The concept of urban vitality, as coined by Jane Jacobs in her seminal work “The Death and Life of Great American Cities” (1961), suggests that the physical form of cities can have a significant impact on the vibrancy and liveliness of neighbourhoods. Jacobs argued that diverse, mixed-use, and pedestrian-friendly urban environments promote social interaction and a sense of community, while monolithic and car-centric designs can lead to social isolation and decline.
In recent years, urban vitality ideas are undergoing a revival. Under this framework, urban policies are promoting proximity dynamics by investing in accessibility, pedestrian-oriented developments, and diversity. At the same time, there has been a growing interest in academia in understanding these theoretical conditions for urban vitality with an applied perspective, by characterizing built environment and exploring their relationship with daily life urban outcomes.
This session aims to bring together researchers who are working under the framework of urban vitality in contemporary cities. We welcome research from a range of disciplines (urban studies and planning, geography, sociology, anthropology, architecture, and other science fields) that explore how the design and planning of cities can support or hinder neighbourhood life, and how policy and practice can facilitate the creation of vibrant communities. We are particularly interested in studies that offer insights for practitioners and policymakers seeking to enhance the vitality of their cities, including but not limited to case studies, comparative analyses, and conceptual or theoretical frameworks. We look forward fostering a lively discussion to exchange ideas on the role of urban form in creating vibrant cities.

Irene Gómez-Varo (1); Oriol Marquet (2)
(1) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, (2) Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA)

ID Abstract:

Adaptive reuse is essential for heritage buildings, including those in old industrial areas. The implementation of urban regeneration projects can make a real difference in the vitality and sustainable development of cities. This is all the more important in Romania, where the de-industrialization of the last three decades has been a real social and economic challenge, with industrial areas seeing a large and rapid process of destruction, while the legislative vacuum has led to irreparable losses of industrial architecture._x000D_
This study aims to analyze the use of industrial heritage and its role as an engine of urban revitalization, using the city of Iasi as a case study

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. The research is based on official statistical data from 1912-2022, supplemented by qualitative data extracted from field investigations, press information, and the use of images from Google Earth._x000D_
The results highlighted the predominant use of former industrial areas for real estate purposes, without concern to preserve buildings with real architectural value. However, there are also some successful examples, in which former factories dating back more than 100 years have been rehabilitated and integrated into the urban landscape._x000D_
The conclusions are generally valid for many cities in Eastern Europe: industrial architectural heritage must be used by creating new functional cores with a catalytic role, as the rehabilitation of these spaces contributes to redefining cultural identity and bringing back the sense of belonging to the inhabitants. In this regard, we hypothesize that in Romania (with a few notable exceptions) and especially in the city of Iasi there is not a clear trend of preserving the urban industrial heritage, but rather a fast and profitable capitalization from a financial point of view. The existence of a quality public space leads to an increase in the quality of life and to the creation of sustainable communities.

Marinela ISTRATE, Lucian ROȘU
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Faculty of Geography and Geology, Romania

ID Abstract: 45

Socio-spatial inequalities caused by environmental changes related to climate change have_x000D_
increasingly come to the forefront of Hungarian social geography research. In recent decades, the_x000D_
increasingly frequent extreme events of the effects of climate change (heat waves, floods, forest_x000D_
fires, etc.) are causing an increasing number of environmental disasters and the resulting_x000D_
environmental damage has enormous social costs. All this also has an impact on people’s daily life,_x000D_
quality of life, and health. In December 2019, the European Commission launched its proposal for a_x000D_
European Green Deal (EGD), a wide-ranging package of legislation and financial instruments to_x000D_
address climate change and ensure a “just, fair, and inclusive” transition in the European Union. The_x000D_
presentation showcases the most important aspects of the EGD and its potential effects on different_x000D_
European countries by reviewing the most important factors, which might influence the green_x000D_
transition process. Three major aspects were identified, namely, socio-cultural and economic;_x000D_
political and administrative; environmental out of which a transition framework was set. Considering_x000D_
the framework three potential transition pathways were identified for the European countries, the_x000D_
progressive, the parallel, and the pragmatic.

Gyula Nagy
lecturer, University of Szeged, Department of Economic and Social Geography

ID Abstract: 896

The energy crisis caused by the Russian-Ukrainian war has accelerated the transformation of the energy sector in Europe, causing major geopolitical changes in the short and long term. Europe´s heavy dependence on Russian gas, perceived as a security risk for some European countries, already entailed before the conflict a strategy of reconfiguring supplies, infrastructures and the electricity market._x000D_
However, within the EU there are strong regional rivalries depending on the energy characteristics of the member states, which condition community strategies and policies. The negotiations of the Spanish and Portuguese governments to limit the gas cap in the so-called “Iberian exception” or the inclusion by the French and German authorities of nuclear energy production within the green pact are some examples of this._x000D_
In this context, the push for the diversification of foreign suppliers and renewable energies, as well as the commitment to hydrogen as a substitute for gas, open up a scenario of geopolitical opportunities and risks. The aim of this paper is therefore to analyse the geopolitical implications of the energy crisis and transition in Europe at different levels of spatial analysis.

Albert Borràs Rius, Darío Salinas Palacios
Cassini Spain associate – PhD Candidate (University of Carlos III) ; Cassini Spain associate- Associate researcher (French Institut of Geopolitics)

ID Abstract: 301

The energy crisis, and energy transition poses significantly different challenges to households in different socio-spatial position. There are distinct socio-spatial patterns in households’ energy use practices and energy-related problems, as well as in their potential for crisis management and energy transition. Households’s strategies concerning crisis management and energy transition is also influenced by social disparities in knowledge and attitudes about energy consumption and sustainable energy use, and awareness about measures to promote energy transition (1). Households affected by energy vulnerability and energy poverty face specific problems, including the socially disparate impact of energy transition measures, as reflected in the emerging just transition agenda (2,3)._x000D_
The presentation analyses such socio-spatial patterns, with specific regard to energy vulnerable and energy poor households in Hungary, on the basis of a survey conducted in February-March 2023 by the Centre for Social Sciences (N=1000, personal interviews on a representative adult population sample, research funding: NRDI, Ref. No. 138020). Reflecting on the recent energy crisis, the presentation also examines socio-spatial differences in households’ strategies to handle the radical energy price increase since 2022, with specific regard to the evaluation of such strategies from the point of view of energy transition (promoting transition vs. adverse effects on energy transition). The presentation also comments on the impact of the housing system, housing and energy policies on energy transition and energy crisis._x000D_
1. Elisha R. Frederiks, Karen Stenner, Elizabeth V. Hobman (2015)
2. Darren McCauley, Raphael Heffron (2018)
3. Stefan Bouzarovski, Sergio Tirado Herrero (2017)

Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Sociology, Budapest

ID Abstract: 302

Around the world, more than 100 nuclear power plants will be shut down in the coming decades. However, this is a subject that has rarely been studied by the humanities and social sciences. Many of these studies focus on specific cases without comparison. They generalise the consequences of the closure for all territories. However, the intensity of the impacts varies according to the characteristics of the implementation territory (Meyer, 2015). It is therefore relevant to analyse the territorial trajectories followed by nuclear territories with fundamentally different characteristics

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Sin embargo, la esperanza se vislumbra en el horizonte con la aparición de Estrace, un tratamiento revolucionario que está transformando la forma de abordar la disfunción eréctil en España. estrace Además, Estrace ha demostrado potenciar los efectos de otros medicamentos para la disfunción eréctil, como los inhibidores de la fosfodiesterasa, lo que mejora los resultados en los hombres con disfunción eréctil..

La Viagra, también conocida como citrato de sildenafilo, ha revolucionado el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil desde su introducción a finales de la década de 1990.Es importante señalar que Viagra no es una cura para la disfunción eréctil, sino más bien una solución temporal que puede ayudar a los hombres a superar esta difícil condición. comprar viagra.

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Como medicamento anticonvulsivo, Topamax actúa estabilizando la actividad eléctrica del cerebro y los nervios.España es un país conocido por su vibrante cultura, impresionante arquitectura y deliciosa cocina. topamax 100mg.

Aunque los tabúes culturales y el estigma pueden desalentar las discusiones abiertas sobre esta afección, es esencial arrojar luz sobre la magnitud de este problema y las revolucionarias soluciones disponibles.Esta mayor ventana de eficacia permite una mayor espontaneidad y flexibilidad, lo que permite a los hombres a participar en la actividad sexual sin la restricción de tiempo de su ingesta de medicamentos. cialis farmacia.

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. We will therefore focus on Fessenheim (France) and Brunsbüttel (Germany)_x000D_
The closure of the Fessenheim nuclear power plant is the result of a presidential election promise. Many people protested against the closure because of the plant’s strong connection to the local socio-economic life. Despite these protests, the plant finally closed in 2020. A redevelopment project was created, but the stakeholders seem to have difficulty in grasping the issue._x000D_
The Brunsbüttel nuclear power plant is located in one of the country’s largest industrial parks. In contrast to Fessenheim, its closure did not provoke any reaction from the population or local actors. Thus, no concrete project has emerged. The only visible media debate concerns the treatment and storage of the decommissioning waste from the power plant, which should be sent to a public landfill a hundred kilometres away. _x000D_
This communication proposes to highlight how the previous configurations of the territory, the legal framework as well as the way in which the question of the waste of the power plants is treated influence the redevelopment trajectories. We will be able to improve our understanding of the factors influencing the post-nuclear territory trajectories.

Belinda Ravaz
School of Engineering and Management Vaud, HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland

ID Abstract: 559

The energy transition is not a spontaneous process, but is linked to policies aimed at reducing the use of fossil fuels in favor of renewable energy. This is especially from countries with the highest consumption of primary energy. The scenarios we propose show us that the road is not easy and that, above all, there is a need to reduce the demand for energy. Without the reduction in demand, the limits set by the 2015 Paris Agreement can hardly be reached, not even the less demanding goal of keeping the global temperature increase below 2°C. This is because the need to produce new energy would thwart the efforts to replace fossil fuels with renewables. Actually, the energy transition is not at the same level everywhere and does not find the same sensitivity everywhere. For example, the European Union has placed at the basis of its Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 and of the NextGeneration EU plan, over 370 billion euros for actions related to natural resources and the environment, for the recovery of the economy after the COVID-19 pandemic. We have also to consider RePower EU, in order to face the energy crisis after Ukraine-Russia war. But the European Union – despite the contradictions it experiences in the energy transition – is a “virtuous” example, perhaps even a model, but not too practiced outside it. In this work, we will highlight the weaknesses of the energy transition when viewed within the different regional realities. After having elaborated a synthesis of the possible energy transition scenarios, coming from a wide range of studies, we will carry out an analysis of current and future energy transitions on an international scale, in which we will show how the processes, seen on a regional scale, are all other than a common and shared path.

Domenico de Vincenzo
Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale

ID Abstract: 735

For the success of the energy transition, the change in mobility behaviour also plays a decisive role. In concrete terms, this means a change of drive, from the conventional combustion car to the electric vehicle (EV). At the same time, a corresponding infrastructure must be created for charging EVs. Without intelligent, flexible charging this would require tremendous investments in energy generation and grid infrastructure. Economically, the provision of the necessary energy services is only feasible with intelligent control of the charging infrastructure. Dynamic power tariffs, which provide market-driven and grid-serving flexibility, are one component of the solution. For this purpose, however, technical, data protection and regulatory framework conditions must be created._x000D_
Within our research focus, we recommend a framework for an event-driven tariff structure to incentivise the provision of flexibility based on EV-charging. Goal of this tariffs is to enable the end user to offer his flexible and controllable devices (heat pumps, battery storage, EV-Charging) to the power grid. Here we are moving in the field of tension between different needs and scenarios. For example, due to national weather conditions, there may be a surplus of renewable energy in the distribution grid, which leads to increased market-oriented demand because prices are very low or even negative. On the other hand, such an increased demand can lead to local grid bottlenecks, which makes an intervention of the distribution grid operator (DSO) necessary. _x000D_
The proposals for this concept are based on the results from a Delphi expert survey among representative stakeholders, such as DSOs, integrated utilities, aggregators and new energy service provider. Furthermore, the concepts described above are being tested in a field trial at Biberach University of Applied Sciences using the smart meter gateway technology and energy management systems.

Professor Matthias Grandel, M.A. Claudius Kübler
Biberach University of Applied Sciences

ID Abstract: 841

The challenges of the energy transition require a new way of thinking in all areas of life. The use of renewable energy sources offers an opportunity to reverse the adverse spatial processes resulting from past careless human interventions and climate change, and to create a healthy ecosystem service. _x000D_
There is no part of the world today that does not bear the scars of human activity. This process seems unstoppable. So perhaps the best we can do is to approach complex processes with the utmost care. There are many uses for a piece of land, and coordinating them requires careful development and sustainable land use planning. _x000D_
The case study of the Rétköz lake in north-east Hungary illustrates a habitat rehabilitation project where a number of human uses have been reconciled with the conservation and restoration of the natural environment. As a result of climate change, the good condition of the habitat can now only be maintained artificially, with renewable energy sources playing a key role. The rehabilitation and sustainable management of the Rétköz lake is a model for resolving land use conflicts and providing a rich ecosystem service powered by renewables._x000D_

Balázs Kulcsár

ID Abstract: 264

Description of the proposed session: the energy sector is a key pillar of the global economy, which is currently undergoing a major transformation. This change is based on the finite nature of fossil resources and their impact on the planet’s climate, which also raises the question of the future habitability of the Earth. The current system is demonstrably unsustainable. The need to transform the energy sector is thus becoming increasingly widely accepted. The energy crisis caused by the Russia-Ukraine war is a strong signal that this process is accelerating. The changes involve not only a shift from fossil fuels to renewables but also changes in consumption patterns, policies and support schemes, technological development and efficiency improvements, smart grid deployment, decentralization, energy self-sufficiency, land use, and environmental pressures.
The complexity of geosciences links them to the global energy system in a thousand ways, with all its segments actively contributing to the transformation of the energy economy and its sustainable path.
The “Global Energy” section invites contributions from scholars who study the geographical aspects of the energy sector, which is essential for the functioning of the global world, and who are interested in analyzing such phenomena from different spatial perspectives.  Two topical and thus prominent themes of the session are the European energy crisis and the energy transition.

Balázs Kulcsár (1)
(1) University of Debrecen Faculty of Engineering, Hungary, Debrecen

ID Abstract: