Maritime transport, especially containerisation, has made a major contribution to globalisation and to the geography of globalisation. Maritime networks are also shaping the geography of the world by accentuating inequalities between different parts of the world, in particular in terms of accessibility. Since the 1970s, East Asia has gradually emerged as the new centre of gravity of the global maritime system, instead of Northern America and Europe.
Key global players dominate the maritime industry: container carriers, freight forwarders, terminal handling operators, shippers, ports and inland carriers. They have played a crucial role in the establishment of the container networks, which are shaping the geography of the world.
But after more than 50 years of a booming situation, the shipping industry is perhaps at a turning point of its history. The context is not anymore, the same and two factors can be considered very sensitive for the future of maritime transportation in Europe. On the one hand, the ability of European society to move towards new, more sustainable models at a technological, environmental, social and productive level. So, the European maritime sector, must face major environmental challenges, even though the major technological breakthroughs are still very uncertain in terms of decarbonising maritime transport. On the other one, the geopolitical and global growth context is today moving forcing the European ports to adapt.
Finally, yet importantly, the shipping industry has dramatically changed over the past decade. The oligopolistic situation has crucial consequences for port competition but also for inland services to major cities and hinterlands.
This session will therefore examine the future of maritime transport in Europe in relation to globalisation and the ability of shipping industry to reshape Europe and its geography as has happened in the past.
Proposals are thus welcome on the following themes:
– The interactions between the evolution of international trade and shipping. The consequences of these evolutions Europe.
– The evolution of maritime networks and the interactions between these networks and the geography of globalisation,
– The evolution of the role of ports in maritime networks and the reconfiguration or otherwise of maritime ranges in Europe,
– The evolution of the hinterland service in relation to the geography of the European metropolises,
– The capacity of the European maritime system to respond to environmental challenges and the possible consequences on maritime services. The session will consist of presentations in English.

Arnaud Serry (1)
(1) University Le Havre Normandie

ID Abstract:

Maritime transport, and more specifically containerised transport, is the heart and soul of our globalised economies. Since its invention, containerised maritime transport has undergone numerous structural and organisational changes. In particular, the sector experienced a spectacular boom in the 2010s when shipowners decided to stop using the Panama Canal. From then on, there was no longer any obstacle to the construction of larger ships. The size of container ships has doubled in the space of 10 years to reach a carrying capacity of 24,000 TEU for the Megamax 24 class. This structural evolution of container ships has led to changes in the world’s containerised maritime networks and thus to impacts on the different maritime spaces._x000D_
In this presentation, after presenting the evolution of the container ship fleets, we will study the impact on the maritime network within the Mediterranean Sea and on the ports of call in this sea. We will approach the subject from the angle of direct inter-port relations before zooming in on the strategies of global carriers in their choice of ports of call and service offers._x000D_
To carry out these various analyses, we use the AIS signals emitted by the ships, which we cross-reference with a database of ships from IHS Fairplay. This database provides us with information on the technical characteristics of the ships. We will make a comparison between the years 2012 and 2020._x000D_

Ronan Kerbiriou
Université Le Havre Normandie and Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers – Paris

ID Abstract: 286

With only 1% of the surface area of the seas, the Mediterranean alone concentrates 25% of the world’s maritime traffic and 30% of its oil traffic, making maritime transport an excellent indicator of the pulse of the world economy._x000D_
Since Thallassocracies 4 millennias ago, Mediterranean area has always been omnipresent given the compulsory nature of maritime trade exchanges between neighbouring nations disseminated all around the basin and its geographical location on the major world routes. Today, with a globalised and highly competitive shipping industry, the Mediterranean is experiencing a real restructuration in the maritime and port sectors leading to the emergence of major strategic disruptions that represent challenges and opportunities. Three economic sectors are particularly significant in the Mediterranean area: ro-ro, container and cruise shipping._x000D_
A recent trend has been the integration and specialization of several routes with feeder ships converging at major maritime intermediate hubs in the Mediterranean, in light of the negative impacts of deviations from main maritime shipping routes in terms of services and port calls’ frequency._x000D_
In this paper, we propose to focus on the ports themselves, in particular with regard to the strategies of the stakeholders including port authorities, shipping lines and finally shippers and logistics providers. _x000D_

Dr Yann ALIX & Dr. Arnaud SERRY

ID Abstract: 357

With more than 600 million inhabitants, the West and Central African areas are growing markets for global shipping lines (GSL) and global terminal operators (GTO). However, in 2022, the total container traffic of the Dakar-Luanda port range represent less than 1% of the world traffic. It corresponds more or less at the same global market share observed on the early 2000’ which means that despite more than 50 billion of public and private investments since 2 decades, western and central Africa ports are still pawns into the global shipping connectivity networks. _x000D_
Nevertheless, over the past years, these niche markets attract the largest GSL as well as the most aggressive GTO with the distinctive feature that it is the Europeans container handling companies who dominate and not the top Chinese ones. _x000D_
This paper aims to put into perspective the role and impact of majors Europeans GSL and GTO strategies on the evolution of competition between port authorities. The first part demonstrates the concentration of players in an oligopolistic pattern rather the second part highlights the new competitive landscape in ports, with the emergence of new regional hubs such as the ports of Pointe-Noire and especially the Lome Container Terminal

En este artículo, vamos a profundizar en la eficacia de Xenical en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil, su mecanismo de acción, y por qué se ha convertido en un cambio de juego en el campo de la salud sexual masculina en España.La clave del éxito de Xenical radica en su capacidad para aumentar el flujo sanguíneo a la zona genital, promoviendo erecciones mayores y más sostenidas. xenical precio.

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Deje que Topamax le guíe en su viaje hacia un futuro más feliz, más sano y más vibrante.A medida que el estigma que rodea a la disfunción eréctil continúa disipándose y las personas se sienten más capacitadas para buscar ayuda, el papel de tratamientos revolucionarios como Topamax se vuelve cada vez más fundamental para dar forma al futuro de la salud sexual masculina en España y más allá. topamax ficha tecnica.

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. Finally, the paper discusses on the strategies that port authorities can activate at the regional level in the context of the African Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA) and the associated new traffic opportunities for sub-regional maritime and port services. _x000D_

Dr. Brigitte DAUDET & Dr. Yann ALIX

ID Abstract: 358

Urban populations are becoming highly diverse at an unprecedented scale due to accelerating growth of urbanization, and international migration and mobilities. Understanding urban diversity and its spatio-temporal patterns plays a key role in supporting urban planners and decision makers to make decisions that improve social sustainability and social cohesion in urban areas. However, research on urban diversity commonly focuses on ethnicities and countries of origin, disregarding potentially more informative characteristics, such as information on languages and language use

El principio activo de Xenical, el orlistat, actúa inhibiendo la absorción de las grasas alimentarias en el organismo, lo que conlleva una pérdida de peso y una mejora de la función metabólica.Es hora de que los hombres en España se liberen de las cadenas de la disfunción eréctil y recuperen su vitalidad sexual con Xenical. xenical precio españa.

Pero los beneficios de Estrace van más allá de sus efectos físicos.Aunque la disfunción eréctil puede estar causada por diversos factores, los desequilibrios hormonales desempeñan un papel importante en su desarrollo. estrace.

Viagra ha ganado gran popularidad en España y en todo el mundo por su eficacia, seguridad y efectos secundarios relativamente leves en comparación con otros tratamientos de la disfunción eréctil. viagra femenina La disfunción eréctil es un problema frecuente que afecta a muchos hombres en España, pero no es un destino para aceptar en silencio..

En España, esta afección va en aumento y cada vez más hombres buscan soluciones para recuperar su salud y confianza sexual.Además, el perfil de seguridad favorable del Orlistat y sus efectos secundarios mínimos lo convierten en una opción de tratamiento versátil y bien tolerada por personas de distintos grupos de edad. orlistat aurovitas 120 mg 84 cápsulas.

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Comprensión de la disfunción eréctil:En los últimos años, la prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil (DE) en España ha ido en aumento, afectando a una parte significativa de la población masculina. kamagra store london reviews.

Con un número cada vez mayor de personas que sucumben a este trastorno metabólico, la necesidad de opciones de tratamiento eficaces se ha vuelto más imperiosa que nunca.Es importante que los profesionales sanitarios en España controlen de cerca a los pacientes que utilizan Glucophage y ajusten la dosis según sea necesario para minimizar estos efectos. glucophage xr 1000.

Uno de ellos es la prevalencia de infecciones, que pueden ir desde casos leves a afecciones más graves que requieren atención inmediata.Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está luchando con la disfunción eréctil, no dude en buscar ayuda profesional y explorar la multitud de opciones de tratamiento disponibles. augmentin antibiotic.

La búsqueda de soluciones eficaces para combatir esta afección a menudo debilitante ha llevado a los profesionales médicos a una búsqueda incesante de tratamientos innovadores que puedan proporcionar un respiro y devolver la normalidad a las vidas de los afectados. topamax 50 mg La disfunción eréctil, o DE, es un trastorno caracterizado por la incapacidad de lograr o mantener una erección lo suficientemente firme como para mantener relaciones sexuales..

La disfunción eréctil (DE) es un problema generalizado que afecta a millones de hombres en España, obstaculizando su capacidad para disfrutar de una vida sexual sana y satisfactoria.Pertenece a una clase de fármacos llamados inhibidores de la fosfodiesterasa tipo 5 (PDE5), que actúan aumentando el flujo sanguíneo al pene durante la estimulación sexual. cialis precio.

. In this presentation, we present the results of our analysis on the development of linguistic diversity in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area between 1987—2019 using individual-level language information from the Finnish Population Information System. We focus specifically on speakers of Estonian and Somali to understand how linguistic diversity and socio-economic characteristics have changed their residential neighborhoods, and to understand the level of integration of these population groups have achieved to the host society. We measure linguistic diversity with metrics developed in the field of ecology, perform spatial clustering analyses, and examine how likely linguistic diversity of the neighborhoods is to change with discrete Markov chains. We show how geographical space cannot be disregarded in the distribution of linguistic diversity, how linguistic diversity is most likely to change in more segregated neighborhoods and how linguistic diversity can be used as a proxy for urban diversity. 

Tuomas Väisänen, Olle Järv, Tuuli Toivonen and Tuomo Hiippala
University of Helsinki

ID Abstract: 470

Topographic maps have been an important source of information about geographical names for centuries and reflect any changes in naming places. Due to the changing climate conditions in high mountain regions, there has been a significant retreat of glaciers, in particular since the second half of the 20th century, which has had an impact on toponomastics._x000D_
The geographical names on the Austrian map 1:50000 (ÖK50) serve as the data basis. By means of this dataset, a diachronic analysis of glacier names in Austrian national surveys (“Landesaufnahmen”) has been carried out, going back as far as the second half of the 18th century. _x000D_
Changes in toponyms in the Austrian Alps are being presented using selected glacier regions as examples such as Obersulzbachkees (Venediger Group) or Pasterze, Austria’s largest glacier (Glockner Group)._x000D_
When examining glacier names, several types of toponymic changes can be identified and some of them are presented here:_x000D_
1) As a result of the retreat of the ice masses, previously hidden mountain ridges appear, leading to the splitting of glaciers into several parts. These newly formed smaller glaciers require new names. _x000D_
2) Glacial lakes can be formed due to the melting ice and need to be named. _x000D_
In the above cases, the study looks into the process of allocating new names as well as which institutions are involved in this process and which criteria are applied. _x000D_
3) Finally, when glaciers no longer exist, this can lead to the complete disappearance of their names from topographic maps._x000D_
The aim of this presentation is to demonstrate how climate change can have an impact on the toponomastics of the Austrian Alps._x000D_

Regina Falkensteiner
Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying / Austria

ID Abstract: 652

Aprovechando el poder de este medicamento innovador, los hombres españoles pueden recuperar su vitalidad sexual y embarcarse en un viaje hacia la mejora de la salud sexual y el bienestar.Los estudios han demostrado que aproximadamente el 25% de los hombres en España experimentan algún grado de dificultades eréctiles, con factores como la edad, las opciones de estilo de vida, y las condiciones de salud subyacentes que juegan un papel importante en el desarrollo de la disfunción eréctil. comprar xenical 120 mg andorra.

Si usted o un ser querido sufre disfunción eréctil, considere la posibilidad de hablar hoy mismo con un profesional sanitario cualificado sobre los posibles beneficios de Estrace.Con Estrace, una vida sexual vibrante y plena está al alcance de los hombres de toda España. estrace.

La disfunción eréctil (DE) es una enfermedad frecuente que afecta a millones de hombres en todo el mundo, también en España.La prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil en España: viagra contrareembolso alicante.

Hoy nos adentramos en una innovadora solución terapéutica que promete revolucionar el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil en España: el Orlistat. orlistat 120 mg prezzo Como estimado médico especializado en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil, estoy encantado de compartir mis impresiones sobre una preocupación emergente en España en relación con el uso de orlistat..

Este potente medicamento contiene citrato de sildenafilo, un potente ingrediente que actúa aumentando el flujo sanguíneo al pene, lo que resulta en una erección fuerte y duradera. sildenafil citrate cenforce 100 Afortunadamente, los avances de la ciencia médica han dado lugar a tratamientos innovadores como Cenforce, una píldora revolucionaria que está transformando el panorama del tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil en España..

La disfunción eréctil (DE) es una condición médica prevalente que afecta a un número significativo de hombres en España, dando lugar a una miríada de desafíos físicos y psicológicos.Con Kamagra, los hombres ya no tienen que sufrir en silencio ni arruinarse para recuperar su virilidad y vitalidad. kamagra sobres.

También conocido por su nombre genérico, Metformina, Glucophage es un medicamento oral ampliamente recetado que pertenece a la clase de las biguanidas.Además, Glucophage ha demostrado tener efectos positivos en otros aspectos de la salud, como la reducción del riesgo de enfermedades cardiovasculares y la mejora del control del peso. glucophage xr 1000.

Cómo utilizar Topamax para la disfunción eréctil: topamax para que sirve Sin embargo, detrás de las escenas, muchos hombres en España están luchando con un problema común, pero a menudo sin discutir: la disfunción eréctil (DE)..

La disfunción eréctil es una condición médica común que afecta a millones de hombres en todo el mundo, incluidos los que residen en el hermoso país de España.Gracias a su fórmula de acción rápida y a sus efectos duraderos, Cialis se ha convertido en la mejor opción para las personas que buscan un tratamiento fiable y discreto para la disfunción eréctil. cialis touch korea

Aldactone, también conocido como espironolactona, pertenece a la clase de los diuréticos ahorradores de potasio y ha llamado la atención por sus múltiples beneficios en el tratamiento de diversas dolencias.Recuerde que es esencial consultar con un profesional sanitario antes de empezar a tomar cualquier medicamento nuevo para garantizar un tratamiento seguro y eficaz. aldactone diuretico.

Margarita Capdepón-Frías; Anna Torres-Delgado & Francisco Femenia-Serra 

ID Abstract: Manual – juliol 1

Newly emerging environments transformed by urban development, climate change, and migration present significant challenges in landscape perception and interpretation. The panel will explore the role of language in the way we make sense of the rapid changes in our surroundings at various scales and contexts.  Session in English.

The rapid changes in urban settings, transport, forestry, and agriculture associated with economic development, sustainable energy policies, climate change, and migration have transformed our familiar enviroments into strange new worlds which are often difficult to navigate at different scales. Where used to be a field there is a new residential area or a highway, on the horizon the silhouette of trees has been replaced by wind turbines, where once was a multitude of forests is but a multitude of clearings after trees fell victim to rising temperatures and uneven precipation, all the while the linguistic landscape has absorbed migrant languages which turn our cities into linguistic Babels. Making sense of the world and finding our place and way in it is a growing challenge. Language is one of the principal tools which helps us do this. The panel will explore the role of language in our perception, interpretation, and appropriation of the newly emerging environments as well as its role in the salvation of familiar spaces in view of the dramatic changes affecting all areas of life. Both the generic dimension of language (landscape categories, classes of objects, frames of reference etc.) as well as its proprial dimension (toponyms) will be explored. We particularly welcome contributions on the situation in Europe although papers on other areas of the world will also be given consideration.

Přemysl Mácha (1); Katalin Reszegi (2)
(1) Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, (2) Department of Hungarian Linguistics, Unviersity of Debrecen

ID Abstract:

Place names, as in the names of fields, pastures and other small places, offer a variety of approaches to study the rural past. Place names are primarily a linguistic source, but due their link to actual places, it is possible to gain insights in how these places were named and what lies behind the motivation of coining a specific name in relevance to a certain place. As names (of smaller places) represent an account of how the environment was perceived by a specific speaker group and hence referred to in a manner that represents the speakers’ (cultural) interpretation of a place, rather than in absolute objectivity, studying place names can, among others, be a valuable source of study for ecological changes in rural history when the name as well as the place are studied together with scrutiny. _x000D_
In this presentation, ecological changes in rural Luxembourg (i.e. the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg) are studied by the source of place names. The most prominent changes in ecological history observed via this source are the man-made changes endeavored to alter the terrain for land clearing and cultivation. Via place names, micro-spaces can be studied in order to find out if woods were used for their timber, for example, or if they were cleared so that the land could be used for construction or animal herding. Other places offer insights of the previous nature of terrain, such as wetlands, and their later drainage for other uses. By studying as many micro-spaces as possible via linguistic cartography and linking insights gained from it to etymological studies, broad developments in ecological history can be traced for rural Luxembourg from the medieval ages to early modern times.

Sam Mersch
Institut Grand-Ducal, Section Linguistique, Ethnologie et Onomastique / Zenter fir d’Lëtzebuerger Sprooch

ID Abstract: 92

The paper will present the results of an international comparative research on the role of language in explaining differences in landscape perception across Slavic, Baltic, Ugro-Finnish languages, Romanian, and Greek spoken in 14 countries in Central, Eastern, Northeastern and Southeastern Europe. It will explore differences in landscape perception between individual languages and language families and assess the potential influence of selected socio-demographic variables. This study is a follow-up on an earlier research (Van Putten et al. 2020) which focused on landscape perception differences between selected Romance and Germanic languages of Western Europe.

Přemysl Mácha; Katalin Reszegi; et al.
Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences; University of Debrecen; et al.

ID Abstract: 99