The challenges of urbanization in the Anthropocene correspond both to new fields of research and to new frontiers in training in order to foster a change in the theory, methodologies and practices of urban geography, planning, landscaping, etc.
Scientific research from different disciplinary backgrounds proves that human beings are capable of triggering reactions in bio-physical systems which lead to a critical evolution of the environment and a questioning of the habitability of the earth. What scholars propose to call the Anthropocene is therefore the era in the history of the anthropization of the Earth, where human beings become a force acting irreversibly on the entire planet (Steffen et al., 2011). We therefore observe the upheavals of what geographers call the ecumene, i.e. the space inhabited by human beings. This space is increasingly urban in its nature, regardless of the places it produces. This leads to a real “planetary urbanization”, observed since the 1950s, which is the vector for the acceleration of the entry into the Anthropocene (Brenner, Schmid, 2015), facing an impressive challenge engaging human and non-human agents, pushing to the creation of the concept of “Urbanocene” by geographer Michel Lussault (2013; 2017).
The session invites to reflect on the links between urbanization and Anthropocene, focusing on the need of adopting co-creative methodologies in urban design and planning and on teaching methodologies able to face these complex urban challenges among younger generations. This is the case of Challenge Based Learning (CBL), a teaching methodology focusing on relevant real-life authentic challenges to trigger learning and combining the offer of hard and soft skills, responding to specific needs coming directly from society (Van den Beemt et al., 2022). This is made possible through the adoption of a student-oriented approach within collaborative learning techniques (Barkley et al., 2004) and citizen science (Vohland et al. 2021), where students become the main protagonists of a multi-disciplinary teaching, together with academics and local stakeholders (van Karnenbeeka, Janssen-Jansenb, Peel, 2022).
The session invites scholars, at a doctoral and senior level, to discuss about the importance of multilevel co-creative planning and CBL methods around different topics and scales of application. The session is organized by Federica Burini (University of Bergamo, Italy), together with Marco Picone (University of Palermo, Italy). The organizers would like to invite two key-note speakers who could introduce the session – Michel Lussault (Ecole Urbaine de Lyon) and Christian Schmid (ETH Zurich) – in order to open the session to researchers presenting a variety of approaches in co-creative planning and to analyze different methodologies connected to Challenge Based Learning at different scales for planning sustainable urbanities. After the conference, selected papers will be proposed for a collective publication.

Federica Burini (1); Marco Picone (2)
(1) University of Bergamo, Italy, (2) University of Palermo, Italy

ID Abstract:

In this paper I am developing an environmental interactional perspective on creative economy, or, in other words, I consider the dynamic process of cultural and creative professionals’ engagement with their environment, where both human and non-human agencies influence each other

En conclusión, Xenical representa un enfoque de vanguardia para el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil en España, ofreciendo una solución holística que aborda tanto los factores físicos como metabólicos que contribuyen a la disfunción eréctil. xenical 120 A la prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil entre los hombres españoles contribuyen multitud de factores, como la edad, el estilo de vida elegido y las enfermedades subyacentes..

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Aumentando la concienciación, desestigmatizando el problema y promoviendo una comunicación abierta, podemos animar a los hombres españoles a buscar la ayuda que necesitan y abrazar un futuro más brillante y vibrante.Si usted es un hombre que vive en España y tiene problemas de disfunción eréctil, no sufra en silencio. dosis de viagra según edad.

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. I claim that such a perspective is much needed for development of a human-oriented, locally responsible and sustainable creative economy and overcoming challenges of neoliberalism, especially in the context of the non-urban areas, which are sites of my empirical study. I will present the results of participatory mapping of cultural and creative industries (CCIs) relations with their environment conducted in offline and digital modes for Rauma and Eurajoki mostly rural municipalities in Satakunta region, Finland. Offline mapping was conducted during 4 workshops in March 2023 with representatives of culture, creative economy and civil society, who were asked to map the emotionally and symbolically important places in the 2 areas. Digital participatory mapping, running in April 2023, is carried out with Maptionnaire PPGIS and focuses on the perceived environmental features as well as tangible and intangible items of natural and cultural environments important for creative professionals in their creative process. I will conclude with the place-based issues cultural and creative professionals in Rauma and Eurajoki are highlighting during the mapping, which can be converted into the thematic strands of local economy development, in particular: development of touristic routes based on the historical and local knowledge, sustainable and creative use of natural and archaeological sites, preservation and promotion of local oral tradition and places of memory, cultural revival of underused built environment. The results of the paper are part of the IN SITU EU Horizon project dedicated to the place-based innovation of CCIs in non-urban areas (

Oleksandra Nenko
collegium member, Turku Institute for Advanced Studies, researcher, Landscape Studies Department, University of Turku

ID Abstract: 945

In recent years, street art has become embedded in popular culture, representing the good and the beautiful, as well as the bad and the disgusting of landscapes. As underlined by Cosgrove’s theories (1984; 1989), the landscape is a way of seeing and a product of a specific historical timespan and cultural baggage that expresses ideals in symbolic forms. In this sense, the landscape, represented for instance by street art, can become a vehicle of power, able to communicate political and environmental discourses. Moreover, the widespread photographic documentation and the online circulation of street artworks have provided a faster way to spread artists’ messages and reach a potentially global audience._x000D_
Within the theoretical and methodological frame of ecocritical geopolitics (dell’Agnese, 2021) and based on the visual content analysis (Rose, 2012), the research aims to investigate Italian street art focused on environmentalism. The objectives are to identify the symbols most represented and understand the discourses about the environment communicated by street artists in Italy. Through the use of smoking chimneys or flying waste, some artists communicate the threat of polluted landscapes. Others represent symbolic characters, such as popular culture figures, activists, or victims of pollution, to embody environmentalist struggles. Still, others reproduce large animals on the walls, emphasizing the importance of nature. So, all aboard for a tour of the Italian streets!

Benetti Stefania
Università del Piemonte Orientale, Dipartimento per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile e la Transizione Ecologica

ID Abstract: 606

The planetary turn involves a new form of commitment to our immediate territories, but also the formation of an awareness that we inhabit a shared world in which it is necessary to act globally. Ironically, the Anthropocene, marked and defined by the impact of humans on the planet, has given rise to a new and stronger period of widespread environmental awareness, where the voices and epistemologies of territorial knowledge that have historically been despised and relegated to an abyssal zone, are being heard. With this objective, we promote the dialogue of knowledges between various fields that promote the search for a new ecological awareness. Based on these experiences, we investigates other forms of connections and assemblies to inhabit the ruins of this era. At the same time, within the framework of participatory action research in critical geography, the object of scientific production in contexts of cognitive capitalism is questioned, while proposing to generate knowledge for the transformation of spatial and environmental injustices, and the emancipation of social groups that have been geographically oppressed. This includes the integration of decolonial perspectives that today indicate that the crisis to which the (bad) capitalist development of the modern world has led us, including neoextractivism, is part of the coloniality of nature. Geography opens, then, to achieve transformative connections with other expressions of life. These types of encounters are beginning to proliferate today within the framework of Creative Geographies and GeoHumanities, including aspects as varied as spatial humanities, humanistic GIS, water narratives, soundscapes, geopoetics, among others.

Andres Moreira-Muñoz & Pablo Mansilla-Quiñones
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Instituto de Geografia

ID Abstract: 769

This communication presents the experience of the “Rio Tinto Fieldschool: A journey through the red mirror of the Anthropocene” as a methodology for on-site research and interdisciplinary exploration of the Rio Tinto basin by a team of researchers, artists, and activists. The 102 km-long river runs through a large part of the province of Huelva, Spain, from its source near the historic open-pit mines of Rio tinto and the toxic waste dump in Nerva, to its mouth in the Atlantic Ocean, where the chemical industry and its waste converge with intensive berry plantations._x000D_
Along this red-acidic river, the socio-environmental issues were analyzed, and alternative futures for this sacrifice zone were imagined. As part of the journey, the participants collaboratively mapped their experiences, local community testimonials, environmental impacts, and sensations (smell, visuals, etc.). Additionally, a collection of photographs, videos, and audio was made to accompany the map. The fieldschool experience highlighted the importance of on-site exploration and lived experience as a form of research in Geohumanities will also be discussed._x000D_
Finally, this communication aims to deepen the methodological debate on the study of sacrifice zones as places of the Anthropocene through a multitemporal (past, present, and future) and multidisciplinary perspective.

Barrero García, Lucas & Vélez Agosto, Gabriela.
Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA-UAB); University of Barcelona.

ID Abstract: 932

The contribution is situated in the recent debate on inner areas, fostered in Italy by the _x000D_
National Strategy for Inner Areas, which has sought to promote new perspectives and interventions of_x000D_
regeneration on fragile and peripheral territories

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. Within this debate, the contribution_x000D_
develops around the concept of “mountains in the middle” (Varotto, 2020): minor mountains_x000D_
such as the Apennines and the southern ridge, little known and promoted, poorly infrastructured,_x000D_
disadvantaged and disconnected. Despite this, in those areas exist forms of living and dwelling centered on_x000D_
community and sustainability . Around this concept, we would like to present two case studies in southern Italy middle mountains, investigating the relationships that different types of inhabitants_x000D_
establish with their mountains. We will investigate these relationships to the mountains through creative methods_x000D_
-field research methods- that intersect narrative approaches to cultural geography and_x000D_
walking research methods (Kowalewski and Bartłomiejski, 2020). We would like to analyze relationships with_x000D_
to the mountains told while walking by different categories of local actors, according to the idea that walking_x000D_
allows an in-depth understanding of the relationships between communities and mountain places._x000D_
The goal is thus to reconstruct small stories (Lorimer, 2003), understood as embodied and_x000D_
situated: body-centered stories that can offer creative viewpoints on places and environment._x000D_

Giulia De Cunto; Francesca Sabatini (
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca ; Università degli Studi dell’Aquila

ID Abstract: 934

This presentation will reflect on the ongoing collaborative creative project of making a research-themed manga together with a Japanese artist, introducing the undertaking as a means of not only research communication, but also participative research. It will outline the experimental origins of the collaboration, which began as an attempt to capture the transformation of passenger experience on Tokyo’s notoriously crowded urban railway network during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Taking the form of a 4-page manga, the collaboration with the artist Amaebi, then a research participant, provided an academic and artistic way of making sense of the changes in city space and urban experience brought on by the accelerating pandemic, as well as facilitated ethnographic insights into the creative process which advanced a connected study on the design of visual media in Japanese public transport environments which my collaborator had been commissioned to create

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Sin embargo, también es un país donde muchos hombres luchan contra la silenciosa y a menudo estigmatizada disfunción eréctil (DE). topamax para la ansiedad En el ámbito del tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil, Topamax se erige como un faro de esperanza y curación, ofreciendo una solución transformadora para aquellos que lo necesitan..

Aunque los tabúes culturales y el estigma pueden desalentar las discusiones abiertas sobre esta afección, es esencial arrojar luz sobre la magnitud de este problema y las revolucionarias soluciones disponibles. cialis contrareembolso 24h.

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. Perhaps more importantly, the (remote) manga project also allowed for the continuation of rapport building with a research interlocutor at a time when COVID-19 made face-to-face interaction difficult, and eventually developed into a lasting collaborative creative and research partnership. Drawing on this collaborative creative experience, the presentation will reflect on the artist-researcher relationship, the blurring of responsibilities that characterise it, and examine the potentials and pitfalls of a collaboration between manga artist and mobilities researcher. _x000D_
Required technological support: computer and projector.

Christoph Schimkowsky
University of Tokyo

ID Abstract: 341

The Finnish city of Turku shut down its tram network in 1972. However, after five decades since their closure, trams keep haunting the city with their absent presence. They circulate in the city as archival photos reproduced on postcards and souvenirs and as computer-modulated visualisations of new trams whose implementation has been considered and debated in Turku for already twenty years. Therefore, Turku trams are hauntological objects which traverse the past, the present and the future, investing the city with its phantom atmospheres. I investigate this claim through artistic methods of participatory installations, sketching walks, and walking performances. These methods allow for accounting discursive, representational, and embodied layers of the cityscape haunted by the phantom of missing trams. They also offer a means to sense the ghostly presence of Turku trams and make them appear in and through artistic works.

Aleksandra Ianchenko
Tallinn University, Åbo Akademi University

ID Abstract: 492

The town of Narva in Northeast Estonia can be described as a four-fold border town between the East and the West: the border between Estonia and Russia, European Union and Russia, NATO and Russia, it also lies on the divide between catholic and orthodox worlds. Since the Russian attack on Ukraine in February 2022 has been receiving increased attention due to its location. Around the same time, Narva also adopted a new tourism slogan: “Narva — Europe starts here”. As Russian is spoken as mother tongue by 97% of Narva’s population, Europe(anness) does not necessarily have a positive connotation here. Yet, Narva is not a Russian city, as sometimes referred to, but a mix of different ethnicities and backgrounds, often suppressed by stereotypes. _x000D_
Narva Art Residency (NART) in Kreenholm, a former industrial district, has been welcoming artists since 2015 and has recently evolved into one of the most active cultural spaces in town. On the one hand, upcycling industrial areas through artistic projects is a real estate strategy that can lead to gentrification, excluding some communities from the area. On the other hand, artists often draw attention to untypical practices that can be used to make sense of the society and empower minorities. They produce site-specific projects that frame local realities through their own cultural lens and methods. _x000D_
This research is informed by auto-ethnography, participant observation and interviews conducted with the artists of 2022 after their experience in NART. Their various approaches and creative methods to map the city and to get to know its dwellers advocate the potential usage of artistic practices of doing research in in dense and tense settings, empowering local communities and providing alternatives to stereotypes about a post-socialist city.

Saara Mildeberg
Tallinn University

ID Abstract: 507

Geohumanities unfold the practices of placemaking beyond traditional academic narratives by using creative methodologies. In this paper we are presenting several cases of artistic practice that strengthen the essence of place transcending scholarly discourses. The examples are based on artistic curation public exhibits in Avia (Berguedà), a rural village in Central Catalonia, and generate different narratives of the contemporary rural realm. It also aims to reflect and create new discourses that link art with the exercise of constructing a new sense of community and empowerment. _x000D_
For three consecutive years, and with the support of local authorities, we developed art practices in collaboration with the local community with the purpose to strengthen the sense of place and generate new community dynamics in times of the pandemic. These practices go beyond the rational approach and appeal to the emotional side of the people and facilitate the development of new forms of social cohesion. We presented the possibility of thinking from another point of view about the local essence by forcing the interaction with three female artists who have turned local idiosyncrasies upside down to create an uncomplicated vision of rural life. _x000D_
The first example recovers family photo albums to pay tribute to the elderly in the summer of the global pandemic where the older population experienced the worst consequences. In the second year, the technique of child-centered drawing was used to tour the municipality with a final exhibition in the form of a productive circle in a freshly mowed field. Finally, working with the village associations, the local imaginary was reversed based on the magic of surrealism to make community social activities visible in a new dialogue between the community and the essence of the place. This whole legacy speaks of a felt, rooted geography and a geo-humanistic need to find a place in a globalized world for these rural communities._x000D_

Rosa Cerarols and Antonio Luna
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona)

ID Abstract: 539