For years, rural areas have been overlooked in political and academic discussions. They are now the focus of a complex narrative, with both negative and positive elements. On the one hand, there’s the negative narrative of territorial inequalities highlighted by the Yellow Vest movement in France. On the other hand, there’s the positive narrative of marginal rural areas as a refuge during the pandemic. The “left behind places” concept allows to reframe our approach. Instead of focusing solely on the symptoms of shrinkage, left-behindness questions the rise of inequalities that have led to the marginalization of territories that were once integrated into national dynamics considering the political and social consequences of these developments._x000D_
Where the State has withdrawn from several policy sectors, we examine the demographic, economic, and social decline by analyzing the mechanisms of marginalization and their effects on public policies and local action. To do so, we focus on La Grand Combe, a city that has lost two-thirds of its population since the closure of the coal mine, moving from an “urban” to a “rural” space. Since then, the central State has managed La Grand Combe minimally, providing only minimal and now fading services for those unable to leave the shrinking city._x000D_
We first discuss the concept of left-behindness as a theoretical framework for analyzing rural population decline, and then conduct an in-depth study and the various aspects of population decline in rural areas. This helps characterize the effects of decline at the intersection of public policies and the everyday needs of the remaining inhabitants, including housing, healthcare, and social assistance. Finally, we question a French-style “left behind.” These territories are not entirely abandoned but not entirely preserved either. Instead, they emerge as places where new forms of political resentment take root and alternative solutions can be explored.

Maryame Amarouche, Nora Nafaa, Vincent Beal, Max Rousseau
Université Lyon 3 – UMR EVS-CRGA; Université de Strasbourg – UMR SAGE; CIRAD – UMR Art’Dev

ID Abstract: 521

Mongolia, like many other countries around the world, is facing a rapidly aging population in rural areas. As Mongolia becomes increasingly urbanized, its rural populations are struggling with challenges of aging. Mongolia has experienced rapid urbanization in the past two decades, with many people moving from the countryside to the cities in search of better employment opportunities and access to social services. According to the National Statistical Data, as of 2000, the ratio of residents was 57% in cities and 43% in rural areas, and as of 2021, it was 70% in cities and 30% in rural areas. This trend has left rural areas with an aging population that is increasingly vulnerable to economic insecurity, social isolation, and health care problems. Many older adults in rural Mongolia rely on their children for support due to the nomadic and agrarian lifestyle, but as younger generations move to urban areas in search of better opportunities such as education, job, this traditional source of support is becoming increasingly uncertain. All that happens under the highly specific circumstances of low population density and dispersed population in rural regions. On the other hand, it has opportunities for experience that can be shared with younger generations, particularly in traditional areas such as agriculture, animal husbandry, and handicrafts. As older people in rural Mongolia have a deep connection to the land and traditional ways of life, they may be key players in promoting sustainable development practices that protect the environment and support the local economy. However, the challenges and opportunities of aging in rural Mongolia have received relatively little attention. This research will present the findings of a study that aimed to explore the challenges and opportunities of aging in rural Mongolia.

E. Nomin
University of Pécs, Hungary

ID Abstract: 537

Over the last years, smart technologies have been widely considered as a panacea to overcome territorial marginality, especially in rural areas where digitalization and smart innovation could face the main challenges of depopulation and socio-economic deprivation

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. In particular, at the European scale the Smart Village Action was launched in 2017 in order to deal with the so-called “circle of decline” , thus showing to what extent rural smartness has been recently gaining momentum in transnational cohesion policies._x000D_
The proposal aims at critically exploring the paradigm of Smart Village as a recently-emerged framework of territorial governance in order to scrutinize what are the related mainstream discourses and perceptions at the national scale by providing a critical mapping of the Smart Village projects implemented in Italy within the European Union action._x000D_
From a methodological point of view, a Qualitative Policy Document Analysis will be carried out on UE and Italian official documents through content/world cloud analysis to deconstruct the main narratives emerging from UE and national policies; the results of this first step will be compared with the software-based Sentiment Analysis in order to evaluate potential conflicts and/or conflicting narratives about the Smart Village paradigm._x000D_
The research can provide new theoretical insights on the concept of Smartness going beyond the urban dimension, as well as new methodological approaches combining traditional methods (such as content analysis) with more innovative ones (world cloud & software-based Sentiment Analysis) in order to critically deconstruct how smartness is mobilized in and for rural areas._x000D_

Valentina Albanese, Teresa Graziano (corresponding)
University of Insubria, Como (Italy); University of Catania (Italy)

ID Abstract: 807

Rural depopulation is a serious problem across Europe, and existing research indicates that 40% of the EU’s area, home to nearly one-third of its population, is experiencing sustained population decline. Eastern and Southern Europe is the area where rural depopulation is most widespread. In Croatia, which lost almost 10% of its total population between 2011 and 2021, rural depopulation affected more than 90% of rural areas, with a total loss of almost 200,000 inhabitants (DEGURBA classification). However, demographic decline, often referred to as simple shrinking, only partially reveals the multi-faceted nature of complex rural shrinkage processes that can impact the economy and society at large, triggering cumulative causation and vicious cycles of decline. To gain a deeper understanding of complex shrinkage in rural Croatia, especially its economic dimension, this research focuses on the business environment. To explore new opportunities for this task, we investigated recently available datasets of fiscal receipts obtained from the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Croatia – Tax Administration – for the period from the beginning of 2018 to the end of 2022 at the spatial level of settlements (6750 units). Mandatory fiscalization of cash transactions was introduced into Croatian economic legislation in several phases, but as of July 2017, almost all businesses, small and large, were required to operate with such a system and issue fiscal receipt after each transaction. The spatial data analysis and visualization for the mentioned five years period gives a insight into the two important variables for fiscalization transactions: number of receipts and amount of money. The initial data processing in GIS gives a clear picture of the economic landscape of rural Croatia, which consists of active regions and vast areas that either have no significant economy or whose economy is ‘under the radar of fiscalization’ (informal or grey economy).

Luka Valozic, Aleksandar Lukic, Ivan Sisak
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography

ID Abstract: 838

Depopulation is a demographic and territorial phenomenon, but also a media phenomenon. In fact, there is no doubt that the development of a media narrative has contributed significantly to its having a major social impact. The concern shown by the Spanish population in the CIS surveys is a good example of this, especially in certain regions of Spain. It also seems logical that the presence of the media is reflecting this social concern, and here the echo from different civil society and political organisations plays an important role. _x000D_
This research, largely based on the Geography of Communication, studies the different dimensions of depopulation through the Valencian regional press. There are two main objectives. Firstly, to define what these dimensions or predominant themes are, and the importance they have in terms of their media treatment. Secondly, to carry out a longitudinal analysis in order to define how the phenomenon of depopulation has evolved, both globally and in its different themes, from 1996 to the present day. _x000D_
The main sources for this research are journalistic pieces from two of the three main newspapers in the region of Valencia, Las Provincias and El Periódico Mediterráneo. From a methodological point of view, a compilation was carried out using the My News database, the only one that allowed us to go back as far as 1996. From this point, a double analysis was carried out. Firstly, quantitative, taking into account the frequency of journalistic pieces on the different themes (10 themes, from the environment to public policies, including mobility, tourism, services, housing, entrepreneurship, etc.) and periods (5 periods since 1996). Secondly, qualitative (using AntConc textual analysis software), which has allowed us to analyse the association of terms and, from there, to reconstruct the different narratives around each of the key themes. _x000D_

Pla, J., Esparcia, J.
University of Valencia – Spain

ID Abstract: 875

Rising concerns about pre-existing threats to food security and livelihoods have influenced the political and scientific debate regarding the vulnerability of rural landscapes as a social-ecological system. We identified spatially and statistically the main typologies of rural vulnerability to climate change, depopulation and globalization of agricultural markets in rural Spain. We acquired the data from different sources that measure three stressors (climate change, depopulation and globalization) and components (sensitivity, exposure and adaptive capacity) at the municipal level. We performed principal components analysis followed by hierarchical cluster analysis. Cluster 1 grouped the most vulnerable municipalities to depopulation, as it presented the highest decrease in population growth, the highest number of aged and young people, the lowest connectivity to rural areas, the highest proportion of small centers and low adaptive capacity in terms of percentage of social infrastructures. Further, cluster 1 has the highest average in economic loss, associated with a high dependence on agricultural activities that are vulnerable to competition from imported food products. Cluster 2 is characterized by the highest decrease in rainfall rates and the highest dependence on agricultural activities that are very sensitive to rainfall. Municipalities in this cluster were sensible and exposed to depopulation as well. Municipalities grouped into cluster 3 are distinctively exposed to temperature increases and sensitive to wildfire increases and soil erosion, which makes them highly vulnerable to climate change. Cluster 4 grouped municipalities that presented a high dependence on agricultural export activities. The mapped typologies of vulnerabilities can support the implementation of rural development policies as they provide the multidimensional characterization of the interaction of several threats and strengths in rural landscapes as a social-ecological system. _x000D_

Beatriz Pierri-Daunt, Sergio Villamayor-Tomas, Daniel Gaitan, Esteve Corbera
Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA), Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB). Edifici ICTA-ICP, Carrer de les Columnes s/n, 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain

ID Abstract: 307

In March 2020, the Framework Program agreement for the Grand-Paradis Internal Area was signed in the context of the policy Strategia Nazionale Aree Interne (Italian National Strategy of Inner Area) of the Agency for Territorial Cohesion. The agreement classified the Espace Grand Paradis as an inner area – in the Aosta Valley region – and it comprises 13 municipalities with a total of about 15.000 residents. As the other classified Italian inner areas, the Espace Grand Paradis faces challenges concerning management and the supply of services, the establishment of collaboration and exchange between high and lower valleys areas and a lack of public engagement. However, the negative trends in the provision of essential services are not the only problem. Interventions are needed to improve the liveability of places through the creation of opportunities and the enhancement of the richness of territories. To do so, the involvement of communities in policy choices and in the design of development strategies is key. _x000D_
This research is intended to be participatory, and it is aimed at understanding how local knowledge and the interactions of local communities foster local development and the design of a development strategy, through participatory meetings with the local administrators and the various stakeholders.

Andrea Di Bernardo
Polytechnic of Turin

ID Abstract: 499

Research shows that climate change has an increasing impact on the water cycle, and based on the results, the water cycle is changing faster than expected. This is highlighted in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report 2021. Due to climate change, wet regions are getting wetter, while dry areas are becoming drier. Furthermore, the temperature increase on the continent caused by climate change is higher than the global average, which further aggravates the adverse effect on the freshwater balance. In addition, humanity is increasingly interfering with the water cycle to meet its own water needs. _x000D_
In a water catchment area, the water bodies, including rivers, lakes and groundwater and the economic and other types of activities carried out by the residents and businesses are interconnected. This interconnectedness becomes especially apparent in agriculture with regards to the food supply chain. _x000D_
Under the new CAP, local food supply chains will play an important role. The targets set out in the objectives, such as better positioning of farmers in food supply systems and increasing the competitiveness of rural areas, will all contribute to rural development and the competivivness of its. Local food-related inquiries have increased recently. This is partly due to the recognition that these foods are healthier and traceable, and partly due to the vulnerability of large food inspection systems. One of the basic elements of the local economic incentive is to support local products and producers and facilitate market access. Our research cites a number of examples where it has been successfully used to boost communities. However, different local needs and significant socio-economic and cultural differences mean that only a small number of instruments can be formulated in any one place. Furthermore, local producers and companies have to face with climate change related challanges._x000D_

Viktoria, Cs. Czuppon; Viola, Somogyi; Katalin, Mozsgai; Agnes Tahy
University of Pannonia; Institute of Agricultural Economics; General Directorate of Water Management

