Alongside the inflow of tourists and postcolonial migration patterns, Lisbon has recently become a hotspot for various kinds of privileged migration

Tratamientos tradicionales de la disfunción eréctil frente a Xenical xenical 120 Durante demasiado tiempo, el silencio en torno a la disfunción eréctil (DE) ha asolado a millones de hombres en todo el mundo, envolviéndolos en la vergüenza y el bochorno..

Estrace es un potente medicamento que pertenece a una clase de fármacos conocidos como inhibidores de la fosfodiesterasa tipo 5 (PDE5). comprar estrace Según estudios recientes, se estima que más de 2 millones de hombres en España están afectados por alguna forma de disfunción eréctil..

A pesar de su elevada prevalencia, la disfunción eréctil no suele notificarse ni tratarse, lo que provoca frustración y vergüenza en los hombres y sus parejas. viagra touch korea pharmacy.

Los informes indican que aproximadamente 1 de cada 5 hombres en España sufre algún tipo de disfunción eréctil, lo que afecta significativamente a su calidad de vida y bienestar mental. orlistat sin receta Es importante que los hombres hablen con su médico de sus antecedentes médicos y de cualquier enfermedad subyacente antes de empezar a tomar Orlistat, para asegurarse de que el medicamento es seguro y adecuado para ellos..

Buscando la orientación médica adecuada y explorando las opciones de tratamiento apropiadas, las personas pueden recuperar su salud sexual y restaurar su confianza en el dormitorio.Cenforce cambia las reglas del juego en el ámbito del tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil, ofreciendo una solución segura y eficaz para los hombres que sufren problemas de erección. cenforce 100 mg.

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Uno de ellos es la prevalencia de infecciones, que pueden ir desde casos leves a afecciones más graves que requieren atención inmediata.** La epidemia silenciosa: Desvelando la Disfunción Eréctil en España** augmentin dosis niños tabla.

Numerosos estudios han puesto de relieve la eficacia de Topamax en la mejora de la función eréctil entre los hombres con disfunción eréctil. topamax adelgaza Desvelando las maravillas de Topamax: Una solución revolucionaria para la disfunción eréctil en España.

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Factores como el estrés, el estilo de vida, los problemas de salud subyacentes y la edad pueden contribuir al desarrollo de este angustioso problema.**Descubriendo el poder benéfico de Aldactone en la lucha contra las enfermedades en España** aldactone principio activo.

. International students, business ‘expatriates’, digital nomads, and second-home owners are among the transient populations which have converged to Lisbon, often attracted by the city’s new ‘cosmopolitan’ appeal. While taking advantage of tourism-oriented economies (such as finding accommodation through short-term rental platforms), some of these populations also resort to other infrastructures and amenities outside the tourism sector (such as co-working and co-living spaces). Moreover, given their capacity to maximise their purchase power through relocation, privileged migrants usually cling to higher segments of the market, generating a stronger demand for more upscale retail options and services._x000D_
This presentation describes the impact of privileged forms of transnational consumption on the commercial landscape of the Misericórdia district in Lisbon. We present the results of a commercial census that our team carried out in 2021, which identifies deep changes in the neighbourhood’s retail and service sectors, increasingly catering to a relatively privileged foreign clientele. This paper shows that such transformation has established ‘parallel worlds’ of consumption and sociability, which rarely intersect with those of longer-term and less well-off residents. The research leading to these results was conducted in the framework of the Horizon 2020 SMARTDEST project addressing the urban impact of contemporary mobile lifestyles. Besides the commercial census, data was also generated in interviews and in a CityLab that took place in 2022 including residents and shop owners, as well as representatives of public and private stakeholders.

