The issue of nightlife in cities appeared several years ago mainly, but not only, as a problem related to functioning of districts and streets where entertainment venues were located. The pandemic has successfully solved this problem. Life in the cities came to a standstill. The end of lockdowns is a return to the question of cities’ nightlife. The article presents the results of a study on nightlife in Warsaw. The aim of the study was to identify the location of nightlife facilities in the Warsaw Ring area – the central area of the city, to determine the intensity of this life. Services in the Warsaw Ring were mapped in details in order to assess the spatial and temporal diversity of liveliness of particular neighborhoods. The study shows that Warsaw’s nightlife is poor compared to other metropolitan cities although there are some neighborhoods that tend to be alive round the clock. There is no clear spatial concentration of nightlife. The city authorities do not perceive the problems that occur as important from the point of view of the functioning of the entire city nor the development of the metropolis. _x000D_
We are a team of researchers from the UrbanLab at the University of Warsaw. The laboratory is headed by dr Sylwia Dudek-Mańkowska, whose field of interest is city branding and marketing. Dr. Mirosław Grochowski is an expert in spatial planning and urban development management. Maciej Misztal (MSc) is a PhD student. His research is focused on implementation of a 15-minute city concept. Karolina Sitnik (MSc) recently graduated from an interdisciplinary major in urban studies and deals with GIS solutions in urban geography. Our team has experience in working in national and international research and applied projects. We are also a partner in projects implemented jointly with the Warsaw City Hall.

Sylwia Dudek-Mańkowska PhD, Mirosław Grochowski PhD, Maciej Misztal MSc, Karolina Sitnik MSc
University of Warsaw

ID Abstract: 522

If, in policy terms, urban diversity is mainly approached as one of the gateways towards a more inclusive and integrated urbanity, in practice living with difference often unearths a range of challenges. From a scholarly perspective, realities of increasingly diverse cohabitation within densified urban environments have primarily been studied through the lens of ‘super-diversity’ or via renewed discussions about community and conviviality. However, within such contexts of urban transformation, whether self-initiated or government-led, less is known about forms of alienation and how this affects ways of living together in situations where people cannot not live together. This is of particular interest considering a growing push towards densified living. In suburban Johannesburg, this phenomenon unfolds within a specific contextual reality, combining sizeable demographic shifts since the 1990s with a persistent spatial legacy of apartheid planning at the level of the city. Given the changes in the built and social fabric (whether at neighbourhood, street level or within buildings), there is a need and urgency to understand the underlying rationale and norms which characterise such ‘pragmatic’ (and reluctant or hesitant) forms of cohabitation. Focused on empirical research in Cyrildene and Orange Grove, two older and former ‘white’ middle-class neighbourhoods, this paper explores how mistrust, rumours and gossip, and anxieties all inform the nature of social cohesion between locals, established migrants and new arrivals. Despite being generally perceived as sundering relationships, these core concepts do also produce particular social (and spatial) forms, contribute to a more holistic understanding of urban and societal change while revealing intricate layers of human interactions, belonging and identity.

Romain Dittgen
Utrecht University

ID Abstract: 541

Some authors argue that urban vitality encourages sociability among inhabitants. However, this literature concentrates its analysis on the attributes of the built environment, such as density or the diversity of land uses, without considering effective practices or the influence of sociodemograph- ic factors on neighborhood sociability. This article seeks to deepen this relationship, analyzing indica- tors identified by the literature as necessary conditions for urban vitality, contrasting them with neighborhood sociability variables such as neighborhood use, public familiarity, network neighborli- ness and sociability among neighbors, and with sociodemographic indicators for the Metropolitan Area of Santiago, Chile. In addition to finding an important influence of sociodemographic factors, a more complex relationship between urban vitality and neighborhood sociability is identified, revealing the need to rethink the concept for the reality of Latin American metropolises.

Luis Fuentes, Felipe Link, Andrés Señoret y Sebastián Rodriguez
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile – Cedes

ID Abstract: 545

Born between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century as associations for mutual aid among workers, the ‘case del popolo’ (neighbourhood clubs) have gradually established themselves as a distinctive trait of grassroots and popular associations in the Tuscan and Florentine context, with more than 250 realities present in the provincial territory and 45,000 members affiliated. Starting from this capillary spatial diffusion, the ‘case del popolo’ carry out several initiatives in the fields of social inclusion and integration of marginalised people, animation and cultural production, political participation and, not lastly, recreational and social activities. Because of this function, they constitute an important component of the local public sphere, in terms of a widespread social infrastructure, and significantly contribute to Florentine urban vitality. In recent years, however, the economic difficulties and profound social changes that have affected the area, not least the consequences of the pandemic crisis, have also affected the reality of the ‘case del popolo’, with repercussions linked to the continuation of their activities and of their organisational model and mutual aims. The paper presents the results of a recent research based on qualitative studies. The paper aims at: i) theoretically discussing the case of the ‘case del popolo’ in the light of the debate on social infrastructures; ii) empirically analysing their recent evolution, issues, and perspectives; iii) advancing proposal for supporting the ‘case del popolo’ as a crucial component of the Florentine urban vitality

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Matteo Puttilli, Mirella Loda, Alessandro Basta
Università degli Studi di Firenze

ID Abstract: 610

Urban vitality, understood as a key factor for the achievement of cities’ sustainability, shows a strong relationship with urban morphology. The city theorist Jane Jacobs suggested morphological aspects already in the 1960s, which remain valid in the 21st-century reality for conceiving more vital cities. However, few studies in the Andean region quantitatively exemplify this. This paper aims to illustrate urban vitality in a neighborhood of Quito, Ecuador, called La Mariscal, integrating Jacobs’ approach. In particular, three indexes were tested with the application of GIS software. Final maps present considerable dissimilarities. In this regard, both context-based and general previous knowledge is essential in the accurate selection of dimensions, indicators, and representation systems. Regarding dimensions, land use mixture, contact opportunity, and accessibility are the most relevant in the study area. Regarding indicators, the addition of the ground floor informal selling and the quality of sidewalks may help to interpret the neighborhood dynamics. Regarding the representation system, a transformation of the vectorial block system into smaller parts, lots, would precise the measurement of urban vitality. Altogether, by providing a comparative approach, we intend to bring a useful framework for urban researchers and planners to study urban vitality in Andean cities.

Nuria Vidal
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

ID Abstract: 411

Diversity of retail and facilities is an essential feature for creating everyday proximity environments. To date, most analysis on retail diversity focus on built environment predictors or the balance between diversity and social vulnerability and tourism, separately. However, not much is known on the interrelationship between retail diversity, vulnerability and tourist activity. The study analyses the diversity of retail and activities by using georeferenced data of retail and facilities in the metropolis of Barcelona (Spain). The results show that retail and facility diversity are positively associated with compact and dense urban environments but negatively related to urban vulnerability and tourist accommodations

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En un país culturalmente rico y diverso como España, donde la pasión y la intimidad ocupan un lugar importante en el entramado social, el impacto de la disfunción eréctil repercute profundamente, afectando a las relaciones, la autoestima y el bienestar general.Aldactone, un medicamento diseñado originalmente para tratar la hipertensión y los edemas, ha dado resultados prometedores en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil. aldactone ficha tecnica.

. Using a cluster analysis technique, we are able to identify 5 clusters based on the balance between retail diversity, urban vulnerability and tourist intensity. These clusters speak of the specialized nature of certain urban areas and provide information on how retail and facility diversity may be endangered by the overrepresentation of specific activities. These insights can inform the development of urban policies that want to ensure activity diversification and promote inclusive and equitable urban environments.

Irene Gómez-Varo, Xavier Delclòs-Alió, Carme Miralles-Guasch, Oriol Marquet
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambiental

ID Abstract: 426

Poblenou begun its history as a village, became Catalan Manchester, was transformed by the Olympic Games, considered as an artistic neighbourhood and nowadays it is the 22@ district. All these changes of the built environment have modified the population, the street and the neighbourhood life.

Claire Court
University of Barcelona

ID Abstract: 54

Urban regeneration is a process that started as early as the 1950s in Western Europe and has gradually evolved. In the post-socialist countries, including Poland, regeneration processes started on a larger scale after accession to the European Union, in most cases in 2004. The starting point for urban regeneration in the post-socialist countries was the knowledge and experience of the “old” EU countries up to the end of the 20th century.  On the example of the Polish experience an analysis of the use and adaptation of the concept of revitalisation to the conditions of cities in a post-socialist country will be presented. The research encompassed all cities in which regeneration processes were carried out after 2004 – a total of 698 cities out of the 930 existing in Poland. The analysis of 14,600 regeneration projects in these cities made it possible to identify the specific characteristics of urban regeneration in Poland, which are:- concentration of projects in city centres- public character of the vast majority of projects- the investment, infrastructural character of most projects.

Wojciech Jarczewski
Institute of Urban and Regional Development

ID Abstract: 89

The research focuses on metropolitan Barcelona and analyses in a quantitative way the relationship of time and space established between households, the 90 public market halls and the 74 publicly managed weekly open-air markets. _x000D_
This investigation is based on the considerations that gave rise to the municipal policy Special Plan for Food Retail Facilities in Barcelona (PECAB 1986), drawn up in a context in which food trade was being transformed by technological changes that redesigned production and distribution, and eating and consumption habits were evolving. The policy would see markets as attractors of activity in neighbourhoods and municipalities, bringing together around them the proliferation of other food retail premises and making food supply a catalyst for urban life. At the same time, it would reduce the number of food shops in the city and increase their surface by establishing minimum floor areas, so that small traders would move to market halls. At the same time, food retailers housed in the surrounding blocks would act as satellites in relation to the market halls and increase the average sales area of the facilities, each contributing to the critical mass of the urban food supply infrastructure._x000D_
The polarization of food trade around markets has continued to this day. The multi-scale two-dimensional reading of the Barcelona metropolitan food system shows that the distribution of food stores responds to a logic of clustering around market places. As a result of the research, fragments of the metropolitan fabric are detected according to the vulnerability in relation to access to food; and pedestrian paths are provided to promote sustainable speeds of life. The investigation sustains that the way a metropolis is fed determines its shape and the rhythm and quality of life of its inhabitants.

Eulàlia Gómez-Escoda (1) and Pere Fuertes (2)
(1) Barcelona Laboratory of Urbanism, ETSAB-UPC ; HABITAR Research group, ETSAV-UPC

ID Abstract: 212

Since 1990, the city of Copenhagen has undergone a major transformation of its harbour areas. The former polluted industrial wastelands are being transformed into residential districts with a peaceful living environment (Kural, 2010). From 2002 onwards, urban bathing was made possible and became the symbol of the reclamation of the natural river environment. Numerous bathing areas which are both functional and hedonic have appeared and now question the appropriation of the waterfront as a living space by the inhabitants

En conclusión, Xenical representa un enfoque de vanguardia para el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil en España, ofreciendo una solución holística que aborda tanto los factores físicos como metabólicos que contribuyen a la disfunción eréctil.Los hombres que antes se sentían impotentes ante la disfunción eréctil ahora tienen un poderoso aliado en Xenical, un faro de luz en su hora más oscura. xenical.

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Además, los estudios han indicado que el uso de orlistat puede asociarse a trastornos gastrointestinales, como manchas aceitosas, flatos con secreción, urgencia fecal y heces aceitosas.El estigma social que rodea a la disfunción eréctil puede impedir que los hombres busquen ayuda, lo que conduce a mayores complicaciones y a una disminución de la calidad de vida. orlistat 120 mg.

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En conclusión, la llegada de Kamagra ha marcado el comienzo de una nueva era de esperanza y transformación para las personas afectadas por la disfunción eréctil en España. kamagra 100mg amazon En el vibrante y apasionado país de España, donde las emociones ardientes y la lujuria por la vida son profundas, existe una creciente preocupación por la salud que afecta a muchos hombres en silencio: la disfunción eréctil (DE)..

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Puede tener un impacto significativo en la confianza de un hombre, sus relaciones y su calidad de vida en general.Emprendamos juntos este viaje hacia un futuro en el que la disfunción eréctil no sea una barrera, sino un obstáculo que espera ser superado con la ayuda de soluciones de vanguardia como Topamax. topamax vademecum.

Esto proporciona una mayor flexibilidad y espontaneidad en la actividad sexual, lo que le ha valido el apodo de “La píldora del fin de semana”. Además, Cialis puede tomarse con o sin alimentos, por lo que es conveniente para los hombres en España para incorporar en su rutina diaria.Para los hombres que luchan contra la disfunción eréctil en España, Cialis representa un rayo de esperanza en su camino hacia la superación de esta difícil condición. cialis 20 mg contrareembolso.

Esta completa guía pretende ilustrar a los lectores sobre las ventajas de Aldactone para combatir la disfunción eréctil y cómo puede allanar el camino hacia una vida plena y satisfactoria. aldactone 100 mg La disfunción eréctil, a menudo denominada impotencia, es un trastorno caracterizado por la incapacidad de lograr o mantener una erección suficiente para mantener relaciones sexuales..

. The Nordhavn urban project to the north of Copenhagen is a good example of this urban transformation, built on the idea of the “five-minute city”, car-free and closely connected to its direct maritime environment. Based on Jan Gehl’s (2012) urban planning philosophy, every waterfront pier and street corner are now dedicated to urban life and the social activities of local residents. _x000D_
How did the public actors and architects envision the creation of urban life in a completely new neighbourhood? How can the urban bathing facility in Nordhavn be understood as a successful example of urban and social life creation? _x000D_
Methodologically, this investigation is based on an in situ and participative observation of the bath users, combined with 10 semi-directive interviews with the users of the harbour baths, the architects behind the design of the waterfront and the public actors. In-depth work on the analysis of architectural plans and photographic materials was also carried out. We will show how the Sandkaj boardwalk can be considered as a typical example of the connection between built environment and neighbourhood life. More than a bathing place, this area has become the place where the inhabitants of the neighbourhood gather, experiment co-presence and enjoy various inhabitant practices related to the Scandinavian active body way of life._x000D_

Clément BRUN ; André SUCHET
LACES, University of Bordeaux ; PAVE, Bordeaux National School of Architecture and Landscape

ID Abstract: 406