The first emotional map of history is generally considered The map of tender by Madeleine de Scudery. Taking it as an initial inspiration, Marco Bertagni developed his thesis on Geographical Sciences at University La Sapienza and made an overview of the history of Emotional Cartography until launching a project called The River of Life based on a new and innovative methodology that can be applied to different fields: from self-knowledge to friendship and love relationships, from career path to business and professions, from the relationship with your own body to sports contests. _x000D_
One of the most intriguing applications of The River of Life mapping methodology, which Marco is developing with Melissa Rodriguez Martin, an architect, concerns urban and territorial planning. Mapping the emotions of individuals could be a valuable tool to understand the relationship between the citizen and the specific space._x000D_
Studying people’s well-being should be the new base for planning and analyzing urban environments. In order to be able to provide a good intervention in a space there should be an analysis of the city as an organism constituted by its citizens. Therefore, emotional mapping could be a powerful tool for analyzing the real needs of an environment to create strategic designs and planning that meet the feeling of belonging._x000D_
In this presentation, Marco and Melisse will then deliver a historical overview of a little-known branch of cartography to focus on the practical uses of emotional cartography, which the international professionals gathered in EMME ( use daily

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. The River of Life mapping methodology is present in different fields, for their activities and when delivering courses, coaching, games, and travels to their clients. So far this methodology has been used in hundreds of companies, institutions, schools, and universities.

Marco Bertagni & Melissa Rodriguez Martin
Bertagni Consulting srl & Emotional Geography UK Ltd

ID Abstract: 372

La perspectiva del lugar y su relevante rol pedagógico encuentra en el Antropoceno un fuerte articulador de los temas a ser trabajados en el ambiente escolar a través de la educación geográfica, pensada en una concepción amplia, anclada en la enseñanza de la geografía, pero no restringida al conocimiento disciplinario sino en la posibilidad de construcciones de conocimiento interdisciplinarias. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar el uso de temas generadores asociados al Antropoceno en la educación geográfica en escuelas básicas del municipio de Nova Iguaçu en el estado de Río de Janeiro – Brasil. La metodología de trabajo está relacionada con la articulación y proyectos de educación geográfica cuyo tema generador, elegido por la comunidad escolar será el elemento central de la construcción del conocimiento, involucrando a toda la comunidad en un desafío común. El Antropoceno puede entenderse como una forma más directa como una nueva época geológica caracterizada por el impacto del hombre en la Tierra. Los temas generadores trabajados a través de proyectos geográficos en escuelas básicas exploraron tres grandes resultados del Antropoceno en la relación sociedad-naturaleza, como son el calentamiento global, la deforestación y la disminución de la biodiversidad. Los temas generadores son entendidos en la concepción de Paulo Freire, donde cada tema es el punto de partida para el proceso de construcción del descubrimiento. Los temas mismos, contemplan ricas discusiones para el currículo escolar, que trabajó en la perspectiva de la educación geográfica, puede articular de manera más coherente y amplia la formación ciudadana de los estudiantes en la escuela primaria a través de una educación pensada de manera contextualizada, problematizada e interdisciplinaria.

Clézio dos Santos
Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro – UFRRJ

ID Abstract: 366

With the progress of information and communication technologies (ICT) and advent of the knowledge economy, the burgeoning e-commerce heralds new opportunities to reverse the declining trend of the rural economy. In the past two decades, the emergence of Taobao Villages in rural China has exemplified the significant outcomes of e-commerce in changing rural communities. Despite fruitful research on rural e-commerce, the formation mechanism of Taobao Villages has not been explained in detail. This study fills this gap by investigating the development progress of a typical Taobao Village in-depth. Drawing on the framework of neo-endogenous rural development, we conducted a case study in Dongfeng Village, one of the first three Taobao Villages in China, to identify the development path and formation mechanism of typical Taobao Villages. We found that the prosperity of e-commerce in Dongfeng Village could be attributed to the combination of the bottom-up initiative of farmers and top-down intervention by the government. Initially, pioneer entrepreneurs brought e-commerce to the village and achieved great success in this business, then social network acted as a channel for the diffusion of e-commerce in the local community. Subsequently, the government recognized the significance of e-commerce for the rural economy and provided support to advance the further development of rural e-commerce. With the help of the government, a developed e-commerce ecosystem emerged in the rural community and brought changes to the village in terms of the industrial structure, farmers’ livelihoods, and rural landscapes. Based on the case study, we concluded that farmers’ entrepreneurship, local participation, and adequate government intervention were important to rural development. The cultivation of rural elites, leadership building, and participative governance should be considered in the rural policy design.

Yuzhu Zang
China university of Geosciences

ID Abstract: 31

Se presenta el enfoque teórico y metodológico de mi proyecto de investigación postdoctoral orientado a analizar la interacción entre la dimensión social y morfológica de las infraestructuras de movilidad, tomando como caso de estudio las zonas rediseñadas por el Pla Superilla Barcelona, al ser considerado como referente de buenas prácticas urbanísticas a nivel internacional. El estudio busca identificar los desplazamientos cotidianos y analizar la configuración de la red de aceras, para evidenciar sus niveles de accesibilidad y las maneras en que la ciudadanía está usando los espacios públicos recientemente rediseñados. Se propone una metodología interdisciplinar basada en la complementariedad de la etnografía –escucha de testimonios y observación de desplazamientos cotidianos–, y la estimación computacional -mediciones sobre la conectividad de la red de aceras- para estudiar las infraestructuras de movilidad. Los resultados serán sistematizados en representaciones cartográficas que visibilizarán las variables cualitativas y cuantitativas determinantes de la configuración física y simbólica de la red de aceras de Barcelona. Se tomará como punto de partida la estimación computacional de flujos peatonales para complementar este estudio cuantitativo con una perspectiva cualitativa que pone en valor las dinámicas cotidianas de movilidad. Esta metodología interdisciplinar es innovadora para el ámbito científico y su impacto social, no solo porque combina todo el potencial de los estudios urbanos y la ciencia urbana, sino que su aplicación es una apuesta por desarrollar y testar una nueva forma de analizar la ciudad. El énfasis en lo cotidiano responde a una perspectiva de género e interseccional que estructurará todas las fases del desarrollo del proyecto. Los resultados del estudio aportarán evidencias para inspirar políticas urbanas interesadas en monitorizar los impactos sociales de los planes de reforma del espacio público.

María Gabriela Navas Perrone
University of Barcelona

ID Abstract: 649

An interdisciplinary analysis of the evolution of the cultural landscape of Arga Mountain (north-western Portugal), linking geographical and historical approaches, revealed strong evidence that geomorphology has crucially conditioned the settlement and land use options throughout different historical periods. This work aims to analyse how landforms and lithological formations played a major role in the definition of locative options, settlement patterns, agrarian structure, defensive strategies, the development of communication networks and the exploitation of natural resources. Benefitting from the historical–archaeological research carried out for more than a century, it was possible to draw an accurate synthesis of the key moments and most relevant shaping processes of this cultural landscape, from the Neolithic to the present day. The combined analysis of the geomorphological map with the cartography of the archaeological remains and historical heritage revealed the correlation between the geomorphological units and the type of settlement patterns and land uses that have been specially favoured by them._x000D_
The achieved results not only highlighted the strategies adopted to take the best advantage of natural conditions in different historical periods, but also emphasised their effects on landscape-shaping. In this way, the understanding of the contribution of Geomorphology to an interdisciplinary, integrative and dynamic reading of cultural landscapes has been enhanced by this work.

Pereira, Andreia; Cunha, Lúcio
Coimbra University, Centre of Studies in Geography and Spatial Planning

ID Abstract: 970

The “EsMaaS” project aimed to propose and evaluate strategies for implementing Mobility as a Service (MaaS) for managing mobility in rural areas. The project team integrated an optimization model that considered the specific needs of users and dynamic transportation systems adapted to the territorial structures of the “Spain vacía.” This approach facilitated the ecological and digital transition of mobility while improving accessibility for the population in rural areas and reducing spatial and social inequities._x000D_
The scientific proposal focused on reevaluating the three key implementation pillars of MaaS (users, transportation systems, and providers) and adapting their analysis and strategies to different territorial structures in rural areas. The project team aimed to maximize the potential of MaaS environments. This approach aligned perfectly with the objectives and challenges related to ecological transition (sustainable mobility), digital transition (intelligent mobility), and territorial equity and cohesion (fair and accessible mobility for everyone)._x000D_
Overall, the “EsMaaS” project contributed to advancing the scientific understanding of MaaS implementation in rural areas and provided valuable insights for future research in this field. Policymakers, researchers, and practitioners can use the project’s findings and recommendations as a basis for improving mobility and reducing inequities in rural areas._x000D_

David Alejandro Ramirez Cajigas
PhD student and researcher at Castilla La – Mancha University

ID Abstract: 248

Multi-stakeholder co-management is no blueprint for effective environmental policy implementation. Combining the analysis of narratives, identities and relational structure through means of social network analysis builds the conceptual and methodological foundation in this case study to explore social dynamics between actors involved in co-managing a Natura 2000 forest. Two opposing narratives are identified competing over power and competency in discussions about the management plans for the Natura 2000 forest. Negative identity constructions and antagonizing with other actors fuels an “Us versus Them” dynamic among the actors in the co-management process and over time, a culture of conflict has become institutionalized. Interactions between the actors from the case study seemingly build on a complex, iterative pattern of disputes that is barely breakable and reversible into cooperative attitudes. Interestingly, this culture of conflict does not resonate with the relational structure between actors in the case study as the social network analysis shows. The case represents an intriguing puzzle pointing to an incongruence between structural and mental mechanisms underlying social dynamics in actor collaborations. Co-management can be a tangible approach to generate social bonds in contested policy implementation processes. Although some collaborative arrangements seem to be shaken by intractable conflicts, these results render hope and are discussed in light of conflict resolution strategies and power dynamics.

Larissa Koch
Leibniz Center for Aricultural Landscape Research

ID Abstract: 847

In the face of the different phenomena linked to global change, it is necessary to explore alternatives of resilience and sustainability for Mediterranean forests, such as mixed stands of Pinus pinea and Quercus suber, a combination with the possibility of expanding ecosystem services compared to traditional monospecific forest management. Analyzing current and future territorial problems through the concept of global change is important to understand the multiple geographical causes of these: climate change, rural exodus, concentration of property, market integration, etc._x000D_
Forest stands in the form of ‘dehesa’ – known as ‘montado’ in Portuguese – constitute a paradigmatic example of this anthropic impact on the territory, as it is a forest formation created by human action for the agro-silvo-pastoral use of the ‘saltus’. Precisely, it is in this type of managed forest formation that the mixture between stone pine and cork oak can be a successful formula. This geographical analysis aims to influence the territory by providing agents with the necessary information on how and where this forest policy can be beneficial._x000D_
For this purpose, probabilistic species distribution models (SDM) were created with the aim of i) identifying the influence of each explanatory variable on the distribution of species; and ii) estimating the suitability of the Portuguese mainland territory for the eventual presence of the two species together

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Está disponible en forma de píldora y puede tomarse según sea necesario o como régimen diario, dependiendo de las necesidades del individuo. comprar estrace El estradiol desempeña un papel crucial en el mantenimiento de la salud vascular y la promoción del flujo sanguíneo, que son esenciales para lograr y mantener la erección..

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A medida que los profesionales sanitarios sigan explorando y aprovechando el potencial de este medicamento innovador, los hombres de toda España podrán esperar un futuro en el que la disfunción eréctil deje de ser un obstáculo para mantener relaciones íntimas satisfactorias y plenas.Hoy nos adentramos en una innovadora solución terapéutica que promete revolucionar el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil en España: el Orlistat. vendo orlistat.

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Aunque Topamax se diseñó inicialmente para tratar trastornos neurológicos, su efecto fortuito sobre la disfunción eréctil ha sorprendido a la comunidad médica.La disfunción eréctil es una enfermedad frecuente y tratable que no debe ignorarse ni estigmatizarse. topamax 100mg.

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Este diurético ahorrador de potasio, también conocido por su nombre genérico espironolactona, actúa bloqueando la acción de la aldosterona, una hormona responsable de regular la presión arterial y el equilibrio de líquidos en el organismo. aldactone para que sirve Los beneficios de Aldactone van más allá de las afecciones cardiovasculares, ya que también demuestra ser un activo valioso en el tratamiento del edema..

. The models are built on the relationship between the current presence/absence of the studied species and a series of climatic and soil-related determining variables. Two algorithms from different families have been used: Generalized Linear Model and Random Forests._x000D_

David Lloberas Lafuente, Alexandra C. Correia, António M. Monteiro,
Instituto Sup. de Agrionomia, Universidade de Lisboa

ID Abstract: 926

Natural and cultural heritage exists often in the same landscape. In other words, traditional landscape is not only valuable from the cultural point of view but also from the natural one. Many landscapes are or could be protected as both, cultural and natural heritage sites. The paper focuses on three aims. First, different landscape values and types of the historic cultural landscapes that were defined by the cluster analysis of the 51 unique landscape values will be presented. Landscape values and types were defined for the Central European landscape and this concept could be applicable in other regions. The main identified historic landscape types are: water management, industrial, forestry, agricultural, memorial/religious, designed, and military landscape._x000D_
Second important question is how to identify the landscape values and historic landscapes. Many case studies were made but identification of landscape values on broader area is still problematic. We propose how to use European databases such as CORINE Land Coved and national geographical databases for raw identification of landscape values and historic landscapes in GIS._x000D_
Third, the historic cultural landscapes in the region Kutná Hora (Czech Republic) will be presented. Historic cultural landscapes were identified there by GIS using several databases and then verified by the terrain research. Their presence is occurred on 54 % of the region area. This region and its historic landscapes are endangered by both common landscape processes: intensification of land use around the regional capital, UNESCO site Kutná Hora, and extensification in the marginal parts of the region. On this case study will be demonstrated how cultural heritage sites are important for natural heritage as well and implications for the landscape management.

Markéta Šantrůčková
Silva Tarouca Research Institute for Landscape and Ornamental Gardening

ID Abstract: 657

Beyond the academic narrative, the practices of territorial rootedness combine discourses and practices linked to the geohumanities, especially when they interact in artistic practice to convey the essence of place, where the academy is not enough to talk about the importance of geography in everyday life. Based on creative methodologies, artistic curation and the need to generate contemporary narratives of the rural world, it aims to reflect and create new discourses that link art with the exercise of thinking as a community in a rural village in Central Catalonia, Avià (Berguedà). For three consecutive years, community practices have been developed linked to the will to strengthen the local pride through the artistic challenge, always a spearhead that goes beyond reason and that underpins the village cohesion. As a geographer and curator, I had opened up the possibility of thinking from another place about the local essence by interacting with female artists who have turned local idiosyncrasies upside down to create an uncomplicated vision of rural life. The first example recovers family photo albums to pay tribute to the elderly in the summer of the global pandemic where the older population experienced the worst consequences. In the second year, the technique of child-centered drawing was used to tour the municipality and make it our own with a final exhibition in the form of a productive circle in a freshly mowed field. Finally, working with the village associations, the local imaginary was reversed based on the magic of surrealism to make community social activities visible in a new dialogue between the community and the essence of the place. This whole legacy speaks of a felt, rooted geography and a geo-humanistic need to position itself in the world._x000D_

Cerarols, Rosa
UPF, Barcelona

ID Abstract: 336