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Place-names standardization in Catalonia, process developed to a great extent over the last hundred years, has had a particular significance on two scales or levels: on the one hand, it has meant a first-order reference for the place-names standardization in the whole of Spain; on the other hand, it represents in itself (due to the particularities of its origin, its progressive development and its implementation as a public policy during the last four decades) a fundamental milestone in the general evolution of onomastic science in Catalonia – as a practical expression, in the field of proper names, of the process of standardization and social normalization of the Catalan language; process that, in a continuous way, although with some parentheses or with shorter or longer interruptions, has been taking place, in practice, since the beginning of the 20th century. In the described context, the communication that we propose will try to account for the most significant phases or moments, or the most scientifically relevant achievements, of the exposed process. Among other considerations, attention will be paid on the systematic collection of Catalan place-names undertaken in 1921, with the creation of the Oficina de Toponímia i Onomàstica; in the tasks of progressive standardization of the toponymy of the official cartography related to Catalonia, starting in the 1970s, and in the standardization process carried out by the Comissió de Toponímia de Catalunya starting in 2001 – and with a significant date/landmark: the launch, in 2009, of the Nomenclàtor oficial de toponímia major de Cataluña (NOTMC) – that includes, in its second edition, a total of 52,701 place names.

Joan Tort Donada
Universitat de Barcelona

ID Abstract: 976