The issue of nightlife in cities appeared several years ago mainly, but not only, as a problem related to functioning of districts and streets where entertainment venues were located. The pandemic has successfully solved this problem. Life in the cities came to a standstill. The end of lockdowns is a return to the question of cities’ nightlife. The article presents the results of a study on nightlife in Warsaw. The aim of the study was to identify the location of nightlife facilities in the Warsaw Ring area – the central area of the city, to determine the intensity of this life. Services in the Warsaw Ring were mapped in details in order to assess the spatial and temporal diversity of liveliness of particular neighborhoods. The study shows that Warsaw’s nightlife is poor compared to other metropolitan cities although there are some neighborhoods that tend to be alive round the clock. There is no clear spatial concentration of nightlife. The city authorities do not perceive the problems that occur as important from the point of view of the functioning of the entire city nor the development of the metropolis. _x000D_
We are a team of researchers from the UrbanLab at the University of Warsaw. The laboratory is headed by dr Sylwia Dudek-Mańkowska, whose field of interest is city branding and marketing. Dr. Mirosław Grochowski is an expert in spatial planning and urban development management. Maciej Misztal (MSc) is a PhD student. His research is focused on implementation of a 15-minute city concept. Karolina Sitnik (MSc) recently graduated from an interdisciplinary major in urban studies and deals with GIS solutions in urban geography. Our team has experience in working in national and international research and applied projects. We are also a partner in projects implemented jointly with the Warsaw City Hall.

Sylwia Dudek-Mańkowska PhD, Mirosław Grochowski PhD, Maciej Misztal MSc, Karolina Sitnik MSc
University of Warsaw

ID Abstract: 522