The concern of my research has been based on two sets of processes; the increasing urban affiliation of the ‘working class’ leading to enormous migration and the continuing process of gentrification of the city leading to constant demolition of slums and squatter settlements to make a place for the ‘exclusives’. With the presence of two such processes, I found this interesting to understand how the people at the ‘margin’ of ‘development’ are making a sense of their place where the increasing aestheticization of the capital city is continually pushing them out to the distant peripheries, denying their due share in the city-space and its benefits. With the sole objective to understand the present situation of the ‘right to the city’, the current paper tries to inquire about the policy processes and the planning system of the city where I anticipate this attempt to provide a useful lens for evaluating the ongoing urbanisation process and the nature of inclusiveness of the ‘poor’ into the city-space. The study is based on both quantitative and qualitative data analysis taking reference from the various stakeholders belonging to a number of working-class colonies in peri-urban Delhi where I expect the investigation to throw light upon the way urban governance is playing out in the metropolitan centers of the country and how the people are negotiating to establish a stake in the city to accomplish an actual sense of the place they inhabit. I believe the way space is imagined by both the government and the people at the ‘margin’ can be a useful tool to explore how the process of place-making is contemplating the global economic and political conditions of lived-spaces in an urban setting and what can be done to improve the delivery of services to meet the goal of sustainable transformation.

Dr. Sanchari Mukhopadhyay
PhD, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India

ID Abstract: 790

In front of global challenges and uncertainty there is an increase recognition to prioritize more grounded and inclusive place-based approaches for the production an application of knowledge (Horlings et al., 2020), and development (Gibson-Graham, 2006).
Relational understanding of human connections to place can inform about process that enable or hinder transformations towards sustainability

Aprovechando el poder de este medicamento innovador, los hombres españoles pueden recuperar su vitalidad sexual y embarcarse en un viaje hacia la mejora de la salud sexual y el bienestar.Al comprender los beneficios multifacéticos de Xenical en la mejora de la salud sexual, los hombres en España pueden tomar medidas proactivas para hacer frente a sus problemas de disfunción eréctil y recuperar su vitalidad. xenical 120.

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A diferencia de otros tratamientos que sólo proporcionan una solución temporal, Glucophage aborda la causa raíz de la disfunción eréctil, por lo que es una solución a largo plazo para muchos hombres. glucophage Una de las causas subyacentes comunes de la disfunción eréctil es la diabetes, que afecta a un número significativo de personas en España..

Esto sugiere que Topamax puede ser un tratamiento eficaz para la disfunción eréctil causada por la neuropatía periférica. topamax 25 Topamax es un medicamento de prescripción que ha ido ganando popularidad en España como un tratamiento altamente eficaz para la disfunción eréctil..

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Al inhibir la aldosterona, Aldactone ayuda a mejorar el flujo sanguíneo al pene, favoreciendo erecciones más fuertes y duraderas. aldactone diuretico Aldactone, también conocido como espironolactona, es un medicamento utilizado principalmente para tratar la hipertensión arterial y la insuficiencia cardíaca..

. Building on the emerging literature on changing senses of place in socio-ecological systems (Bousquet; et al., 2022; Quinn et al., 2019; Raymond et al., 2021), and in diverse and community economies (Roelvink,  et al., 2015), the aim of the session is to insight the role of subjectivity and local communities on how to adapt and transform in the face of global uncertainty.
We encourage contributions that address:
–        the emergence of senses of places from relational perspectives.
–        the ways in which local place meanings and attachments can facilitate or impede adaptative or transformative social process.
–        incremental and transformative capacities of place-shaping practices, stewardship capacities, place-related narratives of change, etc.
–        the role of affective and cognitive dimensions on community level-capacity building.
–        sense of place, world- and community views, and transformative learning and economies.

Anna Marín-Puig (1); Antònia Casellas (1)
(1) Departament de geografia. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

ID Abstract:

Green Infrastructure, particularly public greenspaces such as urban parks, play an important role in urban environments. Recognising the barriers to equitable access and the need for improving participation in greenspace governance in view of increasingly restricted local authority budgets and consequent challenges around greenspace provision and management, enhancing public engagement in greenspace practices and encouraging environmental stewardship can help address some of the challenges of greenspace governance (Martin et al., 2020; Mathers, Dempsey & Molin, 2015). Recent literature has referred to theories of place indicating the potential of citizen science in fostering environmentally-responsible behaviours, such as voluntary stewardship and involvement in national/local environmental policy concerns (Day et al.,2022; Haklay,2013; Toomey et al.,2020). We identify a gap in research as to whether participation in citizen science projects can enhance connections between people and place and encourage better community participation in the stewardship of parks and urban greenspaces. This research adopts a Living Lab approach to utilise the community’s local intelligence in developing digital experiments in the pilot site using a Nature Data Probe toolkit and seeks to explore its potential for enhancing nature-connectedness by revealing hidden nature. We describe an action research method working with 126 participants from a secondary school close to a large urban park in Plymouth, UK. The findings suggest a deeper awareness of the natural environment was created. Analysis of qualitative data gathered around awareness/consciousness of natural environment revealed participants were more observant of hidden nature post-intervention, with an increase in the number of participants and the specific and descriptive responses identifying nature. In summary, we discuss the implications of research outcomes as a pathway to increasing participation in greenspace governance.

Ashita Gupta; Katharine Willis
University of Plymouth

ID Abstract: 422

The links between the economy and the environment are manifold: the environment provides resources and acts as a sink for emissions and waste from the economy. Humans are gradually understanding the impact of economic decisions on the planet’s sustainability and quality. The environmental impact of economic growth includes increased consumption of non-renewable resources, higher levels of pollution, global warming, and potential loss of environmental habitats. However, on the other side, it is not necessary that all forms of economic growth cause damage to the environment. The environmental change that can be brought is on the shoulders of the human race, making it all the more critical that we understand the perception that the population has on prioritizing between the environment and the economic growth. The study is based on the World Values Survey (WVS) Wave-7 (2019-21) was conducted in 59 countries with a minimum sample size of 1200 from each country. In the survey, two statements were put forward to people to discuss the environment and economic growth, and they were asked which of them was closer to their point of view. The study tries to assess the difference in the population’s perceptions towards the economy and environment by their socio-demographic characteristics and the level of development of the countries. A higher chance of protecting the environment is seen among the respondents from developed countries, with better education, more wealth and post materialistic values.

Vinod Kumar and Harshita Chari
Vinod Kumar, PhD Research Scholar, International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai & Harshita Chari, PhD Research Scholar, Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune

ID Abstract: 693

Disasters, whether natural or man-made, can significantly impact on health and wellbeing of older adults, especially those living in developing countries like India. Using data from LASI Wave-1 (2017-2018) with a sample of 73,396 individuals aged 45 years-and-above, this study investigates the effects of disasters on older adults’ health and wellbeing in India. The survey captured information on natural disasters (n=1,661) and man-made disasters (n=826) that affected older adults’ health in the past five years. Descriptive and multivariate analyses were conducted to assess the association between disasters and health outcomes among older adults. Findings revealed that drought (42%) was the most prevalent natural disaster faced by Indians, followed by flood (24%) and cyclone (21%), while traffic accidents (65%) and building collapses (12%) were the leading man-made disasters. Older adults who experienced disasters reported higher levels of mental health problems (67%), physical disabilities (10%), functional limitations in activities of daily living (24%) and instrumental activities of daily living (48%), and lower levels of life satisfaction (33%). Additionally, older adults in rural areas (85%) were more vulnerable to the adverse effects of disasters compared to those in urban areas, likely due to limited healthcare access and infrastructure challenges. Gender disparities were also observed, with older women (55%) being more adversely affected by natural disasters, while older men (53%) were mostly affected by man-made disasters. Study underscores the need for disaster preparedness and response strategies considering needs of older adults in India. Policies for better healthcare access, social support, and disaster resilience are vital for older adults, especially in rural areas. This study, for the first time using nationally representative data, provides important evidences for informing policy and practice in disaster management and health promotion efforts.

Jitender Prasad Varsha Nagargoje Rahul Rajak TV Sekher
International Institute for Population Sciences , Mumbai

ID Abstract: 721

The rapid and widespread diffusion of relevant and useful knowledge plays a key role in mitigating the effects of shocks (disasters, pandemics, wars, etc.). Despite the fact that in our globalised, interconnected world, information can spread around the globe in hours or days, there are still many factors (enablers and barriers) that influence its spread. These factors show different geographical patterns, which can affect the spread of information and thus the ability to cope with certain shocks._x000D_
The presentation will focus on the COVID-19 pandemic and the spread of information related to it. Within a few months of its outbreak, the Coronavirus had appeared in almost every part of the world but information (e.g., facts, rumours, fake news) related to that has spread faster (mainly via internet), creating an infodemic parallel to the pandemic. The aim of the presentation is to show the spatiotemporal patterns of the spread of these two phenomena (Coronavirus-pandemic and information) and their interactions. The key question is the following: how could the spread of information influence the spread of the virus and mitigate its effects?_x000D_
To answer this, I collected weekly pandemic and GoogleTrends statistics (in regional level) and different socio-economic, mobility and governance indicators from European countries

La disfunción eréctil suele estar relacionada con problemas subyacentes como las enfermedades cardiovasculares y la obesidad, que pueden afectar al flujo sanguíneo hacia el pene.Esta afección, caracterizada por la incapacidad de lograr o mantener una erección suficiente para mantener relaciones sexuales, puede tener profundos efectos en la autoestima, las relaciones y la calidad de vida en general de un hombre. xenical foro.

Estrace, también conocido como estradiol, es un medicamento que actúa aumentando el flujo sanguíneo al pene, lo que permite una erección firme y duradera.Como experto líder en el campo del tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil, estoy encantado de compartir información innovadora sobre la prevalencia de esta afección en España. estrace.

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Kamagra ha surgido como una solución fiable para la disfunción eréctil, ofreciendo a los hombres la oportunidad de recuperar su vitalidad y confianza sexual.La disfunción eréctil es un problema frecuente que afecta a los hombres en España y que repercute en sus relaciones, su autoestima y su bienestar general. kamagra london.

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La neuropatía periférica es una afección que afecta a los nervios situados fuera del cerebro y la médula espinal, y que a menudo provoca entumecimiento, hormigueo y dolor en las extremidades. topamax vademecum La disfunción eréctil es una enfermedad frecuente y tratable que afecta a millones de hombres en España..

También es bien tolerado por la mayoría de las personas, con efectos secundarios mínimos.A diferencia de otros medicamentos para la disfunción eréctil, Cialis permite una mayor espontaneidad en la actividad sexual, ya que puede tomarse según sea necesario. comprar cialis en españa envio urgente.

En conclusión, la aparición de Aldactone como tratamiento prometedor de la disfunción eréctil representa un avance significativo en el panorama sanitario español. aldactone 100 mg El papel de Aldactone en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil:.

. I subjected these to statistical data analysis: in addition to descriptive statistics and data visualisation, I used a multivariate spatial regression model. It can be concluded that the impact of the information diffusion in spread of the virus is clearly observable: in different ways during each epidemic wave, but it helped the control of the virus. While during the first wave it played an important role in the timing of closures, during the later waves it influenced the dissemination of other solutions (especially vaccines).

András Igari
ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, Department of Regional Science, Budapest, Hungary – PhD student; HÉTFA Research Institute, Budapest, Hungary – junior analyst

ID Abstract: 553

Globally, the types, intensities, as well as magnitude of disasters, have increased manifold causing massive destruction, morbidity, loss of life and biodiversity. Human beings are at the helm of their surroundings for development and any disruption poses a massive threat to progress, happiness and sustainability. It is interesting to note that a newer variety of both natural and anthropogenic disasters have been introduced in the 20th century that coincides with development. Some notable examples are dam burst/failures, nuclear war, fire, air/road/rail accidents, cloud bursts, epidemics and building collapses to name a few.
Disasters have a considerable impact on human health and day-to-day functioning but quantification of the impact, in particular mortality, is very challenging. As per the WMO estimates, from 1970 to 2019, weather, climate and water hazards accounted for 50% of all disasters, 45% of all reported deaths and 74% of all reported economic losses. More than 90% of the deaths occur in developing countries. It is estimated that over 1.5 billion people were affected by disasters, including over 700,000 people losing their lives, more than 1.4 million people being injured, and approximately 23 million people made homeless in a decade from 2005 to 2015.
It is well-known fact that disasters cannot be avoided completely, however, with proper planning and vision the impact of disasters can be reduced or even avoided. For this, the disaster management cycle should be interpreted with respect to human health and disaster medicine. Preparation without warning is the key to promoting good health and well-being in during and post-disaster stages. The interdisciplinary knowledge of geographers accompanied by the use of geospatial technology can help contribute in varied areas of disaster preparation and response, including hazard vulnerability analyses, resource allocation, and the creation of disaster legislation. The session on disasters and human health will try to explore means through which mapping and geographical knowledge can save lives and bring happiness to disaster-stricken communities.
Despite the unpredictable nature of disasters, it is incumbent for researchers in this area to utilize strong research designs to achieve the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030s that aims to “substantially reduce global disaster mortality by 2030, aiming to lower the average per 100,000 global mortality rate in the decade 2020–2030 compared to the period 2005–2015.” Additionally, it will also contribute to goal number 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 11 and 13 of the Sustainable Development Goals. Session type: PresentationLanguage: English

Aakriti Grover (1); Ashique V.v. (1)
(1) Central University of Tamil Nadu, India

ID Abstract:

The relationship between satellite data and COVID-19 restrictions were investigated in the European Union (EU-27), taking into account physical- and socio-geographical factors. Spatially and temporally differentiated measures and lockdowns have different atmospheric impacts in different physical geographic regions and in areas with different socio-economic characteristics._x000D_
The 27 EU Member States at national, NUTS-3 regional and metropolitan level were studied and mapped in terms of Sentinel-5p nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels and changes in NO2 levels in 2019, 2020 and 2021._x000D_
Our analyses identified the main European emission zones and presented their main defining geographical characteristics, as well as the changes due to the pandemic. We found that, with the exception of some regions (typically in Eastern Europe), the severity of the restrictions did not play a relevant role in the extent of changes in the air environment, but it is clear that the measures themselves had a significant impact on the overall reduction in NO2 levels in 2020. In many regions, the reductions in the stringency of the 2021 restrictions have led to a worsening of ambient air quality, with NO2 levels rebounding above previous levels._x000D_
The research was supported by the project POST-COVID2021-29 of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

György Varga(1,2); Adrienn Csávics(1,2); József Szeberényi(1); Fruzsina Gresina(1,2)
(1) Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, (2) Budapest, Hungary; Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary

ID Abstract: 347

Innovation and sustainability nowadays are established concepts in every organisation. The latest health emergency and the Ukrainian military conflict that we are resisting, have strengthened its relevance. During the early stages of the pandemic emergency, the aviation industry encountered the strongest and deepest economic crisis since it erupted. The closure of airspace one after the other has forced the airline to ground its aircraft and consequently to implement new strategies to avoid jeopardising the economic system irreversibly. Many companies have changed their business to cope with new and urgent needs and be able to reformulate their strategic segmentation to survive the market. The dramatic situation has forced the entire transport system to move to a new business model to survive the new global challenge and focus its energies on renewing the backbone of its business, accelerating the decarbonization process and also using new, green and low environmental impact energy such as hydrogen. The transport industry was already ready to face these changes. Covid-19 first and then the war endangered the aviation industry, simultaneously accelerating the innovation process to use green energy and face the ecological transition. The article, which evaluates a representative sample of airlines, aims to investigate what strategies they have implemented to convert the airline industry into a more sustainable and innovative sector and analyse the rate of progress of their transition.

Cinzia Genovino, Ilaria Cova
Università Giustino Fortunato

ID Abstract: 180

The transport of passengers and goods is of fundamental importance for both economic and social activities. Every movement in fact has a purpose, an origin, a potential set of intermediate places, a destination and a nature linked to geographical attributes._x000D_
The economic importance of airports, defined as strategic infrastructure, is widely recognized in the literature. They play an important role in the economy of the territories, as they are suppliers of a means of rapid connection capable of generating significant economic activities._x000D_
Methodologically, initially the article analyzes the literature on geography and economy of transport, highlighting the benefits that airport infrastructure can bring to the area. Subsequently, the analysis focuses on the issue of accessibility and the impact of the airport on the territory and local communities, highlighting the critical factors of its environmental sustainability_x000D_

Federico de Andreis, Federico Maria Sottoriva
Università Giustino Fortunato

ID Abstract: 181