Franz Buhr, Agustín Cocola-Gant
University of Lisbon

ID Abstract: 229

Housing is often perceived as permanent, not only in everyday life, but also from an academic perspective. However, in a society characterized by increasing mobility and individualization, temporary living arrangements are no longer a rare phenomenon. Postmodern living and working environments with end-standardized rhythms lead to individualized and flexibilized lifestyles that are not conceived as permanent but often as temporary. _x000D_
Atypical forms of employment have increased in recent years. Both precarious employment, such as temporary work, and fixed-term employment contracts or project work can result in the need for temporary stays in cities. At the same time, the housing market has become tight in many places – in particular, there is a lack of low-cost housing – and in turn constitutes temporary living arrangements (e.g., multilocality with a second residence in a lower-cost place of residence)._x000D_
At this point, my dissertation aims to explore temporary forms of living of a very heterogeneous group that includes both low- and highly-skilled workers with correspondingly different income situations as well as living arrangements of very different durations. Using qualitative methods, I illustrate the everyday places in the city that are frequented by temporary residents, where they live and to what extent the temporary residents can develop feelings of belonging and home that were often previously associated with permanence at a place. In the German cities of Frankfurt am Main and Leipzig, as well as two surrounding municipalities each, I conducted in-depth interviews with a variety of temporary residents, from students and seasonal workers to CEOs of international companies._x000D_
The presentation sheds light on the living situation of temporary residents in German cities. It focuses on the housing and working biography, the places of everyday life, and the emotional attachment to these places and to the city.

Maya Kretzschmar
RWTH Aachen University

ID Abstract: 471

El precio de la vivienda en propiedad no deja de subir en las grandes ciudades de los países desarrollados desde el final de la crisis de 2008. La crisis a raíz de la pandemia de Covid-19 y los efectos de la Guerra de Ucrania han ralentizado temporalmente pero no han podido detener esta tendencia. El incremento es incluso superior en los alquileres, dificultando el acceso a la vivienda de los segmentos más desfavorecidos de la población, como jóvenes e inmigrantes, para quienes el alquiler es la forma usual de primer acceso al mercado residencial. Una de las causas de este incremento del alquiler es la creciente presencia de poblaciones móviles como turistas, estudiantes, nómadas digitales, trabajadores temporales y otros grupos de personas que buscan residir de forma no permanente en la ciudad, sino durante periodos más cortos, desde unos días hasta bastantes meses, pero siempre menos de un año. Esta creciente población flotante o temporal, generalmente jóvenes profesionales con sueldos superiores a los de la población local –y que puede alquilar a precios más altos durante periodos más breves–influye en la reducción de la oferta de alquiler residencial y el aumento de su coste, dada la competencia que supone el aumento del alquiler vacacional o temporal. Esta comunicación se centra en este último, y tiene como objetivo analizar la variación del alquiler temporal (menos de un año) y su localización espacial en los últimos años, tomando Barcelona como caso de estudio. Se pretende responder a las siguientes preguntas de investigación: ¿Existe una tendencia clara al aumento de la oferta de viviendas de alquiler temporal, así como su precio? ¿Su distribución espacial se concentra ciertos barrios céntricos y/o de mayor renta o, por el contrario, tienen unas pautas más difusas en la ciudad? Para ello se analizarán datos de registros públicos de contratos de alquiler (fianzas depositadas en el Incasol) y/o información sobre alquiler temporal en páginas web especializadas.

Orozco-Martínez, Carolina, Gil-Alonso, Fernando.
Universidad de Barcelona

ID Abstract: 474

One of the challenges of urban systems and their governance is the presence of mobile populations, which are not registered as proper residents, but instead fluctuate in and out of the city, with quite specific spatial tendencies and consequences that have been investigated from a variety of perspectives: mobility, tourism, (temporary) migration, studentification or (transnational) gentrification.What may be defined as “temporary inhabitants” (Brollo and Celata, 2022), include different categories of mobile populations, characterized by not having the intention, or possibilities, for long-term settlement

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En conclusión, la disfunción eréctil es una afección común pero tratable que afecta a los hombres en España y en todo el mundo. viagra contrareembolso alicante Tomando una simple pastilla antes de iniciar la actividad sexual, los hombres pueden experimentar una mejora del rendimiento, un aumento del placer y una autoestima renovada..

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La doxiciclina es un antibiótico de la familia de las tetraciclinas conocido por su actividad de amplio espectro contra diversas bacterias.El vínculo oculto entre la disfunción eréctil y la inflamación: doxycycline alcohol.

Este potente medicamento, que contiene el ingrediente activo citrato de sildenafilo, actúa aumentando el flujo sanguíneo al pene, facilitando una erección fuerte y duradera.Varios factores pueden contribuir a la disfunción eréctil, incluyendo condiciones físicas como la diabetes, la hipertensión arterial, y factores psicológicos como el estrés, la ansiedad y problemas de pareja. comprar kamagra.

Esta estadística subraya el impacto significativo que la disfunción eréctil tiene en la calidad de vida y el bienestar general de los hombres en España. glucophage xr 1000 Además de su función principal en el control de la diabetes, se ha descubierto que Glucophage tiene beneficios potenciales en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil en hombres con diabetes..

Sin embargo, entre las sombras de esta enfermedad tan común y estigmatizada, brilla un faro de esperanza: Topamax. topamax adelgazar foro Si usted o alguien que conoce padece disfunción eréctil, considere la posibilidad de hablar con un profesional sanitario sobre las ventajas de Topamax como opción de tratamiento..

Papel de Cialis en el tratamiento:Aunque Cialis está disponible con receta en España, es esencial que los hombres consulten con un profesional sanitario antes de iniciar el tratamiento. cialis generico.

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. This comprehends a wide range of groups that can be defined in a continuum between very short and longer stays, like tourists, students, temporary stayers, seasonal workers, lifestyle migrants, digital nomads and others. These groups are normally analyzed separately, while they share many common features like being mostly young, relatively affluent, tending to co-live as a housing strategy, being attracted by the most central and amenities-rich areas, and looking for socialization and fun. Their presence is both a source of conflict with residents, mainly in the housing market in the public space, and a potential resource bring money, skills, investments, and diversity. The pandemic, in particular, showed with extreme clarity how dependent certain cities are on temporary inhabitants and the ambivalences in how they see those populations as either a gain or a burden, something they struggle to attract or as a source of tensions and opposition.
In line with recent critical urban research on the topic, the session welcomes contributions that address jointly the variety of populations that inhabit cities more or less provisionally, going beyond traditional categorizations to investigating how those mobilities, permanences and motilities contribute to soft and hard urban changes, and intersect issues of identity, gender, class, and sociospatial relations.The aim is also to reflect upon an urban condition that is increasingly temporary and mobile, on its implications in terms of political, social, economic, and spatial polarization, and about the human and personal experiences of temporary inhabitants from the perspective of life-course analysis, lifestyle and choices. Presentations about governance and policies of this phenomenon are also welcome. The session welcomes theoretical, methodological or empirical contributions from different geographical areas, cities and scales. We invite participants to propose short presentations which include issues and questions for a final discussion. The main language of the session is English. 

Barbara Brollo (1)
(1) Università di Roma La Sapienza

ID Abstract:

Urban transformation is a process that involves various and simultaneously occurring subprocesses, which make it broad, multi-dimensional and complex. The study seeks to identify and contextualise those subprocesses (e.g. gentrification, regeneration, internationalisation, commercialisation, hipsterfication, etc.) and analyse their impact on the urban environment and identity construction. The paper is a theoretical and empirical contribution to changes in socio-demographic composition and urban transformation processes occurring in two formerly working-class neighbourhoods, Karlín and Smíchov, in the inner city of Prague. The research aims to combine quantitative and qualitative approaches to analysing urban transformation. Methodologically, the research derives mainly from comparing the two neighbourhoods’ socio-demographic composition (statistical/migration data analysis) between 2000 and 2020. In addition, the study employs other methods such as ethnographic and participatory observation, photo documentation, mapping, policy and development plan analysis, surveys, interviews and media discourse analysis. Finally, the paper will delineate the identified urban transformation subprocesses and explain them in their context.

Adela Petrovic
Charles University, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development

ID Abstract: 96

Students represent an important component of the floating population in certain urban contexts, yet little is actually known of their distinct needs, urban practices and relationship with city life. This paper attempts to fill part of the knowledge gap, using the student population of Florence university as its case study and seeing mobility as a way of understanding students’ urban experience and their interaction with the city.

Mirella Loda, Angeliki Coconi, Mario Tartaglia
University of Florence, LaGeS-Laboratory of Social Geography

ID Abstract: 202

Since the introduction of shared electric scooter services in the 2010s, e-scooters have an increasing popularity in urban micro-mobility. This process has led to the transformation of urban mobility causing several conflicts and policy challenges. E-scooters are often seen as useful instruments towards more sustainable urban transportation – however, their environmental impact can be controversial. The exact role of these vehicles in intra-urban mobility is also often discussed. The presentation analyses urban micro-mobility in a Hungarian regional centre, Szeged. Due to its geographical features (the size of the urban area and topography) Szeged, offers excellent opportunities for urban micro-mobility. Since Szeged is a university town, the market demand is growing due to a large number of students. In addition, the tourism sector also creates favourable market opportunities. Consequently, scooter rental services have become more and more popular among locals and visitors._x000D_
The presentation analyses the role of e-rollers in local micro-mobility, focusing on the users of rental services. Besides the conflicts and challenges, the preferences and motivations of the users will also be analysed. Furthermore, the research also aims to present the relationship between micro-mobility (and e-scooters in particular) and other means of transportation. The research is based on the analysis of media materials and a survey conducted among the (potential) users of e-scooters. The results offer insights into a local market on the one hand, while on the other, potential development and management directions will also be presented.

Lajos Boros
University of Szeged

ID Abstract: 907

The Mobility as a Service (MaaS) concept and shared mobility services have rapidly spread throughout European cities, influencing both travel patterns and urban planning, becoming an important discussion topic. Yet, due to geographic availability or resources like mobile data, digital literacy or vehicle-riding skills (i.e., bicycles) access to these services is restricted for some population segments. Moreover, these services are frequently more expensive than traditional modes of transportation, which may contribute to social exclusion and socio-territorial inequalities. In this study, we aim to identify the population segments that have the resources to use MaaS and those that do not. For this, we conducted a survey (n=2000) in Lisbon, inquiring about sociodemographic characteristics, travel patterns, and experiences with shared mobility services. Our results indicate that between 20-30% of respondents lack the necessary resources to use MaaS, and this is significantly influenced by their profile and current access to the transport network. We also highlighted the population segments that are being excluded and those with the highest adoption potential. We address the importance of providing flexibility for different enablers to increase accessibility and conclude that public authorities need to guarantee that the provision of new mobility services such as MaaS is in line with the societal goals of the city.

David Vale, Mauricio Orozco Fontalvo, Filipe Moura
CIAUD, Lisbon School of Architecture, University of Lisbon; CERIS, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon

ID Abstract: 268

The term “micromobility” in the context of transport is a new one, apparently having been coined only in 2017. However, there is still no widely-agreed on definition, or accord on which devices/modes fall under its remit; furthermore, there appears to be no research to-date on how this term is understood and perceived by the general public, something especially concerning given the potentially strong association with e-scooters, which many view negatively. It is also unclear whether this term will replace, or just be used alongside, those such as “personal mobility device” and “non-motorised transport”._x000D_
I would like to use this pretext on methodology as an introduction to the importance of including all users of human-scale transport under the umbrella of “micromobility”, especially those who use mobility aids such as wheelchairs or mobility scooters. Not doing so risks perpetuating the failure to include them in the planning and design process of cities._x000D_
I propose a 3-part presentation, composed of the aforementioned introduction on methodology and the risks of non-inclusion, followed by an exploration of how we can improve research on, and infrastructure for, mobility aid use, by considering mobility aids as a unique mode of transport, drawing on parallels with other modes of transport, such as cycling. Finally, the third part of the presentation would put forth suggestions on how to improve micromobility infrastructure design, taking account of the needs of all users and device types, through the use of a new design and assessment tool. Such a tool, perhaps called “Micromobility Level of Service”, could be made to work alongside existing tools (such as Pedestrian Level of Service), and be assessed via automated methods such as LiDAR-equipped vehicles or AI analysis of Streetview imagery. This presentation will hopefully enable broader thinking in future when considering micromobility-related issues and user needs._x000D_

David Hicks
University of Groningen

ID Abstract: 515

Present-day urban mobility transitions are often hailed for their positive contributions towards healthier, safer, and more just common futures. Micro-mobilities are playing a key role here: many cities have seen a rapid entry and growth of (e-)cycles and (e-)scooters, for instance. At the same time, emerging evidence shows that micro-mobility trips do not often replace unhealthy, unsafe, and private travel modes, and that different urban populations do not have equal access to its availability (Laa & Leth, 2020; Wang et al., 2022). This means that micro-mobilities do not live up to their promise as transformative forms of urban transport.
Literature on the subject argues that mobility innovations have not taken enough account of the diversity of its (potential) users, are predominantly directed by neoliberal and commercial interests, and/or reproduce infrastructural networks and mobility behaviours shaped by car-centric thought (Spinney, 2022). In addition, socio-technical and political structures have not always been supportive or responsive to the appearance of new players in urban spaces. Also socially, micro-mobility innovations are exclusive to children, women, and older people, among other groups, although research taking gender-sensitive and feminist perspectives has also proposed how to overcome this challenge (Cubells et al., 2023; Goel et al., 2022). 
Together, emerging perspectives on micro-mobility provide a useful picture of their current state and potential, but do not often lead to wider theoretical and cross-disciplinary applicability. The proposed session therefore aims to join the ends of mobility research involving micro-mobilities and provide new perspectives on existing theories and practices. Contributions may analyse specific cities, provide an overview of the state-of-the-art around specific micro-mobility options, and/or place them within wider (re-)constructions and uses of the built environment (e.g. traffic calming, new-built infrastructures, mobility patterns and performances). Both qualitative and quantitative approaches to their changing geographies are welcomed, as well as critical approaches to the place and operationalisation of micro-mobilities in urban transport geography. Topic suggestions include:

Inclusion of social groups and demographic characteristics in micro-mobility;
Micro-mobilities’ characteristics affecting usability and accessibility (soft and hard infrastructures, urban form, systems, technologies);
Performances and uses of micro-mobility in cities, with a focus on (co-existence of) specific modes;
Effects of the introduction and promotion of micro-mobilities, on both users and non-users;
Changes in mobility behaviours and modal shares;
Growth orientations of urban mobility futures including micro-mobility options;
Outcomes of policies and practices that support micro-mobility and/or create healthier, safer, and more just urban mobility futures.
Our session is intended as presentation session, but depending on the available time we may consider a short roundtable with the speakers at the end

Tratamientos tradicionales de la disfunción eréctil frente a Xenical xenical La reticencia a buscar ayuda para esta afección tan común puede provocar sentimientos de aislamiento y frustración..

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Deje que Topamax le guíe en su viaje hacia un futuro más feliz, más sano y más vibrante.Este versátil medicamento actúa sobre neurotransmisores específicos del cerebro y los regula, restableciendo así el equilibrio y el funcionamiento de los intrincados sistemas del organismo. topamax adelgazar foro.

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A medida que más hombres en España conocen los beneficios potenciales de Aldactone en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil, se abre una nueva era en el tratamiento de la salud sexual.**Desvelando la undécima hora: Aldactone y la disfunción eréctil en España** aldactone vademecum.

. The main language of the session would be English, but presentations in Spanish and Catalan are welcomed too.

Wilbert Den Hoed (1); Esther Anaya Boig (2)
(1) Universitat Rovira i Virgili, (2) Imperial College London

ID Abstract: