This study involves establishing a relationship between weathering and erosion processes in badlands comparing the mineralogical and physicochemical properties of unweathered and weathered material formed in the natural environment and under laboratory climate simulation experiments. Three unweathered samples with different mineralogical contents were taken from the badlands of Vallcebre and Bagà in Spain. The climatic conditions in these areas are humid-Mediterranean. Besides quartz and calcite as dominant minerals, one unweathered sample contained smectite and gypsum, the second smectite and the third neither smectite nor gypsum. The laboratory climate simulation experiment was designed so that each sample had two sub-samples, one of which was exposed to rain and the second to snow. In the first part, the samples were placed in a climate chamber at a temperature of -3 °C after simulating rain (~140 ml) or snow (~150 g). After 15 cycles, in the second part of the experiment, all samples were exposed to rain (~140 ml) and placed in a climate chamber at a temperature of 50 °C. These treatments were repeated 8 times. Analyses of the mineralogical and physicochemical properties of the material before and after the experiment give a clear insight into the changes in mineralogy, chemical composition, grain size, porosity, etc. The changes in the microstructure were analysed using Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM). The particle size distribution was determined by laser diffraction, while mineralogy was determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface analysis confirmed that the sample with smectite had the highest specific surface area. It was also proved that other measured parameters such as volume and diameter of the pores changed with weathering rate.

M. Stefanović 1, B. Jovančićević 2, Đ. Janaćković 3, N. Antić 4, F. Gallart 5, M. Moreno-de las Heras 6, M. Kašanin-Grubin 4
(1) Innovation Centre of the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Ltd, Belgrade, Serbia, (2) University of Belgrade, Faculty of Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia, (3) University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, Serbia, (4) University of Belgrade, Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metalurgy, Centre of Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia, (5) Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Barcelona, Spain (6) University of Barcelona, Department of Geography, Barcelona, Spain

The effects of long-term land management are pervasive in agricultural areas of the Mediterranean region, where the physical settings of these agricultural landscapes offer environmental hints about historical land transformations. For example, the presence of large gully systems and small badland areas within these agricultural settings is commonly interpreted as the result of human interference with a delicate natural equilibrium, where human alteration of surface drainage patterns may be responsible of gully development on erodible lithological materials (e.g., marls). In this context, the presence of anomalous drainage layouts (e.g., gullies that do not follow the general topographic axis of valleys, gullies that cross obliquely a hillslope, gullies that are initiated in convexities, or in artificial channels) can provide evidence for human-derived origin of these erosive landforms. We explore physical evidences of anthropogenic origin in the distribution of gully systems within the Conca d’Òdena (60 km2, central Anoia basin, Catalonia), a Mediterranean-dry agricultural setting developed over marly soils where surface-leveled and terraced fields alternate with agricultural ditches, large gullies and small badland areas. We identified and digitized a total of 316 large gully systems in the region (approx. 3% of the terrain) using aerial imagery and a LiDAR-based DEM. About 80% of these gully systems exhibited anomalous topographic patterns, suggesting anthropogenic origin. Further application of a semi-automated GIS method for simple landform analysis revealed that combining DEM smoothing and flow routing algorithms can provide satisfactory results for assessing agricultural origin in small-to-medium size gully systems of the region. Overall, these findings highlight the usefulness of GIS-based morphometric analysis for exploring gully origin and point to a significant role of human activities for the formation of large gully systems in agricultural landscapes.

Mariano Moreno de las Heras (1), Florian Lindenberger (2), and Francesc Gallart (3)
(1) Department of Geography, University of Barcelona, 08001 Barcelona, Spain; (2) Department of Hydraulic Engineering in Inland Areas, Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW), 76187 Karlsruhe, Germany; (3) Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), 08034 Barcelona, Spain.

Understanding gully erosion dynamics and extent is essential when developing gully erosion management strategies. This paper aims to investigate suspended sediment production and dynamics during precipitation-runoff events in the Upper Blue Nile basin in Ethiopia. Runoff events measured between 2017 and 2020 can be used to study the relationship between runoff and sediment and suspended sediment dynamics. During the study period, the overall discharge coefficient of variation (CV) varied between 55.2 and 66.5% at the head and 52.2 and 64.9% at the tail. Therefore, increasing runoff could increase sediment transport capacity, increasing sediment discharge. As a result, the soil amount estimated using gully parameters for 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 was 1962.4, 1097.4, 1033.6, and 1254.3 Mg yr–1, respectively. Between 2017 and 2020, CVs for total sediment load values ranged from 65.1 to 96.1% at the head and 17.1 to 78.1% at the tail. In the gully tail, sediment yield was higher than in the head, suggesting gully sediment contributed more to sediment yield than large upland catchments. As a result of the study, we have been able to develop practical recommendations for managing gully erosion in the future. A sediment budget calculation and a hysteresis loop analysis of the monitored site demonstrated that nearly 85% of the sediment came from the gully. The findings provided valuable information for runoff patterns and suspended sediment dynamics, and enhanced sediment control theory at the study site and in other similar environmental settings.

Mesenbet Yibeltal
Faculty of Civil and Water Resource Engineering, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia

Travel behaviour and the decisions behind individual mobility are highly complex and contextual processes. Traditional measures of travel behaviour based solely on quantitative and relatively simple tools are not enough to truly understand all the motivations and determinants of mobility. The life course approach and mobility biographies are examples of novel approaches to mobility analysis. These new approaches focus on the evolution of daily transport habits over time and try to identify the potential impact of elements such as stability and change over the life course on mobility practices. _x000D_
Our study focuses on the application of the mixed methods approach to better understand the travel behaviour and mobility preferences of parents of school-aged children. As previous studies have shown, this group of society generally travels more for various reasons and has a unique perspective on some important aspects of mobility choices. Using both qualitative and quantitative methods, we investigated the determinants and preferences of parents’ everyday mobility choices in Warsaw, Poland. Our qualitative study was based on eight two-hour focus group interviews (FGIs) conducted in October 2021. In 2022, additionally, a series of quantitative surveys were conducted, both among parents of school-aged children (two surveys in three different primary schools, total n= 1 438) and Warsaw citizens (n=1170), analysing their travel behaviour and mobility preferences. Our study shows how parenthood affects various aspects of travel behaviour, such as car ownership, car use, perceptions of car safety, as well as time (ir)rationality and economic valuation of their everyday journeys. It also shows how children’s own preferences influence parents’ mobility choices and explains why we see this as an opportunity for positive change. It also provides interesting insights into different aspects of travel behaviour in the Central European context._x000D_

Jakub Zawieska, Joanna Jaczewska, Katarzyna Archanowicz-Kudelska
Jakub Zawieska, Katarzyna Archanowicz-Kudelska: SGH, Warsaw School of Economics Institute of Infrastructure, Transport, and Mobility ; Joanna Jaczewska: University of Gdansk, Institute of Geography

El cambio climático consiste en una modificación lenta y gradual de las condiciones climáticas medias y, en consecuencia, es un fenómeno difícil de detectar y evaluar con precisión a partir de la experiencia personal. A pesar de ello, el estudio de la percepción del riesgo asociado al cambio climático emerge como una temática clave de investigación por la influencia que ejerce en la proactividad de los actores y, en consecuencia, en la capacidad de respuesta frente al fenómeno. Las formas en cómo los individuos, las empresas, la sociedad y las políticas responden al cambio climático dependen, en gran medida, de la percepción pública de sus causas y consecuencias. Apoyándose en una metodología mixta que incluye el enfoque cuantitativo y el cualitativo, este artículo explora la percepción del riesgo asociado al cambio climático que presentan actores clave del turismo rural catalán. La aproximación planteada ha permitido conocer cómo se perciben los impactos del cambio climático, sus posibles repercusiones en los negocios de turismo rural y las respuestas locales de adaptación desarrolladas hasta el momento

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A pesar de su eficacia demostrada, muchos hombres en España dudan en buscar ayuda para la disfunción eréctil por miedo a ser juzgados o por vergüenza.Viagra contiene el principio activo sildenafilo, un potente vasodilatador que aumenta el flujo sanguíneo al pene, facilitando la consecución y el mantenimiento de la erección. viagra contrareembolso 48 horas.

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Mientras navegamos por el panorama de las enfermedades en España, Aldactone emerge como un faro de esperanza, ofreciendo una solución integral a una miríada de retos de salud. aldactone principio activo En el ámbito de la medicina, la búsqueda de soluciones eficaces para combatir diferentes enfermedades ha sido constante durante siglos..

. La investigación también ha permitido detectar barreras subjetivas a las acciones de adaptación que podrían dificultar la lucha frente al fenómeno.

M. Belén Gómez Martín; Xosé A. Armesto López; Martí Cors Iglesias
Departament de Geografia, Universitat de Barcelona

La tesis pretende explorar las interacciones entre las movilidades cotidianas de la población residente y los flujos de visitantes en una ciudad con una importante actividad turística como Barcelona. Más concretamente, la tesis quiere estudiar cómo la presencia de visitantes interacciona con las movilidades de proximidad en los barrios con mayor peso del turismo. Estas movilidades de proximidad están vinculadas a las actividades que se realizan de forma cotidiana en el entorno más cercano; con desplazamientos de corta distancia y asociados a actividades de cuidado, compras, ocio y, en algunos casos, trabajo o estudio. Son también desplazamientos que se realizan más habitualmente con modos activos (caminar, bicicleta) y/o transporte público, y que implican una mayor interacción con el espacio público y el entorno construido. En definitiva, la tesis quiere estudiar si la presencia de turistas condiciona el uso del espacio público y la movilidad urbana y, si es así, en qué medida y cómo afecta a la calidad de vida de la población residente de los barrios con más presión turística._x000D_
Se seleccionarán el Gótico y la Barceloneta como casos de estudio de la investigación. Se trata de barrios de espacial interés por la alta presencia de actividad turística, la concentración de flujos y la presión sobre el espacio público. En concreto, se desarrollará un análisis en detalle de: i) las interacciones visitante-residente en el espacio público, ii) cómo las perciben las personas residentes, y iii) cómo les condiciona su día a día en la ciudad. Los estudios de caso implicarán encuestas y entrevistas en profundidad con personas residentes con perfiles y movilidades de interés para la investigación, y observaciones sistemáticas de espacios públicos representativos.

Willian Tavares Cerino
Universitat Rovira i Virgili

When discussing the socioeconomic impact of the great pandemic on urban tourism structures, the focus is directed toward the cities of developed countries. However, its effects have been much more important in the economies of the countries with the lowest income level, whose tourism development generated wealth and possibilities for progress, especially in their cities. In those territories with the most significant economic fragility and where dependence on the tourism sector is high, the pandemic and post-pandemic crisis is still strongly felt. This is the case of the Cuban archipelago, where the increase in accommodation facilities satisfied a growing tourist demand while generating socioeconomic well-being for many families and, indirectly, recovery and improvement of its urban structures. Likewise, it is analyzed comparatively with the Canary Islands, island territories on both sides of the Atlantic, which due to their tourist vocation, suffered a strong impact in the pandemic stage, which has caused a “pause” of great repercussion in the urban-tourist evolution of these spaces and have shown a different post-pandemic recovery process. Our contribution to this Congress is based on an analysis of the pre-pandemic urban-tourist evolution patterns in Cuba and the Canary Islands, evaluating their local repercussions from a socioeconomic point of view and on the tentative study of the effects of the great pandemic. To do this, we use statistics published in both territories that reveal tourism’s socioeconomic implications before the pandemic and its effect in the later stage. Therefore, we contrast the data on the effects that the bankruptcy of this activity has entailed based on some parameters of a health and socioeconomic nature. The question remains on the horizon as to whether the differentiated post-pandemic recovery will lead to a resumption of the urban-tourist development trends of the past.

