Modeling the fine-scale distribution of residential land prices (RLPs) is the basis for scientifically allocating land resources, managing the residential market and improving urban planning. The complex nonlinear relationship between RLPs and their determinants makes it challenging to model fine-scale RLPs

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. The continuous development and improvement of big data mining and machine learning methods provide new ideas for modeling RLP distribution. This paper attempts to couple the Hedonic model with machine learning algorithms to model block-level RLPs using the case of Wuhan in China. With the aid of data mining methods such as GIS spatial analysis and deep learning, urban residential land sales data and geographic big data such as urban points of interest (POI) and areas of interest (AOI), and Tencent street view images were used to map the location, neighborhood, and visual environment of urban residential land, to build a multi-level variable system for block-level RLP prediction. Then, nonlinear machine learning algorithms and ensemble learning methods were used to develop block-level RLP prediction models, and empirical study was carried out using Wuhan city as an example to test the validity and reliability of the model. Finally, based on the RLP data predicted by the machine learning regression model, the RLP at the block level in Wuhan was mapped, the contribution of several geographic variables to the RLP prediction was measured, and the nonlinear response of RLP to the change of prediction variables was analyzed. Our proposed framework provides a new approach for modeling fine-scale urban land price distribution, which is beneficial to intelligent land use planning and achieve smart city growth.

Peng Zhang
Chang’an University

ID Abstract: 912

La reciente publicación de los datos del censo 2021, con todas sus limitaciones, ha puesto a disposición de las investigaciones datos detallados sobre la distribución territorial de la población en función de varias características, también aquellas que constituyen un buen indicador de clase social. _x000D_
Así, al contar con datos censales georeferenciados a escala detallada (secciones) de los años 1991, 2001, 2011 y 2021 estamos en disposición de hacer un recorrido de los grandes procesos sustantivos de transformación en la estructura socioterriotrial de las clases sociales para las grandes metrópolis (Barcelona y Madrid). _x000D_
Mediante indicadores generales de autocorrelación espacial (Moran) y locales (LISA) se procede a un análisis de los procesos de:_x000D_
1 Segregación – concentración de las desigualdades_x000D_
2 Gentrificación de los centros urbanos _x000D_
3 Gentrificación de nueva planta / seclusión de los grupos de clase alta hacia las periferias urbanas_x000D_
4 Desplazamientos de grupos sociales en cascada _x000D_
Estos indicadores usan test de hipótesis para señalar las zonas con valores extremos y vecinos de valores anormalmente altos o bajos. Esto es importante por un lado para reforzar la fiabilidad de datos detallados pero muestrales (censos 2011 y 2021) o con deficiencias en su obtención (1991 y 2001). Por otro lado, al señalar las zonas de valores extremos, permite hacer una comparativa visual de las zonas a lo largo del tiempo, independientemente de los cambios morfológicos o administrativos (necesario para el análisis de largos periodos con fuertes cambios de morfología urbana)._x000D_
Los principales resultados señalan la evolución paralela de regiones metropolitanas diferentes (también en sus políticas urbanas y sociales); el inicio y alcance de la gentrificación de los centros urbanos, superior a lo admitido en su día por los académicos que estudiaban estos temas; la creación de nuevas zonas de segregación y una dinámica general de desplazamiento social en cascada en las capitales. _x000D_

Miguel Rubiales Pérez
Universidad de Barcelona

ID Abstract: 137

A mediados de la década de los 80 del pasado siglo la dinámica demográfica en España comenzó un proceso de desaceleración hasta alcanzar, en años posteriores, un crecimiento negativo. La conclusión de la transición demográfica dio como resultado una estructura demográfica sin precedentes en el conjunto del país con tendencias diferenciadas en cada una de las comunidades autónomas. El aumento de demanda de mano de obra en construcción a inicios del siglo XXI supuso la llegada de inmigración extranjera que supuso cambios en las dinámicas demográficas basadas en el aumento de los activos poblacionales y el rejuvenecimiento de las estructuras demográficas. La llegada de la crisis económica, pocos años después, propició el retorno a la tendencia de los tiempos anteriores al boom inmobiliario que se mantiene en estos días. Además, el impacto de la pandemia de la Covid-19 también ha originado una serie de transformaciones en la población cuyos resultados pueden resultar de interés. Así, en este trabajo se pretende hacer un análisis temporal de la dinámica natural reciente en las ciudades de tamaño medio de Castilla-La Mancha. El objetivo es analizar las transformaciones que se han producido en las estructuras demográficas en estos inicios del siglo XXI y valorar el papel de las crisis económica y sociosanitaria como factores de cambio en el comportamiento natural de estos entornos urbanos. Se pretende realizar una aproximación al comportamiento de la natalidad y mortalidad en ciudades que cuentan con mejores condiciones en la calidad de vida. Para eso, se procederá a la consulta de datos procedentes del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y otras fuentes oficiales para ser sometidos a una explotación estadística, así como al cálculo de distintos indicadores para conocer la composición de su población que puede contribuir a la interpretación y comprensión del fenómeno.

