popularidad significativa en los últimos años debido a su eficacia en el tratamiento de una variedad de condiciones, incluyendo la epilepsia, migrañas, e incluso la pérdida de peso.La disfunción eréctil, o DE, es un trastorno caracterizado por la incapacidad de lograr o mantener una erección lo suficientemente firme como para mantener relaciones sexuales. topamax 200 adelgaza.

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. As a policy recommendation, information actions in schools, tutorials such as trial rides and passes with a multi-functional integration are suggested, in addition to the use of free transport._x000D_
With a degree in Economics and a Master in Economics and Public Policy, I am currently starting my PhD in Political Economy at ISEG. All my academic studies have been specialized in transport. I am currently working as an advisor on mobility issues at the City Council of Alenquer. _x000D_

PEREIRA, João Filipe Norberto
ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (Master); ISEG – Universidade de Lisboa (PhD)

ID Abstract: 647

In our surveys, low-income PT users have repeatedly described the fare as a financial and mental burden. This is particularly true for complex fares, some of which rely on overlapping sets of rules depending on the PT mode, time of day and direction. _x000D_
That’s why I modelled complex out-of-pocket fares for the metropolitan areas of Berlin and Hamburg for my dissertation. By combining self-generated fare matrices with GIS tools established in transport geography, I’ve developed the FARE ACCESSIBILITY indicator: I apply Hansen’s approach and use the ticket price as a measure of spatial resistance. The indicator is available at 100m census grid resolution and shows the weighted number of destinations that are accessible within a given fare. (–>blogpost: _x000D_
Building on this, I’ve used spatial econometric models (SDEM/SEM/SLX) to assess the relationship between fare accessibility, a PT supply index, purchasing power, and urban density. The statistical estimates indicate a significant negative relationship between fare accessibility and purchasing power (i.e., low income is correlated with high fare accessibility and high PT supply). Correcting for density, however, leads to an inverse result (i.e., low income is correlated with low per-capita fare accessibility and low per-capita PT supply)._x000D_
As known from previous studies, density has a strong explanatory power for variables such as mode choice, PT supply and job accessibility. Thus, fare accessibility is not an exception, but one of numerous indicators that can be traced back to density. However, as local analyses show, fare accessibility can inform PT and equity planning at the district and/or neighbourhood level by identifying areas that are disadvantaged by the fare system. Thus, in addition to its methodological contribution to research, fare accessibility is a practical tool for measuring local PT equity and informing policy-makers to help those who particularly depend on it.

Aberle, Christoph
Hamburg University of Technology / Institute for Transport Planning and Logistics

ID Abstract: 275

From June to August 2022, the German government offered an unprecedented fare: The 9-EURO TICKET allowed anyone to travel anywhere in the country for a monthly fee of just 9 euros. This was incredibly low, especially for the nationwide option. Given that the German PT is fragmented into more than 100 associations, the federal intervention was seen as nothing less than a ‘revolution’._x000D_
To investigate the impact on low-income earners, we conducted an in-depth survey of 30 poor PT users in Hamburg and the surrounding area. Interestingly, their adapted behaviour did not differ much from that of the general population: They made the same trips as before, just more often. Some travelled to new destinations, but mostly within the greater Hamburg area. The main difference was the low fare. All interviewees pointed out the relief that the 9-Euro Ticket gave them, both financially and mentally. These findings are in line with previous studies on the mobility of marginalised groups: In Europe’s largest economy, there are significant numbers of people who have to choose between buying a meal or a metro ticket on a daily basis._x000D_
After extensive public debate, the government decided to introduce the DEUTSCHLANDTICKET, which will be launched in May. The Deutschlandticket will cost 49 euros a month and won’t include social discounts. Some regions will subsidise the fare for people on low incomes. For many people in other regions, however, the Deutschlandticket will be too expensive. _x000D_
Based on the above interviews and GIS-based fare analyses, we look forward to presenting a state of affairs in ‘Revolutionary Germany’ – regarding the positive temporary effects of the 9-Euro Ticket, the promise of the Deutschlandticket and the implications for those who have to choose between a meal or a metro ticket.

