Starting from the premise of a consideration of onomastics as a transversal and interdisciplinary science, at the crossroads of linguistics, history and geography, we propose a reflection on the role of the toponym as an “interpretative tool” for the differentiation of space and, particularly, of landscape forms. In a more specific way, in the communication we approach the idea of the place name as a landscape indicator. This is to say: the consideration of the place name as a linguistic entity that provides us with some referential elements that, properly limited and contextualized, they allow us to make a “semantic reading” of the environment. In other words: they allow us a logical and concatenated interpretation of the similarities and differences that manifest themselves in the geographical space and that, through place names, end up implying the fixation of certain meanings, at different scales, of the physical environment.We complete the theoretical proposal with the consideration, from this point of view, of a region in the central sector of the Pyrenees, La Terreta, in the middle basin of the Noguera Ribagorçana river, in the border between Catalonia and Aragon, as a case study (case study which we materialize on the analysis of twenty particularly significant toponyms)

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. This region is characterized, on the one hand, by a geological structure of great diversity – which gives rise to a physical environment with marked contrasts and differences; on the other hand, by a linguistic substrate (in the framework of North-western Catalan dialect, known as ribagorçà) of great lexical and onomastic richness. These qualities make the area of study a kind of “natural laboratory” especially suitable for our research purposes.

Joan Tort Donada, Xavier Planas Batlle
Universitat de Barcelona, Ministeri de Territori i Habitatge. Govern d’Andorra

ID Abstract: 972

In the presentation we analyze the toponyms of the settlements around the Croatian-Hungarian-Serbian tripartite border, where politico-territorial settings changed several times in the course of the last the century. It is therefore worth examining how territorial changes and the fall of socialist regimes have influenced the symbolic landscape. The analysis was carried out along the lines of the nation-state, regional, local, and socialist categories. _x000D_
Quantitative analysis showed significant differences between the toponymies of the Hungarian and the South-Slavic states. The Hungarian toponymic system is more nation-state centric and lacks national pluralism. In contrast, the settlements of the southern Slavic states have a more ethnically, territorially and ideologically pluralistic name system. However, when complemented by qualitative analysis, it can be seen that certain symbolic policies may be a source of conflict in the region. Although Yugoslavia and Hungary used to have significant territorial conflicts in the region, this is no longer evident in the current symbolic landscape. Instead, the memory-political conflicts surrounding the armed conflicts of the dissolution of Yugoslavia emerge. Another result is that regime change has also taken place in a different way in the region. On the Hungarian side, the disappearance of names associated with the communist regime was more complete, while in Croatia and Serbia they are still present. This suggests that the symbolic landscape of the southern Slavic states and the Hungarian territories under study developed in quite different ways. In contrast to the relatively consistent and homogeneous Hungarian toponymies, the South Slavic territories are rather confused, with the Yugoslav, communist name stock, regional and local identity, and, in the case of symbolic politicisation, a newer ethno-national narrative of confrontation, with few but all the more weight.

György Orsós, Péter Reményi, Dávid Kopunovic
György Orsós: PhD Student, University of Pécs, Hungary; Péter Reményi: Associate professor, University of Pécs, Hungary, Department of Political Geography, Development and Regional Studies; CERS Institute for Regional Studies, Hungary Dávid Kopunovic: BA student, University of Pécs, Hungary, Department of Sociology

ID Abstract: 566

Place names (toponyms) are proper nouns describing natural and cultural features of a landscape. They often become fossilized over time. The diachronic perspective offered by some place names allows to virtually reconstitute part of the natural and cultural elements of disappeared landscapes.
Toponymy also has a referential value, because it designates places and distinguishes them from other places.
Place names also have an identity value, since the inhabitants of a place feel affectionately linked to their living place and, therefore, to the place name defining their living place.
Toponymy is also an ideological science, because the political context determines the choice of one precise place name and not another plausible one.
Any scholar interested in toponymy from its landscape perspective; or from its referential aspect; or from its identity view; or from its ideological context are invited to participate in this session.

