Tag Archive for: landscape; heritage; new cultural economy of space

This paper engages in a critical assessment of the prospects, pitfalls and potential of/ for landscape as heritage, in a crisis-laden post pandemic world, broadly described in terms of, among other things, increasing globalization, rampant consumerism/ commodification, time-space compression and reconfiguration, proliferation of new ICTs, and changing patterns of tourism/ recreation. Characterized by evolving and diversifying processes, this ‘new cultural economy of space’ has a critical bearing on the landscape and its role in heritage conceptualization, constitution, designation, planning, use and management. _x000D_
In this regard, the landscape (cause) is caught in a bind between, on the one hand, ascertaining its long-standing role and value in 21st century societies and human lives and, on the other hand, addressing the challenges and fulfilling the opportunities proffered by a changing, crisis-laden world. Its cultural constitution and articulation mitigates, enables and effects landscape’s relevance and value in heritage stewardship, but ‘culture’ applies to and connotes far more than ‘heritage’. How to address and tend to heritage in the landscape and landscape as heritage? How to reconcile ‘culture’ with ‘heritage’ in the landscape? How does tourism/ recreation reconcile landscape with heritage consumption and management? And how are all of these processes being reconfigured in a world of crises? These are some of the questions posed by the paper, which attempts to provide a framework for their discussion and understanding, in the context of current landscape and heritage discourses. _x000D_
For this purpose, the paper begins with a reconsideration of the processes of the ‘new cultural economy of space’ in contemporary landscapes, and proceeds to explore and discuss the repercussions of current socio-spatial changes on heritage and landscape as heritage. Examples are drawn mainly from the tourism sector and discourses on landscapes of tourism and heritage._x000D_

University of the Aegean

ID Abstract: 52