In the post-pandemic context, some rural schools in Catalonia (Spain) show an increase in pupils, which corresponds to back-to-the-land movements of urban families with school-age children

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. Families say they are attracted by “the natural environment, the freedom, the possibility to spend more time with the family, the autonomy that children acquire, the mutual help between families and the tranquility”, discourses that are in tune with the traditional ‘rural childhood idyll’. In this paper we explore post-covid rural childhoods through children’s relationship with their spaces of reference. Specifically, we want to delve into the emotional geographies of children with the places they use in their daily lives. _x000D_
Using a qualitative methodology with Relief Maps, children between 9 to 12 years old from four rural schools in Catalonia express their emotions in relation to their experiences in these places. By linking the psychological, geographical, and social (gender) dimensions, the children become individually aware of the subjectivities that the movement through different spaces provokes in them. The research highlights the depth of the lived experience, brings out controversial feelings and unique spaces. The voice of the children themselves can be a mirror in which to reflect the discourses of the new residents nowadays._x000D_

Mireia Baylina & Anna Ortiz
Departament de Geografia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

ID Abstract: 227

During the confinement of the past 2020, rurality was looked at with utilitarian purposes that, in a renewed form, recovered the still existing stereotypes. Motivated by this concern, we considered the need to open the debate between geographers and also between initiatives in the Catalan rural region to discuss what role the rural world plays today in an increasingly urban society. The result was the publication of a non academic book written in choral form that collects contexts, experiences and conversations about a kind of rurality that is often not taken into account. This book focuses on an “other” rural world, an emerging rurality far from the retrograde stereotype, which deals with innovation, equal rights and creativity since long before the pandemic. In fact, today, many of the most cutting-edge, environmentally friendly and socially committed proposals come from and are located in rural areas. And it is not a coincidence, but causality: the basis of their deep-rooted values, their structural resilience and the sense of place are decisive, while endowing them with originality, potential and their own discourse. The book has also served to activate, based on its presentations with many different gents of the territory, an activist methodology of involvement in order to face the challenges and contradictions of models observed in the Catalan rural territory. In this presentation we want to emphasize the need to give a voice to the rural particularities and attend to the reflections and initiatives that are developed there. At the same time, we will show how debates generated by the presentations of the book throughout the territory (some forty sessions in just one year) have represented an extraordinary return and a methodological exercise of enormous value._x000D_

Cerarols, Rosa; Nogué, Joan

ID Abstract: 335

This study reflects on how rural education practiced in Taiwan should proceed in the face of the changes brought by globalization. It proposes the concept of “communal voluntary activity villages” to empower children and youth living in under-resourced areas through the support of potential resources existing in their communities and takes an action research approach to explore a collaboration between a university and the community to develop alternative education programs and to enhance local primary education with real-world learning experiences outside school, including educational excursions that combine tourism resources and the kinds of “learning on the ground” that can expand the horizons of young learners._x000D_
In term of educational outcomes, the rural areas of Taiwan are regarded as falling behind the mainstream, and the existing school education system encourages students who have academic potential to leave their hometowns to pursue their own development in bigger towns or cities. This paper is an attempt to bridge the ambiguity and gap between the “existential space” and the “topophilia” of Yi-fu Tuan, which are the main concerns of humanist geography, and to bring new possibilities and developments to the exploration of rural areas._x000D_
This paper uses a remote and underdeveloped village in Taiwan as a research base, combining the strengths of universities and community organizations with a community renewal approach from the local economic angle. The establishment of thrift stores is used as a medium to facilitate the development of local human ecology as a model for appropriate economic development of regional governance.

Yu-Chun Ku、Ming-Hung Wu、Ching-Yao Wang
National Dong Hwa University

ID Abstract: 393

Los territorios de contacto entre culturas no son áreas estancas ni líneas fronterizas perfectamente delimitables e impermeabilizadas. Al contrario, se trata de espacios intermedios, de solapamiento, de transición, de flujos, de movimientos, permeables. Sin embargo, estas relaciones no propician un diálogo horizontal ni las partes implicadas se reconocen al mismo nivel. Actualmente, un modelo de sociedad capitalista, urbano, tecnológico e industrial homogeneizador se impone a cualquier otra forma cultural existente. Las ciudades y las culturas urbanas se expanden socio-territorialmente sobre el medio rural a través de distintos mecanismos de cambio cultural, en asimétricos contextos de dominación–subordinación, marcados por tecnologías, conocimientos científicos-técnicos, medios de comunicación y un sistema económico. De ahí, resultan inestimables pérdidas de biodiversidad y eco-culturales, grandes desequilibrios interterritoriales y cuantiosas problemáticas socio-naturales, generadas por un modelo hegemónico que ha menospreciado los saberes locales, sus sistemas de reproducción social y una pluralidad biocultural emanada de prácticas de acumulación secular de experiencias eco-sociales tendentes a la sustentabilidad integral; tampoco exentas de disfunciones y problemas. Pero no es objetivo de este trabajo debatir la definición de lo rural y lo urbano, sino reivindicar los espacios rurales como zonas de contacto y relación entre diferentes culturas y subculturas; y, por tanto, como áreas de diálogo y creatividad que contribuyan al bien común. Se trata, por tanto, de asumir una perspectiva intercultural participativa y colaborativa que favorezca el diálogo respetuoso, la reciprocidad en el aprecio entre culturas urbanas y rurales; entendidas no como unicidades homogéneas, esenciales ni finalistas, sino como conjuntos dinámicos de subculturas donde las nuevas ruralidades son ejemplos de la creatividad potencial que albergan los espacios rurales.