ID Abstract: 192

Depopulation processes are a clearly emerging issue, largely because it has been placed on the public agenda and in public policies in recent years. However, it is not a new issue, nor does it affect only rural areas, although it is in rural areas where it is most evident. It is closely related to changes in natural increase in developed countries, the increasing reduction in birth rates and the lack of “compensation” resulting from migratory flows (international and national). In the same way, demographic ageing is a recurrent theme in Europe and other developed countries, as research and reports on countries such as Japan, the United States and Australia also highlight. These countries are also increasingly talking about depopulation.
As far as rural areas are concerned, however, depopulation has to be contextualised in the framework of rural decline, the famous rural shrinking. Here, as many reports, for example from ESPON (and previously, many other studies), have rightly highlighted, rural decline goes beyond the phenomenon of depopulation. Many authors have referred to the spiral of rural decline to refer to these mechanisms. In this sense, when we talk about depopulation, we must bear in mind that we are dealing with a multidimensional phenomenon, which incorporates the demographic variable, but which also has a clear economic, social, historical-cultural, environmental, etc. nature. Depopulation also has a clear territorial nature.
This working session focuses on the phenomenon of depopulation, from this broad perspective, in the context of processes of rural shrinking. It is therefore open to analyses focusing on (but not only):
a)Demographic dynamics (trends, prospects, socio-territorial implications, ageing, demographic scenarios, etc.) and the active population (levels of training, activity, occupation, labour market and the role of women, young people and immigrants in it).
b)Legal-administrative systems (which, at different territorial scales, are linked to support for entrepreneurship and employment, the provision of public services in rural areas).
c)Support systems, with particular reference to the demand and provision of services (public, such as health or education, and private, such as commercial services) and delivery models; housing market dynamics, regulatory frameworks and policies or actions; social services and quality of life; connectivity and digital divide; etc.
d)Productive-business environments in rural areas, local productive systems, labour markets and business climate. This includes the analysis of business networks and innovation networks, leadership, the role of cooperation processes and new governance mechanisms, the social economy, skills management models, and the role of women, young people and immigrants in these productive systems, among others.
e)Civic-social and institutional environments, considering the stocks of different types of social capital in rural territories, the presence and role of innovation and civic-social and institutional leadership, and the presence of women, young people and immigrants in civic-social and institutional structures.
f)Finally, analyses that make it possible to assess and evaluate the policies that have been applied in recent years by different bodies in different sectors and spheres.
In summary, the session has a broad and multidimensional perspective, ranging from more comprehensive analyses to case studies.

Javier Esparcia Pérez (1); Solores Sánchez Aguilera (2)
(1) Instituto de Desarrollo Local / Universidad de Valencia, (2) Universitat de Barcelona

ID Abstract:

In recent years, social innovation has attracted growing attention in rural studies to underline the social dimension of development processes. This concept allows us to set stronger emphasis on innovations that improve the social development and social competitiveness of communities, beyond a pure business, technological or market logic. Through the reconfiguration of social relations, rural communities devise new initiatives that build social and cultural capital, which will help them to adapt to external changes, become more resilient, and face key challenges such as depopulation. In this research we analyse several case studies located in rural areas of Spain and the UK. The cases are linked to agriculture, forestry and land ownership, socio-environmental conflicts, and social exclusion. We mainly implement qualitative methods (semi-structured interviews and participant observation), gathering data from more than 70 personal interviews. The aim of the study is to identify key elements in the emergence and development of social innovation in rural areas. The main findings show the importance of combining needs and opportunities when conceiving social innovation projects, the participation of public actors and the combination of bottom-up and top-down processes, and the role of facilitators and perceived neutrality. In addition, the results stress the relevance of social economy entities and collective leadership to deliver long-term and sustainable outcomes in social innovation processes

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. The study can inform social innovation scholars and practitioners about the set of complex factors influencing this phenomenon as well as how to better support social innovation in the field.

Néstor Vercher; Javier Esparcia; Juan Ramón Gallego
University of Valencia

ID Abstract: 48