Tag Archive for: manual juliol 2

There has been a growing body of research highlighting the declining engagement of adolescents in outdoor activities, often attributed to the pervasive use of technology and the prominence of organized activities. However, little attention has been given to the question of whether adolescents have sufficient time for unstructured activities. This research aims to investigate features of time poverty experienced by adolescents residing on the outskirts of the city. This study aims to approach time poverty via a combination of research methods such as time-diaries and semi-structured interviews, and seeks to uncover the various aspects contributing to time poverty among adolescents related to decrease of unstructured time

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Permanezcamos unidos en nuestra misión de arrojar luz sobre la disfunción eréctil, elevar el nivel de la conversación y capacitar a las personas para que abracen un futuro lleno de vitalidad, confianza y satisfacción inquebrantable. kamagra 100 mg oral jelly La disfunción eréctil (DE) es una afección común que afecta a millones de hombres en todo el mundo, incluida España..

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. The research focus on exploring the challenges faced by adolescents in managing their time amidst numerous commitments, including hobbies, school duties, and household chores. By examining the role of scarce unstructured temporality in relation to feeling of time poverty, this project aims to provide valuable insights into the struggles arising from limited discretionary time which consequently impact well-being of adolescents, and sheds light on the forms of time poverty interconnected with negotiation of structured and unstructured time. Furthermore, it engages with the role of use of technologies as well as the impact of discourse on productively spent time. The expected outcomes of this research project will contribute to the understanding of diverse temporalities of adolescents and point out situations when time poverty has crucial impact on adolescents’ life.

Daniel Kaplan and Veronika Kotýnková Krotká
Mazaryk University, Czec Republic

ID Abstract: Manual Juliol 2

“We used to go to the woods [on the border] to pick lilies of the valley in the night, after working in the shirt factory. We did it to supplement the salary. The flowers were to be sold in inner Switzerland”, recounted some women employed in a Swiss factory near the border with Italy that has existed for more than one century. Here, the majority of workers have always been Italian frontaliere, cross-border workers who commute across that line every day. In their recount, the presence of the border in the woods disappears.
This is one of the stories of border crossings that would be presented in a performative essay combining an oral narration with a projection of photographic materials. The essay takes as its starting point the invisibility of the Swiss Italian border and elaborates on how it exists as a borderscape performatively reproduced by the bodily crossings associated with cross-border work and migration between the two regions of Lombardy and Ticino.
Combining archival images and photographs taken on the field, with information coming from news media and first-hand interviews, this visual and verbal narrative would interweave different stories of displacement: from that of the train journeys of female workers commuting across the border every day, to the walks of migrants moving through the borders woods with the light of dawn.
While the Alps are an identitary space in national narratives, the woods on their slopes are also a space of resistance to the divisions imposed by administrative lines, where firefly lights still appear. Photographs remain as traces of these presences, opening up to new spaces of imagination.

Nicoletta Grillo
KU Leuven 

ID Abstract: manual juliol 2