Tag Archive for: Regeneration

Mega-events such as the Olympics often involve popular locations established as tourist destinations. However, the need to build and modernize infrastructures, policy-making by the stakeholders, and the increase in tourist flows, trigger environmental, social, and economic effects that transcend the host cities and target areas. In the case of Milan-Cortina 2026, a territory that can be defined as an “ordinary mountain” or “middle mountain” (Varotto, 2020), might be affected by the externalities due to the mega-event, without relevant benefits. In the Italian Prealps, particularly, fragile intermediate areas, located between famous peaks and congested valley bottoms, environmental issues are pushing to redesign territorial development (Dematteis, 2020). The decrease in natural snowfall below 2000m altitude in recent years is prompting local governments in the “southern alpine front” (Pedrazzini, 2019) to reimagine their spatial planning and diversify the offer of facilities and services. Therefore, we aim to investigate possible implications, threats, and opportunities in the relationship between the upcoming Winter Olympics and local policies on an interregional scale, to highlight best practices to balance economic growth with sustainability, landscape protection, and climate change._x000D_
Pedrazzini L. (2019), “Le diverse facce della montagna in declino: un’esperienza lombarda”, Journal of Alpine Research | Revue de géographie alpine, 107-1 | 2019 (online), DOI : https://doi.org/10.4000/rga.5315._x000D_
Dematteis M. (2020), “Il turismo in montagna: in crisi quello invernale di massa, in crescita quello «dolce»” su Il Mulino, Rivista trimestrale di cultura e di politica, 6, pp. 984-991, DOI: 10.1402/99426._x000D_
Varotto M. (2020), Montagne di mezzo. Una nuova geografia, Einaudi, Torino_x000D_

Simone Gamba
IULM, Milano

ID Abstract: 117

In the context of rural development policies, the LEADER approach, defined as a laboratory of social innovation, albeit between lights and shadows, has marked an emblematic change in local development practices, representing one of the most innovative tools for recognizing the potential of marginal rural areas in Europe. Recent experiences document successful practices in neo-endogenous rural development thanks to the local capacity to combine internal and external resources. This research, starting from the literature review and using qualitative-quantitative research methods, aims to analyze the effects of local practices in the experimentation of territorial regeneration projects of two significant marginal areas in Alpujarras (Spain) and Monti Dauni (Italy). The research method is a preliminary attempt to evaluate the dynamics and processes of territorial regeneration. The regenerative, relational, and transformative dynamics are key elements to understanding the meanings and functions of these initiatives and, therefore, improve the implementation of these practices. The cases analyzed propose creative and innovative solutions that favor processes of change through the enhancement of local resources such as landscapes, agricultural and rural practices, fostering cooperation between operators in the local supply chain, encouraging forms of experiential tourism by using digital technologies, the redevelopment for new tourist uses of specific sites and attractive practices linked to new housing forms for new and ‘old’ residents.

Marilena Labianca, Francisco Navarro Valverde
Department of Economics, University of Foggia, (Italy), Department of Human Geography, University of Granada (Spain)

ID Abstract: 758

Both at the national level and in various European contexts, some of the more inland, mountainous and rural areas are experiencing a gradual depopulation that will lead to a permanent exodus of the population; a phenomenon that is already taking place in many so-called small  ‘marginal’ towns due to their geographical, physical, but above all economic and social marginality. These marginal areas are excluded from the urbanization and industrialization processes which are increasingly limiting the living space of their inner communities, leading to depopulation trends and a gradual deterioration of social and economic conditions. In order to reduce the increasing local and social inequalities, we undoubtedly need to turn the tide as soon as possible. European countries must develop strategic visions with expected goals and changes. Public policies and sectoral European programs are huge, but far from reality, local areas and communities; they are not enough. We need a structural change to overcome fragmentation and present a systemic vision/programming. On the other hand, however, there are mainly experiences of bottom-up mobilization that consider local regeneration as an important goal. There are several cases of “recentralization of marginal areas”, which are typical examples of rebuilding towns and settlements that have been abandoned and lost their meaning. They range from the reuse and recovery of historic and natural routes and itineraries and their related heritage, to the reconstruction of entire areas of land, as well as soft mobility, digital technologies and mapping systems, practices related to new forms of housing which offer the possibility of attracting new and ‘old’ residents and/or strengthening the presence of those who live in these places on a daily basis and are looking for an alternative so as not to leave them permanently. Within this theoretical framework, the session intends to receive contributions on the outlined topics, emphasizing the intentions and visions of local case studies. This will allow for an intradisciplinary and cross-disciplinary debate on the contents and research tools needed to study and analyze the subjects addressed by the scientific meeting.
Barbera F., Cerosimo D., De Rossi A. (2022), Contro i borghi. Il Belpaese che dimentica i paesi. Roma, Donzelli, 2022.
Besse J.M. (2018), La nécessité du paysage. Marsiglia. Editions Parenthèses. 
Navarro F., Labianca M., Ceudo E., De Rubertis S. (2022), “Social Innovation in Rural Areas of the European Union Learnings from Neo-Endogenous Development Projects in Italy and Spain”. Sustainability, 14, 11, 6439. The session needs to be in english or spanish. The session type would be structured only by presentations.

Luisa Spagnoli (1); Lucia Varasano (2)
(1) National Research Council (CNR)-Institute of Mediterranean Europe History (ISEM), (2) University of Rome “Tor Vergata”

ID Abstract: