Place names, as in the names of fields, pastures and other small places, offer a variety of approaches to study the rural past. Place names are primarily a linguistic source, but due their link to actual places, it is possible to gain insights in how these places were named and what lies behind the motivation of coining a specific name in relevance to a certain place. As names (of smaller places) represent an account of how the environment was perceived by a specific speaker group and hence referred to in a manner that represents the speakers’ (cultural) interpretation of a place, rather than in absolute objectivity, studying place names can, among others, be a valuable source of study for ecological changes in rural history when the name as well as the place are studied together with scrutiny. _x000D_
In this presentation, ecological changes in rural Luxembourg (i.e. the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg) are studied by the source of place names. The most prominent changes in ecological history observed via this source are the man-made changes endeavored to alter the terrain for land clearing and cultivation. Via place names, micro-spaces can be studied in order to find out if woods were used for their timber, for example, or if they were cleared so that the land could be used for construction or animal herding. Other places offer insights of the previous nature of terrain, such as wetlands, and their later drainage for other uses. By studying as many micro-spaces as possible via linguistic cartography and linking insights gained from it to etymological studies, broad developments in ecological history can be traced for rural Luxembourg from the medieval ages to early modern times.

Sam Mersch
Institut Grand-Ducal, Section Linguistique, Ethnologie et Onomastique / Zenter fir d’Lëtzebuerger Sprooch

ID Abstract: 92

The paper will present the results of an international comparative research on the role of language in explaining differences in landscape perception across Slavic, Baltic, Ugro-Finnish languages, Romanian, and Greek spoken in 14 countries in Central, Eastern, Northeastern and Southeastern Europe. It will explore differences in landscape perception between individual languages and language families and assess the potential influence of selected socio-demographic variables. This study is a follow-up on an earlier research (Van Putten et al. 2020) which focused on landscape perception differences between selected Romance and Germanic languages of Western Europe.

Přemysl Mácha; Katalin Reszegi; et al.
Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences; University of Debrecen; et al.

ID Abstract: 99

IPCC (2022) estimates that the transport sector accounted for 15% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) direct emissions in 2019. The contribution of this sector to climate is progressively increasing in absolute terms due to growing traffic (more and longer trips), the predominance of the least-efficient transport modes (cars, vans, trucks and planes), as well as the slow pace of innovation.
Whilst the spotlight is generally on efficiency (e.g., emissions per passenger/kilometre), distance is a crucial geographical concept at the core of transport geography and by extension, it is a major factor influencing GHG emissions and climate footprint. All other things being equal, distance travelled directly affects energy consumption. However, during the last few years, transport environmental policy has been primarily centred on short-distance travel and urban/regional mobilities. This has significantly improved people’s lives and local air quality, but has not been enough to curb the growing GHG emissions.
Considering the context above, this special session explores the relationships among three aspects: transport, distance and climate change. All scales (from urban areas to the global), transport modes, passenger motivations (including tourism mobilities and goods may be considered for the session.
Potential topics include:

Is there a linear relationship between distance travelled and climate footprint?
Cycling and flying – personal responsibilities and contradictions inherent in balancing the climate consequences of transport mode choice for daily mobilities and leisure/tourism-based travel.
Tourism as a driver of long-haul flight emissions.
Replacement of short-haul flights with rail services as a possible means to reduce aviation’s contribution to climate change – can high-speed rail contribute to making aviation ‘greener’?
Current and future feasible alternatives to long-haul travel.
Likelihood of behavioural change in relation to long-haul travel – is price the only filter?
The environmental (in)efficiency of airport charges and specific aviation taxes against distance flown.
The relationship between social class, distance travelled and GHG emissions.
Buying local or buying global? The climate impact of global e-commerce platforms. Under the auspices of the IGU Commission on Geography of Tourism, Leisure, and Global Change and the IGU Commission on Transport & Geography.

Dobruszkes Frédéric (1); Suau-Sanchez Pere (2,3); Wilson Julie (3)
(1) Brussels Free University (ULB), (2) Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, (3) Cranfield University

ID Abstract:

At a time when, in the light of the health crisis, a radical change in tourism practices is being prophesied towards proximity tourism, we wanted to measure the extent to which the French individuals who travel the most (described here as hypermobiles), intend to modify – or not – their practices._x000D_
The analysis was conducted in two stages. A first quantitative analysis based on multivariate statistical treatments allowed us to determine the profile of hypermobile travellers. This allowed us to select a panel of people with whom we conducted semi-structured interviews that allowed us to analyse household practices before and during the pandemic, and planned trips._x000D_
The use of interviews helped us to understand the meaning given to tourists’ practices and the value placed on their mobilities. The modes of transport preferred by the people respond to a set of constraints (linked to the location of the households, their destination, the composition of the households, etc.). Specific questions in the interviews dealt with the environmental dimension in order to measure interviewees’ awareness of sustainable development issues in their daily life and in their tourist travels._x000D_
Although almost all the people interviewed consider that they have pro-environmental principles in their daily lives, these considerations take a set back when it comes to tourists’ trips where other motivations dominate. Similarly, the obligation to limit travel during the health crisis does not call into question long-distance travel, which has simply been postponed._x000D_
Our analysis therefore reveals that external events and societal pressures have little impact on the tourist mobility of these hypermobiles. The sense of tourism, the release of constraints and, more particularly, the practice of discovery, take precedence on constraints, particularly economic ones, when they are weak or non-existent._x000D_

Veronique Mondou, Isabelle Frochot, Philippe Violier
Université d’Angers, Université de Bourgogne, Université d’Angers

ID Abstract: 240

This paper analyzes country level data on air transport activity (gathered and made available by World Bank), CO2 emissions from air transport activity and industry (estimated and published by OECD.Stat) for around 150 countries, and links them to demographic and economic data for the same group of countries. The research firstly employs cluster analysis with the purpose of defining a typology of countries according to trajectories of CO2 emission from air transportation activity and industry, air transport carbon footprint and air transport carbon intensity, while also highlighting significant geographical patterns across the globe

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. Secondly, the research employs regression analysis to explore the relationship between national economic development levels (and some other factors) and CO2 emissions from air transport (carbon footprint and carbon intensity), while also testing the hypothesis of an inverted-U relationship between GDP per capita and carbon footprint and intensity._x000D_

Mihail Eva, Alexandra Cehan
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași

ID Abstract: 557

The aviation sector significantly contributes to climate change, despite only a minority of the global population participating in air travel and even fewer flying frequently. The industry has no short-to-medium-term scalable technological solutions to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions significantly. To date, gains in fuel efficiency have been more than offset by traffic growth. The only option to reduce GHG emissions would thus be to curb the number of flights and/or distances flown, since longer flights have higher emissions per flight and are responsible for a disproportionate share of total GHG._x000D_
In this context, the Dutch government announced in June 2022 a reduction in the number of available slots at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport from 500,000 to 440,000 from November 2023. The implementation of the government policy was later moved to 2024, but the airport manager decided to reduce the quota to 460,000 from the winter 2023-2024 season to provide more visibility to airlines. The reduction of slots mainly seeks noise reduction but also claims climate mitigation benefits. However, the volume of GHG emissions depends on the distances flown, not only on movement numbers. If that is not taken into consideration, emission reductions are not guaranteed. _x000D_
In this context, our study investigates the balance between the future number of flights and distances flown in various scenarios compared to the 2019 reference. We explore a range of assumptions, including: all markets are equally affected; only the shortest flights are cut; more short-haul flights are cut to allow for more longer flights; flights are saved based on KLM network/connectivity strategy in the context of its hubbing operations. Our results would show that only in some scenarios GHG emissions decrease, i.e., that in some scenarios, emissions can grow despite a slot reduction.

Free Brussels of Brussels (ULB), Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Cranfield University, TU Dortmund University

ID Abstract: 597

This study has two objectives: first, determining the short-term feasibility of some long-haul commercial air routes based on electric, zero-emission planes; second, mapping the expected evolution of such long-haul routes as electric-plane technology and capabilities evolve over the next years._x000D_
For the first objective, a concept electrical aircraft prototype, based on the current (as of 2023) available technologies, is used to build three major long-haul routes -London/New York, Sydney/Singapore, and Frankfurt/Dubai-, each one with different geographical constraints. These long-haul missions are to be achieved via stop-overs on currently existing airport facilities along the routes. For the second objective, mimicking the development of early commercial long-haul services, the study makes use of prior literature that has analyzed the changes in the shape of commercial flights and their intermediate nodes over time. Based on the findings of that previous research, this study outlines the potential outlook of evolving pure-electric long-haul flights and the likely emergence of new hubs as a result. The projections take into account the role of technology evolution, regulation, route physiography, and regional economic activity._x000D_
This study adds significant insight to the current discussion -currently constricted to short-haul segments- about commercial routes making use of pure electric aircraft, expanding the research to longer-haul services. The 2021 Glasgow Climate Change Conference (COP26) conclusions, signaling the urgency to address the world’s excessive green-house emissions without delay, make this paper particularly relevant for the future of the commercial airline industry in general, and the carbon footprint of long-haul commercial flights in particular.

Athina Sismanidou*, Kevin O’Connor**, Joan Tarradellas***, Pere Suau-Sanchez****
*Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, **University of Melbourne, ***EADA Business School, ****Cranfield University,

ID Abstract: 638

Starting from the premise of a consideration of onomastics as a transversal and interdisciplinary science, at the crossroads of linguistics, history and geography, we propose a reflection on the role of the toponym as an “interpretative tool” for the differentiation of space and, particularly, of landscape forms. In a more specific way, in the communication we approach the idea of the place name as a landscape indicator. This is to say: the consideration of the place name as a linguistic entity that provides us with some referential elements that, properly limited and contextualized, they allow us to make a “semantic reading” of the environment. In other words: they allow us a logical and concatenated interpretation of the similarities and differences that manifest themselves in the geographical space and that, through place names, end up implying the fixation of certain meanings, at different scales, of the physical environment.We complete the theoretical proposal with the consideration, from this point of view, of a region in the central sector of the Pyrenees, La Terreta, in the middle basin of the Noguera Ribagorçana river, in the border between Catalonia and Aragon, as a case study (case study which we materialize on the analysis of twenty particularly significant toponyms)

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. This region is characterized, on the one hand, by a geological structure of great diversity – which gives rise to a physical environment with marked contrasts and differences; on the other hand, by a linguistic substrate (in the framework of North-western Catalan dialect, known as ribagorçà) of great lexical and onomastic richness. These qualities make the area of study a kind of “natural laboratory” especially suitable for our research purposes.

Joan Tort Donada, Xavier Planas Batlle
Universitat de Barcelona, Ministeri de Territori i Habitatge. Govern d’Andorra

ID Abstract: 972

The contribution proposes a reflection on 1) toponymy as a political and identity instrument, and 2) toponymy as a political instrument of ideological propaganda._x000D_
In a critical (and also comparative) perspective, the contribution studies on the one hand the processes of topogenesis and production of social space (place and street names) related to the memory of mafia victims in Italy: a process that moves from below and generates identity ties despite distances; on the other hand, it analyses the processes of topogenesis and production of social space (place and street names) related to the (more or less mythological) pantheon of the separatist political party Lega Nord per l’Indipendenza della Padania: a process that moves from above and generates identity ties despite (or also thanks to) surrealism._x000D_
Geografías cívicas y geografías surrealistas: el poder de la toponimia._x000D_
La contribución propone una reflexión sobre 1) la toponimia como instrumento político e identitario, y 2) la toponimia como instrumento político de propaganda ideológica._x000D_
Desde una perspectiva crítica (y también comparativa), la contribución estudia, por un lado, los procesos de topogénesis y producción del espacio social (topónimos y callejeros) relacionados con la memoria de las víctimas de la mafia en Italia: un proceso que se mueve desde abajo y genera lazos identitarios a pesar de las distancias; por otro lado, analiza los procesos de topogénesis y producción del espacio social (topónimos y callejeros) relacionados con el panteón (más o menos mitológico) del partido político separatista Lega Nord per l’Indipendenza della Padania: un proceso que se mueve desde arriba y genera lazos identitarios a pesar (o también gracias) al surrealismo._x000D_
We kindly ask for the possibility to present the contribution in Spanish (or French) with slides in English._x000D_
Solicitamos la posibilidad de presentar la contribución en español (o francés) con diapositivas en inglés._x000D_

Giuseppe Muti
Università degli Studi dell’Insubria (Varese, Italia)

ID Abstract: 661

This contribution based on fieldwork in the archives of geographical and mountaineering societies in London, Berlin, Paris and Grenoble first looks at some of the scientific and diplomatic debates raised by the existence of Mount Everest as a place name, and examines key arguments put forward to defend or criticize its use from its suggestion by the surveyor general of India Andrew Waugh at the Royal Geographical Society in 1858 to current discussions on the enduring presence of mountain exonyms in post-colonial toponymical and cartographical contexts. _x000D_
Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, the initial controversy between Waugh and Brian Hodgson, a naturalist and keen linguist who was then British resident at Kathmandu, was echoed by extensive commentaries on the use of non-local names in mountain toponymy and cartography. Those debates notably show that before the name of the peak became a symbol of European onomastic imperialism, it is first and foremost the commemorative use of a personal name that was considered a case of failed geographical nomenclature that would certainly soon be replaced by a better name. Then why has this name not been supplanted by a more fitting toponym yet? Will it ever be? _x000D_
I propose to use perspectives from critical geography, the linguistics of names, and pragmatics to formulate three hypotheses on the future of exonymic place-names, from Mount Everest to other cases in the Himalayas, the Alps and the Pamir._x000D_

Felix de Montety
Université Grenoble Alpes

ID Abstract: 753