Tag Archive for: ageing

The demographic and rural development policies that have been carried out so far have not been effective against depopulation, perhaps because they have been applied in a homogeneous manner and without taking into account the plurality of territories or the real needs of the citizens of each municipality. Depopulation and ageing do not affect all Aragonese municipalities uniformly and may have different causes. Hence, the need to adapt to the demographic, economic and social circumstances of each of them, which require adopting different action, measures depending on the locality. Within this context, the main objective of the work is, therefore, to develop a methodology that allows establishing the differences in the depopulation and ageing processes in which the Aragonese municipalities are immersed, providing a typology of spaces based on their degree of socioeconomic exclusion. For this, firstly, the factors that measure the different aspects that explain the territorial exclusion of the different municipalities are identified. These factors allow, on the one hand, diagnosing the degree of exclusion of each territory and, on the other, to determine the variety of population dynamics existing between the different Aragonese municipalities. Once these factors and their indicators have been identified, multivariate analysis techniques are used to establish the various profiles of territorial exclusion existing in Aragon and their relationship with the problem of depopulation and ageing. The determination of these profiles will be useful to generate response strategies and design policies to combat depopulation adapted to the situation of each municipality that guarantee adequate living conditions and that allow rerouting the spatial planning of the Aragonese region.

Mª Pilar Alonso Logroño1, Pilar Gargallo Valero2, Luis Lample Gracia3, Carlos López Escolano4, Jesús Miguel Álvarez5, Manuel Salvador Figueras6
1Facultat de Lletres/Departament de Geografia i Sociologia/Universidad de LLeida, Pl. Víctor Siurana, 1. 25003 Lleida. pilar.alonso@udl.cat
2Facultad de Economía y Empresa/Departamento de Economía Aplicada/Universidad de Zaragoza, Gran Vía 2, 50005 Zaragoza. Member of the IEDIS (Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Empleo, Sociedad y Sostenibilidad). pigarga@unizar.es
3Facultad de Economía y Empresa/Departamento de Contabilidad y Finanzas/Universidad de Zaragoza, Gran Vía 2, 50005 Zaragoza. llample@unizar.es
4Facultad de Filosofía y Letras/Departamento de Geografía y Ordenación del Territorio/Universidad de Zaragoza, San Juan Bosco, 7, 50009 Zaragoza. cle@unizar.es
5Facultad de Economía y Empresa/Departamento de Economía Aplicada/Universidad de Zaragoza, Gran Vía 2, 50005 Zaragoza. jamiguel@unizar.es
6Facultad de Economía y Empresa/Departamento de Economía Aplicada/Universidad de Zaragoza, Gran Vía 2, 50005 Zaragoza. Member of the IEDIS (Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Empleo, Sociedad y Sostenibilidad). salvador@unizar.es

ID Abstract: 992

Consumption patterns of today’s man living in developed countries cause not only one of global problems. Part of it food consumption is one of three essential needs to live. Overconsumption is general phenomena and it causes serious health problems (serious deceases) but not only in those countries. In many of third world countries malnutrition and inadequate nutrition are common for hundred millions. UN dealing with global problems set up Sustainable Development (SD) Goals (SDGs) that have put in practice from 2016. There are crucial questions as which are criteria of sustainability. What is connection between healthy and that kind of food consumption that fit sustainable development. To know the present state, Hungary food consumption is outlined. Interested question is what changes are and expected in the future taking into account ageing, climate change, migration. Key point is in the future how man can solve humanity’s food supply and nutrition problems. Approach and methods of geography can help in some problems that need to be researched and answered. Sciences, so geography can give support for possible solution, can outline future spatial pattern.

Péter Simonyi, Brigitta Zsótér, Sándor Illés

ID Abstract: 950

One of global problems is consumption patterns of today’s man living in developed countries. Part of it food consumption is one of three essential needs to live. Overconsumption is general phenomena and it causes serious health problems (serious deceases) but only that countries. In many of third world counties malnutrition and inadequate nutrition common hundred millions are in this situation.Sustainable development (SD) should put in practice on way that leads to solution of them.Approach and methods of geography can help in. some problems that need to be researched and answered:⦁    what are expectations of point of SD⦁    how the consumption pattern looks like today⦁    how it is changed in the close past⦁    what is state of new methods for SD implementation⦁    ageing and consumption, food consumption⦁    what changes are and expected in the future (climate change, migration)⦁    how can we evaluate today’s processesKey point is in the future how man can solve humanity’s food supply and nutrition problems. Sciences, so geography can give support for possible solution, outline future spatial pattern. Presentations;  it needs to be in english language

Péter Simonyi (1); Brigitta Zsótér (2); Sándor Illés (3)
(1) Hungary, (2) Hungary, (3) Hungary

ID Abstract: