There is a correlation between conventional lines with low traffic and rural areas with low population density. In recent years, funding in the railway sector has been directed towards the most economically profitable lines: high-speed lines, which has led many regional lines to a process of degradation, both cause and effect of a progressive loss of demand. Today, concerns about the abandonment of rural areas and the energy and environmental crises motivates us to rethink the role of regional railway in low density and depopulating areas as a quality transport service that is respectful with the environment. _x000D_
Several countries are now considering alternatives aimed at complementing the low demand for forced mobility with the offer of package tours, incorporating users who travel for leisure purposes. These initiatives represent an opportunity to improve the use of resources for lines with little traffic or even at risk of closure, as well as highlighting the value of rural territories._x000D_
The aim of our research is to provide a framework for decision-making about the rail network, with the premise of preserving as much of the railway heritage as possible. The study consists of the creation of a geographical information database that combines indicators of the cultural, environmental and landscape interest of the regions, with technical information about the state of the lines and their need for funding. We use the information published in the ADIF Network Declaration and the conclusions drawn from the visual inspection of the tracks to classify the lines according to the current state of the infrastructure. _x000D_
By superimposing the different layers of geographical information, we can reach a conclusion about the most interesting investments for the promotion of the most valuable rural regions and the preservation of the railway network._x000D_
Ana Belén Berrocal Menárguez; Clara Zamorano Martín; Elena Varadé García
Department of Transport Engineering, Regional and Urban Planning. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
ID Abstract: 40