The spatial and temporal distribution of wildfires in mainland Portugal can help identifying (dis)similar characteristics between regions. We used specific fire metrics, from historical fire data between 2000 and 2021, to identify groups of municipalities based on their pyro similarities: (a) cumulative percentage of total burned area, (b) cumulative percentage of burned area in the summer months, (c) mean annual number of fires and (d) GINI index applied for burned area over time. We apply clustering methods in two steps., The first step identifies groups of municipalities (pyro regions) of mainland Portugal (n=277), based on four algorithms: k-means, k-medoids, ward.D2 and Affinity Propagation, using Geographic Information System tools (ArcGIS Pro) and specific packages in R software. This step divided the country in 4 clusters, and despite the different methods, 77% of the municipalities were always placed in the same group. Afterwards, we joined the results of the 4 methods, based on majority of placement, to obtain a common classification for the pyro regions. In the second step, we chose two clusters: A (n=37) located in central Portugal, with a high percentage of cumulative burned area over the years, but with low mean number of fire occurrences and B (n=53), which covers the municipalities in the north and is characterised by a high mean number of fires dispersed over the years (low GINI index). For each cluster, we applied the Affinity Propagation algorithm to verify differences within each cluster. Both clusters were divided in two new groups: in A, the main differences were in mean number of fire occurrences and the cumulative percentage of burned area in the summer, and in B, the principal differences were in the cumulative percentage of total burned area. The next step will be analyse the explanatory variables that condition these fire patterns.

Bruno Barbosa
Centre of Geographical Studies, Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning – University of Lisbon

ID Abstract: 381

Our steppe region presents an advanced factor in degradation in the socio-economic field and biodiversity. We will present an approach to the evaluation of the arid regions in the post-forest fire area; the aim is sustainable development using the new techniques of the space domain. Remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) offer to environmentalists and managers, an opportunity for the evaluation, the monitoring and analysis of the vegetation for mapping fires and observing post-fire regeneration. Usually NDVI is used, other derived index from radiometric data in remote sensing are widely used to monitor vegetation dynamics. The forest domain has benefited greatly from this approach. In this study, we use remote sensing data from several dates (2010, 2015, and 2020) such as ALSAT data and Land sat, combined with the topographic parameters, and seems promising in the assessment of the spatial and temporal effects of regeneration after fires. The study area is located in the region of Sebdou in the north of Algeria, burned in 2009 allowed to take into account new factors to explain the regeneration and its spatial and temporal variation. The purpose of this study, is to show the potential use of remote sensing data (ALSAT and Land sat images, to quantify derived index such as the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) & Ratio vegetation index (RVI), and the index of regeneration (RI); in quantitative assessments of the regeneration after fire in Algerian forest. Some software have been used, to analyze different layers of information in evaluation of the regeneration post fire

ZEGRAR Ahmed ; Bentkhici Nadjla ; Saad Assia
centre of spaces techniques

ID Abstract: 32

An important fire was occurring in July 2003 in the north west of Algeria, the fire was important and continued. This document presents a new method and combined data of study case, to see the fire severity and monitor vegetation recovery by using new satellite data (2009, 2014 and 2015) and new indices, based on analysis of topographic parameters using Aster DEM (30 m). _x000D_
The ecological analysis of desertification requires knowledge of post fire regeneration in the mid-step, influenced by topographic conditions and climate parameters. The North West regions of Algeria are affected each summer by violent forest fires which last over several days and affects woodlands, natural forests and reforestation. Forest regeneration in this semi-arid land is conditioned by several factors, climatic, topographic, and linked to the timber species. Remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) offer to environmentalists and managers, an opportunity for the evaluation, the monitoring and analysis of the vegetation for mapping fires and observing post-fire regeneration. Usually NDVI is used, other derived index from radiometric data in remote sensing are widely used to monitor vegetation dynamics. The forest domain has benefited greatly from this approach. In this study we use remote sensing data from several dates (2005, 2007, 2009, 2014 and 2015) such as ALSAT data and Land sat, combined with the topographic parameters, and seems promising in the assessment of the spatial and temporal effects of regeneration after fires. The study area is located in the region of Sebdou in the north of Algeria, burned in 2003 allowed to take into account new factors to explain the regeneration and its spatial and temporal variation. The purpose of this study is to show the potential use of remote sensing data (ALSAT and Land sat images with a spatial resolution of 32 and 30 m), to quantify derived index such as the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) & Ratio vegetation index

ZEGRAR Ahmed ; Bentkhici Nadjla ; Ghabi Mohamed
CTS, Centre of Spaces Techniques

ID Abstract: 85

El fuego es un elemento natural en ecosistemas como el mediterráneo. La Península Ibérica, al igual que otras regiones de Europa y del mundo, afronta cada año el riesgo natural que suponen los incendios forestales. Este fenómeno complejo pone en riesgo la vida de las poblaciones rurales y los equipos de extinción, impacta en el medio ambiente, y afecta el medio de vida de los habitantes locales y los diferentes sectores económicos. Herramientas como las quemas prescritas, clareos mecánicos o introducción de ganado en zonas clave, que disminuyen la carga de combustible vegetal y que generan un paisaje en mosaico, son esenciales para prevenir la catástrofe. En los últimos años se han desarrollado técnicas útiles para reducir el impacto de los incendios forestales (detección temprana, prevención y extinción de incendios forestales, rehabilitación de áreas quemadas degradadas, etc.). Sin embargo, en un escenario post-incendio, la implementación de estas técnicas es limitada debido, en parte, a la falta de transferencia de conocimientos a las comunidades forestales y a la población. Asimismo, en muchas ocasiones la urgencia en la toma de decisiones hace que no se evalúen correctamente las posibles (en caso de ser necesarias) gestiones forestales post-incendio. Las decisiones que se tomen son esenciales, e influyen directamente en la dinámica de las propiedades del suelo y en la regeneración vegetal después de la perturbación del fuego. Además, la gestión post-incendio es un elemento crucial para preservar y recuperar las condiciones previas en ecosistemas forestales, así como recuperar la biodiversidad, tanto a corto como a largo plazo después de los incendios forestales. En un contexto como el actual, de cambio global, toma especial relevancia, ya que los incendios cada vez son más frecuentes y alcanzar zonas en las que hasta ahora ocurría esporádicamente. Por tanto, aportar un análisis multidisciplinar desde los diferentes ámbitos de la geografía, que tienen relación con los incendios forestales, resulta esencial a la hora de entender su impacto, saber cómo gestionarlos de la mejor manera posible, y de esta forma, generar una sociedad y un entorno resiliente a este riesgo natural. En esta sesión se aceptarán trabajos relacionados con la gestión pre y post incendio, mitigación del riesgo, planes de ordenación relacionados con el fuego, trabajos que analicen la interacción entre cambio global e incendios, análisis de suelo quemado, medidas pre y post incendio de recuperación de la biodiversidad, entre otros. La sesión tendrá como idioma vehicular el español pero se aceptan contribuciones en cualquiera de los idiomas oficiales del congreso (español, catalán, inglés y francés).

Marcos Francos (1); Xavier Úbeda (2); Nuria Prat-Guitart (3)
(1) Universidad de Salamanca, (2) Universidad de Barcelona, (3) Pau Costa Foundation

ID Abstract: