Poland and other Central and Eastern European countries have been the site of many Foreign Direct Investments in the automotive sector over the past two decades

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. FDIs are known to bring positive impacts on national economies, but also local development, which is well illustrated by the concepts of multiplier effects and corporate social responsibility (constituting theoretical background for the study). The research aimed at: 1) investigating conditions for and effects (local impacts) of investments in the automotive industry in Poland, 2) analysing electromobility as a chance for further development of the automotive industry in Poland and Europe._x000D_
The case study for the research are Volkswagen plants in Western Poland, in particular Volkswagen-Crafter production plant opened in 2016 in Białężyce near Września (Greater Poland region), one of the largest greenfield investments in western Poland after 1990. On the basis of data obtained from the company representatives and local self-government authorities, numerous benefits for local residents and the environment resulting from the actions undertaken at Volkswagen have been described. Questionnaire surveys among residents have shown that the main benefits of the plant are new jobs creation, new municipal and infrastructure investments, an increase in Września’s prestige, an increase in turnovers in the service sector as well as the creation of new block estates and establishments of new companies (many cooperating with Volkswagen)._x000D_
The prospects for the future in the automotive sector will be analysed by selected examples of investments in the electromobility sector. It is a technological trend supported by European and national policies driven by the fight for clean environment and mitigation of climate change. Production of electric vehicles and components to these vehicles may create lots of opportunities for reindustrialisation of Europe in the years to come. _x000D_

Wojciech Dyba
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan

ID Abstract: 348

Poland and other Central and Eastern European countries have been the site of many Foreign Direct Investments in the automotive sector over the past two decades. FDIs are known to bring positive impacts on national economies, but also local development, which is well illustrated by the concepts of multiplier effects and corporate social responsibility (constituting theoretical background for the study). The research aimed at: 1) investigating conditions for and effects (local impacts) of investments in the automotive industry in Poland, 2) analysing electromobility as a chance for further development of the automotive industry in Poland and Europe._x000D_
The case study for the research are Volkswagen plants in Western Poland, in particular Volkswagen-Crafter production plant opened in 2016 in Białężyce near Września (Greater Poland region), one of the largest greenfield investments in western Poland after 1990. On the basis of data obtained from the company representatives and local self-government authorities, numerous benefits for local residents and the environment resulting from the actions undertaken at Volkswagen have been described. Questionnaire surveys among residents have shown that the main benefits of the plant are new jobs creation, new municipal and infrastructure investments, an increase in Września’s prestige, an increase in turnovers in the service sector as well as the creation of new block estates and establishments of new companies (many cooperating with Volkswagen)._x000D_
The prospects for the future in the automotive sector will be analysed by selected examples of investments in the electromobility sector. It is a technological trend supported by European and national policies driven by the fight for clean environment and mitigation of climate change. Production of electric vehicles and components to these vehicles may create lots of opportunities for reindustrialisation of Europe in the years to come. _x000D_

Wojciech Dyba
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan

ID Abstract: 348