The fire can negatively affects the Cerrado Mineiro landscape (Brazillian Savanna), especially in those regions with intense agricultural practices: a common scenario in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Preventing or mitigating the impacts of these fire-related phenomena is vital for conserving the Cerrado biome. Therefore, here we mapped and analyzed the recurrence of hotspots within a study region from 2010 to 2022. We have associated these hotspots with land use, seeking to find patterns of hotspot recurrence connected to different agricultural practices and recognizing regions with frequent surface heat events. To this end, we mapped land use with data from the MAPBIOMAS project. To map the areas of hotspot recurrence, we used data from FIRMS/NASA. We observed a clear cyclical pattern of occurrence of hotspots, with particular concentration during August to October. This was expected once it follows the regional weather patterns, with dry months during this period. Furthermore, when we analyze the historical series over the last four years, there is a slight tendency for an increase in hotspots. This result indicates that prevention policies have not been as effective as they should be. Regarding the spatial distribution of hotspots, we noticed that their recurrence is regularly distributed all over the studied territory, with approximately 60% of the occurrences related to areas with active agriculture, including pasture. We also observed that the south portion – largely occupied by sugarcane plantations and pasture – concentrates the highest frequency of occurrence of hot spots: an expected pattern, given the type of management employed in these types of land use. Here we emphasize that, in a later stage, we intend to analyze the consequences of fire recurrence and intensity on vegetation regeneration; until now, the results reinforce the need to persevere in this study to understand the relationship between fire patterns and agriculture practiced in the Cerrado Mineiro.

Silvio Carlos Rodrigues(1), Gabriel Henrique de Almeida Pereira(2), João Vitor Meza Bravo(1), Jorge Luis Silva Brito(1), Haendell Luiz Silva Costa(3) ; Xávier Ubeda(4); Antonio Bento Gonçalves(5), Antonio A. B. Vieira (5)
(1)Universidade Federal de Uberlândia; (2)SIMEPAR; (3) Corpo Bombeiros MG; (4)Universidad de Barcelona; (5) Universidade do Minho

Los espacios públicos desempeñan un papel crucial a la hora de crear un sentimiento de comunidad y facilitar la interacción social, espacios donde la gente puede reunirse, debatir, practicar actividades deportivas, celebrar actos culturales y protestas, es decir, es un espacio para la sociabilidad, pero en los últimos años se ha hecho evidente la ocupación de equipamientos privados en espacios que a priori eran públicos. La pandemia de covid-19 ha suscitado un debate sobre la relación entre lo público y lo privado._x000D_
La disponibilidad y la calidad de los espacios públicos pueden variar mucho en función de la ubicación y el contexto Kühn (2015), algunas áreas pueden tener acceso limitado a los espacios públicos, mientras que otras pueden concentrar gran parte de ellos, otra variable que es diferente según la zona de análisis, es el mantenimiento de las instalaciones públicas, en estas perspectivas, es posible evaluar la desigualdad socioespacial de una sociedad de acuerdo con la distribución de sus espacios públicos, Carlos (1992). El objetivo de la investigación es precisamente evaluar la distribución de los espacios públicos en el territorio, identificando las áreas de necesidad y proponiendo medidas de intervención que se centren en el espacio público para las personas, buscando que la ciudad sea pensada para las personas, Gehl (2014). La pandemia del covid-19 ha provocado cambios estructurales en la sociedad, es necesario aprovechar este momento de transformación para reflexionar, proponer y actuar sobre qué modelo de espacios públicos queremos para el futuro. _x000D_
El área de análisis es la ciudad de Goiânia (Brasil), enfocándose en observar la distribución de los espacios públicos a través de SIG y analizar si realmente existe una correlación entre espacios públicos, calidad de vida y desigualdad social. En un segundo momento, la investigación pretende proponer medidas de acción para mitigar las posibles fragilidades de la región._x000D_

Willian Tavares Cerino
Universitat Rovira i Virgili

The topic of nature conservation must overcome the antithesis between men and parks and must educate responsible environmental protection behaviour._x000D_
Volunteering in nature parks represents an opportunity for land conservation, environmental and civic education at the same time, and a true dialogue between man and nature. Volunteering is an opportunity for active citizenship to be involved in nature conservation and an opportunity to promote and disseminate the culture of protected area and environmental sustainability._x000D_
A growing motivation for caring for the commons in general and for the environment can now be observed among citizens. This research proposes an analysis of the implementation of volunteer programmes in Italy’s National Parks, Marine Protected Areas and Regional Parks. The results show the current sensitivity of the sector to the issue of voluntary service for nature._x000D_
The main and most significant Italian volunteer programmes were observed, such as the programmes of the Abruzzo National Park and the Casentinesi Forest National Park. Local stakeholders supporting the project in logistics and mentoring of volunteer groups were interviewed._x000D_
Finally, the research proposes methodological support for park managers to introduce structured forms of voluntary activities for nature into the management system, without additional effort on the part of the organisations. _x000D_
Nature parks can get from this study a project format for solutions that are appropriate to their own context or supplement their current programmes._x000D_

Lara Fiorentini (1), Francesco Faccini (2)
(1) Regione Liguria, (2) DISTAV, Università di Genova

ID Abstract: 920