The Laciana Valley is a mining region located in the north of the León province. Due to the progressive closure of mining activity, it has lost more than a half of its population and it is facing a process of tertiarisation of its economy towards tourism. Using a triple methodological perspective based on a bibliographical review, in-depth interviews, fieldwork, local actors and public and private initiatives, the aim of promoting its development has been identified. The perception and future perspective of the valley has been achieved by the analysis of the interviews in order to determine the problems and territorial potentialities of this area.

Beatriz Acero Argüelles
Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Poverty alleviation resettlement (PAR) has become a common practice all over the world as a crucial method of achieving the goal of eradicating poverty. However, this greatly complicates the relocating households’ ability to maintain a sustainable livelihood. Finding out how different kinds of livelihood capital affect livelihood resilience and exploring solutions to boost farmers’ resilience are, therefore, the most pressing issues that need to be addressed. This paper examines the linkage between livelihood capitals and livelihood resilience within the framework of sustainable livelihoods, based on survey data of rural households relocated for poverty alleviation in Guizhou, Chongqing, Hubei, and Shaanxi provinces in China, and uncovers the mediating effects of coping behaviors. The findings show that the relocated farmers’ livelihood resilience can be enhanced by developing their social capital, physical capital, financial capital, and coping behavior. Human capital does not directly contribute to resilient livelihoods, but it indirectly does so through coping behavior. This paper attempts to remedy the shortcomings of previous studies on the relationship between “livelihood capital and livelihood resilience” that disregarded the transmission of intermediate variables. The findings of this study have major theoretical and practical implications for expanding and refining the theory of sustainable livelihoods, enhancing response tactics, and bolstering the resilience of farmers’ livelihoods.

Ma Li
School of Public Affairs, Chongqing University

The 2030 Barcelona Healthy and Sustainable Food Strategy is intended to transform the city’s current food systems into more sustainable ones. As an original signatory of the 2015 Milan Urban Food Policy Pact, Barcelona fosters initiatives that promote local and organic food; create shorter, fairer and more balanced food chains; and deliver healthy, sustainable food for all. The city’s network of markets is one of the municipal instruments for implementing this strategy. Barcelona’s 39 public markets, under the umbrella of the Institut Municipal de Mercats de Barcelona (IMMB), are considered the cornerstone of the city’s food system and key components of the socio-economic fabric of its neighborhoods. The aim of this project is to assess how this strategy is affecting the food sustainability of municipal markets, using the Sant Antoni market and its Comerç Verd (Green Business) initiative as case study. Our analysis, using the 9 goals mentioned in the Strategy as a reference, will take into account the four dimensions of food sustainability: environmental, social, economic and food security and nutrition. We expect to find evidence of the level of transformation occurred in the city’s markets due to the strategy’s new approach to food systems.

Xavier Salvadó Granel
Universitat Rovira i Virgili, PhD Program “City, Territory and Sustainable Planning”

Over the past century, the global food system has undergone a profound transformation due to processes of industrialization and globalization. Food production, distribution, and consumption have been restructured, turning food into commodities traded on a transnational scale, which are vulnerable to crises (W.H. Friedland, Buttel, Busch, & P. Rudy, 1991)._x000D_
These changes in food patterns have significant impacts on both the environment and society. For instance, the production and distribution of “food products” (González de Molina et al., 2018) heavily rely on fossil fuels, contributing to environmental issues such as climate change. The increasing consumption of meat and the expansion of intensive livestock farming further exacerbate these environmental challenges. Moreover, changing dietary patterns, with a shift towards processed foods and a higher intake of daily calories per capita (González et al., 2018), combined with a decline in diets based on fresh, local, and seasonal foods, as well as sedentary lifestyles, have led to a dramatic rise in obesity and overweight rates globally (FAO, 2019)._x000D_
In response to these global challenges, there has been a growing social and political movement advocating for alternative approaches to the dominant agri-food system. _x000D_
Citizens are demanding a shift towards more sustainable and localized food systems that prioritize social and environmental justice

Además, los estudios han demostrado que Xenical puede mejorar la función vascular, aumentar los niveles de testosterona y mejorar el flujo sanguíneo al pene, ayudando así en la resolución de la disfunción eréctil. xenical Dado que la prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil sigue siendo un problema acuciante en España, la aparición de Xenical como una opción de tratamiento prometedora ofrece esperanza a muchas personas que luchan contra esta afección..

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Desde Barcelona hasta Madrid, se han notificado diversos efectos secundarios y complicaciones relacionados con el uso de orlistat, lo que ha suscitado preocupación entre los profesionales sanitarios y los responsables políticos.En conclusión, la introducción de Orlistat como enfoque novedoso para el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil supone un avance significativo en el campo de la salud sexual masculina en España. orlistat precio.

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La prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil en España:Aunque no se conoce con exactitud el mecanismo por el que la doxiciclina puede contribuir a la disfunción eréctil, se cree que interfiere con el flujo sanguíneo normal y la función nerviosa en la región del pene. doxycycline amazon.

