Tag Archive for: urban planning

Officially established in 1973, for almost 5 decades the National History Museum in the city of Sofia, with its over 650,000 exhibits, plays an important role in the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage in the Bulgarian society. Defined quite rightly as the largest museum in the country, its location and the building in which it is housed are of particular importance both for its role as a pivot in the preservation of the national historical and cultural heritage, and for its direct impact on the surrounding urban environment. With this publication, the authors aim to review the positive and negative effects on the main functions of the National History Museum, related to its current location – on the outskirts of the capital city

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. An analysis and comparison between his previous and current locations will be made, comparing the advantages and disadvantages of each case. For the needs of the future development of the museum and its role in the preservation and presentation of the historical eras of the Bulgarian lands, the potential relocation possibilities of the permanent expositions to more suitable spaces in an existing building in the central urban part of the capital or in a completely new one (building or complex), fully adapted to the functions of such institution, on the outskirts of the city of Sofia, will be examined and analyzed. The analysis of the potential effects on the functions of the National History Museum and its role in Bulgarian society in relation to its location on the territory of the capital city, as well as the impact of such an institution on its immediate surrounding urban environment, will be carried out entirely on the basis of opinions and research of specialists in the fields of history, architecture, urban planning, art studies, etc.

Stefan Genchev, Velimira Stoyanova
National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy, and Geography – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

The development of suburban zones has been a major issue in urban geography and urban planning for many years. Ideas to deconcentrate cities were sought in the face of increasing urban density as early as the turn of the 19th and 20th century. Many of these solutions have contributed to the creation of living spaces even today. The issue of intensive suburban development is increasingly becoming a challenge for contemporary urbanization processes and spatial planning in Europe. Therefore, can the solutions used in the past be the key to sustainable suburban development in the future?
We look forward to presentations on the theory and practice of urban planning, morphology, and suburban development, using quantitative and qualitative geographic research methods. The proposed session would provide a platform for sharing experiences from different areas of Europe.

Robert Szmytkie (1)
(1) University of Wrocław

ID Abstract:

The Russian Federation’s military aggression against Ukraine led to significant destruction of the economic complex and infrastructure of our state, led to the largest forced migration of the population in the European space since World War II, and disrupted permanent connections between individual regions and settlements.
In these conditions, there is an urgent task for development of a spatial model of settlement as the basic scheme for determining the priority areas of urban and economic development, creation of a roadmap for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine

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Today, the strategic planning of urban development is not sufficiently coordinated with the planning framework of the country, transport and logistics corridors and zones of ecological networks on all hierarchical spatial planning levels: a radical revision of the entire planning framework for post-war Ukraine is needed, observing ecological and Euro Integration imperatives.
Post-war Ukraine – a unique experimental space to develop a spatial model of settlement with effective logistical links and zoning of areas of priority economic and urban development.
Developing a new strategy of spatial development – an opportunity to overcome the preserved forms of post-Soviet mode of governance, to level out the permanence of corrupt economy and use limited financial and human resources with maximum efficiency.
A key link in this new strategy should be the development of international transport corridors, as well as centers of economic growth. 8 international transport corridors are planned to pass through the territory of Ukraine, including 4 “Cretan” corridors. In July 2022, the EU  included Ukrainian logistics routes in the Trans-European Transport Network. Areas of influence of international transport corridors are defined in the State Strategy of Regional Development for 2021-2027, which was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Comparing the areas of influence of international transport corridors on the centers of economic growth allows us to determine the zones of priority urban and economic development, which geographically form a kind of “Ukrainian banana”.
We consider the new spatial model of Ukraine’s settlement as a basis for the creation of a new General Planning Scheme of the territory of Ukraine, which will ensure its spatial integration into the European planning space and contribute to the sustainable development of our country in the post-war period. Presentation in english

Olha Podushkina (1); Nadiia Antonenko (2); Igor Lialiuk (3); Daria Malchikova (4); Yuriy Palekha (5); Igor Pylypenko (6)
(1) Owner and leading project architect of the architectural studio FPA-architect, head of the NA NSAU expert commission, head of the NA NSAU Commission on Copyright and Professional Ethics (Dnipro,Ukraine), (2) Senior Lecturer of the Department of Information Technologies in Architecture, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Ph.D. (Kyiv, Ukraine)., (3) Architect, urbanist, Laureate of the State Prize for Architecture (Kharkiv, Ukraine)., (4) Professor of Geography and Ecology Department, Kherson State University, Doctor of Geography, Professor (Kherson, Ukraine), (5) Deputy Director for Research, Head of the GIS Center of State Enterprise “DIPROMISTO”, Doctor of Geography, Professor (Kyiv, Ukraine), (6) Professor, Department of Geography and Ecology, Kherson State University, Doctor of Geography, Professor (Kherson, Ukraine)

ID Abstract: