Before 2020, distance learning in schools in Poland was sporadic. This form of education was used to a minimal extent about certain selected types of classes, primarily in private schools. The pandemic has forced universal remote teaching in all schools (schools have been obliged to do so by central management). Surveys conducted among students and teachers of all schools and interviews with headmasters of randomly selected schools in Wielkopolska (a large and representative region of Poland) lead to the conclusion that schools quickly and at an acceptable level introduced distance learning in the second half of 2020 and continued it with increasing success in 2021. The introduced new teaching methods required a lot of commitment from teachers (mainly time) and changes in interaction with the student. The experience gained in this area is an excellent basis if, for any reason, remote teaching is required again. Regardless of this, the experience gained could be used to continue and develop selected classes in the remote formula. Based on the obtained research material, the work presents important elements regarding the quality of distance education, resulting from the opinions of students, teachers, and principals. As a result of the conducted empirical research, several conclusions were drawn that are important for improving remote education in the future. In addition, it can be assumed that certain solutions will become a permanent and important element of education. It is worth noting that the presented issues are part of a comprehensive research project on the diversity of social attitudes of students and teachers carried out by our research team.

Emilia Bogacka, Jan Hauke, Anna Tobolska, Justyna Weltrowska
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland

ID Abstract: 542