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. Many citizen-led movements have emerged, promoting and implementing local models of production and consumption, such as agroecological methods in agriculture, support for family farming, critical consumption, short supply chains, farmer’s markets, cooperative supermarkets, and ecological canteens. These initiatives aim to reconnect consumers with the source of their food, promote sustainable farming practices, support local economies and foster community engagement.

Miriam Ariño Asensi
PhD Researcher at the University of Barcelona

The Iberian Peninsula has experienced an increase in the frequency and severity of wildfires in recent decades, leading to significant ecological, economic, and social consequences. Remote sensing data, such as the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), have been widely used to monitor and analyze wildfire patterns and their associated factors. In this research, remote sensing data from MODIS and ignition points from 2000 to 2020 were used to investigate the relationship between wildfire occurrence and ecological and anthropogenic factors in the Iberian Peninsula._x000D_
The results of the analysis show that burned area MODIS data can provide valuable information on wildfire patterns and their association with climatic factors, such as temperature, precipitation and wind as well as ecological parameters as land cover and anthropogenic factors as population density, land uses or roads. In addition, we compared this data with different government datasets on wildfire occurrence and found that they generally agreed on the spatial and temporal patterns of wildfires, but there were some discrepancies in the number and size of fires. These discrepancies may be due to differences in data sources and classification methods used by the government and remote sensing data._x000D_
Overall, the research highlights the importance of using remote sensing data in monitoring and analyzing wildfire patterns and their associated factors in a fire-threatened region as the Iberian Peninsula. The comparison between remote sensing data and governments data provides insights into the strengths and limitations of different data sources and classification methods, which can be used to improve wildfire management and prevention strategies considering heterogeneity in wildfire drivers across the different regions.

Víctor Gil Ortega (1), Achim Röder (2), Beatriz Duguy (1)
(1) Department of Evolutive Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences, University of Barcelona, Spain. (2) Department of Environmental Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics, University of Trier, Germany.

Although the tourism model implemented in Spain since the end of the 1950s has made the tourism sector one of the most dynamic in the national economy, it has also been characterized by serious socioeconomic and environmental impacts in the environments in which it has developed. This phenomenon is particularly relevant in the Valencian Community, where tourism is the basis of its productive structure. In this sense, in this research we have proceeded to the development and application of a system of indicators in order to delimit what have been the trends of tourism sustainability in the Valencian region during the years 2011-2019. The results obtained show that, for the period of analysis, thia model is far from converging towards a fully sustainable model. Regarding the socioeconomic dimension of the Valencian tourism model, we highlight the high dependence of the Valencian economy on this sector. The weight of the tourist GDP shows an upward trend, which has meant a reduction of the weight of other sectors that historically took special relevance in the Valencian productive framework, such as the industrial or agricultural sectors. Consequently, the weight of tourist employment has also followed an upward trend. This fact becomes relevant if we focus on the conditions of these jobs, since in the sector, temporary contracts prevail over permanent ones, which negatively affects essential aspects of personal fulfillment and welfare of Valencian workers. These characteristics have also had an impact on certain social indicators: the massive arrival of tourists has led to an increase in the supply of tourist rentals, which has increased the price of housing. On the other hand, in its environmental dimension, if we take into account that Valencia is a region extremely vulnerable to the effects of climate change, this model is characterized by carrying out practices that do not contribute to mitigate their effects but rather reinforce them: CO2 emissions, water consump

Maria Mifsud Fons
Universidad Complutense de Madrid

There are basically two types of sports tourism: active and passive. Active sports tourism can also be linked to running tourism. Some recreational athletes now set themselves the goal of participating in running races in as many places as possible

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El papel de la Viagra en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil:Afortunadamente, los avances de la ciencia médica han permitido desarrollar tratamientos eficaces, entre los que destaca Viagra, una solución pionera que ha revolucionado el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil. pfizer viagra.

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Más allá de su comodidad y eficacia, Cialis es conocido por su alto perfil de seguridad y sus mínimos efectos secundarios, lo que lo convierte en una opción bien tolerada por hombres de todas las edades. comprar cialis La disfunción eréctil (DE) es una condición común que afecta a millones de hombres en todo el mundo, incluidos los de España..

Mientras el sol se pone sobre los pintorescos paisajes de España, proyectando un resplandor ámbar sobre sus ciudades históricas y sus vibrantes comunidades, embarquémonos en un viaje de curación y transformación. aldactone acne Al actuar sobre las vías hormonales implicadas en la patogénesis del acné, Aldactone presenta un enfoque holístico para tratar este problema dermatológico y restablecer la salud de la piel..

. The environmental impact thus appears already during the use of travel, accommodation, and meals. _x000D_
Those events that appear as environmentally conscious / green events, try to focus on some important issues, also in the light of resilience. Some of them: no flyers and printed information are used; a T-shirt can be requested; there are no single-use plastic cups and cutlery; start numbers can be recycled; waste collection is done selectively. In the case of major European running competitions, it has become common that information is available only in electronic form. However, the T-shirts and other branded souvenirs linked to the given event have remained, mainly in accordance with the needs of sponsors. Use of environmentally friendly solutions are also present by providing refreshments. _x000D_
Using questionnaire research, we investigate how important environmental awareness is to the participants during an event. Another focus of our survey is whether the participants will pay a higher entry fee for a more environmentally conscious event. According to the preliminary answers, it can be stated that some of the runners no longer require the logoed event T-shirt, mainly the regular participants. This part of the entry fee could even be donated to charity. During the refreshments offered, environmentally friendly solutions are accepted, but the method of own cup is not considered as a suitable solution during street running races. Overall, the respondents consider environmental aspects important, but service during the competition is also important to them. Another green aspect can be the providing of the medals made of recycled materials._x000D_

Zsuzsanna Gősi and Márton Magyar

For the past 30 years, Poland has been experiencing a renaissance in viticulture and wine production. In 2005. Poland was included among the EU wine countries in zone A (northern zone), which includes Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Sweden and northern Germany. These are the areas where viticulture is most difficult. Despite this, vineyards and wine production in Poland are becoming less and less exotic and enotourism is developing dynamically, becoming an important part of the activities of many Polish wineries. The covid-19 pandemic has shaken this young form of tourism. Using interviews conducted with vineyard owners and representatives of winemakers’ associations, an attempt was made to assess the level of development of Polish enotourism “during and after the epidemic”. An attempt was made to answer the question: Is enotourism still one of the basic ways of diversifying the income of Polish winemakers? It was found that in the first phase of the health crisis, enotourism was non-existent – ordered accommodation and tastings by both individual customers and larger groups were cancelled. Over time, Polish winemakers began to turn limitations into opportunities. It became almost common to offer vineyard tours combined with wine tasting outdoors, places for campers appeared in the vineyards, contact with customers was maintained using social media (e.g. education, popularisation of Polish winemaking). It seems that in the case of Polish enotourism, the crisis was creative._x000D_

Ewa Kacprzak
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

Si bien el modelo turístico implantado en España desde finales de los años 50 ha propiciado que el sector turístico sea uno de los más dinámicos de la económica estatal, este también se ha caracterizado por los graves impactos socioeconómicos y ambientales acontecidos en los entornos en los que se ha desarrollado. Este fenómeno toma especial relevancia en la Comunidad Valenciana, donde la actividad turística es la base de su estructura productiva. En este sentido, en la presente investigación hemos procedido al desarrollo y aplicación de un sistema de indicadores con el fin de delimitar cuales han sido las tendencias de la sostenibilidad turística (en sus tres dimensiones) de la región valenciana durante los años 2011-2019, periodo en el que se ha experimentado un mayor crecimiento en la llegada de turistas. Los resultados obtenidos nos muestran que , para el periodo de análisis, el modelo turístico valenciano se encuentra lejos de converger hacia un modelo íntegramente sostenible.. En este sentido, las políticas públicas para la reconversión del modelo turístico valenciano deberían de centrarse en: • Diversificar e impulsar otros sectores industriales para reducir la elevada dependencia turística y, especialemente, fomentar la recuperación de la industria juguetera, textil o de los azulejos que entró en decadencia desde principios de siglo. _x000D_
• Fomentar destinos turísticos de proximidad, que fuercen a los turistas eplantearse las escalas geográficas de sus viajes, puesto que el sector del transporte es el responsable del 90% de las emisiones turísticas (OMT, 2020). Si bien los desplazamientos en coche o autobús son difíciles de reducir, se deberían limitar el uso de cruceros o jets, que son los medios de transporte más contaminantes. _x000D_
No obstante, estas propuestas solamente son posibles políticas públicas que podrían dar respuesta a los desafíos en un corto o medio plazo y se deberia apostar por transformaciones sociales a gran escala _x000D_

Maria Mifsud Fons
Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Survey123 is a popular data collection application that is increasingly being used as a tool for public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS) projects. However, there is a need to evaluate the effectiveness of this application in supporting PPGIS initiatives. This research will review the effectiveness and limitations of Survey123._x000D_
The literature review indicates that Survey123 is a versatile tool that can be customized to suit different PPGIS projects. It is particularly useful for collecting spatially referenced data from community members. The application allows for the creation of customizable surveys that can be easily shared with participants using a range of devices. The platform also has built-in data validation and quality control features that enhance the accuracy and reliability of the collected data. Recent studies have evaluated the use of Survey123 in various PPGIS projects. Researchers have found it to be effective in engaging community members and facilitating their participation in decision-making processes, such as collecting data on environmental issues, urban planning, transportation, and public health._x000D_
This study will examine Survey123’s characteristics and features, as well as some of the issues that arise when using it as a PPGIS tool. General characteristics such as its functionality in relation to the types of questions available, the incorporation of complementary material (photographs, icons, etc.), the friendliness of the environment, or specific characteristics such as the potential of questions based on maps, or the ability to answer the survey from different platforms such as mobile phones or computers will be highlighted._x000D_
The study is expected to show that Survey123 is a valuable tool for PPGIS projects, as it enables community members to participate in decision-making processes by providing a platform for collecting spatially referenced data. However, the application has some limitations that need to be addressed.

Mahdi Gheitasi, Yolanda Perez Albert, David Serrano Gine
Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia