The interior of Spain has undergone a profound transformation in recent decades due to the development of renewable energies. This process, regardless of its intensity, has generated a change in the function, forms and meanings of its landscapes, where energy is now the defining element. We will address the case of the Montes de Torozos, a space that projects the image of a wasteland exposed to strong and frequent winds in the center of the Duero Basin, composed of 41 municipalities totaling more than 1300km2._x000D_
Farmland represents more than 75% of the surface area of the study area, and although the occupation of woodland is 10%, its extension is remarkable compared to the barrenness expressed by the plains of the interior of the Duero basin. An agricultural and forest landscape through which numerous high voltage lines crossed, coming from productive areas such as the Saltos del Duero or the mining basins, reaching the node of the substation of La Mudarra, a key piece in the operation of the power grid in the center and northwest of the peninsular system. If we add to the favorable context for wind power development in Spain and the autonomous community of Castilla y León, the availability of resources, the La Mudarra node, large properties and agricultural technology, we obtain a favourable context for the promotion of the first wind farms in the center of the Duero basin. From a punctual development as the initial one, five years ago, we passed to a massive development of wind farms, to which we add the construction of new substations to which new photovoltaic plants are connected._x000D_
The aim of this paper is to learn about the different phases in the development of renewable energies through the case of Mudarra and to characterize what may be one of the most unique renewable energy landscapes in the interior of northern Spain._x000D_

Daniel Herrero Luque; Eugenio Baraja and Marta Martínez Arnáiz
University of Valladolid; University of Valladolid and University of Burgos

ID Abstract: 179

In France, the development of modern wind turbines is concentrated in two (formerly) industrial regions, Hauts-de-France and Grand Est, and more specifically in rural areas far from large cities and marked by an overrepresentation of the working classes (workers and employees). However, these two regions remain little investigated by academic research, unlike others that are more touristic or have a demographic revival due to the various amenities they provide (Occitanie and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes regions, Atlantic coasts)

Consultar con un profesional sanitario especializado en salud sexual es el primer paso para abordar la disfunción eréctil de forma eficaz.Los hombres que antes se sentían impotentes ante la disfunción eréctil ahora tienen un poderoso aliado en Xenical, un faro de luz en su hora más oscura. xenical 120 mg hard capsules.

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La disfunción eréctil, comúnmente conocida como impotencia, es la incapacidad de lograr o mantener una erección firme para un rendimiento sexual satisfactorio. vendo orlistat El mecanismo de acción del Orlistat consiste en inhibir la enzima lipasa, que desempeña un papel fundamental en la digestión y absorción de las grasas alimentarias..

Entre la gama de medicamentos disponibles, Cenforce ha surgido como un potente agente que ha revolucionado el panorama del tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil. cenforce opiniones La disfunción eréctil es una enfermedad común que afecta a muchos hombres en España, pero no es algo que deba soportarse en silencio..

Otra ventaja de Kamagra es su rentabilidad en comparación con los medicamentos de marca para la disfunción eréctil. mychelle kamagra La disfunción eréctil es una condición común que afecta a hombres de todas las edades, con varios factores que contribuyen a su aparición..

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Factores como el estrés, el estilo de vida, los problemas de salud subyacentes y la edad pueden contribuir al desarrollo de este angustioso problema. aldactone 25 Aunque las causas de este trastorno pueden ser múltiples, desde factores fisiológicos como la hipertensión, la diabetes y las enfermedades cardiovasculares hasta problemas psicológicos como el estrés y la ansiedad, las ramificaciones en la calidad de vida de una persona son profundas..

. Moreover, the multiple ways in which the working classes perceive these projects and mobilize themselves remain largely unknown. Based on a survey by interview and direct observation in the departments of the Ardennes, the Meuse, the Haute-Marne and the Vosges, this communication proposes to investigate the environmental and landscape commitments of the popular-rural classes. These are clearly distinguished from traditional environmental actors by the defense of “ordinary landscapes”, common species and localized socio-ecological relationships. The importance of health, economic and real estate issues is another aspect of these disputes which is better understood in the light of the social positions of the actors involved (working conditions, residential trajectory, centrality of the home, uses of space, etc). Ultimately, by carefully examining these protesting popular ecologies, this approach by social classes renews the understanding of the conflicts surrounding “energy transition” infrastructures and questions the social dimension of energy-climate policies, burning at the start of the 21st century.