Joan Membrado (1)
(1) Universitat de València

ID Abstract:

According to the most accepted interpretation, the word fado derives from the Latin “fatum”, destiny. The origin of fado is still debated, even if its passage through the Luso-Afro-Brazilian universe is now universally recognized. On the other hand, there is no doubt that fado appeared in Lisbon in the XIX century, establishing its places of production and fruition in popular districts like Alfama and Mouraria. It has been argued there is a special bond and an inseparable link between Lisbon and fado, as is particularly evident from the titles and the lyrics of the songs, which contain an unusually large number of references to the city and to its topography and heritage: “One of the main lyrical themes of fado is the city itself, particularly those areas most associated with the music’s origins such as Mouraria, Alfama and Bairro Alto. A mythology of place is summoned up in fado songs texts” (Elliot, 2010). Based on this point of view, in this paper we analysed the lyrics of all the fado songs listed on the website “Portal do Fado” (almost 8.000 songs, presumably all fado ever composed), looking for toponyms that could be directly or indirectly associated to the city of Lisbon as a whole, to its geographical elements (e.g. the Tagus Rivers) or to parts thereof (neighbourhoods, specific streets, squares, monuments, casas de fado, theatres, restaurants, bars, infrastructures, transportation means), trying to give a spatial dimension to this form of “topophilia” towards the city of Lisbon, in the sense indicated by Yi-Fu Tuan (1974), that seems to be inherent in fado as a musical genre.

Luca Zarrilli
University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara (Italy) – Department of Economics

ID Abstract: 22

Following the Second World War, Taiwan was placed under the control of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) on October 25, 1945. The KMT government took the “De-Japanization” policy by the Commemorative street-renaming strategy to eradicate the symbol of Japanese authority and promote Chinese consciousness

Xenical, un medicamento comúnmente recetado para la pérdida de peso, ha mostrado resultados prometedores en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil.Uno de estos tratamientos revolucionarios que está causando sensación en España es Xenical. xenical prospecto.

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En España, como en muchos otros países, la prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil va en aumento, y diversos factores, como la edad, el estilo de vida y los problemas de salud subyacentes, contribuyen a su aparición. topamax 25 En las bulliciosas calles de España, donde la pasión y el vigor corren por las venas de su gente, existe una lucha silenciosa que a menudo permanece oculta tras puertas cerradas: la batalla contra la disfunción eréctil..

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Aldactone, también conocido por su nombre genérico espironolactona, es un medicamento que se desarrolló originalmente para tratar afecciones como la hipertensión arterial y la insuficiencia cardíaca. aldactone acne Estos medicamentos actúan aumentando el flujo sanguíneo al pene, ayudando a conseguir y mantener una erección..

. From then on, most streets were renamed after the Confucian moral code, Three People’s Principles or national leaders in every city of Taiwan. After martial law period, with the gradual rising of local consciousness in recent years, Chen Shui-Bian, the mayor of Taipei city primarily renamed the Jei-shou Road in front of the President House to Ketagalan Boulevard to challenge hegemonic structures of power on 21st, March, 1996. From then on, one by one street was named after aboriginal tribes, such as Siraya Boulevard, Monga Boulevard to present the transformation of streetscapes in Taiwan. _x000D_
This paper will discover the semiotic and political operation of commemorative street names to focus on a political analysis of naming practices and the cultural production of place by examining the procedures of the naming and the renaming of streets in the cities of Taiwan. Further, we complicated how street names, in addition to their fundamental role in the spatial organization and semiotic construction of the city, are also participants in the cultural production of shared past. In order to conclude that the power of commemorative street names stems from their ability to implicate the national narrative of the past in numerous narratives of the city._x000D_

Wenchuan Huang
Taiwan and Regional studies department, National Dong Hwa University

ID Abstract: 270