Beyond the academic narrative, the practices of territorial rootedness combine discourses and practices linked to the geohumanities, especially when they interact in artistic practice to convey the essence of place, where the academy is not enough to talk about the importance of geography in everyday life. Based on creative methodologies, artistic curation and the need to generate contemporary narratives of the rural world, it aims to reflect and create new discourses that link art with the exercise of thinking as a community in a rural village in Central Catalonia, Avià (Berguedà). For three consecutive years, community practices have been developed linked to the will to strengthen the local pride through the artistic challenge, always a spearhead that goes beyond reason and that underpins the village cohesion. As a geographer and curator, I had opened up the possibility of thinking from another place about the local essence by interacting with female artists who have turned local idiosyncrasies upside down to create an uncomplicated vision of rural life. The first example recovers family photo albums to pay tribute to the elderly in the summer of the global pandemic where the older population experienced the worst consequences. In the second year, the technique of child-centered drawing was used to tour the municipality and make it our own with a final exhibition in the form of a productive circle in a freshly mowed field. Finally, working with the village associations, the local imaginary was reversed based on the magic of surrealism to make community social activities visible in a new dialogue between the community and the essence of the place. This whole legacy speaks of a felt, rooted geography and a geo-humanistic need to position itself in the world._x000D_

Cerarols, Rosa
UPF, Barcelona

ID Abstract: 336

AR-ATM és una aplicació mòbil que té com a objectiu millorar la mobilitat de les persones amb mobilitat reduïda (PMR) ajudant-les a realitzar el trajecte entre una estació ferroviària i el punt d’accés al vehicle sense la utilització d’escales i altres elements discordants que impedeixin la seva mobilitat de manera autònoma. La creació d’aquesta aplicació de Realitat Augmentada (AR) permet crear guiatges indoor/outdoor i poder-los reproduir de manera automàtica en el telèfon mòbil de l’usuari ajudant-lo en el guiatge des de l’entorn proper de l’estació fins al punt d’accés al vagó a partir d’un visor de rutes augmentades. Addicionalment, es desenvolupa també una funcionalitat que permet augmentar el mapa del Sistema Integrat del Transport Públic de l’ATM Barcelona per tal d’oferir contingut dinàmic per a l’usuari del transport públic. El desenvolupament del projecte del visor de rutes, editor de rutes i mapa augmentat utilitza -entre d’altres, tecnologia Unity utilitzada per a la creació d’experiències immersives tradicionalment vinculades a la indústria del videojoc i de l’entreteniment.

Jordi Martin Oriol
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

ID Abstract: 11

Many cities are currently working on the development of mobility policies aimed at improving the accessibility of transport infrastructures and thus the intermodality in the citizens’ daily travel. Some of these policies should focus on obtaining a more sustainable modal split in access to and egress from commuter rail stations, by implementing new forms of mobility. One of the most interesting data to start is to know the current modal split, to identify, the micromobility displacements that are made in an urban area and, specifically, in the stations’ catchment area. _x000D_
This research proposes a model to obtain the modal split accessing to commuting railway stations, with a special focus on the share and behavior of micromobility users. In particular, the model uses as observed flow, the data provided by devices that allow to re-identify pedestrians and is formulated to estimate with high accuracy the pedestrian route flows. These flows allow to know the modes of transport and modal split model can be formulated. With this model it will be possible to forecast the changes that may occur in the flows when variations were proposed in the station environment to help in developing effective transport policies to obtain a more sustainable modal split._x000D_
However, since this technology to obtain data is not currently used in any station, the data to validate the model should be simulated, in this case, using the software PTV Vissim. Methodologically, to better understand the problem that the model deals with, we propose to study a fictitious peripheral railway station as a case study, where pedestrians using different modes of transport. This station is modelled to be used as scenario to take the data we need to then calibrate the pedestrian flow model. With this methodology, we seek to obtain realistic data to validate the model we are developing, while we wait for this technology to be completely ready to be used in the real world.

Elena Díaz Burgos, Santos Sánchez – Cambronero, Ana Rivas Álvarez
Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha

ID Abstract: 379

Large metropolitan cities around the world have been facing an exacerbating growth of trips through fossil-fuel-powered vehicles which is often cited cause for the urban traffic congestion, climate change, and depletion of the natural resources. This has led the global economies to think towards restructuring the urban mobility systems. Electric vehicles and shared mobility services are regarded as the means of reaching a transition to sustainable low-carbon emission transportation systems. The challenges involved in this process are not only to look for innovative vehicle design and service models, but to also understand the demand and adaptation of such services, which is imperative to ease effective market penetration. There are still only a small number of trips currently made using the electric vehicle sharing services (EVSS). This study tries to find the potential barriers resisting the demand and adaptation of EVSS and to recognize the possible policy measures to overcome the barriers based on MCDM (multi-criteria decision making) method. Specifically, this paper presents the early results achieved using the Delphi-based expert survey. The Delphi method has proven to be an efficient survey method when only a limited amount of knowledge is available. We adopted a modified Delphi-method in which selected experts were asked to assess the barriers and policy measures with respect to the expected probability of occurrence in real case scenarios, impact, and desirability at strategic level of planning, and experts’ confidence level in this assessment. This is particularly valuable in policy making and analysis since it is possible to understand the variance in the opinions of different experts. The results show that infrastructural and policy & governance related barriers can prove to be the most influencing in adaptation of EVSS. Further, measures such as effective coordination between authorities and infrastructure-centric policies were top rated by the experts.

Janak Parmar(1,2), Paolo Delle Site(1), Dilum Dissanayake(2)
(1) Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano, (2) University of Birmingham

ID Abstract: 556

The Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories takes different articulations: the annexation of East Jerusalem; the colonisation of the West Bank; the siege of the Gaza Strip. These different articulations have often been analysed separately precisely because of the different policies through which they usually materialise. Against this background, this contribution argues that the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories can only be understood in its complexity and organicity through the simultaneous mobilisation of four concepts: apartheid, urbicide, colonisation and spatial disabling. Although these concepts take on different declinations in different portions of the Palestinian territories, it is only at their intersection that it is possible to fully understand Israeli geopolitics in Palestine. After critically analysing these concepts, this contribution shows their materialisation in different parts of the Palestinian territories.

Francesco Chiodelli
Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning, University of Turin (Italy)

ID Abstract: 215

La movilidad en las ciudades es uno de los múltiples retos a los que debe hacer frente la administración pública, con una apuesta decidida por el transporte público colectivo y los modos de transporte activo en detrimento del uso del vehículo privado, que contribuyan a mejorar la accesibilidad a las diferentes zonas de la ciudad, la calidad de vida de los residentes y, en definitiva, a la sostenibilidad del ecosistema urbano. Unos aspectos que deben estar recogidos en los instrumentos de planificación urbanística y que deben tener en cuenta la percepción de los ciudadanos. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar (i) la percepción de la población de la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) en relación a la situación del transporte público y de la propia estructura en la cual se realiza la movilidad y (ii) las propuestas que los propios residentes plantean para alcanzar una movilidad más sostenible. Los resultados son fruto de una encuesta realizada en Cartagena en la cual han participado residentes de sus diferentes barrios. Los resultados muestran que en algunas zonas de Cartagena hay escasez de transporte público, insuficiente número de rutas, una baja frecuencia de circulación de autobuses y paradas en mal estado con problemas de accesibilidad a las mismas. También se considera que hay una limitada e insuficiente red de carriles para bicicletas. Unas carencias agravadas por el mal estado de la propia infraestructura viaria, que se ve afectada, principalmente, por las periódicas inundaciones que sufre la ciudad

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Aunque la disfunción eréctil puede manifestarse a cualquier edad, es más frecuente a medida que aumenta la edad, afectando aproximadamente al 25% de los hombres mayores de 40 años en España. estrace online Aunque las causas profundas de la disfunción pueden variar desde factores físicos a psicológicos, la buena noticia es que existen tratamientos eficaces para ayudar a restablecer la función sexual y la confianza..

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Gracias a la colaboración entre profesionales sanitarios, investigadores y responsables políticos, el potencial de Orlistat como piedra angular en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil puede materializarse plenamente, allanando el camino hacia un futuro más brillante y satisfactorio para todas las personas afectadas.Juntos, impulsemos Orlistat a la vanguardia del tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil, estableciendo un nuevo estándar de atención y devolviendo la esperanza a innumerables vidas en la vibrante extensión de España. alli orlistat.

La buena noticia es que hay tratamientos eficaces disponibles para ayudar a combatir esta condición, uno de los más populares es Cenforce.Si padece disfunción eréctil, no dude en consultar a un profesional sanitario sobre opciones de tratamiento como Cenforce. cenforce 25mg.

En España, donde enfermedades como la enfermedad de Lyme, el acné, las infecciones del tracto urinario y la neumonía plantean importantes desafíos, la Doxiciclina ha surgido como un faro de esperanza. azithromycin or doxycycline En este artículo, profundizamos en la eficacia de la doxiciclina en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil y exploramos cómo este medicamento está transformando el panorama de la salud masculina en España..

