Tourism industry is inseparable from places. Resources including geographical location, topography determines the attractiveness of an area, and the structure of tourism. Travellers have their own socio-cultural features, geographic characteristics of origin countries also have an impact on visitors’ choices. Parallel with it, academic tourism research has a strong focus on geography. _x000D_
The main objective of the study is to explore geographical patterns of tourism research by analysing COVID-19 related academic articles. _x000D_
In this study, a data-driven approach is employed to analyse the geographical aspects of tourism research profiles in the COVID-19 era. A set of relevant papers were selected by employing the most widely used systematic literature review technique (PRISMA). Following the of text mining and deep review efforts, components of research profiles were identified. Then, all components were geo-coded, and the patterns of the relationship between components of research profiles were identified. _x000D_
The study showed a strong link between geography and tourism. It addressed the geographical patterns on three levels: input, methodology and content of the involved articles. The geographical pattern is influenced by leading academic authors and institutions, the tourism structure and sociocultural background of destination, the development of a statistical data collection system and the current challenges observed in the destination. For tourism research, geographically related areas have to be investigated by addressing their geographical base. _x000D_
Based on the focus destination, countries can be structured into different groups including those focusing on own destination, those focusing on global issues, and those addressing neighbouring problems. Location is relevant regarding addressed topics, and applied methodologies, as well. In conclusion, adding the geographical dimension to the analysis of academic research is important in sectors where location is relevant.

Sulyok, Judit (1), Fehérvölgyi, Beáta (2), Csizmadia, Tibor. (3), Katona Attila Imre (4), Kosztyán Zsolt Tibor (5)
1,2,3,4,5 University of Pannonia

ID Abstract: 250

Different market conditions across the international border can induce borderland residents of the most expensive country to make purchases abroad. When this practice becomes widespread, it not only creates environmental problems, but also has obvious negative effects on the economic sector of the expensive country, leading to losses in terms of tax revenues. In Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy), the problem of cross-border purchase exists and it is mainly related to fuel. At this purpose, in 1997, a regional law was introduced to reduce the cost of refueling domestically

Los estudios han demostrado que aproximadamente el 25% de los hombres en España experimentan algún grado de dificultades eréctiles, con factores como la edad, las opciones de estilo de vida, y las condiciones de salud subyacentes que juegan un papel importante en el desarrollo de la disfunción eréctil. xenical como tomar Este potente medicamento ha demostrado mejorar significativamente la función eréctil en los hombres, ofreciendo un nuevo rayo de esperanza para aquellos que luchan contra la disfunción eréctil..

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. At the basis of the regional policy, that underwent two major changes through time, there is the idea of providing motorists contributions per litre those values change according to their residence._x000D_
The first law relied on a pioneering scientific study, which led to the creation of a discount system based on the distance of the municipality of residence to the Italian-Slovenian border. Over time, the regional market conditions underwent substantial changes, mainly due to strong price competition from economic operators in Austria and the neighboring Italian region of Veneto. Consequently, the regional lawmaker decided to reform the system, by introducing a new principle of classification of municipalities based on economic criteria. Only in 2022, after the crisis induced by the pandemic, the regional lawmaker partially reintroduced the concept of distance by offering greater contributions for the residents of the border strip._x000D_
The purpose of this work is to present how the Italian regional lawmaker has attempted to separate its fuel market from those of its neighbors since 1997. The hoc sample surveys and econometric cost-benefit models that supported the design of the policy, together with some recent trends in fuel sales will be presented, to discuss on the ability of the regional authorities to incorporate geographical principles in the legislation._x000D_

Giorgia Bressan (1), Gian Pietro Zaccomer (2)
(1) Tor Vergata University of Rome (Italy) (2) University of Udine (Italy)

ID Abstract: 624

Paper citations provide traceable and measurable footprints for tracking knowledge dissemination. Employing Web of Science database, we aim to trace potential disseminators of authors who have acquired specific knowledge (e.g., a theory, a method, and an idea) to apply to their own research. Using our proposed knowledge tracing framework and the case (Geodetector), we identified 118 stochastic and 130 deterministic dissemination relationships among Geodetector authors, from which the stochastic dissemination probabilities and the spatiotemporal deterministic relationship strengths were also calculated. Among these deterministic dissemination chains, the most continuous and closest co-authorship was domestic cross-institutional collaboration (Rt=21.55), followed by inter-laboratory collaboration within the institution (Rt=8), transnational collaboration (Rt=5), and co-laboratory collaboration (Rt=4.08). The study showed that the time factor had more significant impact on knowledge diffusion compared to the geographical distance between scholars, and that the time when original knowledge was first published had a greater impact than the time when it was adopted. The knowledge dissemination network constructed in this paper reflects the collaboration relationships among scholars in related fields to a certain extent (explanatory power = 35%), and analyzing their different selections of specific knowledge can help related organizations and institutions break collaboration barriers and research bottlenecks.

Yuting Liang
Utrecht University

ID Abstract: 943

Geographical location impacts the present-day world in various ways, parallel with globalization, locality, authenticity of places are in the forefront of stakeholders. Economic sectors may be highly dependent on the place itself (e.g. tourism) or less influenced by distance (e.g. online services). Distance dependence can be a differentiating feature of scientific fields, as well (e.g. in case of mathematics or physics, geographical analysis has no importance). Every place is significantly formed by the people living there that puts a great interest on addressing the socio-cultural environment in scientific research. Geographical location may be understood on certain levels from global to micro, so regulation, legal environment also plays a role in networks’ evolution. From the methodological point of view, there are numerous data sources regarding geographical location. Technological advances support not only the collection of information, but also the scientific analysis of data. Besides applying new methodologies, existing methods applied in new fields can contribute significantly to the development of scientific knowledge. The main goal of the session is to share research results unveiling the role of geographical location. Both conceptual, theoretical or methodological contributions, and best practices, case studies are welcome that seek to address the question of how geographical boundaries form our world.  Session type: presentations + round table discussion at the end with the participants
Additional information:
Gadár, L., Kosztyán, Z. T., Telcs, A., & Abonyi, J. (2022). Cooperation patterns in the ERASMUS student exchange network: an empirical study. Applied Network Science, 7(1), 1-31.
Kosztyán, Z. T., Katona, A. I., Kuppens, K., Kisgyörgy-Pál, M., Nachbagauer, A., & Csizmadia, T. (2022). Exploring the structures and design effects of EU-funded R&D&I project portfolios. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 180, 121687.
Kosztyán, Z. T., Király, F., & Kurbucz, M. T. (2022). Analysis of ownership network of European companies using gravity models. Applied Network Science, 7(1), 1-31.
Judit, S., Fehérvölgyi, B., Csizmadia, T., Katona A. I., Kosztyán Zs. T. (2022): Does geography matter? Implications for future tourism research in light of COVID-19. Scientometrics (accepted, under publication)
Multiplex networks, time-series gravity-like models, structural examinations, patern recognitions (ongoing research, funded by the National Research, Development, and Innovation Office – OTKA – K 142395)

Judit Sulyok (1); Zsolt Tibor Kosztyán (2)
(1) senior research fellow, Balaton Tourism Research Centre, Faculty of Business and Economics, Institute of Management, University of Pannonia, (2) full professor, Department of Quantitative Methods, Faculty of Business and Economics, Institute of Management, University of Pannonia

ID Abstract:

Landscape has been a central theme in geography for centuries, albeit with varying interpretations of the word, but it always has a spatial connotation. Although at first glance it looks as if  it is an objective term, it has in fact a very subjective component: landscape is perceived by humans and assigned (aesthetic) qualities that will eventually also enter politics. This emerges, for example, in the discussions about wind parks, photovoltaic parks or dams. The sheer necessity of such structures for modern energy supply and the energy transition has to be weighed against the concept of ‘beautiful landscape.’ As with all geographical spaces, inequalities exist-  socially, economically, politically and environmentally – creating landscapes characterised by either privilege or marginalisation. Our interest in this session is in the latter – namely how people and places in landscapes ‘marginal’ to the mainstream cope and respond in an era of change.
The transformation of landscape is therefore an interesting and insightful topic to understand human values and actions. Marginal regions are often left behind in development processes and considered of little interest for investment to improve their situation. However, demarginalization requires the will to go beyond lip service and entails also certain (financial) risks.
This session wants to shed light on the potential of landscape changes in marginal regions. Paper presentation in English and French 

Walter Leimgruber (1); Stanko Pelc (2)
(1) Iniverfsity of Fribourg/ Switzerland, (2) University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia

ID Abstract:

The topic of energy transition has long since become a central element of European policy, because it is now clear that progress and environmental protection are strongly correlated and, in conditions of scarce energy resources, development must necessarily be sustainable. In order for these goals to be achievable, transition support tools designed for local communities have been introduced. The application of these instruments is aimed at ensuring the reconversion of obsolete production sites, guaranteeing access to energy, creating job opportunities and providing vocational training. Among these tools, energy communities are forms of energy production and self-consumption carried out by a coalition of users who produce, consume and manage energy through small-scale energy plants. Italy has already been the recipient of interventions aimed at territorial cohesion for a decade, and in Sicily the experimentation of energy communities could have a competitive advantage due to its geographical location. Since our observation was made at the same time as the adoption of regulatory actions under the European Union Transition Policy, we believe that this analysis can introduce us into a new perspective where it is possible to frame certain parts of marginal territories, such as the Belìce Valley, which was also affected by destructive events, forced to face choices related to the socio-economic survival of its communities. Finally, we propose the possibility, according to the Italian National Strategy for Inner Areas as a policy for local development, to join another policy field, that of post-earthquake reconstruction in Sicily. The communities and territories should be better involved in a partnership board to write an area strategy and choose the best locations in the area, for once not to the detriment of local communities but rather in their favor, in total connection with the aims of the energy communities.