Jimmy Grimault, Mark Bailoni
Université de Lorraine (France)

ID Abstract: 354

The aim of this research is to obtain a better understanding of the dynamics of energy transition in mountain rural areas. This paper analyses the perception energy transition in two mountainous areas and its territorial effects: the valley of the Monachil river in Sierra Nevada (Granada, Spain) and the valley of the “Haute Romanche” in Les Ecrins in the French Alps (La Grave, France). It focuses on the perception of geographical, economic, political and social barriers to energy transition in these areas that don´t limit the technological development of renewable energy projects bus act as limiting factors that may hinder their implementation. In addition, it shows the dynamics and opportunities for these areas resulting from recent changes in energy policies in France and Spain, and their impacts at the local scale. First, we review the relevant literature and legislation on energy transition (renewable energy and energy efficiency) in both countries. We then compare the energy transitions in the two areas in order to identify barriers, opportunities and challenges for energy transition by incorporating the main results obtained from the analysis of various surveys and interviews conducted in the study areas between 2019 and 2020 which have been analysed statistically using the IBM SPSS Statistics computer programme. The results of this study demonstrate the main obstacles and facilitators of energy transition in mountain areas as perceived by local communities. The lessons learned from this comparative study can be extrapolated to mountain communities to help them move forward in this area.


ID Abstract: 460

Due to inappropriate land use and water management practices, invasive alien plants have spread very rapidly in the floodplains of the Tisza and Körös rivers in recent decades. One shrub species, Amorpha fruticosa has colonised a large part of the floodplains. Based on complementary field surveys and aerial photo assessments, up to 24% of parts of the floodplain may be covered by Amorpha fruticosa. This high density shrub increases flood risk, increases the cost of agricultural land use and contributes to biodiversity degradation. One of the economic challenges facing rural communities in the region is the increased cost of energy, particularly for heating. A local community, along the river Tisza successfuly set up a pilot project to gain new land for bioenergy production and nature conservation. _x000D_
The initiative is based on the concept that invasive shrubs have high energy content and can be converted into bioenergy. The local municipality with other stakeholders began to eradicate invasive shrub on an infested pilot area and established a local biomass supply chain to harvest and convert invasive plants into woodchips. The produced woodchips, as bioenergy source is utilized in biomass boilers that produce green heat for local public buildings, as well as transported to a heating plant. On the one hand, in order to prevent the encroachment of invasive alien shrubs and to ensure the continuous production of biomass, the public authority established a native tree plantation for energy and new grassland management. The project has already delivered multiple impacts both for the community, for local economy and the environment, such as improving biodiversity status, reducing flood risk, replacing natural gas used for heating, and developing new land use skills._x000D_

Csaba Vaszkó
Geographer; Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gödöllő, Szent István Campus, HUNGARY

ID Abstract: 615

The importance of the agricultural sector, in terms of contribution both to gross domestic product and to employment has generally decreased over time throughout Europe. The extension of agricultural land has also gradually been reduced. However, the energy transition process means that more and more space, also agricultural one, is used to harness diffuse energy resources such as solar radiation, wind and wood biomass. Such new use of the land can lead to invasive developments in fragile environments and tensions between stakeholders with different visions and values attached to such contexts. Can the winners and the losers of these territorial transformations be determined? Do these investments, often led by external actors, promote economic growth? Do such energy projects assist in reaching sustainability goals? This new use of agricultural land opens possibilities within geography to investigate the often-neglected rich web of socio-material relations underlying the development of renewable energy resources and to reflect on the outcomes of rural policies in areas hosting new energy projects. In particular, the framework of evolutionary resilience, considering the systemic dynamics of decline, resistance, evolution, and transformability (environmental, economic, social, and cultural), allows the framing of such new use of the land in the broader processes of reconfiguring territories and landscapes.
In this session we would like to gather contributions aiming to discuss the role, implications and opportunities of renewable energy in the evolution of rural areas, with the aim of collecting diverse and fresh research results from a range of European contexts to be used in future rural policy. Therefore, this session calls for empirical case studies that revolve around the following issues: i) processes affecting communities – does the development of green energies contribute to tackle population decline and how does it impact on long-term residents livelihoods? ii) processes affecting economic activities – does the development of green energies take place in socio-economically disadvantaged areas and can it enable reconfiguration of the local economic structure? iii) processes affecting the natural world – does the development of green energies boost the local achievement of environmental objectives and how? The session also welcomes contributions analyzing institutional and social processes through which renewable energy resources are exploited.
Bohland J., Davoudi S., and Lawrence J. (2019). The resilience machine. Routledge, New York.
Labussière O., and Nadaï A. (2018). Energy Transitions. A Socio-technical Inquiry. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Scott M. (2013). Resilience: A conceptual lens for rural studies? Geography Compass, 7(9), 597–610. Paper presentation session; Presentations need to be in English

Giorgia Bressan (1); Carlos Gonçalves (2); Michel Deshaies (3)
(1) Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Rome, Italy, (2) Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal, (3) Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France

ID Abstract:

Geothermal energy is receiving increasing attention as a renewable source of flexible baseload electrical capacity or heat in countries both in the global south and north. One of the prime examples is the geothermal energy boom in Turkey since the 2010s which has catapulted the country to the fourth largest producer of geothermal electricity in the world. This development was pushed by international climate finance and the development of national regulation and subsidy schemes, while societal and (local) spatial consequences were largely neglected. This paper uses assemblage thinking to explore the plural social, material, and political actors and processes surrounding geothermal energy in Turkey, to provide insights in the promises, pitfalls and spatialization of geothermal energy as part of a just and inclusive decarbonization strategy. Using Q-methodology, this study explored the plurality of viewpoints among a variety of stakeholders (n=21) involved in or affected by geothermal energy in the agriculturally fertile Aydin region of Western Turkey. Results demonstrate a highly polarized debate with four major coexisting discourse coalitions that have widely different perceptions of the assemblages of social, material and political actors and processes surrounding geothermal energy in Turkey. However, in this polarized debate there appears to be consensus on a number of issues, such as the need for social- and environmental impact assessments independent of the size or phase of projects, improved community engagement and benefits, and development of a central geothermal agency for integrated assessment of permits. A just and inclusive energy transition needs to take into account this plurality of perspectives and this study shows how Q-method can help find bridging perspectives in these highly polarized debates.

Rozanne C. Spijkerboer & Ethemcan Turhan
University of Groningen

ID Abstract: 47

En muchas regiones del mundo los incendios están siendo cada vez más frecuentes y severos. En Chile, es en la zona centro sur donde históricamente se ha registrado la mayor ocurrencia de incendios forestales, principalmente entre las regiones de Valparaíso y La Araucanía, zonas que se caracterizan por tener la mayor densidad poblacional del país y una alta actividad agrícola y forestal. En los últimos años, se ha observado un comportamiento mucho más extremo de los incendios forestales, quedando de manifiesto en el año 2017 cuando se registraron incendios extremadamente destructivos que generaron graves impactos sociales, económicos y ambientales, alcanzándose una superficie quemada de 570.197 ha. A escala mundial, era la primera alerta del desastre que se aproximaba y se empezaba a hablar de incendios de sexta generación (juntamente con los episodios de Portugal y California). Se trata de grandes “Tormentas de Fuego”, muy virulentos y fuera de la capacidad de extinción. El objetivo de esta investigación es establecer un marco conceptual de los megaincendios en Chile, con la finalidad de determinar si el cambio climático ha incidido sobre los patrones de ocurrencia de incendios forestales en el área de estudio y si los cambios de los usos y cubiertas del suelo han favorecido el aumento de la vulnerabilidad del territorio. El aumento de la forestación y de las áreas urbanas, que comporta un aumento de la vulnerabilidad en la interfaz urbano-forestal (WUI), sumado a eventos climáticos cada vez más extremos, producen cambios importantes en los patrones de incendios forestales, por ello la aproximación teórica a los incendios, es el primer paso para establecer las bases para repensar las políticas de prevención.

Priscila Ramírez Aliaga y Anna Badia Perpinyà
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

ID Abstract: 351

El objetivo de esta investigación es completar la base cartográfica de los perímetros de incendios de las comarcas de montaña de Cataluña a partir del procesamiento de imágenes de satélite Landsat 5, 7 y 8 y Sentinel -2. A partir de los puntos de ignición y los perímetros de incendios (1986-2021) procedentes de distintos departamentos de la Generalitat de Cataluña, se ha detectado que hay un total de 101 puntos de ignición (cada punto tiene asignado como atributo la superficie quemada) con una superficie superior a 10 ha, de los cuales 61 presentaron información coincidente en ambas bases de datos, mientras que 40 no disponen de su correspondiente perímetro de incendio._x000D_
Con el fin de obtener una estimación del perímetro los 40 incendios faltantes, se utilizó la herramienta de Google Earth Engine (GEE). Para lo cual se procedió a identificar los satélites disponibles en la fecha en que ocurrieron los incendios y se buscó imágenes satelitales pre-incendio y post-incendio, tomando en cuenta su ubicación y fecha de registro. Las imágenes satelitales con las que se trabajó tienen un nivel de pre procesamiento Surface Reflectance (SR). Finalmente, se calculó el Índice Normalizado de Área Quemada (NBRI). A partir de los resultados obtenidos se ha generado una App de GEE._x000D_
Los resultados demuestran la dificultad de identificación de los incendios en una zona como la del Pirineo occidental, donde la mayoría de los incendios se producen en invierno y la cubierta de nieve varia en cortos periodos de tiempo._x000D_
Es importante señalar que la calidad de los resultados obtenidos depende de la resolución espacial y temporal de los satélites utilizados. En este sentido, aquellos con una mejor resolución temporal y espacial son más adecuados para identificar el perímetro de los incendios con mayor precisión._x000D_

Oscar Hernando Eraso Terán; Anna Badia Perpinyà
Universitat Autònoma Barcelona

ID Abstract: 377

El estudio de las dinámicas de los incendios a escala planetaria está mostrando un cambio en el régimen y patrón de los incendios. Se atribuye al cambio climático que las estaciones de incendios estén siendo más largas y su tamaño medio en muchas áreas del mundo se esté incrementando

El principio activo de Xenical, el orlistat, actúa inhibiendo la absorción de las grasas alimentarias en el organismo, lo que conlleva una pérdida de peso y una mejora de la función metabólica.Uno de estos tratamientos revolucionarios que está causando sensación en España es Xenical. xenical.

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Según estudios recientes, aproximadamente el 25% de los hombres españoles mayores de 40 años experimentan algún grado de problemas eréctiles.En este artículo, analizaremos la prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil en España, sus causas y cómo Viagra se ha convertido en una solución fiable para este problema tan común como delicado. viagra españa.

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. Por ello, el conocimiento de las condiciones geográficas y ambientales a escala regional puede ayudar a contextualizar y atenuar algunas de las consecuencias producidas por los fuegos. _x000D_
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo principal identificar las variables geográficas (biofísicas) que caracterizan los incendios en las cinco comarcas más occidentales del Pirineo catalán (Val d’Aran, Alta Ribagorça, Pallars Sobirà, Pallars Jussà y Alt Urgell) con la finalidad de describir y analizar las diferencias de magnitud y distribución espacial de las zonas quemadas. _x000D_
La metodología utilizada se ha basado en la combinación analítica de distintas capas utilizando Sistemas de Información Geográfica. A partir de los puntos de ignición como variable dependiente, ha sido posible determinar las características de cada uno de ellos en función de las variables dependientes tanto cuantitativas (altitud, pendiente, orientación, curvatura), como cualitativas (cubiertas del suelo y causalidad), que han servido para establecer diferencias importantes entre comarcas y valorar las variables biofísicas más significativas. _x000D_
Los datos obtenidos son la base para mejorar las estrategias de mitigación y ayudan a priorizar las actuaciones en algunas de las áreas más afectadas y, por lo tanto, mejorar la gestión y el planeamiento territorial de las comarcas de montaña estudiadas._x000D_

Guiu Asbert Rubio; Anna Badia Perpinyà; Albert Pèlachs mañosa
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

ID Abstract: 378

Fires are one of Europe’s major natural disturbances, and their changing patterns (frequency, extension, recurrence) have been reported elsewhere. However, most studies focus on particular areas, specific years or cover only certain administrative regions (e.g. analysis at a national level). Therefore, extending this analysis to the entire geographic coverage of Europe would allow identifying regional specificities related to climatic zones and ecosystems relevant to an integrated European policy._x000D_
The European Forest Fire Information System already provides homogenous information on wildfires since 2000 based on satellite images from MODIS and Sentinel. We have compiled wildfire information from EFFIS for 2000 – 2022 at a 300 x 300 m grid for Europe. The data collected includes the extent and the date of the fire. Moreover, the complete workflow from data collection to indicators and map production has been automatised for future yearly updates._x000D_
We have found a consistent pattern of extending the fire season towards September. In parallel, wildfires in winter become more frequent in certain mountain areas. _x000D_
Several hot spots in Europe pose a serious threat to habitat recovery. These areas are characterised by their recurrence (in extreme cases, a fire every four years) and are usually associated with medium-sized fires. Most of these hot spots are located in the Mediterranean region, although significant differences related to socio-economic and cultural aspects are found within this region. _x000D_
More than 50% of Natura 2000 sites have been affected by fires. However, understanding its impact on biodiversity requires integrating local information since this is context specific._x000D_
We conclude that our approach provides a consistent methodology to understand changes and potential impacts of fires in Europe to support policies that require context-specific information._x000D_

Raquel Ubach; Jaume Fons-Esteve
DEpartament de Geografia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

ID Abstract: 437