For the past 30 years, Poland has been experiencing a renaissance in viticulture and wine production. In 2005. Poland was included among the EU wine countries in zone A (northern zone), which includes Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Sweden and northern Germany. These are the areas where viticulture is most difficult. Despite this, vineyards and wine production in Poland are becoming less and less exotic and enotourism is developing dynamically, becoming an important part of the activities of many Polish wineries. The covid-19 pandemic has shaken this young form of tourism. Using interviews conducted with vineyard owners and representatives of winemakers’ associations, an attempt was made to assess the level of development of Polish enotourism “during and after the epidemic”. An attempt was made to answer the question: Is enotourism still one of the basic ways of diversifying the income of Polish winemakers? It was found that in the first phase of the health crisis, enotourism was non-existent – ordered accommodation and tastings by both individual customers and larger groups were cancelled. Over time, Polish winemakers began to turn limitations into opportunities. It became almost common to offer vineyard tours combined with wine tasting outdoors, places for campers appeared in the vineyards, contact with customers was maintained using social media (e.g. education, popularisation of Polish winemaking). It seems that in the case of Polish enotourism, the crisis was creative._x000D_

Ewa Kacprzak
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

CCTV cameras are surveillance technologies that cities deploy to enhance urban safety. Increasingly, such systems are augmented with AI capabilities to facilitate advanced analytical and decision-making functionality. Research on CCTV systems has shown that these systems do not evenly ensure urban safety and that they may have adverse effects on marginalized populations. As risk profiling using CCTV systems gets augmented with AI, it becomes increasingly important to ask how these systems get built and how their design and implementation may enshrine such adverse effects. This presentation introduces India’s Safe City Project which aims to make cities safer for women through technological intervention. Focusing on the specific example of Bengaluru, a south Indian metro city where the Safe City Project is being implemented, we explore how values and power dynamics influence the design of AI-powered urban video surveillance systems. _x000D_
In this presentation, we discuss the preliminary findings from an ongoing research project. The project uses qualitative network interviews with different expert stakeholders to better our understanding of those power dynamics. Analytically, we focus on how incorporating AI into the CCTV system is discussed by expert stakeholders and how they describe the networks of people and objects involved in designing and implementing the system. We then build on those findings to develop a more nuanced understanding of the different values held by the actors involved in the making of the Bengaluru AI CCTV system. By doing so, we aim to identify hierarchies of whose values dominate the process and what kind of socio-technical power dynamics this entails. _x000D_

UDIPTA BORO; Fran Meissner; Karin Pfeffer
Department of Regional and Urban Planning and Geo-Information Management, Faculty ITC, University of Twente, The Netherlands

The co-creation of smart cities through the intersection of AI technologies and urban development practices is an important area of research and development. This paper proposes a theoretical framework to understand this co-creation through the lens of co-production. It draws on literature on co-production, urban development, and AI technologies to develop a conceptual framework that considers the role of urban stakeholders in designing, developing, and implementing AI technologies in urban contexts. This contribution describes a methodology for examining the co-creation of smart cities in two case studies: a mobility project and a public safety project. The analysis focuses on the co-production processes involved, including the identification of urban stakeholders, the negotiation of objectives, and the co-design of AI technologies and urban development practices. The results show that the co-creation of smart cities requires a collaborative approach that involves a range of urban stakeholders, including citizens, public officials, and private actors. It also highlights that the co-production of AI technologies and urban development practices is influenced by social, political, and economic factors that shape the distribution of benefits and risks among urban stakeholders. Overall, this contribution highlights the importance of considering the co-production of AI technologies and urban development practices in the design and implementation of smart cities. A co-creation approach can help to ensure that smart cities are inclusive, equitable, and sustainable.

Docteur en urbanisme et aménagement de l’espace – Université Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès

Si bien el modelo turístico implantado en España desde finales de los años 50 ha propiciado que el sector turístico sea uno de los más dinámicos de la económica estatal, este también se ha caracterizado por los graves impactos socioeconómicos y ambientales acontecidos en los entornos en los que se ha desarrollado. Este fenómeno toma especial relevancia en la Comunidad Valenciana, donde la actividad turística es la base de su estructura productiva. En este sentido, en la presente investigación hemos procedido al desarrollo y aplicación de un sistema de indicadores con el fin de delimitar cuales han sido las tendencias de la sostenibilidad turística (en sus tres dimensiones) de la región valenciana durante los años 2011-2019, periodo en el que se ha experimentado un mayor crecimiento en la llegada de turistas. Los resultados obtenidos nos muestran que , para el periodo de análisis, el modelo turístico valenciano se encuentra lejos de converger hacia un modelo íntegramente sostenible.. En este sentido, las políticas públicas para la reconversión del modelo turístico valenciano deberían de centrarse en: • Diversificar e impulsar otros sectores industriales para reducir la elevada dependencia turística y, especialemente, fomentar la recuperación de la industria juguetera, textil o de los azulejos que entró en decadencia desde principios de siglo. _x000D_
• Fomentar destinos turísticos de proximidad, que fuercen a los turistas eplantearse las escalas geográficas de sus viajes, puesto que el sector del transporte es el responsable del 90% de las emisiones turísticas (OMT, 2020). Si bien los desplazamientos en coche o autobús son difíciles de reducir, se deberían limitar el uso de cruceros o jets, que son los medios de transporte más contaminantes. _x000D_
No obstante, estas propuestas solamente son posibles políticas públicas que podrían dar respuesta a los desafíos en un corto o medio plazo y se deberia apostar por transformaciones sociales a gran escala _x000D_

Maria Mifsud Fons
Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Digital capitalism has contributed to create new forms of organization in which work, and place have lost weight as identity elements, and delocalization and leisure have gained importance, in a context of socio-productive deregulation. Therefore, new lifestyles linked to residential relocation such as digital nomadism and remote working are appearing. In this background and paradoxically, the pandemic favoured residential relocation and nomadism linked to teleworking

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Desvelando el papel de Aldactone en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil: Un gran avance en el panorama sanitario españolA medida que más hombres en España conocen los beneficios potenciales de Aldactone en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil, se abre una nueva era en el tratamiento de la salud sexual. aldactone 25.

. The destinations selected by these workers are those where they share experiences, manage relationships, and find elements of ‘sameness’ and stability, demanded by tourists. Therefore, big cities and coastal areas are often the main receiving areas. However, some non-metropolitan zones, some of them with clears symptoms of decline, also have turned into reception spaces._x000D_
In Spain, the Canary Islands has grown as an important destination for workation migrants. The pandemic favored some stimulus measures for attracting them through tourist promotional actions and their implementation. Among them can be recognized those trying to energize left-behind areas. An example is those carried out by the Island Council and the Rural Development Association of La Palma (ADER) to empower professional ecosystems suit to digital nomads and remote teleworkers. As result of these measures, a pilot project named Nomadas La Palma was launched after the pandemic aiming to merge digital nomads with local businesses and inhabitants, turning them into a community of people with a positive social and economic impact on the villages. A similar initiative is that of “Pueblos Remotos” or “Connected Rurality” that promotes the development of activities integrated in local communities in Fuencaliente, at the south of the island, or in Antigua, at the island of Fuerteventura. The identification and explanation of these initiatives in left-behind areas constitute the aim of this document.