Una de estas soluciones que ha ganado popularidad es Kamagra, un potente medicamento que ha ayudado a innumerables hombres a superar la disfunción eréctil y recuperar la confianza en el dormitorio. kamagra store london reviews.

Este doble mecanismo de acción ayuda a reducir los niveles de azúcar en sangre y a mejorar la utilización de la glucosa por el organismo, lo que lo convierte en una piedra angular en el tratamiento de la diabetes de tipo 2.España, conocida por su vibrante cultura, impresionante arquitectura y deliciosa cocina, también se enfrenta a un creciente problema de salud: la diabetes. glucophage españa.

Para los hombres que buscan alivio de las cargas de la disfunción eréctil, la incorporación de Topamax en su rutina diaria puede ser un cambio de juego.Beneficios de Topamax para el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil: topamax estabilizador animo.

Más allá de su comodidad y eficacia, Cialis es conocido por su alto perfil de seguridad y sus mínimos efectos secundarios, lo que lo convierte en una opción bien tolerada por hombres de todas las edades.En España, Cialis se ha convertido en una opción popular entre los hombres que buscan un tratamiento fiable y eficaz para la disfunción eréctil. cialis 10 mg.

Aunque no se conocen con exactitud los mecanismos por los que Aldactone puede causar disfunción eréctil, se cree que están relacionados con alteraciones de los niveles hormonales, en particular de la testosterona. aldactone Aldactone, también conocido como espironolactona, pertenece a la clase de los diuréticos ahorradores de potasio y ha llamado la atención por sus múltiples beneficios en el tratamiento de diversas dolencias..

. Estos resultados son de interés para la toma de decisiones de la administración pública con competencia en temas de movilidad.

Zaida Salas Franco y Òscar Saladié Borraz
Facultad de Turismo y Gegrafía. Universitat Rovira i Virgili

ID Abstract: 382

Slovenians have held negative attitudes toward the United States for more than a decade, according to Gallup polls in the 2010s. Political analysts point to a variety of reasons. One of them is a negative image of the United States provided in Slovenian media. This paper examines how often and in what context the U.S. is portrayed in media reports on Slovenia’s two main news websites ( and between January 2012 and January 2022. While much of the coverage focuses on political issues and events involving the U.S. government, other topics that paint an image of the U.S. are also covered in dataset. _x000D_
The first section of the paper discusses the concept of soft power, limits to it, and how it is conveyed or rejected in the media landscape today. This is followed by a discussion of the data, explaining its sourcing and the subjective decisions made to create a ten-year corpus in such a way that the topics and themes can be analyzed by researchers. This is followed by a discussion of the predominant themes identified and why they were so prevalent in the dataset. We also highlight the range of international coverage and the outsized role the U. S. has in Slovenia media compared to other countries. _x000D_

Boštjan Rogelj, Darren Purcell
University of Ljubljana, University of Oklahoma

ID Abstract: 505

China faces significant challenges to supply its urban-rural development with energy while reducing carbon_x000D_
emissions. Residential consumption, which is the second-most important source of carbon emissions following_x000D_
industry, has gradually been receiving attention. However, there are fewer studies that systematically investigate_x000D_
rural and urban residential emissions separately, and the future of residential emissions is uncertain given_x000D_
changes in the economic and social drivers. We used 20 years of energy consumption data from 30 provinces in_x000D_
China and panel regression models to analyze how urban and rural carbon emissions have changed over time and_x000D_
space. We then simulated three future scenarios of residential carbon emissions based on the framework of_x000D_
Shared Socioeconomic pathways. We conclude that there has been considerable growth in per capita rural_x000D_
emissions, largely due to population increases, especially during the periods 2004–2012 and 2012–2018. Overall_x000D_
emissions have declined though, likely due to an adjustment of energy intensity. Both rural and urban emissions_x000D_
are expected to decline in the future, but there is variation in where and how rural and urban emissions may_x000D_
change under the three development scenarios.

Si Wu
China University of Geosciences

ID Abstract: 727

The interregional flow of land embodied in remote linkages exerts a significant impact on land use and carbon emission transfer patterns among regions, underscoring the importance of investigating this process for sustainable land utilization. Based on a multiregional input‒output model, this study quantifies the embodied land flow and its repercussions for carbon emissions in China, analyzes the corresponding spatial distribution and differences, and further clarifies the characteristics of embodied land flow by constructing the contribution and dependency index. The results show that more economically developed regions occupy land in less developed regions through embodied land flow, and there are differences in the flow of various land types among regions due to disparities in regional endowments. For example, embodied construction land has primarily moved to economically developed eastern China. The transfer pattern of carbon emissions from land use caused by embodied land flows presents a spatial inconsistency. The developed coastal provinces of Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai all transfer more than 10 million tons of carbon emissions to other regions. The average levels of contributions to and dependence on embodied land flows in Chinese provinces were 20.51% and 23.13% in 2012, and these values rose to 27.14% and 27.23% in 2017, respectively, indicating a strengthening of interregional land system linkages and an intensification of land supply and demand. Furthermore, the embodied land flow and its associated carbon emission transfer can be assessed to ascertain the entities responsible for land consumption and carbon emissions. This underscores the significance of examining the interplay between land use and carbon emissions in shaping sustainable development pathways

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Varios factores pueden contribuir a la disfunción eréctil, incluyendo condiciones físicas como la diabetes, la hipertensión arterial, y factores psicológicos como el estrés, la ansiedad y problemas de pareja.Sin embargo, con la llegada al mercado de medicamentos revolucionarios como Kamagra, existe una nueva esperanza para aquellos que luchan contra este problema de salud íntima. kamagra 100mg amazon.

Los niveles elevados de azúcar en sangre pueden dañar los vasos sanguíneos y los nervios que son esenciales para lograr y mantener una erección.Numerosos estudios clínicos han demostrado la capacidad de Glucophage para reducir eficazmente los niveles de azúcar en sangre, mejorar la sensibilidad a la insulina y reducir el riesgo de complicaciones relacionadas con la diabetes. glucophage.

Un arma poderosa en la lucha contra las infecciones en España es Augmentin, un tratamiento innovador que ha sido aclamado por su eficacia en la lucha contra una amplia gama de infecciones bacterianas. augmentin frequency A pesar de su prevalencia, el estigma que rodea a esta afección hace que a menudo no se denuncie ni se trate..

Sin embargo, para los hombres en España que luchan contra la disfunción eréctil debido a la neuropatía periférica, Topamax puede ofrecer una solución viable para ayudar a restaurar la función sexual normal y mejorar la calidad de vida en general.Numerosos estudios han puesto de relieve la eficacia de Topamax en la mejora de la función eréctil entre los hombres con disfunción eréctil. topamax 100mg.

En los últimos años, España se ha enfrentado a un alarmante aumento en el número de hombres que luchan contra la disfunción eréctil (DE).Además, Cialis ha demostrado ser muy eficaz en el tratamiento de casos graves de disfunción eréctil, ofreciendo esperanza a aquellos que han luchado con la condición durante años. cialis precio.

Este diurético ahorrador de potasio, también conocido por su nombre genérico espironolactona, actúa bloqueando la acción de la aldosterona, una hormona responsable de regular la presión arterial y el equilibrio de líquidos en el organismo.La disfunción eréctil, una afección ampliamente extendida que afecta a una proporción significativa de la población masculina, es un dilema lleno de matices que a menudo no se aborda debido al estigma social y la vergüenza personal. aldactone 25.


Shengfu Yang
School of Public Administration, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, 430074, China

ID Abstract: 856

The Dutch geography curriculum for upper secondary level was designed almost 20 years ago. Since then, besides some adjustments, no fundamental changes have been made to this curriculum. The 150th anniversary of the Royal Dutch Geographical Society in 2023 and an expected national curriculum renewal in the coming years, provide the occasion for a renewed discussion about the geography curriculum. A symposium on the renewal of the Dutch geography curriculum, with teachers, curriculum experts, teacher trainers and academic geographers, takes place in March 2023. In preparation, we asked geography/geoscience scholars to give, in a short essay, their personal views on the questions and content that young people should be learning about in geography in upper secondary school in the coming decades. We did not ask them to reflect on the existing examination programmes nor to delve into developments in the school subject, but to simply, from the perspective of their daily work in geography/geosciences, indicate what content they consider worthwhile for pupils, now and in the future. Perspectives from both earth sciences and social sciences are represented in the essays. Current societal and spatial issues, such as migration and climate change, are discussed in changing contexts focussing on the Netherlands, Europe and the world/earth as a whole. Interestingly, the authors argue for the implementation of both classic geographical ‘content’ and new concepts. Further, many of them explicitly address the kinds of questions students should start asking and be working with in the classroom. In this paper presentation, we apply an Anthropocene lens to analyse the 20 essays. From a curriculum analytical view, we can distinguish conceptual, empirical and procedural knowledge(s) in these essays and distil the characteristics of the ‘powerful (disciplinary) knowledge(s)’.

Tine Beneker; Gijs van Campenhout; Rob van der Vaart
Utrecht University

ID Abstract: 787