Havemann, Franziska; Porsche, Laura; Weissinger, Julian; Aberle, Christoph;
Hamburg University of Technology / Institute for Transport Planning and Logistics

ID Abstract: 274

Public transport (PT) fares are gaining significant attention among academics, activists and policy-makers alike, becoming a key question for the future of passenger mobility. While the transport industry usually approaches fares as a chiefly technical instrument of collecting revenue and controlling passengers, it is increasingly apparent that pricing PT may have important social, political and environmental consequences, in particular when fares are significantly lowered or abolished entirely.
Across diverse geographical contexts, fare-free public transport (FFPT) advocates —representing heterogeneous academic fields, activist groups, and public institutions— claim that offering unconditional access to PT directly contributes to social and spatial justice, addresses climate change, and challenges the capitalist logic of urban development, well beyond the field of transport and mobility. Meanwhile, although FFPT remains a marginal policy, its popularity is on the rise, whether implemented in urban settings or for train travel, and temporarily (e.g

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. during the COVID-19 pandemic) or permanently.
Lowering and abolishing PT fares can have diverse impacts on the geography of our common future. The price of PT can affect how people move around and access opportunities, and it can also influence land use patterns, economic development, and environmental quality. Therefore, understanding these potential impacts is crucial to help policymakers, planners, and other stakeholders make informed decisions about the future of their PT systems and the communities they serve.
In this session, we intend to explore diverse economic, social, political and environmental aspects of the policies of lowering/abolishing fares in PT networks. We consider fares to be a crucial element in any conceptualisation of the future of mobility, across scales.
Thus, we welcome theoretical or empirical papers that may take up (but are not limited to) the following questions:

The “arrival” of low/abolished fares: motivations, stakeholders and institutions, power relations, regulatory frameworks

The role of political ideologies to support or oppose fare reduction/abolition

Low/abolished fares as a strategy for “commoning” mobility

The social geography of low/abolished fares: in terms of class, ethnicity/race, gender or age – accessibility, opportunities, social inclusion

The impact of low/abolished fares on travel behaviour and modal split

The financial aspects of lowering/abolishing fares

Lowering/abolished fares as a “mobile” policy: geography of policy circulation and transfer 

The geographical diversity of low/abolished fares

Research challenges in analysing the impact of lowering/abolishing fares

The impact of lowering/abolishing fares on fare control and evasion

– session format: presentations- session language: English- a sentence to be added: “Please send a short (up to 250 words ?) abstract along with your name, email address, and affiliation by XXX (deadline)

Wojciech Kĺbţowski (1,2); Monika Maciejewska (1); Merlin Gillard (1,3)
(1) Vrije Universiteit Brussel (COSMOPOLIS), (2) Université Libre de Bruxelles (IGARD), (3) LISER – Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research

ID Abstract:

A lack of mobility can result in people experiencing disadvantages in their social participation, such as reduced access to social activities, goods and services and in a higher risk of transport-related social exclusion. Even with a transport infrastructure that enables people to reach places of daily life, the journey there must also be affordable. In the European Union, households with children, especially single parents, have a higher risk of being affected by or threatened with financial poverty and thus being restricted in their mobility and participation. From June to August 2022, the financial barrier to public transport use almost completely disappeared in Germany due to the 9-Euro-Ticket. It enabled anyone (with access to public transport infrastructure) to use local and regional public transport for 9 euros per person per month. This measure completely changed the conditions of public transport use. Therefore, I conducted qualitative interviews with low-income parents to investigate the impact of this ticket on their travel practices and social participation. The results show that the 9-Euro-Ticket removed the financial constraint to public transport use and increased social participation. The interviewees report that due to the 9-Euro-Ticket leisure trips in the Hannover Region, but also further away were possible and that travelling with the whole family became affordable. Additionally, more money could be spent on children, e.g. for school supplies, toys and groceries. Moreover, the ticket promoted women’s independence, integration and children’s mobility. The increased use of public transport with the 9-Euro-Ticket and the reduced use without it prove that there is a suppressed demand for more public transport use due to financial poverty. This study demonstrates that a sharp, drastic fare reduction is an effective way to enable low-income households with children to access the public transport system and thus increase their social participation.

Caroline Rozynek
Goethe University Frankfurt/Main

ID Abstract: 136