Tag Archive for: sustainability transitions; climate resilience; mega sport-event

Sport mega-events are increasingly confronted with the effects of extreme weather conditions. It is becoming clear that organisers must face the challenge of adapting to these new conditions while, at the same time, taking measures to mitigate the causes of climate change. Drawing on the literature on mega-events, climate resilience and the geography of sustainability transitions, this paper addresses the question of how far sporting events can act as catalysts for sustainability-oriented transitions and resilience building. Using the example of a study on the Australian Open, the paper explores which strategies and measures have been taken so far by the organisers to adapt to new adversities. The analysis reveals that existing approaches focus on adaptation rather than addressing the causes of climate change. The findings show how complex this issue is, as a larger number of stakeholders need to collaborate to develop innovative solutions that go beyond infrastructural solutions.

Sebastian Fastenrath
University of Vienna, University of Melbourne

ID Abstract: 464