Tag Archive for: Source; Metamorphosis; Cosmology

My research is structured around water with the aim of developing a new conception of it in the Parisian Basin, inducing new relational forms with the non-human and encouraging a transformation that leads us to consider the Seine and the Bièvre Rivers no longer as Resources, but as Sources. The change in meaning is notable since a Resource is a means to meet a given need, whereas a Source takes on an identity value in itself since it is an original entity, a first cause permeated by its own subjectivity. The debate is more topical than ever and implies a rediscovery of the tools of the sensitive. _x000D_
When we look at the world through technique, we pin a reality composed of different singularities to the observer’s point of view alone. Every qualitative difference is cancelled out. The architecture, or rather the water infrastructure, of today is the bearer of this, aimed only at exploitation and heedless of the barriers it creates that prevent us from having a more intimate relationship with water._x000D_
Instead, when we sense the world, we come into contact with different and transversal perceptions that never give a single semblance of reality. In a world characterised by fluidity and metamorphosis, sensitivity is the only one that can make us understand the relational nature of entities and their evolution. When water acquires a personality and all its nuances are grasped, it becomes an integral part of human language and action. The forms of territorial government are influenced by it: 68 of the 101 French administrative departments have hydronyms._x000D_
What is needed is the creation of a new chimerical cosmological framework that conceives of water as a new ethical and territorial Body, which man needs in order to organize reality and coordinate its planning, within an operational hydrodynamic coherence._x000D_

Alessandro Livraghi
Doctorant at LéaV – ENSA Versailles + CY Cergy Paris Université EUR PSGS-HCH (FR)

ID Abstract: 570