Los incendios forestales se constituyen en la actualidad como una de las principales amenazas tanto para las personas y sus bienes como para el patrimonio territorial. El decaimiento del medio rural, iniciado a mediados del siglo pasado, y el consecuente abandono de los usos y aprovechamientos que se realizaban en el monte está suponiendo una recuperación de la cubierta vegetal que se traduce en un fuerte incremento de la superficie forestal. _x000D_
Esta evolución, de carácter generalizado y que los modelos actuales de gestión no son capaces de controlar, está sustituyendo el antiguo mosaico de usos, caracterizado por la discontinuidad de la vegetación, por una vegetación mucho más continua tanto horizontal como verticalmente. _x000D_
En el noroeste ibérico el cambio climático está produciendo un incremento de las temperaturas y un mayor estrés hídrico con episodios secos más intensos y persistentes. _x000D_
La combinación de las tendencias descritas, abandono rural, aumento de la cubierta forestal y cambio climático, genera un incremento del riesgo de grandes incendios forestales y de los efectos que este tipo de eventos pueden llegar a generar._x000D_
En la cordillera Cantábrica, un territorio que alberga un valioso patrimonio natural y en el que gran parte de la superficie está incluida en distintos espacios naturales protegidos, los procesos descritos se observan claramente en ambas vertientes a pesar de las marcadas diferencias que presentan los incendios forestales que se producen en la septentrional y en la meridional y la meridional (de carácter oceánico y mediterráneo respectivamente). Resulta especialmente alarmante el aumento de los incendios de mayores dimensiones y su cada vez mayor afectación a los espacios naturales protegidos, hechos que suponen una grave amenaza tanto desde el punto de vista de la protección civil como de la conservación de especies y espacios._x000D_

Virginia Carracedo Martín, Raquel González Fernández y Juan Carlos García Codron
Departamento de Geografía, Urbanismo y Ordenación del Territorio. Universidad de Cantabria

ID Abstract: 654

En las últimas décadas el cambio global está induciendo a un cambio de régimen de los incendios forestales con graves consecuencias socioeconómicas, alteraciones en el ciclo de C y en la biodiversidad, que comprometen la resiliencia de los socio-ecosistemas. Los cambios en los usos y cubiertas del suelo, especialmente los ocurridos a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, y el cambio climático están contribuyendo a una mayor frecuencia e intensidad de los incendios. La acumulación de combustible debido al abandono de las actividades tradicionales unida a un aumento de la temperatura global, una mayor variabilidad en las precipitaciones y un aumento en la intensidad y duración de las sequías hace aparecer un nuevo concepto, los incendios de sexta generación. Son incendios fuera de la capacidad de extinción que obliga a repensar muchas de las estrategias de planificación territorial. Pero, además, actualmente hay que afrontar un nuevo reto a escala global, el riesgo de incendios en zonas donde hasta hace poco era infrecuente. A la certeza que no todos los incendios pueden ser extinguidos y que se producen incendios en zonas donde no existe cultura del riesgo, cabe añadir el problema de los incendios en zonas de interfaz urbano forestal (WUI). Este conjunto de factores es lo que ha hecho que actualmente se perciba el fuego más como una amenaza que como una herramienta de gestión.
La recogida de datos históricos sobre los incendios, el estado de las cubiertas del suelo y la evolución de las temperaturas, juntamente con las tecnologías de la información geográfica, se convierten en herramientas de gestión fundamentales para aportar conocimiento y optimizar la planificación y la gestión a distintas escalas territoriales. En este sentido, los datos recogidos a escala global como el Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) o el European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS), y aquellos recogidos por organismos oficiales a escala local, proporcionan información relevante para identificar tendencias en la incidencia de los incendios.
Para afrontar estos cambios es necesario herramientas de gestión basadas en el conocimiento científico. El objetivo de esta sesión es establecer un espacio de discusión y compartir los conocimientos más recientes para entender los cambios de régimen de incendios (estacionalidad, superficie, recurrencia), identificar las zonas más sensibles y con mayor riesgo de incendios, así como los factores más relevantes en este cambio de paradigma.

Anna Badia Perpinyà (1); Jaume Fons Esteve (1)
(1) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

ID Abstract:

