The interregional flow of land embodied in remote linkages exerts a significant impact on land use and carbon emission transfer patterns among regions, underscoring the importance of investigating this process for sustainable land utilization. Based on a multiregional input‒output model, this study quantifies the embodied land flow and its repercussions for carbon emissions in China, analyzes the corresponding spatial distribution and differences, and further clarifies the characteristics of embodied land flow by constructing the contribution and dependency index. The results show that more economically developed regions occupy land in less developed regions through embodied land flow, and there are differences in the flow of various land types among regions due to disparities in regional endowments. For example, embodied construction land has primarily moved to economically developed eastern China. The transfer pattern of carbon emissions from land use caused by embodied land flows presents a spatial inconsistency. The developed coastal provinces of Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai all transfer more than 10 million tons of carbon emissions to other regions. The average levels of contributions to and dependence on embodied land flows in Chinese provinces were 20.51% and 23.13% in 2012, and these values rose to 27.14% and 27.23% in 2017, respectively, indicating a strengthening of interregional land system linkages and an intensification of land supply and demand. Furthermore, the embodied land flow and its associated carbon emission transfer can be assessed to ascertain the entities responsible for land consumption and carbon emissions. This underscores the significance of examining the interplay between land use and carbon emissions in shaping sustainable development pathways.

Shengfu Yang
School of Public Administration, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, 430074, China

ID Abstract: 856

The Dutch geography curriculum for upper secondary level was designed almost 20 years ago. Since then, besides some adjustments, no fundamental changes have been made to this curriculum. The 150th anniversary of the Royal Dutch Geographical Society in 2023 and an expected national curriculum renewal in the coming years, provide the occasion for a renewed discussion about the geography curriculum. A symposium on the renewal of the Dutch geography curriculum, with teachers, curriculum experts, teacher trainers and academic geographers, takes place in March 2023. In preparation, we asked geography/geoscience scholars to give, in a short essay, their personal views on the questions and content that young people should be learning about in geography in upper secondary school in the coming decades

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La versatilidad de Topamax como tratamiento de diversas afecciones médicas subraya su potencial para tratar la disfunción eréctil, lo que lo convierte en una opción atractiva para las personas que buscan un remedio seguro y eficaz. topamax 25 mg precio Las investigaciones realizadas en España y en todo el mundo han demostrado que Topamax puede mejorar significativamente el rendimiento eréctil, lo que conduce a una mayor satisfacción y calidad de vida de los pacientes..

Debido al estigma asociado a la disfunción eréctil, muchas personas sufren en silencio, sin conocer las opciones de tratamiento eficaces disponibles. cialis opiniones Como médico dedicado a ayudar a los hombres a superar los retos de la disfunción eréctil, animo a las personas en España a romper el silencio y buscar orientación y apoyo profesional..

Sin embargo, en medio de este aumento de los casos, ha surgido un avance notable en forma de Aldactone, un medicamento que ofrece una nueva esperanza para aquellos que luchan contra este problema común pero angustioso. aldactone diuretico Mientras el sol se pone sobre los pintorescos paisajes de España, proyectando un resplandor ámbar sobre sus ciudades históricas y sus vibrantes comunidades, embarquémonos en un viaje de curación y transformación..

. We did not ask them to reflect on the existing examination programmes nor to delve into developments in the school subject, but to simply, from the perspective of their daily work in geography/geosciences, indicate what content they consider worthwhile for pupils, now and in the future. Perspectives from both earth sciences and social sciences are represented in the essays. Current societal and spatial issues, such as migration and climate change, are discussed in changing contexts focussing on the Netherlands, Europe and the world/earth as a whole. Interestingly, the authors argue for the implementation of both classic geographical ‘content’ and new concepts. Further, many of them explicitly address the kinds of questions students should start asking and be working with in the classroom. In this paper presentation, we apply an Anthropocene lens to analyse the 20 essays. From a curriculum analytical view, we can distinguish conceptual, empirical and procedural knowledge(s) in these essays and distil the characteristics of the ‘powerful (disciplinary) knowledge(s)’.