Mercedes Rodríguez Rodríguez1, Manuel González Herrera2 y Josefina Domínguez-Mujica1 
1Department of Geography, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. C/Pérez del Toro, 1. 35003. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. España. 2Department of Social Sciences and Administration, Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez. Av. Plutarco Elías Calles #1210 Fovissste Chamizal. 32310. Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Méx.

“Geo-history for climate study” is an educational activity conceived within the framework of the three-year degree course in Geographical Sciences for the Environment and Health at La Sapienza University of Rome. The didactic laboratory aimed to provide students with an in-depth study of geographical and geohistorical studies on climate variations in the Anthropocene and the effects on human societies in the short and long term. The first part was distinguished by an approach to the documentary sources, both manuscript and printed, relating to the Little Ice Age with particular regard to the freezing of Lake Fucino, chosen as a case study because it was unexplored in the literature and was the subject of recent discoveries of archival material, thus functional for an initial approach to the manuscripts. The focus then shifted to the impact of global warming from the mid-19th century to the visionary geography emerged in the work Viaggio nell’Italia dell’Antropocene set in the distant 2786, encouraging a critical debate on the narration and perception of climate change also because “geography, precisely because of its descriptive and interpretative characteristics of the environment and the various territorial realities, would lend itself very well to the work of dissemination and narration”. _x000D_
The cognitive and metacognitive phase of the circular action-research process brought out how difficult it is to deal with environmental issues that are not perceived on a human scale but on different temporal scales. The aim of the activity has been, in any case, to provide the group with the useful tools to understand the complementary role of the geographer in the study of climate, especially with regard to the specific preparation on “qualitative evidence on weather and climatic facts (generally exceptional ones)” that can be deduced, sometimes even indirectly, from a careful reading of documentary material._x000D_

Filiberto Ciaglia, Lavinia Lucidi
Sapienza University of Rome

In the past few decades, the beekeeping sector has been facing challenges related to high bee mortality rates globally. However, pollinators play a large economic role in crop reproduction worth over one trillion dollars a year (Hartfelder, 2013). In particular, insect-dependent food production was valued at 625 billion euros in 2005, with pollination services provided by bees accounting for 153 billion euros (Gallai et al., 2009). Determining the suitability of a specific area for apiary is vital for beekeeping sustainability. Interdisciplinary approaches are needed to address the challenges faced by Apis mellifera and other pollinator species in the face of intensive land use. By using a GIS-based approach and Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM), beekeepers and farmers can identify the optimal locations for beehives, which can improve the sustainability of the ecosystem service pollination and contribute to a balance between economic benefits and healthy ecosystem maintenance._x000D_
This study used various environmental components such as land cover, slope gradient, and distance from water bodies, roads, and settlements to evaluate Krivodol municipality’s (Northwestern Bulgaria) territory’s suitability for beekeeping. The multi-criteria decision-making approach refined by the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was used to identify the most favorable areas for apiary development while limiting pressures and risks considering that 68.7% of the selected municipality territory is occupied by cropland. The obtained results classify large part of the territory of Krivodol municipality (76.5%) as suitable for beekeeping development, based on a scale from 1 to 5 where “suitable” is the mid value._x000D_
1.Hartfelder, K., 2013, Polinizadores do Brasil. Estudos Avançados, 27, 303–306_x000D_
2.Gallai, N.; Salles, J.M.; Settele, J.; Vaissière, B.E.,2009, Economic valuation of the vulnerability of world agriculture confronted with pollinator decline. Ecol. Econ., 68, 810–821._x000D_

Milena Tocheva, Nikolay Nikolov, Bilyana Borissova
Faculty of Geology and Geography Sofia University “St.Kliment Ohridski”

The concept of the 15-minute city in essence covers the idea of connected, mixed-used, functionally dense cities where most daily needs can be reached with a short travel not taking longer than 15 minutes. Proximity of essential daily destinations and inclusive sustainable transport options allow people to travel less to meet their daily needs with a reduced environmental impact. In this framework both the number and the length of the trips are reduced. The 15-minute city is a responsive urban planning concept to various contemporary urban challenges and as such it is a potent solution for urban sustainability transition. _x000D_
We propose a reproducible and scalable methodology to analyse accessibility to essential destinations using open data and open-source software

Para muchos hombres en España que luchan contra la disfunción eréctil, encontrar el tratamiento adecuado puede ser un viaje desalentador.Durante demasiado tiempo, el silencio en torno a la disfunción eréctil (DE) ha asolado a millones de hombres en todo el mundo, envolviéndolos en la vergüenza y el bochorno. xenical comprar.

Además, factores psicológicos como el estrés, la ansiedad y la depresión también pueden desempeñar un papel en la aparición de esta afección.A pesar de los tabúes culturales que rodean el tema, se estima que millones de hombres en España sufren en silencio disfunción eréctil, comúnmente conocida como “estrace”. estrace.

Además, se ha demostrado que Viagra mejora la satisfacción sexual general y la calidad de vida de los hombres que padecen disfunción eréctil, fomentando unas relaciones más sanas y una mayor intimidad. viagra precio La disfunción eréctil, caracterizada por la incapacidad de lograr o mantener una erección suficiente para la actividad sexual, es un problema muy extendido en España..

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La disfunción eréctil (DE) es una enfermedad prevalente que afecta a millones de hombres en España. cenforce 100 mg Además, el perfil de seguridad de Cenforce subraya su condición de pionero en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil..

La investigación ha demostrado que la doxiciclina puede ayudar a mejorar el flujo sanguíneo a los tejidos del pene, que es crucial para lograr y mantener erecciones. doxycycline para perros En esencia, la Doxiciclina actúa como catalizador para rejuvenecer la capacidad natural del cuerpo para lograr y mantener erecciones..

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No sólo les ayuda a conseguir y mantener una erección, sino que también aumenta su rendimiento y satisfacción sexual en general.A medida que avancen las investigaciones, Glucophage puede convertirse en una valiosa herramienta en el arsenal de tratamientos para la disfunción eréctil en España. glucophage españa.

Augmentin se presenta en distintas concentraciones y formulaciones, y el médico trabajará estrechamente con usted para personalizar un régimen de dosificación que maximice la eficacia y minimice los efectos secundarios.En un país donde el acceso a la atención sanitaria es un derecho fundamental, encontrar tratamientos eficaces para las infecciones es crucial para garantizar el bienestar de la población. augmentin 250/5ml.

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Esto ayuda a los hombres a lograr y mantener una erección.Pertenece a una clase de fármacos llamados inhibidores de la fosfodiesterasa tipo 5 (PDE5), que actúan aumentando el flujo sanguíneo al pene durante la estimulación sexual. cialis touch korea

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. We calculate accessibility metrics for different destination categories by active mobility. Based on these metrics we can evaluate the applicability and feasibility of the 15-minute city concept in the study area of the City of Seville. This approach lets us understand the differences in the performance of active mobility and how the urban fabric influences accessibility across the functional urban area. Besides that, census level socio-demographic data is used to analyse the related transport equity aspects. _x000D_
Using the results of the analysis we can identify areas where interventions are necessary for better infrastructure provision for active mobility or for densification of services. The efficient operation of various services is linked to an optimal service area and population. Accordingly, dense areas often outperform urban peripheries in terms of the quantity or diversity of accessible destinations. However, the relationship between accessibility and income variables are less evident, especially when wealthy, car-dependent neighbourhoods are considered. Based on our results, we also propose policy relevant recommendations to facilitate the implementation of the 15-minute city concept._x000D_

Miklós Radics (1)(2), Panayotis Christidis (1), Borja Alonso Oreña (2), Luigi dell’Olio (2)
(1) Joint Research Centre, (2) Universidad de Cantabria