Landscapes are always the result of society-nature interaction, where spatial and environmental configurations are produced for certain purposes and through specific narratives and ideologies which shape them. Human communities and ecosystems are entangled in co-evolutionary processes which tend to legitimize the resulting assemblages. We embrace theoretically the concept of “slow violence” (Nixon, 2011), i.e. “a violence that occurs gradually and out of sight, (…) that is dispersed in time and space, and is generally not seen as violence at all”. We concentrate on a twofold investigation: first, on landscapes resulting from the debilitating physical work of agricultural workers; secondly, on negatively impacted communities with the by-products of agricultural monocultures such as chemical fertilizers in monocultures. In different aspects we question the heritagization process in three UNESCO sites, where vine-growing has slowly created variegated territorial effects: the research will concentrate on wine as an element of economic exploitation and related repercussions, such as touristification, environmental damage and human profiteering, drawing attention on the fact that the final outcome is often the opposite of what the Convention aims to promote. The paper focuses on the three Italian wine-growing landscapes covered by the Convention, namely Cinque Terre, the Vineyard Landscape of Piedmont (Langhe-Roero and Monferrato) and the Prosecco Hills of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene. _x000D_

Fausto Di Quarto; Elena dell’Agnese
Università Milano-Bicocca

ID Abstract: 140

In the Alpine region, the creation of nature parks is often promoted with the intention of protecting the rural landscape, which is the result of a close interaction between human activities and nature. The creation of protected areas, however, is not always accepted by the local population. Drawing on two rejected proposals to establish a second national park in Switzerland, this paper seeks to interpret landscape protection initiatives in the light of the concepts of the right to the city and extended urbanisation._x000D_
Resistance to landscape protection can be understood as an attempt on the part of Alpine communities to maintain a certain autonomy in their way of life. Indeed, in the eyes of its detractors, the creation of a park responds to the tourist interests of urban dwellers and not to those of local community residents. This raises two fundamental questions:_x000D_
– the scale of reference on which the territory is managed (and the power relations that arise from this): protecting a territory implies depriving local communities of a certain autonomy, in the name of the common good on a larger scale;_x000D_
– protecting a landscape implies preventing activities that could transform it. However, this means privileging contemporary form over function – thus changing the connection between local communities and the territory that had originally created this very landscape._x000D_
The relationship of an increasingly urbanised society with natural landscapes risks – both by virtue of the crucial role these landscapes play in identity construction and because of the economic weight of tourism – falling into a simple disneyfication of traditional rural landscapes. This prospect frightens several Alpine communities, who do not want to lose their right to live independently on their territory, thus raising a political issue that makes it more difficult to find effective ways to protect biodiversity._x000D_

Mosè Cometta
Università della Svizzera Italiana, Institute of Urban and Landscape Studies

ID Abstract: 152

Botanical garden museums are undergoing profound transformations. At the beginning of the 21st century, refigurative processes associated with climate change, decolonisation, and advances in digital technology have led to a shift in the positioning of botanical gardens from Humboldtian collectors of nature to protectors of biodiversity and with this, caught between impulses of preservation and change

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. _x000D_
In this paper, we examine this shift through a sociospatial perspective at Berlin’s Botanical Garden and Museum. Pursuing this investigation on two analytical levels, we analysed how the Berlin Botanical Garden is adapting to, or indeed struggling with a shifting conservation mission which necessarily includes heritage preservation, biodiversity protection, and energy conservation. Secondly, we consider in what ways these struggles signify a shift in the conservation regime itself, as the modernist logic upon which it emerged and spread is destabilising in the Anthropocene. To this end, we deployed the concept of staging nature as a way to describe and rethink the specific spatial ordering of botanical glasshouses and gardens as a multiplicity of social and ecological forces undergirded by colonial histories and Western scientific practices. _x000D_
This opens the door to speculations on new ways of thinking natureculture in conservation, not only in extensive heritage landscapes but in everyday urban spaces which, as our study shows, are shaped and governed by institutions, actors, practices, and technologies concerned with the protection, preservation and control over human artefacts and nonhuman life, and how the inherited siloed approach of separating out these modes of conservation is clearly untenable._x000D_

Jamie-Scott Baxter, Séverine Marguin
Technical University Berlin

ID Abstract: 725

Nowadays we are immersed in the “triple planetary crisis”: climate crisis, pollution crisis and biodiversity crisis. This relates to current advances in the knowledge about “planetary boundaries”. Also, cross-disciplinary studies are key to understand the evolving interconnections between the geosphere, the biosphere and the human societies. In this sense, landscape and geoheritage has emerged as a very relevant concept both from Earth sciences and related sciences linked to the conservation of biodiversity, landscapes and cultural diversity (including a decolonial perspective). Traditionally, there have been difficulties in the inventory, quantification, and consolidation of relevant geoheritage sites, especially as concerns the limited tools for an adequate understanding of its complex nature and multiple connections to other landscape values, including biodiversity, cultural values, and the more integrative concept of biogeocultural heritage. Additionally, virtual heritage techniques are now receiving much attention as a novel path to better conserve geoheritage values and sites by means of the use of advances in digital imaging technology to synthesize, reproduce, represent, and display information. We are applying our approach in specific territories within Latin America, in which the relation between the geosphere/biosphere/humans is explicitly defined as “territories for sustainability”. We are applying cross-disciplinary “earth stewardship science” by crossing inputs, approaches and data from Geospatial science, molecular biology, geophysics and social-environmental information. The concept seeks an integration where human activities dominate (Anthroscapes), with those in which nature features dominate (Bioscapes).

Andres Moreira-Muñoz & Pablo Mansilla-Quiñones
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Instituto de Geografia

ID Abstract: 767

This paper engages in a critical assessment of the prospects, pitfalls and potential of/ for landscape as heritage, in a crisis-laden post pandemic world, broadly described in terms of, among other things, increasing globalization, rampant consumerism/ commodification, time-space compression and reconfiguration, proliferation of new ICTs, and changing patterns of tourism/ recreation. Characterized by evolving and diversifying processes, this ‘new cultural economy of space’ has a critical bearing on the landscape and its role in heritage conceptualization, constitution, designation, planning, use and management. _x000D_
In this regard, the landscape (cause) is caught in a bind between, on the one hand, ascertaining its long-standing role and value in 21st century societies and human lives and, on the other hand, addressing the challenges and fulfilling the opportunities proffered by a changing, crisis-laden world. Its cultural constitution and articulation mitigates, enables and effects landscape’s relevance and value in heritage stewardship, but ‘culture’ applies to and connotes far more than ‘heritage’. How to address and tend to heritage in the landscape and landscape as heritage? How to reconcile ‘culture’ with ‘heritage’ in the landscape? How does tourism/ recreation reconcile landscape with heritage consumption and management? And how are all of these processes being reconfigured in a world of crises? These are some of the questions posed by the paper, which attempts to provide a framework for their discussion and understanding, in the context of current landscape and heritage discourses. _x000D_
For this purpose, the paper begins with a reconsideration of the processes of the ‘new cultural economy of space’ in contemporary landscapes, and proceeds to explore and discuss the repercussions of current socio-spatial changes on heritage and landscape as heritage. Examples are drawn mainly from the tourism sector and discourses on landscapes of tourism and heritage._x000D_

University of the Aegean

ID Abstract: 52

The concept of heritage is imbued in the past, while projecting towards the future. Scholars have demonstrated that dominant groups have the power to define what is worth preserving; however, heritage as a social and cultural construct is dynamic and can be challenged and contested. Similarly, meanings assigned to landscape by society can also change over time.
By considering heritage as a politicised process it is possible to expand the discourse beyond the perspective of conservation, management, and valorisation of natural and cultural heritage, in order to consider processes of deconstruction, reconstruction, and co-construction of everyday heritage landscapes, recognizing the role of individuals and groups in providing multivocal and alternative perspectives towards a common future. 
This session draws from the concepts of authorised heritage discourse, heritage from below and counter-hegemonic discourse, which pose the challenge of taking into account the often hidden narratives of non-experts and ‘non-elites’, with attention to everyday and vernacular heritage, including decolonial and feminist heritage. In this sense, while there is an expanding literature concerning cultural heritage, less investigated is the perspective of natural or hybrid heritage.
Environmental geography and political ecology demonstrated that nature is a cultural concept that we use to understand the world. Thus, we wish to engage with heritage geographies which examine the connection between heritage, landscape, and nature, emphasising their interconnected, and cultural nature. Can we talk of heritage from below within so-called ‘natural landscapes’ and in what terms? Do individuals and communities participate in the definition of natural heritage or do they a-critically consume the idea of natural heritage defined by experts?
Within this frame we invite contributions that question the relationship between natural/cultural heritage (with particular attention to the first), landscape, tourism and recreational  mobilities, and informal and counter-hegemonic practices.

Arregui A., Mackenthun G., Wodianka S. (Eds.), 2018, DEcolonial Heritage

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. Natures, Cultures, and the Asymmetries of Memory, Waxmann.
Castiglioni B., 2022, Paesaggio e società. Una prospettiva geografica, Carocci.
Cisani M., 2020, Paesaggi e mobilità. Strumenti per le geografie del quotidiano, FrancoAngeli.
Haraway D., 1991, Simians, Cyborgs, and Women. The Reinvention of Nature. Routledge.
Harvey D., Waterton E., 2015, “Editorial: Landscapes of Heritage and Heritage Landscapes”, Landscape Research, 40:8, pp. 905-910. 
Pettenati G. (Ed.), 2022, Landscape as Heritage: International Critical Perspectives, Taylor & Francis Ltd.
Robertson I., 2016, Heritage from Below, Routledge.
Smith L., 2008, “Heritage, Gender and Identity”, in Graham B., Howard P. (Eds.), The Ashgate Research Companion to Heritage and Identity, Ashgate, pp. 159-178. The session welcomes contributions in the form of presentations in English.

Giovanna Di Matteo (1); Margherita Cisani (2)
(1) Università degli Studi di Padova, (2) Università degli Studi di Padova

ID Abstract:

River restoration is becoming a matter of great concern in urban and peri-urban environments of Mediterranean cities. A river restoration project can have different approaches, but from a geomorphological point of view, this means that the river is capable of undertaking the fluvial and geomorphological processes that are intrinsic to the nature of a river’s behaviour. However, the variety of restoration projects according to the objective defined is wide and highly heterogeneous. Some approaches are indeed more focused on aesthetics, aiming to provide high-quality environmental space for the use and enjoyment of the inhabitants. However, if processes are not considered, the project could end in failure. The Congost River, in the location of Granollers, a city with 61,000 inhabitants is a good example of the river restoration trends currently in the Barcelona metropolitan area. The Congost river was channelized, fixed by concrete structures and disconnected from its floodplains during the 1970’s, to allow the growth of the city of Granollers. After 40 years of river constraint and in response to social requirements for open and high-value ecosystem spaces, the city council has partially removed some of the structures that were fixing the river. As a result, the river has recovered fluvial processes by forming bars and a trend to become braided. However, the width is not fully recovered, and incision processes, due to the river’s trend to widen, has produced undesired effects on the walking areas, which may become a threat during flood events. The aim of this presentation is to unveil the hidden processes in a strongly modified urban river and the effects when the river is unleashed, and to draw the attention of river managers and planners in the way these restoration processes should be addressed.

Joaquim Farguell
Departament de Geografia, Universitat de Barcelona

ID Abstract: 876

In the last century and a half, the transformation of the Turia riverbed as it passes through Valencia (Eastern Spain) has evolved in parallel to its urban and metropolitan dynamics. The irregular uses of the riverbed have reflected the main needs and deficiencies and have led to a progressive denaturalization. As the 20th century progressed, urban development interests were imposed, leading to the degradation of the environmental and scenic values of the riverfront. Especially during the forties, in the middle of the Spanish post-war period, the Turia suffered an evident institutional abandonment and was losing weight in the collective conscience of the Valencians. After the great flood of 1957, with drastic human, material and economic losses, most of the competent authorities agreed that the passage of the river through the city was not only an inconvenience, but also a threat. The interruption of the coevolutionary coexistence between Valencia and the Turia was confirmed in the sixties with the complete diversion of the river flow through the construction of a new canal to the south of the city. The rupture of this binomial became definitive during the eighties through the gardening of the reclassified bed; the resulting urban park, still unfinished, became the lung of the city and housed urban fittings of all kinds, but was deprived of any flow. In recent years, in a very different social-political framework that advocates biodiversity, participatory processes and respect for historical memory, a debate has arisen on the need to reverse the extreme artificialization of the lower Turia. Most of the attention is focused on the new riverbed, whose landscape integration and naturalization are still pending. But there is also discussion about the way in which the urban park that meanders along the old riverbed should contact the sea.

Iván Portugués Mollá
Universitat de València

ID Abstract: 879

The more or less debated acceptance (Godet et al., 2023) of a new geological era succeeding the Holocene, called the Anthropocene (Crutzen, 2002), has had a strong influence on research placed in the environmental field. Coastal wetlands, which were once developed for anthropogenic purposes, are now the subject of major efforts to protect their natural character. They are adequate objects of study to question their natural heritage in the light of the socio-natural heritage and representations associated with them as well as future changes._x000D_
The current management of these natural heritages is based on landscape legacies considered as reference states. They determine the management of the site and can be a source of controversy as to their recognition and future in a context of global change. These “reference states” are being called into question and raise questions about the forms of nature that we wish to conserve for the future; all the more ecosystem services of coastal wetlands are now being mobilized as a Nature-based Solution to combat climate change (buffer spaces against marine submersion, purification of certain pollutions, etc.) (ONERC, 2019)._x000D_
This paper will present the results of a PhD work that sought to characterize landscape trajectories of coastal wetlands through a geohistorical approach (XVIIIe-XXIe centuries)

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En mi consulta, utilizo un enfoque integral para el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil, incorporando una combinación de modificaciones en el estilo de vida, asesoramiento psicológico y medicamentos de vanguardia para lograr resultados óptimos. Descubra el poder de Augmentin: Un tratamiento innovador para las infecciones en España augmentin maroc.

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. It aimed to understand the interweaving of natural and societal agents at the origin of their protected natural heritage. Based on the case study of the Payré estuary and marshes (Vendée, France), this presentation will show how the geohistorical approach has made it possible to identify the socio-natural legacies recognized through the patrimonialization process, and their evolution. It will conclude on the differentiated appropriation of these heritages by the different actors involved in this site and on the controversies surrounding the management of the desired reference state.

Léa Paly, Nathalie Carcaud, Véronique Beaujouan

ID Abstract: 918

Les rivières sont extrêmement importantes dans le développement des villes de la Baixada Fluminense, dans la périphérie métropolitaine de Rio de Janeiro. Au début, au XVIIIe siècle, ils étaient des moyens de pénétration dans le territoire, les ports fluviaux étant des points stratégiques d’interaction entre la région et la capitale. Au fil du temps, les chemins de fer ont remplacé les voies navigables, les ports fluviaux ont cessé d’exister et les rivières sinueuses, avec de vastes plaines inondables, ont commencé à être considérées comme des obstacles à l’occupation; un problème à résoudre par des interventions d’ingénierie. L’occupation urbaine a eu lieu et aujourd’hui la région compte des communes de près d’un million d’habitants. Les rivières sont devenues des éléments dévalorisés du paysage, des canaux pollués qui pendant les pluies sont considérés comme la cause des inondations qui touchent principalement une population pauvre et vulnérable. A l’Anthropocène et dans le domaine de l’urbanisme, émergent les concepts d’infrastructures bleues et d’urbanisme sensible à l’eau, basés sur l’idée de donner de l’espace aux rivières et de valoriser leur potentiel paysager et écologique, réconciliant la ville et ses eaux. Cependant, dans le cadre de la Baixada Fluminense, l’adoption effective de cette nouvelle vision n’a pas encore eu lieu. Aujourd’hui encore, des projets de canalisation et de rectification de cours d’eau sont mis en œuvre par les mairies comme des actions de développement urbain des quartiers. Le présent travail propose l’utopie comme méthode de réflexion sur les rivières de ce territoire et comme fil conducteur pour des projets qui, en réqualifiant les fleuves, cherchent des transformations socio-environnementales dans les villes de la périphérie métropolitaine._x000D_

Ana Lucia Britto; Jorge Nassar Fleury
Prourb UFRJ

ID Abstract: 933