With only 1% of the surface area of the seas, the Mediterranean alone concentrates 25% of the world’s maritime traffic and 30% of its oil traffic, making maritime transport an excellent indicator of the pulse of the world economy._x000D_
Since Thallassocracies 4 millennias ago, Mediterranean area has always been omnipresent given the compulsory nature of maritime trade exchanges between neighbouring nations disseminated all around the basin and its geographical location on the major world routes. Today, with a globalised and highly competitive shipping industry, the Mediterranean is experiencing a real restructuration in the maritime and port sectors leading to the emergence of major strategic disruptions that represent challenges and opportunities. Three economic sectors are particularly significant in the Mediterranean area: ro-ro, container and cruise shipping._x000D_
A recent trend has been the integration and specialization of several routes with feeder ships converging at major maritime intermediate hubs in the Mediterranean, in light of the negative impacts of deviations from main maritime shipping routes in terms of services and port calls’ frequency._x000D_
In this paper, we propose to focus on the ports themselves, in particular with regard to the strategies of the stakeholders including port authorities, shipping lines and finally shippers and logistics providers. _x000D_

Dr Yann ALIX & Dr. Arnaud SERRY

ID Abstract: 357

With more than 600 million inhabitants, the West and Central African areas are growing markets for global shipping lines (GSL) and global terminal operators (GTO). However, in 2022, the total container traffic of the Dakar-Luanda port range represent less than 1% of the world traffic. It corresponds more or less at the same global market share observed on the early 2000’ which means that despite more than 50 billion of public and private investments since 2 decades, western and central Africa ports are still pawns into the global shipping connectivity networks. _x000D_
Nevertheless, over the past years, these niche markets attract the largest GSL as well as the most aggressive GTO with the distinctive feature that it is the Europeans container handling companies who dominate and not the top Chinese ones. _x000D_
This paper aims to put into perspective the role and impact of majors Europeans GSL and GTO strategies on the evolution of competition between port authorities. The first part demonstrates the concentration of players in an oligopolistic pattern rather the second part highlights the new competitive landscape in ports, with the emergence of new regional hubs such as the ports of Pointe-Noire and especially the Lome Container Terminal. Finally, the paper discusses on the strategies that port authorities can activate at the regional level in the context of the African Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA) and the associated new traffic opportunities for sub-regional maritime and port services. _x000D_

Dr. Brigitte DAUDET & Dr. Yann ALIX

ID Abstract: 358

Postwar Reconstruction can be the chance to construct positive cycles that tend to join different design scales and subjects, thus reconnecting the production of urban spaces to the complex entanglement of technical and societal factors that define them. The definition and control of a settlement’s principles and of its possible evolutive trajectories can be matched with the individuation and development of appropriate technologies (Schumacher 1973), both in terms of sustainable transformation of natural resources and enrichment of social capital (Putnam 2000). Building construction can be linked to material production and constructive techniques in a process that aspires to the definition of circular models interconnected with each other at different scales._x000D_
Agricultural production, energy provision, water management, transformation mechanisms, industrial processes, and city-making can be imagined as crossed rings where intervention into a single element can trigger major changes in other parts of the mechanism. Technologies that require the smallest possible amount of external support should be favored, not in an anti-historical autarkic vision but in a process of maximization of local development (Sachs 1974) that matches large-scale knowledge and information networks with small-scale territorial and urban transformations. _x000D_
The adaptation of technological means can be conducted through the transformation of resources and objectives in terms of input and output that can shrink and expand the conceptual model and its spatial implications. Design experts are called on to continuously define the porous borders of these processes, accounting for their impact on the modification of urban environments. Rather than a specific spatial configuration, the design aims for the definition of a fluid mechanism that can be continuously adapted and recalibrated while maintaining the clarity of its final goal.

Jacopo Galli
Università Iuav di Venezia, Venice, Italy

ID Abstract: 71

Ukraine possesses a vast cultural and natural heritage (CNH), but significantly lags behind in applying the cultural landscape approach, recognized as one of the fundamental and effective tools of preserving CNH._x000D_
The state of cultural landscapes has been a long-standing concern, which has been significantly exacerbated by the full-scale armed russian aggression against Ukraine, as a result of which, among other things, over 1000 cultural heritage sites were destroyed or damaged, and 20% of natural protected areas were affected._x000D_
Addressing this situation must be an essential component of Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction strategy, and must be ensured through the further implementation of state cultural, environmental, and urban planning policies, in strategic and spatial planning at different levels._x000D_
An important consequence of such decision could be the acceleration of Ukraine’s implementation of international legal obligations and tasks (including the European Landscape Convention) in connection with the official acquisition of candidate status for EU membership._x000D_
One of these tasks should be the identification and mapping of domestic cultural landscapes. Given the complete absence of legislative, normative, methodological, and scientific support for this process, the creation of an electronic atlas “Cultural Landscape Heritage of Ukraine” is considered as an initial stage._x000D_
For the purposes of mapping, cultural landscape refers to a holistic image of a cultural-natural local territorial formation that is a common product of the historical and contemporary interaction of given society and its environment of significant cultural importance, which is valued and protected for its cultural (material and spiritual) and natural qualities._x000D_
The atlas is planned to present approximately 2,000 of the most significant cultural landscapes, the typological classification of which consists of 25-30 types grouped into 8 groups (will be improved in the process of work).

Kateryna Polyvach
Institute of Geography of the Slovak Academy of Sciences; Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

ID Abstract: 172

The transition of the countries in the world to a new paradigm of balanced economic, social and ecological spatial development involves the strengthening of the humanitarian aspect._x000D_
The population’s readiness and understanding to preserve and maintain the living environment are important. The Institute of Geography of NASU has created an interactive atlas “Population of Ukraine and its natural and cultural heritage”. The mapping of complex and long-term processes of mutual influence between the population and its natural and cultural heritage has been carried out in it._x000D_
The Atlas consists of separate chapters which are: Introduction; Ukraine in the European humanitarian space; The population of Ukraine as a subject of natural and cultural heritage formation (from the Paleolithic to 2020); Natural and cultural heritage; Protection, preservation, restoration and use of natural and cultural heritage; Information resources._x000D_
The framework of Atlas solutions includes 8 patterns and the framework of the Atlas architecture. The Atlas contains 5 GB of diverse information that is focused on 98 vector maps, texts and photos._x000D_
Informational support of plans for economic and social development at the state and regional levels has to be based on the Atlas developed which is a resource of important information about Ukraine. Its use will help to maintain the balance in the direction of society’s humanization._x000D_
Indirectly, through the development of tourism, the Atlas may promote the creation of new jobs in the regions. It is a source of knowledge for the population and provides methodological and information content for the study in educational institutions._x000D_
The Atlas’ influence on territorial identity preservation is important. In the conditions of war which lead to significant damage to heritage this study is also the basis for further expert evaluations and preservation of information regarding the losses suffered by different regions as a result of Russia’s war in Ukraine.

Leonid Rudenko, Alla Bochkovska, Kateryna Polyvach, Viktor Chabanyuk, Svitlana Santalova, Viktoria Podvoyska, Oleksandr Leiberiuk, Margarita Vyshnya
Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

ID Abstract: 173

The Russian Federation’s military aggression against Ukraine led to significant destruction of the economic complex and infrastructure of our state, led to the largest forced migration of the population in the European space since World War II, and disrupted permanent connections between individual regions and settlements.
In these conditions, there is an urgent task for development of a spatial model of settlement as the basic scheme for determining the priority areas of urban and economic development, creation of a roadmap for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine

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Today, the strategic planning of urban development is not sufficiently coordinated with the planning framework of the country, transport and logistics corridors and zones of ecological networks on all hierarchical spatial planning levels: a radical revision of the entire planning framework for post-war Ukraine is needed, observing ecological and Euro Integration imperatives.
Post-war Ukraine – a unique experimental space to develop a spatial model of settlement with effective logistical links and zoning of areas of priority economic and urban development.
Developing a new strategy of spatial development – an opportunity to overcome the preserved forms of post-Soviet mode of governance, to level out the permanence of corrupt economy and use limited financial and human resources with maximum efficiency.
A key link in this new strategy should be the development of international transport corridors, as well as centers of economic growth. 8 international transport corridors are planned to pass through the territory of Ukraine, including 4 “Cretan” corridors. In July 2022, the EU  included Ukrainian logistics routes in the Trans-European Transport Network. Areas of influence of international transport corridors are defined in the State Strategy of Regional Development for 2021-2027, which was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Comparing the areas of influence of international transport corridors on the centers of economic growth allows us to determine the zones of priority urban and economic development, which geographically form a kind of “Ukrainian banana”.
We consider the new spatial model of Ukraine’s settlement as a basis for the creation of a new General Planning Scheme of the territory of Ukraine, which will ensure its spatial integration into the European planning space and contribute to the sustainable development of our country in the post-war period. Presentation in english

Olha Podushkina (1); Nadiia Antonenko (2); Igor Lialiuk (3); Daria Malchikova (4); Yuriy Palekha (5); Igor Pylypenko (6)
(1) Owner and leading project architect of the architectural studio FPA-architect, head of the NA NSAU expert commission, head of the NA NSAU Commission on Copyright and Professional Ethics (Dnipro,Ukraine), (2) Senior Lecturer of the Department of Information Technologies in Architecture, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Ph.D. (Kyiv, Ukraine)., (3) Architect, urbanist, Laureate of the State Prize for Architecture (Kharkiv, Ukraine)., (4) Professor of Geography and Ecology Department, Kherson State University, Doctor of Geography, Professor (Kherson, Ukraine), (5) Deputy Director for Research, Head of the GIS Center of State Enterprise “DIPROMISTO”, Doctor of Geography, Professor (Kyiv, Ukraine), (6) Professor, Department of Geography and Ecology, Kherson State University, Doctor of Geography, Professor (Kherson, Ukraine)

ID Abstract:

Urban populations are becoming highly diverse at an unprecedented scale due to accelerating growth of urbanization, and international migration and mobilities. Understanding urban diversity and its spatio-temporal patterns plays a key role in supporting urban planners and decision makers to make decisions that improve social sustainability and social cohesion in urban areas. However, research on urban diversity commonly focuses on ethnicities and countries of origin, disregarding potentially more informative characteristics, such as information on languages and language use. In this presentation, we present the results of our analysis on the development of linguistic diversity in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area between 1987—2019 using individual-level language information from the Finnish Population Information System. We focus specifically on speakers of Estonian and Somali to understand how linguistic diversity and socio-economic characteristics have changed their residential neighborhoods, and to understand the level of integration of these population groups have achieved to the host society. We measure linguistic diversity with metrics developed in the field of ecology, perform spatial clustering analyses, and examine how likely linguistic diversity of the neighborhoods is to change with discrete Markov chains. We show how geographical space cannot be disregarded in the distribution of linguistic diversity, how linguistic diversity is most likely to change in more segregated neighborhoods and how linguistic diversity can be used as a proxy for urban diversity. 

Tuomas Väisänen, Olle Järv, Tuuli Toivonen and Tuomo Hiippala
University of Helsinki

ID Abstract: 470

Topographic maps have been an important source of information about geographical names for centuries and reflect any changes in naming places. Due to the changing climate conditions in high mountain regions, there has been a significant retreat of glaciers, in particular since the second half of the 20th century, which has had an impact on toponomastics._x000D_
The geographical names on the Austrian map 1:50000 (ÖK50) serve as the data basis. By means of this dataset, a diachronic analysis of glacier names in Austrian national surveys (“Landesaufnahmen”) has been carried out, going back as far as the second half of the 18th century. _x000D_
Changes in toponyms in the Austrian Alps are being presented using selected glacier regions as examples such as Obersulzbachkees (Venediger Group) or Pasterze, Austria’s largest glacier (Glockner Group)._x000D_
When examining glacier names, several types of toponymic changes can be identified and some of them are presented here:_x000D_
1) As a result of the retreat of the ice masses, previously hidden mountain ridges appear, leading to the splitting of glaciers into several parts. These newly formed smaller glaciers require new names. _x000D_
2) Glacial lakes can be formed due to the melting ice and need to be named. _x000D_
In the above cases, the study looks into the process of allocating new names as well as which institutions are involved in this process and which criteria are applied. _x000D_
3) Finally, when glaciers no longer exist, this can lead to the complete disappearance of their names from topographic maps._x000D_
The aim of this presentation is to demonstrate how climate change can have an impact on the toponomastics of the Austrian Alps._x000D_

Regina Falkensteiner
Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying / Austria

ID Abstract: 652

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Estudios recientes han revelado que un número significativo de hombres en España luchan con la disfunción eréctil, con estimaciones que sugieren que hasta el 25% de los hombres mayores de 40 años experimentan alguna forma de disfunción eréctil. cialis farmacia Pertenece a una clase de fármacos llamados inhibidores de la fosfodiesterasa tipo 5, que actúan aumentando el flujo sanguíneo al pene durante la estimulación sexual, permitiendo así que se produzca una erección..

Sin embargo, su uso no indicado en el tratamiento de los desequilibrios hormonales ha allanado el camino para su aplicación en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil.Al comprender el papel de Aldactone en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil y sus beneficios en la mejora de la salud sexual, las personas en España pueden tomar medidas proactivas para recuperar su vitalidad y disfrutar de relaciones íntimas satisfactorias. aldactone ficha tecnica.

Margarita Capdepón-Frías; Anna Torres-Delgado & Francisco Femenia-Serra 

ID Abstract: Manual – juliol 1

Newly emerging environments transformed by urban development, climate change, and migration present significant challenges in landscape perception and interpretation. The panel will explore the role of language in the way we make sense of the rapid changes in our surroundings at various scales and contexts.  Session in English.

The rapid changes in urban settings, transport, forestry, and agriculture associated with economic development, sustainable energy policies, climate change, and migration have transformed our familiar enviroments into strange new worlds which are often difficult to navigate at different scales. Where used to be a field there is a new residential area or a highway, on the horizon the silhouette of trees has been replaced by wind turbines, where once was a multitude of forests is but a multitude of clearings after trees fell victim to rising temperatures and uneven precipation, all the while the linguistic landscape has absorbed migrant languages which turn our cities into linguistic Babels. Making sense of the world and finding our place and way in it is a growing challenge. Language is one of the principal tools which helps us do this. The panel will explore the role of language in our perception, interpretation, and appropriation of the newly emerging environments as well as its role in the salvation of familiar spaces in view of the dramatic changes affecting all areas of life. Both the generic dimension of language (landscape categories, classes of objects, frames of reference etc.) as well as its proprial dimension (toponyms) will be explored. We particularly welcome contributions on the situation in Europe although papers on other areas of the world will also be given consideration.

Přemysl Mácha (1); Katalin Reszegi (2)
(1) Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, (2) Department of Hungarian Linguistics, Unviersity of Debrecen

ID Abstract: