This study aims to provide a better understanding of the corelation between pollen and vegetation. There are differences in pollen productivity among different taxa that cause a non-linear relationship between pollen dispersal and vegetation data. Four elevational gradients in the Catalan Pyrenees, ranging from alpine (2750 m) to montane-basal environments (797 m), were studied. A detailed map of vegetation cover was used, and a reclassification into eight taxonomic categories that represent at least 80% of the pollen spectra was made. For each point, a moss sample (used as a pollen trap) was collected, and the percentage of vegetation cover was measured at different radii. Additionally, a detailed plant inventory was made a few meters around each point.

The pollen results showed a complete dominance of Pinus percentages, making it difficult to perceive the dynamics of other relevant taxa. In alpine environments, Poaceae is always clearly underrepresented due to the long transport of Pinus pollen. Moreover, grazing often leaves no time for plants to flower, and some species of Poaceae show changes between sexual and vegetative reproduction in response to herbivory. Additionally, there are groups within this family where cleistogamy is quite common, causing low pollen dispersion. The pollen percentages of Abies alba are highly underrepresented. It appears that a significant portion of its pollen grains settle within less than 100 meters from the sampling point. Due to the size, shape, and density of fir pollens, the decline in pollen deposition with distance from the source is remarkable. Subsequently, it can be stated that the records in the Catalan Pyrenees with high percentages of fir pollen found during the middle Holocene would indicate the presence of dense and mature fir forests nearby the coring point. Betula and Corylus populations present more unpredictable pollen percentages, probably because they act as secondary communities.

Ramon Pérez-Obiol1, Anna Badia2, Marc Sánchez-Morales3, Jordi Nadal2

1 Department of Animal Biology, Plant Biology and Ecology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

2 Department of Geography, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

3 Department of Biosciences, Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya, Vic, Barcelona, 08500, Spain

ID Abstract: A12

This study aims to provide a better understanding of the corelation between pollen and vegetation. There are differences in pollen productivity among different taxa that cause a non-linear relationship between pollen dispersal and vegetation data. Four elevational gradients in the Catalan Pyrenees, ranging from alpine (2750 m) to montane-basal environments (797 m), were studied. A detailed map of vegetation cover was used, and a reclassification into eight taxonomic categories that represent at least 80% of the pollen spectra was made. For each point, a moss sample (used as a pollen trap) was collected, and the percentage of vegetation cover was measured at different radii. Additionally, a detailed plant inventory was made a few meters around each point.

The pollen results showed a complete dominance of Pinus percentages, making it difficult to perceive the dynamics of other relevant taxa. In alpine environments, Poaceae is always clearly underrepresented due to the long transport of Pinus pollen. Moreover, grazing often leaves no time for plants to flower, and some species of Poaceae show changes between sexual and vegetative reproduction in response to herbivory. Additionally, there are groups within this family where cleistogamy is quite common, causing low pollen dispersion. The pollen percentages of Abies alba are highly underrepresented. It appears that a significant portion of its pollen grains settle within less than 100 meters from the sampling point. Due to the size, shape, and density of fir pollens, the decline in pollen deposition with distance from the source is remarkable. Subsequently, it can be stated that the records in the Catalan Pyrenees with high percentages of fir pollen found during the middle Holocene would indicate the presence of dense and mature fir forests nearby the coring point. Betula and Corylus populations present more unpredictable pollen percentages, probably because they act as secondary communities.

Ramon Pérez-Obiol1, Anna Badia2, Marc Sánchez-Morales3, Jordi Nadal2

1 Department of Animal Biology, Plant Biology and Ecology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

2 Department of Geography, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

3 Department of Biosciences, Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya, Vic, Barcelona, 08500, Spain

ID Abstract: A12

This work has been built over one year of explorations and informal talks with dwellers of the Ohio valley, entailing cases mostly in West Virginia and Pennsylvania. Taking into consideration approaches to governance and precariousness, and the environmental attritions experienced by myriad residents of the area, I delve into how active ignorance (or disregard) plays a kernel role to supply meaning to lives under constant threat. This work is a tiny account of the situation of everyday life in the context of slow violence, built upon an approach of waste and discard studies, prioritizing ethnographic data and quantitative information about the pollution situation in the area.

Gabriel Esteban Espinoza Rivera
University of Pittsburgh

A seguito della pandemia da COVID-19, pur volendo, molte persone non hanno avuto la possibilità di trasferirsi in spazi a bassa densità per riconnettersi con la “natura”. Nel 2023, nonostante i progressi della tecnologia in ogni settore e il diffondersi dell’intelligenza artificiale, alcune attività lavorative non possono essere svolte “a distanza”; basti pensare, per esempio, a chi lavora in fabbriche, in negozi di abbigliamento e chi consegna pizze e altri cibi a domicilio. Quali alternative al cemento e alla solitudine può allora offrire la città a chi è “costretto” ad abitarla? Parchi pubblici e spazi verdi attrezzati sono sufficienti per rispondere alla domanda di un tempo libero di qualità (Debord, 2020)?_x000D_
Durante gli anni pandemici, molte attività del tempo libero, normalmente realizzate al chiuso, sono state spostate in spazi aperti privati – come balconi, giardini, terrazze – e pubblici, come piazze, parchi e strade. Camminando in un parco pubblico era possibile assistere a lezioni di chitarra, teatro o tai chi e vedere persone parlare, correre e allenarsi. Stare all’aria aperta era l’unica alternativa per continuare a svolgere le proprie attività del tempo libero e incontrare persone, limitando le possibilità di essere contagiati. Questa necessità di stare all’aperto sembra essersi radicata nelle abitudini di alcune persone che abitano la città e che, nonostante l’emergenza sanitaria sembri rientrata, continuano a svolgere le loro attività in spazi aperti inventando anche nuove modalità dell’outdoor. _x000D_
Restando dunque nel contesto urbano, in questo contributo si intende indagare come alcune attività del tempo libero (sociali, sportive o creative; individuali o collettive) producano spazi collettivi e come alcuni spazi all’aperto, organizzati o informali, non sempre adibiti per accogliere determinate attività, vengano usati e frequentati da alcune persone trasformandosi in luoghi di identificazione collettiva. _x000D_

Giulia Oddi
Roma Tre

ID Abstract: 871

This study investigates the factors that significantly affect the allocation of Airbnbs in Paris, one of the world’s top tourist destinations. Paris is divided into 20 arrondissements (districts), which are further divided into 80 neighborhoods 16 variables are used to explain the distributions of Airbnb offers in Paris. Data were collected using web scraping, INSEE , and QGIS/QuickOSM software. Predictive regression modeling was used for the data analysis. _x000D_
The results showed that bakeries, theaters, ratio of Airbnb and hotel beds (ratio B.H), restaurants, fast-food restaurants, shopping malls, and clothing shops are highly significant factors that affect the distribution of Airbnbs in Paris, but not access to public transport, universities, hotels, tourist attractions, museums beauty and bag shops. The results contribute to our understanding of the sectors of tourism and Airbnb, In addition to determine the factors that influence the distribution of Airbnb in Paris which will give clear idea to the policymaker about the characteristics of each neighborhoodsThe results contribute to our understanding of the future geographical selection of shops, theaters, and restaurants regarding businesses that depend on tourism, and provide insights into real estate investment opportunities for tourist accommodation. The results also contribute to our understanding of when and where hotels should modify their offers to tourists, depending on the spatial and geographical allocation of their properties.

University of Angers

ID Abstract: 15

Los desplazamientos turísticos, especialmente los de larga distancia, son una fuente significativa de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. En este contexto, el turismo de naturaleza y de proximidad se propone frecuentemente como una alternativa a los viajes lejanos, y por lo tanto menos sostenibles. No obstante, la visita a espacios naturales, a diferencia de lo que sucede por ejemplo con el turismo urbano, se apoya habitualmente en medios de transporte privados que contribuyen igualmente al cambio climático. Partiendo de este problema, el objetivo de la presente comunicación es llevar a cabo una estimación de las emisiones de CO2 derivadas de las visitas en una muestra de los parques nacionales de España a partir de la generación de escenarios reales y potenciales. A través del análisis de la accesibilidad (red de transporte público y vías de comunicación principales) y los perfiles mayoritarios de visitantes (origen, modo de transporte, alojamiento, etc.) se lleva a cabo una estimación de la huella de carbono. Para ello, se han utilizado datos estadísticos de los organismos gestores y documentos oficiales de una muestra de cinco parques nacionales (P.N. del Teide, P.N. de la Sierra de Guadarrama, P.N. d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, P.N. de Doñana y P.N. de las Islas Atlánticas de Galicia). Los datos han sido analizados para elaborar estimaciones de huella de carbono de dos tipologías de turistas: habitual y deseado. Los resultados se representan mediante estadísticas descriptivas, comparativas, y a través de cartografía elaborada con Sistemas de Información Geográfica. Los resultados obtenidos tienen especial interés en el actual contexto de emergencia climática, en tanto que proporcionan evidencias para el diseño de políticas orientadas a la reducción de las emisiones de carbono.

Margarita Capdepón-Frías; Anna Torres-Delgado & Francisco Femenia-Serra
Universidad de Alicante; Universidad de Barcelona & Universidad Complutense de Madrid

ID Abstract: 256

One of the most successful tourism segments in the digital platform economy is that of the free guided walking tours (or free tours)

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Con su eficacia demostrada y su potencial para revolucionar el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil, Topamax se erige como un faro de esperanza en la lucha contra esta dolencia prevalente, ofreciendo consuelo y redención a quienes lo necesitan. topamax adelgazar foro Con su eficacia sin precedentes y un impacto innegable, este medicamento milagroso tiene el potencial de remodelar el panorama de la salud sexual en España y más allá, abriendo un mundo de posibilidades para aquellos que se atreven a soñar con una vida libre de las limitaciones de la disfunción eréctil..

Los estudios han demostrado que un porcentaje significativo de hombres en España experimentan disfunción eréctil en algún momento de sus vidas.Debido al estigma asociado a la disfunción eréctil, muchas personas sufren en silencio, sin conocer las opciones de tratamiento eficaces disponibles. cialis precio.

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. As has been the case with the main driver of tourism activity on platforms, short-term holiday rentals, free tour activity is beginning to be associated with negative impacts in some of the destinations where it is spreading rapidly. Although the platform economy is generating increasing academic interest, the free tour model remains largely unexplored area in the literature. This research examines how such activity affects cultural destinations, its major contribution being the association of the impacts they produce (especially in terms of massification) with destination life-cycle phases. Focusing on the largest Free Tours platform operating in Spain, GuruWalk, the methodology used analyses the impact that this activity produces in six cultural destinations at different stages of their tourism development on two of the dimensions with respect to sustainability: the territorial dimension and the governance or political dimension. The research confirms that the impacts differ according to the tourist destination’s maturity, concluding that such activity contributes to the increase of tourist agglomerations and the overcrowding of cultural destinations in their middle and mature life cycles. The results help to understand the differences that such activity generates in each destination depending on the phase of its life cycle, and to implement, if necessary, corrective measures. To this end, the importance of the role of local governance on free tour activity is highlighted, even though very few examples are identified at national level.

Jorge Rivera-García; Asunción Fernández-Villarán; Ricardo Pastor-Ruiz
UOC; Universidad de Deusto; Universidad Nebrija

ID Abstract: 74

The interregional flow of land embodied in remote linkages exerts a significant impact on land use and carbon emission transfer patterns among regions, underscoring the importance of investigating this process for sustainable land utilization. Based on a multiregional input‒output model, this study quantifies the embodied land flow and its repercussions for carbon emissions in China, analyzes the corresponding spatial distribution and differences, and further clarifies the characteristics of embodied land flow by constructing the contribution and dependency index. The results show that more economically developed regions occupy land in less developed regions through embodied land flow, and there are differences in the flow of various land types among regions due to disparities in regional endowments. For example, embodied construction land has primarily moved to economically developed eastern China. The transfer pattern of carbon emissions from land use caused by embodied land flows presents a spatial inconsistency. The developed coastal provinces of Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai all transfer more than 10 million tons of carbon emissions to other regions. The average levels of contributions to and dependence on embodied land flows in Chinese provinces were 20.51% and 23.13% in 2012, and these values rose to 27.14% and 27.23% in 2017, respectively, indicating a strengthening of interregional land system linkages and an intensification of land supply and demand. Furthermore, the embodied land flow and its associated carbon emission transfer can be assessed to ascertain the entities responsible for land consumption and carbon emissions. This underscores the significance of examining the interplay between land use and carbon emissions in shaping sustainable development pathways.

Shengfu Yang; Wenjie Fu
School of Public Administration, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, 430074, China

ID Abstract: 923

The Portuguese-Spanish land border is a region with a long past of marginality and low densities relatively to the main poles of the two Iberian countries._x000D_
The integration of Portugal and Spain into the EEC (now the EU) opened up new possibilities for cooperation. In this context, there have been many projects and lines of investment that aim to make the border a region of effective cooperation with positive effects on a local scale._x000D_
As it is believed that institutions can be important in this strategy, it is intended to evaluate the impact of the Center for Iberian Studies (CEI) in the border territory, especially in the city of Guarda (Portugal)._x000D_
Materializing the idea of the Portuguese writer and thinker Eduardo Lourenço regarding an Iberian communion of values for a common development strategy, CEI was born from a protocol between the Municipality of Guarda and the Universities of Coimbra and Salamanca. Founded in 2000, it is a multi-territorial institution anchored in the links between two of the oldest universities in Europe._x000D_
In this perspective, innovation is understood as an enhancement of local resources, but also as a process of creating institutions that, in the respective territories of influence (in this case, on a cross-border scale), streamline networks of economic, social, political and institutional._x000D_
Using methodologies such as direct observation, interviews and the collection of quantitative and qualitative data, it is intended to reflect to what extent this institutional innovation fulfilled Eduardo Lourenço’s ideas and opened up to cross-border local communities, promoting their empowerment or if, on the contrary, it reproduces a walled institutional model, self-centred and distant from local realities. Basically, the intention is to analyse to what extent the CEI can leave a positive trail and be a driving force in this cross-border region._x000D_

Tiago Mesquita; João Luís Fernandes
Department of Geography and Tourism, University of Coimbra

ID Abstract: 322

This article deals with the field of public transport-oriented urban planning and focuses on the elements of spatial arrangement, whose integration into urban design within the zone around the public transport station is likely to have a positive impact on the modal choice in favour of the latter. Emphasis is given to the dimension dealing with the layout of the pedestrian paths (walkability) giving access to the stations, less supported in the existing works on this topic._x000D_
The work consists in exposing an original method of analysis of the “degree of integration with the principles of public transport-oriented urban planning” in the urban design of an existing or planned urban environment. This method, developed on the basis of criteria previously established for this purpose, is based on spatial diagnostic approaches, including in particular in situ surveys. It is divided into two approaches, qualitative and quantitative, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages. The first allows to apprehend a larger sample of fields, to then lead to a comparative synthesis, but through an exclusively qualitative observation of the fields of study. The other deals with only two pilot fields in favour of quantitative observation, with recourse to GIS and most of the data being newly identified and created, which makes it possible to obtain a more formalized and more objective assessment and which leads to mapped results._x000D_
The approach is tested in two different cultural contexts – in the Czech Republic and in France. Indeed, the role of urban transport in these two countries has undergone a contrasting evolution over time, which reveals different forms of coordination between transport and urban planning. Detailed analyses are then carried out in several medium-sized towns (Liberec, Brno, Orléans, Grenoble, Montpellier) and their collective housing neighbourhoods.

Richard Zelezny
Lecturer & Researcher in Urban Planning and Design, CYU Cergy-Paris University

ID Abstract: 850