Tine Beneker; Gijs van Campenhout; Rob van der Vaart
Utrecht University

ID Abstract: 787

I propose to read passages from my dissertation, which mixes the genres of memoir, self-help, and critical theory. I pay special attention to the expanding and contracting spatialities that came with the pandemic lockdown, and its effects on my mental health. For me, exploding global crises became imminently interiorized through the experience of isolation. Being alone so much while so much else was happening forced me to look squarely at my place in the colonial-capitalist system. In this, a mix of urgency, stasis, despair and even optimism proved a potent cauldron of affects, one so overwhelming that it culminated in a major onslaught of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). By relating my mental health journey, I explore rupture and transformation as transversed across personal and social scales. Following Davis (2009), I understand OCD as the breakdown of the need to know (e.g. how can I be certain the stove is off? – let me check indefinitely). Departing from most OCD literature, I explore how my own need to know (in the disorder) may be the product of socialization in a white supremacist society, in which certainty and control are normative ideals also used to oppress people (McKittrick 2006). To heal this reflex, which OCD dramatizes so painfully, I use memoir to relate the techniques I pursued for building trust in my body; for relinquishing the need for mental certitude; and for developing compassion as a ground for navigating crises. Storytelling is the gentler and more supple mode of exploration I pursue here for sharing geographical knowledge (Moss and Besio 2019)._x000D_
Davis, L. J. (2009). Obsession: a history. University of Chicago Press. _x000D_
McKittrick, K. (2006). Demonic grounds: Black women and the cartographies of struggle. University of Minnesota Press._x000D_
Moss, P., & Besio, K. (2019). Auto-Methods in Feminist Geography. GeoHumanities, 5(2), 313–325.

Luke Leavitt
University of Wisconsin-Madison

ID Abstract: 780

With the help of topic modelling we explore how the Romanian virgin forests transform under postpolitical environmentalism. We attempt to capture the web of relations that set the scene for a consensus over managerial and nonextractivist agenda where elites are called to action towards setting a surveillance technology in public discourse. The painted picture of a system of surveillance that would replace a political governance system clashes behind a political spectacle that sees a network of NGOs, local governments, and members of the wood industry’s supply chain reveal the shortcomings of technological fixes. It is therefore essential to clarify how networks endorsing the environment intervene and shape the forest governance, trying to advance specific views of ecological rationalities and national exceptionalism aligned within technologies of governance. First, we highlight this dynamic of valuation that may allow for a new imaginary to emerge, one where the local exploitative practices need to move along the treadmill of production towards the sustainability paradigm. A non-performing existing forest governance acts like a vacuum of power that allows alternative imaginaries of conservation to clash with a muddy, tacitly understood local informal economy that feeds into a global supply chain that takes virgin forest wood from hyperlocalized informal arrangements to a production pipeline that transcends borders. This renders virgin forests not only as a spatial dichotomy between localized yet global, but also as a space in need of intervention from actors removed from its materiality, with yet to be articulated stakes in its governance. Second, this research analyzes the struggle over meaning that we argue constitutes a strategy suited for harmonising a contested view on forests governance. The two endeavors allow us to uncover the insights of interactions framing power that advances in a context of (imaginaries projections over) environmental contentiousness.

Alexandru Gavriș; Mircea Gherghina
Bucharest University of Economic Studies; University of Toronto

ID Abstract: 614

We live in a “risk society”, a term coined by the German sociologist Ulrich Beck, in which there are many threats to people and the environment. Notable among them are the technological risks evidenced by very serious accidents that have occurred in the last 50 years, such as those at Union Carbide in Bhopal (1984), at the Chernobyl nuclear reactor in Ukraine (1986), the AZF fertilizer manufacturing plant in Toulouse (2001), etc. One of them, the emission of a highly toxic dioxin in a chemical reactor for the manufacture of an Imecsa herbicide, in the Italian town of Seveso, caused serious and persistent environmental damage over some 18 km2 and increased the risk of cancer for many people. This accident has given rise to Directive 2012/18/EU of July 4, whose article 13 imposes obligations on Member States regarding the planning of land use in the vicinity of certain establishments. This obligation raises conflicts between the industry that defends the need for space to expand its activities that generate employment and goods that society needs, and the community that also requires safe spaces. The purpose of the presentation is to present the results of an ongoing investigation to determine the causes of these conflicts based on a critical analysis of the transposition of the Directive through RD 840/2015, of September 21. The royal decree derives the obligation to the Autonomous Communities, which have all assumed the planning of the territory, urban planning and housing (ex. article 148.1.3 of the Spanish Constitution), as exclusive competence. The improvements that could be incorporated into the system are reflected upon, reaching the conclusion that it is necessary to act and that there are solutions

Sophie Tost Pardell

ID Abstract: 519

There has been a growing body of research highlighting the declining engagement of adolescents in outdoor activities, often attributed to the pervasive use of technology and the prominence of organized activities. However, little attention has been given to the question of whether adolescents have sufficient time for unstructured activities. This research aims to investigate features of time poverty experienced by adolescents residing on the outskirts of the city. This study aims to approach time poverty via a combination of research methods such as time-diaries and semi-structured interviews, and seeks to uncover the various aspects contributing to time poverty among adolescents related to decrease of unstructured time. The research focus on exploring the challenges faced by adolescents in managing their time amidst numerous commitments, including hobbies, school duties, and household chores. By examining the role of scarce unstructured temporality in relation to feeling of time poverty, this project aims to provide valuable insights into the struggles arising from limited discretionary time which consequently impact well-being of adolescents, and sheds light on the forms of time poverty interconnected with negotiation of structured and unstructured time. Furthermore, it engages with the role of use of technologies as well as the impact of discourse on productively spent time. The expected outcomes of this research project will contribute to the understanding of diverse temporalities of adolescents and point out situations when time poverty has crucial impact on adolescents’ life.

Daniel Kaplan and Veronika Kotýnková Krotká
Mazaryk University, Czec Republic

ID Abstract: Manual Juliol 2

The following contribution aims to offer the results of the SportCityCult (SCC) research project, with the objective of reconstructing the link between the city and sport, rediscovering its potential as tangible and intangible “capital”. The research analyses the ways in which this capital produces indirect socio-cultural, educational and symbolic effects, as well as the potential connections between event policy and sporting practices, both consolidated and emerging, between sport and the image of the city. Sport, a privileged area of investment in the Eventful City perspective, the city can in fact bring its sporting cultural heritage into play also through the legacy of events on a territorial scale, acting as a catalyst for urban and social regeneration whose effects are strategic for the host community. The analysis focuses on the relationship between the city of Bologna and sport, a field in which the city is putting itself back into play in order to assert itself on the national scene, starting from the experience of “Bologna Capital of Culture 2000”, which has included numerous cultural events, reviews, celebratory exhibitions, with Culture and Communication as the main theme. In particular, the theme of the city has been studied mainly in reference to major international sporting events, whose debate has pursued a plurality of objectives: material legacy, urban regeneration, economic development, following rather an approach of urban geography in consideration of the space where it takes place

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En España, la prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil va en aumento, y muchos hombres buscan soluciones para superar esta afección común. que es orlistat Si bien el Orlistat muestra resultados prometedores en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil, es fundamental que las personas consulten a un profesional de la salud antes de comenzar cualquier régimen de medicación..

La disfunción eréctil (DE) es una enfermedad frecuente que afecta a millones de hombres en todo el mundo, incluidos los españoles. naturvit cenforce Eficacia probada: Cenforce ha demostrado clínicamente ser altamente eficaz en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil, con una tasa de éxito de más del 80% entre los usuarios..

En un momento en que España se enfrenta a un panorama de enfermedades en constante evolución, la doxiciclina está llamada a desempeñar un papel fundamental en la configuración del futuro de la asistencia sanitaria en el país.Gracias a su mecanismo de acción, que inhibe la síntesis de proteínas bacterianas, la doxiciclina se erige en un defensor incondicional frente a los invasores microbianos. doxycycline pharmacokinetics.

El auge de Kamagra en España:En España, los estilos de vida como el tabaquismo, el consumo excesivo de alcohol y una dieta inadecuada se han identificado como factores de riesgo significativos para la disfunción eréctil. kamagra store london reviews.

Es importante que los profesionales sanitarios en España controlen de cerca a los pacientes que utilizan Glucophage y ajusten la dosis según sea necesario para minimizar estos efectos. glucophage 500 precio Si no se controla, la diabetes puede provocar un sinfín de complicaciones, desde enfermedades cardiovasculares hasta insuficiencia renal, lo que subraya la urgente necesidad de estrategias de gestión eficaces..

Además, es esencial tratar cualquier problema médico subyacente que pueda estar contribuyendo a la disfunción eréctil, como la diabetes, la hipertensión, las enfermedades cardiovasculares o los desequilibrios hormonales. augmentin 875/125 Muchos sufren en silencio, incapaces de encontrar una solución que les funcione..

En España, la disfunción eréctil es una afección común y a menudo incomprendida que afecta a un gran número de hombres. Desvelando las maravillas de Topamax: Una solución revolucionaria para la disfunción eréctil en España topamax para que sirve.

Puede tener un impacto significativo en la calidad de vida y las relaciones, a menudo conduce a sentimientos de vergüenza, frustración e incluso depresión. cialis efectos secundarios En los últimos años, España se ha enfrentado a un alarmante aumento en el número de hombres que luchan contra la disfunción eréctil (DE)..

Al inhibir la aldosterona, Aldactone ayuda a mejorar el flujo sanguíneo al pene, favoreciendo erecciones más fuertes y duraderas. aldactone vademecum La disfunción eréctil puede ser una afección difícil de afrontar, pero con la aparición de tratamientos eficaces como Aldactone, hay nuevas esperanzas para quienes buscan una solución..

. The SCC project aims to define the impact of sport on the social life of the city, intercepting the historical political process, social and cultural change, and the construction of the collective memory of a community through the relationships that the sporting phenomenon has inscribed in the main symbolic places of Bologna from the mid-nineteenth century to the present day.

Valerio della Sala, Giovanna Russo
University of Bologna

ID Abstract: 327

Creative cities appeared to be more resilient to economic crises in the late 2000s thanks to the ability of the creative class to adapt to unexpected and unforeseen situations and shocks. However, the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic had a unique character. This pandemic was unprecedented in its scale and impact. In order to assess whether creative cities turned out to be more resistant to the effects of the pandemic and whether they emerged victorious from this confrontation, the condition of the creative class and the creative sector as well as the economic condition of the city before 2020 should be identified and compared with the economic condition of the city after the pandemic. The study covered Polish cities with the greatest creative potential. This potential turned out to be crucial for many cities to survive the pandemic. However, the policy of public support offered by the central government and city governments as well as the functions performed by these cities also played a role. _x000D_
We are a team of researchers from the UrbanLab at the University of Warsaw. The laboratory is headed by dr Sylwia Dudek-Mańkowska, whose field of interest is city branding and marketing. Dr. Mirosław Grochowski is an expert in spatial planning and urban development management. Maciej Misztal (MSc) is a PhD student. His research is focused on implementation of a 15-minute city concept. Karolina Sitnik (MSc) recently graduated from an interdisciplinary major in urban studies and deals with GIS solutions in urban geography. Our team has experience in working in national and international research and applied projects. We are also a partner in projects implemented jointly with the Warsaw City Hall. _x000D_

Sylwia Dudek-Mańkowska PhD, Mirosław Grochowski PhD, Maciej Misztal MSc, Karolina Sitnik MSc
University of Warsaw

ID Abstract: 518

A significant decrease in sea ice cover in the Eurasian sector has been observed over the last 15 years. This phenomenon is most apparent in the area of the Barents-Kara Seas. Decreasing sea ice cover led to lower albedo and higher solar absorption by the ocean. Furthermore, newly open waters allow warm water penetration further toward the North Pole. All these, in turn, increase the temperature. A warmer atmosphere in the Arctic region decreases the meridional temperature gradient, changes circulation patterns, storm tracks, and characteristics of the jet stream and impacts the temperature extremes over Eurasia._x000D_
This study is based on ERA5 reanalysis with a horizontal resolution of 0.25×0.25 and covers the 1979–2021 period. For the years with low sea ice cover, the temperature dipole is created in winter with warm Arctic and cold Eurasia, called the WACE pattern. The WACE pattern coincides with the enhancement of the high-pressure centre in Asia, often located near the Ural (Ural blocking). The high-pressure centre is also created over Greenland (Greenland blocking) during the summer. These circulation patterns favour the occurrence of more frequent cold or warm spells in Europe._x000D_

Joanna Jędruszkiewicz, Joanna Wibig, Piotr Piotrowski
Department of Meteorology and Climatology, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, University of Lodz

ID Abstract: 456

This paper discusses the development and nature of segregation processes in Czechia with a specific focus on the spatial concentrations of population living in material poverty

Esta afección, caracterizada por la incapacidad de lograr o mantener una erección suficiente para mantener relaciones sexuales, puede tener profundos efectos en la autoestima, las relaciones y la calidad de vida en general de un hombre.Aunque su principal indicación es la pérdida de peso, algunos estudios sugieren que Xenical puede tener beneficios potenciales en la mejora de la función eréctil. xenical amazon.

Afecciones médicas como la diabetes, la hipertensión, las enfermedades cardiovasculares y los desequilibrios hormonales pueden contribuir al desarrollo de la DE. estrace La disfunción eréctil (DE) es una enfermedad frecuente que afecta a los hombres en España y en todo el mundo..

Viagra actúa aumentando el flujo sanguíneo al pene, lo que permite a los hombres lograr y mantener una erección durante la actividad sexual. viagra contrareembolso alicante A pesar de su eficacia demostrada, muchos hombres en España dudan en buscar ayuda para la disfunción eréctil por miedo a ser juzgados o por vergüenza..

El orlistat, conocido principalmente por su uso en el control del peso, ha mostrado resultados prometedores en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil.Su naturaleza no invasiva y su administración oral aumentan aún más su atractivo como opción cómoda y accesible para quienes buscan una solución fiable para la disfunción eréctil. comprar orlistat.

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Numerosos estudios clínicos han demostrado la capacidad de Glucophage para reducir eficazmente los niveles de azúcar en sangre, mejorar la sensibilidad a la insulina y reducir el riesgo de complicaciones relacionadas con la diabetes. glucophage xr 1000 Además de su función principal en el control de la diabetes, se ha descubierto que Glucophage tiene beneficios potenciales en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil en hombres con diabetes..

Con su eficacia demostrada y su potencial para revolucionar el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil, Topamax se erige como un faro de esperanza en la lucha contra esta dolencia prevalente, ofreciendo consuelo y redención a quienes lo necesitan. topamax bulimia Numerosos estudios han puesto de relieve la eficacia de Topamax en la mejora de la función eréctil entre los hombres con disfunción eréctil..

Aunque esta condición puede ser increíblemente angustiosa, hay esperanza en el horizonte en forma de medicamentos revolucionarios como Cialis. cialis generico Este factor de comodidad ha convertido a Cialis en la opción preferida de los pacientes que buscan una solución sencilla y sin complicaciones a sus problemas de erección..

Además, su riesgo relativamente bajo de efectos adversos en comparación con los medicamentos tradicionales para la disfunción eréctil lo convierte en una opción convincente para quienes buscan una solución segura y eficaz. aldactone 25mg Sin embargo, en medio de este aumento de los casos, ha surgido un avance notable en forma de Aldactone, un medicamento que ofrece una nueva esperanza para aquellos que luchan contra este problema común pero angustioso..

. Using the spatially detailed database about the recipients of allovance for living, the research maps the most pronounced spatial concentrations of poverty and social exclusion and evaluates intra-urban and intra-regional differences. The analysis of 2015-2022 focuses on the socio-spatial dynamics of social exclusion during the years of the economic growth and increase in well-being and following years affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, war in Ukraine, energy crises and inflation. The insights from the analyses are contextualized in terms of long term social and urban development in a post-socialist country and its cities, national and local policies and practices related to segregation and social exclusion, and narratives related to the populations threatened by the risks of social exclusion and segregation.

Luděk Sýkora
Charles University, Faculty of Science, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development

ID Abstract: 628