El objetivo de este trabajo es explorar la disponibilidad y viabilidad de la cartografía de usos y cubiertas del suelo y de incendios en Cantabria y en las comarcas de montaña de Cataluña para comparar las dinámicas de incendios en los dos ámbitos. Los avances en SIG y teledetección han comportado la generación de volúmenes de datos abiertos geolocalizados de gran calidad y a distinta resolución espacial y temporal. Su reutilización permite generar datos derivados convirtiéndose en una oportunidad en el avance del conocimiento de los cambios en los usos y cubiertas del suelo y derivar resultados que permiten explicar cómo estos cambios hacen más vulnerable el territorio. Disponer de datos sobre los usos y cubiertas del suelo, así como de los incendios y su magnitud, hace posible entender el régimen y las dinámicas de los incendios. Cataluña dispone de un gran volumen de datos espaciales abiertos con un histórico de más de 30 años y a escala de detalle, tanto de cubiertas del suelo (1993, 2000, 2009, 2018), como de incendios (perímetros, desde 1986, y puntos de ignición, desde 1995). En el caso de Cantabria, la información de detalle es muy reciente en el caso de usos del suelo (2017-2020) y en el caso de los incendios solo hay cartografía disponible desde 2009. Esta falta de uniformidad en la información dificulta realizar un análisis homogéneo entre Cantabria y las comarcas occidentales del Pirineo Catalán, haciendo necesario utilizar datos generales y perdiéndose información en el caso de una de las áreas de estudio. En este trabajo se analizará la viabilidad del uso de otras fuentes como los mapas de ocupación del suelo SIOSE del IGN (2005, 2009, 2014, a escala 1:25.000 y 2017 a escala aproximada 1:5.000), y los perímetros procedentes del EFFIS (2000-2022 con una resolución de 100 m).

Anna Badia Perpinyà; Virginia Carracedo Martín
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Universidad de Cantabria

ID Abstract: 253

China faces significant challenges to supply its urban-rural development with energy while reducing carbon_x000D_
emissions. Residential consumption, which is the second-most important source of carbon emissions following_x000D_
industry, has gradually been receiving attention. However, there are fewer studies that systematically investigate_x000D_
rural and urban residential emissions separately, and the future of residential emissions is uncertain given_x000D_
changes in the economic and social drivers. We used 20 years of energy consumption data from 30 provinces in_x000D_
China and panel regression models to analyze how urban and rural carbon emissions have changed over time and_x000D_
space. We then simulated three future scenarios of residential carbon emissions based on the framework of_x000D_
Shared Socioeconomic pathways. We conclude that there has been considerable growth in per capita rural_x000D_
emissions, largely due to population increases, especially during the periods 2004–2012 and 2012–2018. Overall_x000D_
emissions have declined though, likely due to an adjustment of energy intensity. Both rural and urban emissions_x000D_
are expected to decline in the future, but there is variation in where and how rural and urban emissions may_x000D_
change under the three development scenarios.

Si Wu
China University of Geosciences

ID Abstract: 742

Global problems are in focus in today. According the UN definition of sustainable development (SD), all of our activity needed to be taken considering needs of future generations. The UN definition is disputed but this approach is widely admitted all over the world and main task is implementation. _x000D_
SD involves environment, nature conservation, climate change and includes economic and social questions. _x000D_
However efforts have been taken it seems to be less effective to avoid apocalyptic vision of Club of Rome. Can we find causes why these efforts do not work well? How to tackle them? _x000D_
The modern society based on growing profit. The global economy is transformed to a consumer society. Consumer, man is the main factor, who does not recognize him importance and power originated. _x000D_
State is based on monetary system, economic growth is “obligatory”. But the Earth (Gaia) is a limited system. Unlimited growth is impossible. Need to change today’s paradigm. _x000D_
What kind of paradoxes are the obstacles of implementation of SD? A possible list is:_x000D_
•Paradox of demography_x000D_
•Monetary paradox_x000D_
•Structural paradox_x000D_
•Economic growth paradox_x000D_
•Human behaviour paradox_x000D_
•Consumer paradox_x000D_
•Human diversity paradox_x000D_
•food consumption paradox_x000D_
Examples are to stop population growth, close, stop some economic activity, consume less products and so on. It causes chain effects to the total society that need to survey. Problem-link should examine from holistic, interdisciplinary point of view. _x000D_
Implementation or un-implementation a SD will change the regional situation of the World. The global economic focus point will change in the future. The question who will be winner in median period?_x000D_
Although unlock of paradoxes seems to be insoluble, it is necessary to find the path. Outcome of its work is hopefully useful to put at least forward in implementation of SD._x000D_

Peter Simonyi
retired. independent researher, Hungary

ID Abstract: 913

It is almost too easy to open a project by noting the dire state of our planet, both socially and environmentally. We can see the effects of social-economic inequalities, as well as a growing risk of an ecological catastrophe that many are yet to comprehend the gravity of. In response to this, we are increasingly looking at concepts like resilience, sustainability, right to the city, circular economy, blue growth, zero waste, and green economy, all of which come with their dimmed definitions and aims. Often, these are presented as the solution to the contemporary socio-ecological crisis. In 2006, Low and Gleeson published an article titled ‘If Sustainability Is Everything, Maybe It’s Nothing?’, a point this work take further by asking if something is everything, maybe it’s nothing?_x000D_
Therefore, this work suggests that we should be wary of the single-issue approaches that are presented as the answer to our world’s problems and instead take a more holistic approach. Additionally, we should question the ontology and epistemology behind these terms, to understand how well they can address the issues at stake

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. By analysing the underlying assumptions of these terms and how they grasp reality, we can determine the extent to which they are effective to tackle todays crisis, or whether they are a form of greenwashing or merely business as usual.

Marcy Isabella
Stockton University (U.S.)

ID Abstract: 962

Sustainability, in the form of Sustainable Development Goals, and social media are two current topics, the combination of which can be a compelling means of change for a better, sustainable future. This paper analyzes the Twitter profile of the World Economic Forum, a global leader in promoting sustainability, over five years, from 2016 to 2020. The main focus of this work is to analyze the content and nature of the World Economic Forum’s contributions (tweets) focusing on topics of sustainability and Sustainable Development Goals._x000D_
This work utilizes freely available and self-developed software and scripts to obtain, clean up and work with the original dataset. The resulting data was analyzed based on the frequent usage of certain keywords, phrases and abbreviations, and the results are presented in three categories – geographical focus, thematic focus, and most popular content. Final outputs show a list of countries and number of mentions in tweets, lists of the most popular hashtags and users mentioned by the World Economic Forum and lists of the most popular tweets based on possible user interactions. The results can indicate the trend, what topics and geographical locations related to sustainability are emphasized in the online world, how the audience perceives it, and how to popularize sustainability among the public._x000D_

Jiri Preis; David Klika
University of West Bohemia

ID Abstract: 163

This paper proposes a perspectival shift in our current thinking on so-called “wicked problems”. The original notion emerged as a way to optimize decision-making in design processes and became widely adopted in architectural design. More recent work on “super wicked problems” has considered the role of time pressure and the causal role of the agents solving the problems. This work provided a much-needed update and extension of the existing theory. However, despite these modifications, the discourse focusing on the “wickedness” of problems unwittingly replicates thinking methods of the past. In turn, this traps our contemporary approach towards climate change, sustainable development and efficacious production methods in a vicious spiral, as the frame of thinking required to address these issues must depart from a different perspective. _x000D_
This paper considers therefore a different aspect of the issue. It’s not merely that our problems are somehow wicked or ill-structured, but this feature applies increasingly and structurally to the solutions we propose. The directions that we choose in developing solutions replicate many of the structural features of wicked problems, leading to solutions that are not just ineffective, but actively harmful. This paper provides therefore an overview of the features of “wicked solutions”, provides examples from (architectural) practice, shows how they hamper the search for an inhabitable environment, and argues that many solutions aimed at addressing ecosystem preservation, effective use of resources, climate adaptation, and sustainable development are becoming problems themselves. This feature should cause a reimagining of our current problem-solution based thinking, thereby moving beyond theoretical limitations that have been inherited from the past._x000D_

Otto Paans
Independent entrepreneur

ID Abstract: 317

Following years of economic upheavals started in 2008 (great economic crisis), 2020 (COVID-19 pandemic), and the Ukrainian War from 2022, the European Union and its member states found partial and incomplete answers to some negative effects of downturns multiplied. This was highly true in East part of Europe, in the ex-socialist countries. Regional differences increased at the expanse of rural areas both crises times. The inefficient efforts to revitalize rural countryside echoes new solutions to be empirical and theoretical bases in the past and present days. The main aim of the presentation is to investigate on the necessary elements of employment sustainability in Hungarian and non-Hungarian rural areas in the light of three different sorts of crises. Based on an applied research series conducted 2012-2016, the follow up study in 2022, the publication of the research results, and the study of recent literature, the authors synthetized a general model inspired by geographical spheres for practical use of stakeholders and policymakers after and during crises. The parts of the model, the interrelations, the mechanisms, and the functions between the elements will be refined under the umbrella of new-type economic and humanitarian upheavals, nowadays. Hypothesises and guesses will be articulated, which are highly disputable, due to discuss them.

Sándor ILLÉS; Brigitta ZSÓTÉR; Péter SIMONYI
Independent researcher; University of Szeged; Retired researcher

ID Abstract: 451

From the scientific point of view, the concept of sustainable development in Ukraine had been shaped in the 1990s, and the background for it was created in the 70s and 80s of the twentieth century. At the same time, within the social and political dimension, shifts occurred much later, after 2010, and especially after 2014, when Ukraine made the final choice in favor of European integration. Geography has played a special role in the implementation of Agenda 21 and the 2030 Goals. The methodology of geographical science allowed to largely maintain the necessary balance of reflecting the interests of society and nature in the process of conceptualizing the relevant policy. The processes that take place in practice are much more complicated and reveal a wide range of unresolved problems, from low levels of public awareness to an underdeveloped geospatial data infrastructure. _x000D_
The presentation will analyze the process of implementing the concept of sustainability in Ukraine and its regions over 30 years, the main gaps and achievements along the way. Based on several case studies (region, territorial community), attention will be paid to spatial planning as one of the tools that contributes to achieving sustainability at all levels. One of the important emphases will be on post-war recovery, especially the rehabilitation of war-affected areas, urban renewal and inclusive development._x000D_

Sergyi Lisovsky, Eugenia Maruniak, Leonid Rudenko
Institute of Geography, National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine

ID Abstract: 573