Salvador Beato Bergua (1), Noelia Bueno Gómez (2), Daniel Herrera Arenas (1), Jesús Moreno Arriba (3), Alfonso Suárez Rodríguez (1)
(1) Departamento de Geografía, Universidad de Oviedo. (2) Departamento de Filosofía, Universidad de Oviedo. (3) Departamento de Geografía, Universidad de Salamanca

ID Abstract: 669

Sexuality often remains overlooked in studies of geography, gender, and rurality. Rural society has typically been characterized by heteronormativity, leading to the exclusion of young people who do not feel accepted or free in rural areas. Despite this, there are individuals with dissident sexual and gender identities who choose to start a life project in a rural area, which is an underexplored trend. While many studies focus on rural-urban migration due to sexual and gender orientation, sexual and gender dissidence settling in a rural context is scarcely studied._x000D_
This study is focused on examining the experiences of young people who identify as sexually and/or gender dissident and have made the decision to leave urban areas and establish themselves in rural environments in Catalonia. The research aims to address several key questions, including: what drives them to choose rural areas as their new homes? What unique aspects of rural environments do they value that are not found in urban areas? How does their sexual and gender identity play a role in their decision-making process? Additionally, the study will explore the influence of personal and territorial ties on their decision to move to a rural area. _x000D_
The research employs a qualitative methodology, utilizing in-depth interviews with young LGTBI individuals residing in different rural areas of Catalonia. This research will contribute to a better understanding of the motivations and experiences of sexual and gender dissident youth in rural areas, providing valuable insights for policymakers and social activists._x000D_

Laura Soler Rodríguez
Estudiant Predoctoral UAB

ID Abstract: 27

The global events of recent years, and in particular the Covid-19 pandemic, have made us question some of the bases of our economic and social model, valuing more the importance of farming in the food supply, the importance of the balance of ecosystems, responsible consumption, or the limits of growth. In the rural areas that surround us, innovative practices and processes proliferate that are likely to generate new opportunities and that can be socially, environmentally, and economically transformative, many of which are in line with the values collected in the 2030 Agenda for the Sustainable Development of United Nations. The eradication of poverty and ensuring that people can live with dignity and with equal opportunities, the sustainable management of natural resources, the progress of communities in harmony with the environment, and the construction of inclusive societies without fear or violence, are values capable of being embedded in various initiatives at any scale. The local and regional level is a good laboratory for peer learning, collaboration, or discussion about shared goals.
This session focuses on the tangible reality of today’s rural areas by bringing together emerging, critical and transformative economic and social initiatives from territories and communities that inform the changes that occur in these spaces, and that are aligned with the aforementioned global values. We think of a thematic plurality that can range from agro-ecological initiatives, social economy, cultural projects, new governance, co-education, energy transition, digitization, gentrification, residential projects, cooperation networks, care services, knowledge transfer, etc. Priority will be given to initiatives that incorporate a clear gender and intersectional perspective.
Contributions can come from both researchers and local actors who work directly in the territories. The purpose is to provide a forum for debate on the new dynamics of rural spaces and their transformative capacity in accordance with new global values.

Mireia Baylina (1); Anna Ortiz (2)
(1) UAB, (2) UAB

ID Abstract:

Understanding and dealing with a genuine problem like climate change is a challenge for society and the world. Here, climate change is understood as the changes in earth systems, global warming and shifts in planetary boundaries. In this context, climate change is not just a contemporary problem, but also a problem for the future with. Thus, it could be regarded as a super-complex problem (Andersson et al., 2019) or a wicked problem (Rittel & Webber, 1973) since it brings predicaments for all! Hence it is highly relevant for school and geography teaching. _x000D_
This presentation will draw on preliminary results from a study on teachers’ curriculum thinking when planning teaching climate change. The presentation will also include the rigging of the study (in-service and practice-based design) and a description of data collection (interviews, imaginary-maps)._x000D_
The study and the preliminary results will be discussed in relation to the complexity of geography teaching, such as geographical analyses and geographical thinking (Nilsson &Bladh, 2022). Further, I will relate this to the Swedish Geography curriculum (Skolverket, 2022). Finally, I will connect my study to the discussion of Anthropocene as a challenge of curriculum thinking. _x000D_
Andersson, K., Hylander, F., & Nylén, K. (2019). Klimatpsykologi. Hur vi skapar hållbar förändring. Natur & Kultur. _x000D_
Nilsson, S., & Bladh, G. (2022). Thinking Geographically? Secondary Teachers’ Curriculum Thinking when Using Subject-Specific Digital Tools. Nordidactica: Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education(2022: 3), 171–203. _x000D_
Rittel, H. W. J., & Webber, M. M. (1973). Dilemmas in a general theory of planning. Policy sciences, 4(2), 155–169. _x000D_
Skolverket. (2022). Kursplan i geografi (Lgr22). Skolverket. _x000D_

Sofie Nilsson
Karlstad university

ID Abstract: 893

Due to the urgency of undertaking an eco-social transition to face the global environmental crisis, it is necessary to promote an ecosocial education that enables the young generations to develop a critical framework of knowledge, thinking and action that links globalizing processes with transformations that occur at the local scale, since this is where these environmental crisis is reflected but also where ecosocial alternatives must materialize, from degrowth to the energy transition, etc._x000D_
In this context, landscape, as a social construction, emerges as the crossroads between these transformations, at the same time that it is where issues such as belonging, the generation of community and identity and the socio-community creation of space, are structured._x000D_
That is why the landscape has been a vehicular axis of many curricular proposals in the secondary stage, generating a great variety of projects, initiatives and didactic resources. But do these proposals respond to the requirements for a critical and committed eco-social literacy of the young generations? Are they inter and transdisciplinary proposals, which break rigid conceptual frameworks and allow the social sciences, the natural sciences, the arts, etc., going to meet? Or are they, on the contrary, proposals that conform to the official curricula and therefore perpetuate knowledge-thought-action frameworks that reproduce the social and cultural superstructures of capitalism?_x000D_
This communication will show the partial results of an on-going doctoral research that analyses a multitude of projects and resources that have the landscape and the territory as a vehicular axis based on four variables: degree of territorialization, that is, the scale of work; variety of educational competences implemented, from the acquisition of knowledge to the promotion of action and socio-community and participatory commitment; degree of methodological diversity; and degree of inter and transdisciplinarity.

Oriol Porcel Montané
Phd Fellow, Department of Geography, Universitat de Girona

ID Abstract: 183

By studying the Anthropocene we can see the importance of space, of the relationships between nature and society, between different countries, of the spatial distribution of technological innovations and the unequal way in which territories face environmental costs. In this sense, the discussion that has been generated around the concept of Anthropocene places the main focus at the responsibility of human actions and the role played by the rest of the agents (in the accelerated change of the landscape, in the changes in the biosphere, the hydrosphere, lithosphere and atmosphere, etc.)

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. Deepening the understanding of the relationships between society and nature and recognizing the basic concepts of the functioning of natural systems, as well as identifying the main socio-ecological challenges, are vital to understanding the Anthropocene._x000D_
In this communication we will analyse the subject ‘The era of the Anthropocene’ (La era del Antropoceno) that is taught at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya within the University Master’s Degree in Contemporary World History (Máster universitario de Historia del Mundo Contemporáneo). We will examine how the subject is articulated around its 4 challenges (the debate on the Anthropocene, the energy transition, electrification and gender, the environmental impact of agriculture and inequality in the consumption of materials) to see how we can influence a vision more geographical, beyond a time based explanation._x000D_
How can we imbricate and get students concepts as spatial as uneven development or North-South relations? How to provide, in this specific case, the subject with a powerful geographical scope?_x000D_

Aritz Tutor Anton

ID Abstract: 324

This paper presents a case study of one online professional development course for geography teachers called ‘Teaching Sustainable Futures’ (TSF) from UCL’s Centre for Climate Change and Sustainability Education (CCCSE). I will explain how the course was developed by asking: how can professional development help geography teachers contribute to young people’s capabilities to live and flourish in the Anthropocene? _x000D_
The research-informed course aims to help teachers to access the potential of Geography (the discipline) to help young people understand the Anthropocene and develop their agency to act toward sustainable futures. The Geographical Association’s curriculum framework (2023) combined with the GeoCapabilities project helps to guide the approach to using the disciplinary knowledge of geography. Critical geography education with a pedagogy of enquiry for action are important principles guiding how teachers can be equipped to explore more hopeful futures for young people, when teaching issues often represented as catastrophic and fearful, such as climate change. The challenges and dilemmas of developing the course are discussed, such as which geographies to include, and balancing truthfulness and honesty with hope and action. Powerful disciplinary knowledge (PDK) – the potential of geography to understand the Anthropocene – is a guiding principle in the course. The exploration of values is also important. This intersection of knowledge and values, and the interdisciplinarity which arises when Anthropocene issues are explored in geography, informed the course design (see Mitchell and Stones, 2022). A group of teachers contributed to developing and trialling parts of the course. Their feedback is used to offer tentative findings on its potential for geography teachers, teaching and young people. _x000D_

David Mitchell
University College London

ID Abstract: 380