Claudio Moreno-Medina, Josefina Domínguez-Mujica, Juan M. Parreño-Castellano
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain)

The use of digital tools in geoscience education (webGIS, digital photogrammetry, 360º imagery), supplements conventional teaching methods and enables greater flexibility and inclusion in field learning. Research on learning and use of digital tools suggests that these modalities provide flexible and convenient learning experiences, allowing students to explore environments that may not be accessible in person, and enhance inquiry-based learning. _x000D_
This paper uses teaching at University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), in Longyearbyen/Svalbard, as a case study for pedagogical research on field-based learning in geosciences higher education. At UNIS digital tools have been in use in geoscience courses since 2016. Specifically, and platforms, have been used to supplement fieldwork, displaying virtual field guides of arctic environments with a collection of high-resolution images and 3D data (photospheres and 3D models) for immersive and interactive learning in the classroom. As technological development is consolidated the aim of this paper is to understand how and to what extent can virtual field guides be used to supplement field-based learning activities. _x000D_
We discuss the specific strategies on the usage of these digital tools adopted by instructors as well as students’ perspectives over virtual field guides and digital field representation in pre, and post-field trip activities. The data to be analyzed will be collected though structured questionnaires and interviews with participants of AG-209 and AG-222 courses at the end of the current semester. _x000D_
Our hypothesis on the results of the development and use of these tools are that instructors will be able to, before heading to the field, better introduce students to field sites, ensuring that time in the field will be use more effectively. Also, after field trips, teachers will use the tools and possibly reinforce learning goals in lectures to help students reflect on their experiences.

Rafael Kenji Horota, Marius Jonassen, Kim Senger, Marie Annette van der Kloet, Christian haug Eide
The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) and University of Bergen (UiB), The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), University of Bergen (UiB), University of Bergen (UiB),

Officially established in 1973, for almost 5 decades the National History Museum in the city of Sofia, with its over 650,000 exhibits, plays an important role in the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage in the Bulgarian society. Defined quite rightly as the largest museum in the country, its location and the building in which it is housed are of particular importance both for its role as a pivot in the preservation of the national historical and cultural heritage, and for its direct impact on the surrounding urban environment. With this publication, the authors aim to review the positive and negative effects on the main functions of the National History Museum, related to its current location – on the outskirts of the capital city

Xenical, también conocido como orlistat, es reconocido principalmente como un medicamento para la pérdida de peso.Al promover la pérdida de peso y mejorar los perfiles lipídicos, Xenical podría abordar estas causas fundamentales de la disfunción eréctil. comprar xenical 120 mg andorra.

2.Además de la medicación, los cambios en el estilo de vida, como el ejercicio regular, una dieta sana y el control del estrés, también pueden desempeñar un papel crucial en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil. estrace.

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Entre los muchos medicamentos disponibles, Glucophage ha surgido como una opción popular para los profesionales sanitarios en España debido a su perfil de eficacia y seguridad.No deje que la disfunción eréctil le siga frenando: dé hoy mismo el primer paso hacia una vida más sana y feliz. glucophage xr 750.

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Al trabajar estrechamente con un profesional sanitario de confianza, las personas pueden personalizar su plan de tratamiento para adaptarlo a sus necesidades y objetivos únicos, lo que garantiza un enfoque a medida para lograr resultados duraderos. topamax 200 adelgaza La disfunción eréctil en España:.

Sin embargo, con los avances de la ciencia médica y la disponibilidad de tratamientos eficaces como Cialis, los hombres ya no tienen que sufrir en silencio.En este contexto, Cialis ha cambiado las reglas del juego en el ámbito del tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil. viagra vs cialis vs levitra.

Aunque no se conocen con exactitud los mecanismos por los que Aldactone puede causar disfunción eréctil, se cree que están relacionados con alteraciones de los niveles hormonales, en particular de la testosterona. aldactone 100 mg Aldactone, también conocido como espironolactona, es un medicamento que se suele recetar a los pacientes para tratar enfermedades como la hipertensión, la insuficiencia cardíaca y los edemas..

. An analysis and comparison between his previous and current locations will be made, comparing the advantages and disadvantages of each case. For the needs of the future development of the museum and its role in the preservation and presentation of the historical eras of the Bulgarian lands, the potential relocation possibilities of the permanent expositions to more suitable spaces in an existing building in the central urban part of the capital or in a completely new one (building or complex), fully adapted to the functions of such institution, on the outskirts of the city of Sofia, will be examined and analyzed. The analysis of the potential effects on the functions of the National History Museum and its role in Bulgarian society in relation to its location on the territory of the capital city, as well as the impact of such an institution on its immediate surrounding urban environment, will be carried out entirely on the basis of opinions and research of specialists in the fields of history, architecture, urban planning, art studies, etc.

Stefan Genchev, Velimira Stoyanova
National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy, and Geography – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Survey123 is a popular data collection application that is increasingly being used as a tool for public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS) projects. However, there is a need to evaluate the effectiveness of this application in supporting PPGIS initiatives. This research will review the effectiveness and limitations of Survey123._x000D_
The literature review indicates that Survey123 is a versatile tool that can be customized to suit different PPGIS projects. It is particularly useful for collecting spatially referenced data from community members. The application allows for the creation of customizable surveys that can be easily shared with participants using a range of devices. The platform also has built-in data validation and quality control features that enhance the accuracy and reliability of the collected data. Recent studies have evaluated the use of Survey123 in various PPGIS projects. Researchers have found it to be effective in engaging community members and facilitating their participation in decision-making processes, such as collecting data on environmental issues, urban planning, transportation, and public health._x000D_
This study will examine Survey123’s characteristics and features, as well as some of the issues that arise when using it as a PPGIS tool. General characteristics such as its functionality in relation to the types of questions available, the incorporation of complementary material (photographs, icons, etc.), the friendliness of the environment, or specific characteristics such as the potential of questions based on maps, or the ability to answer the survey from different platforms such as mobile phones or computers will be highlighted._x000D_
The study is expected to show that Survey123 is a valuable tool for PPGIS projects, as it enables community members to participate in decision-making processes by providing a platform for collecting spatially referenced data. However, the application has some limitations that need to be addressed.

Mahdi Gheitasi, Yolanda Perez Albert, David Serrano Gine
Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

This work has been built over one year of explorations and informal talks with dwellers of the Ohio valley, entailing cases mostly in West Virginia and Pennsylvania. Taking into consideration approaches to governance and precariousness, and the environmental attritions experienced by myriad residents of the area, I delve into how active ignorance (or disregard) plays a kernel role to supply meaning to lives under constant threat. This work is a tiny account of the situation of everyday life in the context of slow violence, built upon an approach of waste and discard studies, prioritizing ethnographic data and quantitative information about the pollution situation in the area.

Gabriel Esteban Espinoza Rivera
University of Pittsburgh

This thesis aims to analyse the processes of museums’ international collaboration through cross-border exhibitions displayed in China and Japan, to understand the mechanisms of collaboration between museums, cultural diplomacy, and their functionality. After theoretically analysing the phenomenon of international exhibitions and the characteristics of the museum systems in China and Japan, four case studies of exhibitions opened to the public from 2015 to 2021 have been examined. These chosen case studies mainly focus on the 21st century, when vast museums and exhibitions become essential to their national cultural policies. In the past decades, cross-border exhibitions have attracted millions of visitors’ attention in these societies and provided valuable opportunities for museums to reach wider audiences through exhibitions and improve their global reputation. _x000D_
Fieldwork in these four museums in China and Japan was conducted as an essential part of the methodology of this thesis, which combined face-to-face interviews with curators and official email answers to the researcher’s questionnaire from the public relations sector of museums. The museum library in Japan kept the catalogue book published after the exhibition finished, which allowed the analysis of the touring exhibition in the past. By combining the details of the process and results of these four cross-border exhibitions, this thesis wants to contribute to the understanding of museums’ international cooperation. In addition, exploring more possibilities of global heritage management by creating new narratives for more comprehensive visitors.

Jinghao Tong
University of Barcelona