Gianni Petino; Mario Mattia; Maria Donata Napoli
Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Catania; Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Osservatorio Etneo; Department of Design and Applied Arts, Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo

ID Abstract: 55

Over the last few centuries, the landscape of the southernmost part of Calabria has been one of the favourite subjects of artists and writers such as R. de Saint-Non, E. Lear, M

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. C. Escher, C. Pavese, P. P. Pasolini and others, who have extolled its natural beauty and the fascination exerted by the historical legacy of Magna Graecia._x000D_
After the Second World War, this area has experienced a failed industrialization accompanied by episodes of slow violence at the expense of the environment, be it urban, rural or coastal, whose effects can still be seen today. As well as the socio-economic problems producing inequalities that make it one of the poorest areas in Europe, the southernmost part of Calabria is riddled with illegal building and general environmental degradation._x000D_
In a stretch of coast no more than 60 km long, building projects such as the Liquichimica plant in the Saline Ioniche, the Statale 106 freeway and other infrastructures have produced a missing landscape, in which residential and industrial structures are left unfinished and therefore devoid of any function._x000D_
The first part of this contribution provides a brief history of the landscape of the area, the removal of which could be considered to lie at the basis of a local Shifting baseline syndrome. The second part gives some examples of how the episodes of long-standing slow violence have changed the landscape. Finally, some stories of resistance to such violence are recounted, with appropriate examples such as the museum located below a freeway, the protests that managed to stop a project to open a coal-fired power plant and last but not least, a role for the non-human, with the discovery along the same stretch of coast of a large nesting area for sea-turtles._x000D_

Giovanni Modaffari
University of Milano-Bicocca

ID Abstract: 750

With the development of transport and communication technologies and the refinement of the division of labor, the boundaries between cities are being broken down. Cities are no longer a separate system but are interconnected with other cities. The increasingly interconnected factor flows between cities have profoundly influenced the development patterns of cities and regions. This study develops a land cover change model that incorporates urban network structures to simulate the impact of urban networks on urban land use expansion. The model is based on cellular automata and incorporates both urban network proximity and accessibility measures into the land use change rules. A case study is conducted to demonstrate the model’s effectiveness in simulating the impact of urban networks on land use change. The results of this study demonstrate that urban network structures have a significant impact on urban land use, with even small adjustments to the local network structure leading to changes in the overall land use patterns of the region. These findings highlight the importance of considering the influence of urban networks on land use planning and management decisions, as urban networks can either facilitate or hinder sustainable urban development. By understanding the impact of urban networks on land use, policymakers and urban planners can make more informed decisions to promote sustainable and equitable urban growth.

Zongnan HU, Shougeng HU
China University of Geosciences(WuHan), Wageningen University & Research

ID Abstract: 704

Given the challenges faced by contemporary society on multiple levels, reliable GIS data and analysis is more crucial than ever. Advances in technology have put GIS functionality at the reach of anyone with a computer, however combining different resources onto a coherent platform for interoperability remains an elusive goal. Resources (e.g., data, models, simulations, HPC…) remain separate and compartmentalized, with sharing and interoperability made difficult by differing standards, approaches and availability. However, research is being undertaken to develop aggregation platforms which will foster interoperability to provide derived results from combinations of resources.
Presentations in this session should focus on the development of GIS modelling, simulation, Earth observation, aggregation, and sharing technologies, with a view to foster a productive and open debate about the successes and lessons learned from undertakings, and the future plans for the field. Specific topics would include – but not be limited to – platform/software development, data and model/simulation interoperability, adaptation of preexisting software, standards, formats, tools, servers/HPC, metadata, online marketplaces/content management solutions.
Participants will be able to gain an understanding of concurrent developments in the field, as well as to personally know other researchers and form collaborations and joint efforts. The session will be organized by presentations and then a discussion after each, followed by a final discussion. Presentations can be in any of the four languages of the conference (french, spanish, catalan or english).

Laurence Sigler (1,2); Pere-Andreu Ubach (1,2)
(1) CIMNE, (2) Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, (3) Generalitat de Catalunya

ID Abstract:

The PIKSEL project was started in 2021 by the Generalitat of Catalunya and CIMNE, to provide the government with a tool to address the status, tendency of changes and vulnerabilities of the territory, such as facing natural disasters or the climate emergency. Seven pilot models were developed for the platform, centered on the Catalan littoral counties. It became apparent that there was a need for a content management system and a way to ingress, catalog and manage new content. The PIKSEL Marketplace will function as the public point of access, the hub for ingress of new models, data, and services, and their cataloguing, management, and acquisition by users. Once catalogued (indexed and packaged) via the CMS, resources will be available for use and for interoperability, the focus of this investigation. The objective is to create a content management system with ecommerce capabilities as a platform as a service (PaaS), allowing use and interoperability between resources for aggregated output. The system will allow providers to incorporate their content on the system without recoding This presentation will outline the system’s origin, goals, and status

Laurence Sigler, Pere-Andreu Ubach, Javier Mora, Claudio Zinggerling, Eugenio Oñate, Marc Darder, Xavier Baulies, Júlia Rubert, Eduard Falcó, Josep Milà

ID Abstract: Manual – juny 7