Francisco Javier Jover-Martí
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

ID Abstract: 273

Trees have been silent partners in human life for millennia, and their presence and use have marked important historical milestones. In recent decades attention to the tree component and urban forestry (UF) in cities has been growing, both at the research and policy level. A recent change in the perception and consideration of trees at the urban level is related to the theme of Nature-based Solutions (NbS), which can provide several ecosystem services, also mitigating the impacts of climate change and urban heat island effects. Tree species and UF are often important components of such solutions, promoted by policies related to urban development, especially at the European level. Among the numerous European projects on this topic, this proposal focuses on the ‘Productive Green Infrastructure for Post-Industrial Urban Regeneration’ (proGIreg) project aimed at the implementation of NbS in post-industrial urban contexts. Of particular interest is the UF as NbS, due to the multiple benefits it brings. Among the various objectives of the project, the identification of areas in the city of Turin (Italy) that could host UF as NbS in order to reduce unequal distribution of (access to) urban green spaces is needed. The research proposes a review and subsequent application of the 3-30-300 rule (supported by IUCN), which is having a strong impact on UF planning and allows for the identification of areas where intervention could be a priority. The preliminary results are intended to recommend to municipal managers in which areas of the city to rewrite a greener future.

Luca Battisti 1,*, Egidio Dansero 1, Giovanni Giacco 2, Massimiliano Moraca 3
1 Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin, 10153 Torino, Italy; 2 Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (DIETI), University of Naples Federico II, Via Claudio 21, 80125 Naples, Italy; 3 Massimiliano Moraca, GIS Specialist freelance, Naples, Italy

ID Abstract: 546

Urban Growth Boundaries (UGBs) are a tool to control urban sprawl. However, the way to optimize future urban land uses and fix their boundaries is not clear. This paper presents a new framework to delimit UGBs while accounting for ecological, economic, and carbon storage benefits. Aggregate land-use constraints are included in a multi-objective optimization algorithm to capture non-inferior solutions on the Pareto Surface (PS) under different objective scenarios. A patch-level cellular automata simulation model is then used to spatially allocate these land uses, followed by a new two-step adjustment method to delineate the UGBs. This modeling is applied to Wuhan, China. The results show that: (1) One district (Caidian) will have a strong economic growth under low-carbon development. (2) The maximization of carbon storage reduces losses in ecological benefits, suggesting that carbon storage be considered in urban growth planning. (3) The combined model framework and two-step boundary adjustment method can help urban planners define different UGB scenarios and make science-based policy decisions.

Jingye Li 1, Jean-Michel Guldmann 2*, Jian Gong 3, Hao Su 4
1 Department of Land Resource Management, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China; 2 Department of City and Regional Planning, The Ohio State University; 3 Department of Land Resource Management, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, 430074, China; 4 Department of Land Management, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, 266100, China

ID Abstract: 241

An interdisciplinary analysis of the evolution of the cultural landscape of Arga Mountain (north-western Portugal), linking geographical and historical approaches, revealed strong evidence that geomorphology has crucially conditioned the settlement and land use options throughout different historical periods. This work aims to analyse how landforms and lithological formations played a major role in the definition of locative options, settlement patterns, agrarian structure, defensive strategies, the development of communication networks and the exploitation of natural resources. Benefitting from the historical–archaeological research carried out for more than a century, it was possible to draw an accurate synthesis of the key moments and most relevant shaping processes of this cultural landscape, from the Neolithic to the present day. The combined analysis of the geomorphological map with the cartography of the archaeological remains and historical heritage revealed the correlation between the geomorphological units and the type of settlement patterns and land uses that have been specially favoured by them._x000D_
The achieved results not only highlighted the strategies adopted to take the best advantage of natural conditions in different historical periods, but also emphasised their effects on landscape-shaping. In this way, the understanding of the contribution of Geomorphology to an interdisciplinary, integrative and dynamic reading of cultural landscapes has been enhanced by this work.

Pereira, Andreia; Cunha, Lúcio
Coimbra University, Centre of Studies in Geography and Spatial Planning

ID Abstract: 970

The study’ purpose is to clarify the university city’s in Europe concept, to find out what are the unique and typical European university cities features and to comprehend whether the phenomenon itself exists at all._x000D_
There is no clear scientific definition of a university city. Obviously, this is a city in which one or more universities are located, but the university or universities functions in the city (or even in the country) are different. Often state or local authorities determine the city’s status as a university. Nevertheless, the concept turns out to be fragile._x000D_
Based on the plans, maps and available information study, three spatial and planning structure university cities types have been identified:_x000D_
The study of university cities examples showed that each city is unique, and it is problematic to identify common features, except for the one or several universities location on their territory._x000D_
A painstaking city plans study has revealed few common properties. Old campuses are typical of historic centers. If there is a university building in city, then it serves as a dominant and is surrounded by other university facilities. They are being completed, reconstructed, and with distance from the center, the old buildings are usually replaced by modern ones. University zones often expand towards the outskirts, into vacant territories, but at different times and in different architectural styles._x000D_
University is distinguished from other functional cities types in urban planning terms only by the very existence of a university. After all, the abundance of old buildings, beautiful silhouettes, greenery are not rare and attract people not only here. Attention to the city’ appearance and image, to the environment state is characteristics of many post-industrial cities._x000D_

Daria Shatilo
Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INION RAN)

ID Abstract: 332

Discussions on the revitalization of urban centers date back to the 1960s, especially of Western European and American cities. In the Czech Republic, their decline began to manifest itself in the 1970s and 1980s. Urban centers began to age and there was a concentration of socially marginalized groups of inhabitants. Then, economic and social transformation in the early 1990s radically transformed them. Restitution, privatization, and the introduction of a market mechanism have had far-reaching effects on the physical, functional, and social structures of towns. The questionnaire survey of municipality representatives showed that almost 60% of small towns (3-20 thousand inhabitants) underwent a process of significant revitalization of the town center in the post-1989 period._x000D_
Municipality representatives percieve themselves as the main actor of revitalization. Most also consider the national and European grant and support programs to be the actor, without which funding for revitalization measures would be unthinkable. More than 80% of small towns evaluate the results of revitalization positively with key factors of a clear and agreeable vision, and political will and support by the town management

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. Other important factors are the effective use of spatial planning and construction legal instruments, and the importance of property ownership, through which municipalities can influence urban development._x000D_
Research has shown that there is no guaranteed approach or model for revitalization, with the activities of Czech towns moving in different directions, corresponding to the local framework. However, most towns see the focus of revitalization measures in improving the quality of public spaces, and organization of cultural and social events. The current attention has mostly been focused on physical (hardware) revitalization, while the revitalization of quality of life, shopping opportunities, and free time activities (software) has not yet been given due attention.

David Klika; Jiří Ježek
University of West Bohemia

ID Abstract: 398

The “EsMaaS” project aimed to propose and evaluate strategies for implementing Mobility as a Service (MaaS) for managing mobility in rural areas. The project team integrated an optimization model that considered the specific needs of users and dynamic transportation systems adapted to the territorial structures of the “Spain vacía.” This approach facilitated the ecological and digital transition of mobility while improving accessibility for the population in rural areas and reducing spatial and social inequities._x000D_
The scientific proposal focused on reevaluating the three key implementation pillars of MaaS (users, transportation systems, and providers) and adapting their analysis and strategies to different territorial structures in rural areas. The project team aimed to maximize the potential of MaaS environments. This approach aligned perfectly with the objectives and challenges related to ecological transition (sustainable mobility), digital transition (intelligent mobility), and territorial equity and cohesion (fair and accessible mobility for everyone)._x000D_
Overall, the “EsMaaS” project contributed to advancing the scientific understanding of MaaS implementation in rural areas and provided valuable insights for future research in this field. Policymakers, researchers, and practitioners can use the project’s findings and recommendations as a basis for improving mobility and reducing inequities in rural areas._x000D_

David Alejandro Ramirez Cajigas
PhD student and researcher at Castilla La – Mancha University

ID Abstract: 248

Multi-stakeholder co-management is no blueprint for effective environmental policy implementation. Combining the analysis of narratives, identities and relational structure through means of social network analysis builds the conceptual and methodological foundation in this case study to explore social dynamics between actors involved in co-managing a Natura 2000 forest. Two opposing narratives are identified competing over power and competency in discussions about the management plans for the Natura 2000 forest. Negative identity constructions and antagonizing with other actors fuels an “Us versus Them” dynamic among the actors in the co-management process and over time, a culture of conflict has become institutionalized. Interactions between the actors from the case study seemingly build on a complex, iterative pattern of disputes that is barely breakable and reversible into cooperative attitudes. Interestingly, this culture of conflict does not resonate with the relational structure between actors in the case study as the social network analysis shows. The case represents an intriguing puzzle pointing to an incongruence between structural and mental mechanisms underlying social dynamics in actor collaborations. Co-management can be a tangible approach to generate social bonds in contested policy implementation processes. Although some collaborative arrangements seem to be shaken by intractable conflicts, these results render hope and are discussed in light of conflict resolution strategies and power dynamics.

Larissa Koch
Leibniz Center for Aricultural Landscape Research

ID Abstract: 847