Vegetation restoration is a global issue and research hotspot. Ecological policy plays an important role in achieving vegetation restoration. It is of great significance for optimizing policy design and improving policy efficiency. However, previous research can hardly separate the respective roles of resource endowments and ecological policies in the effects of vegetation restoration, and it is impossible to accurately match ecological policies and their evaluation units, resulting in confusion between ecological policies and vegetation restoration effects and affecting the accuracy of policy evaluation. Therefore, the perspective of vegetation restoration “potential – realization” was proposed to improve the evaluation work. Based on thesis analysis, a new evaluation model was established, to obtain a vegetation restoration potential achievement index that can effectively reflect the ecological policy effect. Then, taking the Loess Plateau as an example, combined with the interpretation of the parameters of the model, the application demonstration of the analysis framework and the new model is carried out. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) Through theoretical deduction, it is demonstrated that the vegetation restoration potential achievement index can effectively shield the influence of resource endowment conditions and better reflect the vegetation restoration effect of ecological policy; (2) The case study further verifies the theoretical derivation; (3) The joint analysis of traditional vegetation coverage index and potential achievement index can provide more useful information for the sustainable restoration of vegetation. In conclusion, this study is expected to provide new theoretical and methodological support for ecological policy evaluation and vegetation restoration planning.

Daojun Zhang
China University of Geosciences

ID Abstract: 562

With the development of transport and communication technologies and the refinement of the division of labor, the boundaries between cities are being broken down. Cities are no longer a separate system but are interconnected with other cities. The increasingly interconnected factor flows between cities have profoundly influenced the development patterns of cities and regions. This study develops a land cover change model that incorporates urban network structures to simulate the impact of urban networks on urban land use expansion. The model is based on cellular automata and incorporates both urban network proximity and accessibility measures into the land use change rules. A case study is conducted to demonstrate the model’s effectiveness in simulating the impact of urban networks on land use change. The results of this study demonstrate that urban network structures have a significant impact on urban land use, with even small adjustments to the local network structure leading to changes in the overall land use patterns of the region. These findings highlight the importance of considering the influence of urban networks on land use planning and management decisions, as urban networks can either facilitate or hinder sustainable urban development. By understanding the impact of urban networks on land use, policymakers and urban planners can make more informed decisions to promote sustainable and equitable urban growth.

Zongnan HU, Shougeng HU
China University of Geosciences(WuHan), Wageningen University & Research

ID Abstract: 704

As the population in most European countries is ageing, interest in improving older people’s well-being and activity levels has increased. Hence, in recent decades, productive, successful, and active ageing studies have multiplied, and continued learning is argued to be an essential factor. Much research has discussed that engagement in continued education is vital for older people’s perceived quality of life and coping abilities. Moreover, knowledge changes rapidly in contemporary societies, and uncertainty is a defining characteristic, and only some people can aspire to complete their education at a certain point. Researchers, demographic experts and trainers argue that older adults in today’s society have even more motives for participating in learning experiences. _x000D_
One new challenge that requires more education, especially among older people, is shifting from an economy based on the linear production model (take-make-waste) to a circular economy (take-make-use-dispose). By being willing to learn at any stage of life, they can find the answer to several questions, e.g. How to decrease the volume of their household waste? How to reuse and recycle some of these wastes? How to save energy? How to protect the environment?_x000D_
These concerns inspired the researchers and experts from Sofia (Bulgaria), Saragossa (Spain), Matera (Italy), Poznań (Poland) and Skopje (Macedonia) to develop the SenGA project, which aim is to increase the awareness of seniors about sustainable development, recycling and circular economy. The presentation aims to show the objectives of the SenGA project – Seniors in Green Action – from Hands to Minds to Souls financed by the Erasmus+ programme. The presentation contributes to the discussion on the possibility of expanding knowledge and setting new research directions in the human geography of ageing and the level of implementation of the circular economy principles in various spatial scales; national, regional and local.

Michał Męczyński, Ewa Kacprzak, Barbara Maćkiewicz, Krystian Koliński
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

ID Abstract: 916

The session aims to investigate three areas which, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, have influenced the so-called «active ageing», representing an important opportunity to understand the different forms of green sociality and to set up a sustainable technological urban culture oriented towards cohesion and inclusion.
In the Western European countries three-quarters of the elderly population live in cities, consequently the urban context emerges as one of the most important territorial areas, in which green resilience is a challenge to face.
This challenge requires the achievement of a balance between social and technological innovation, as well as the participation of the most fragile and vulnerable citizens through awareness-boosting activities of the urban info-scape.
In other words, the three factors of accessibility, safety, and livability of the urban environment, referring to the elderly, condition the sustainability of our cities.
The widespread awareness of environmental problems, the growing attention to the landscape transformations and the desire for naturalness are the basis of the topics of the session, which aims to rethink the management of urban spaces and their usability in terms of adaptation and mitigation of climate change and environmental crises.

Luisa Carbone (1); Daniela La Foresta (2); Tony Urbani (3)
(1) University of Tuscia, (2) University of Naples Federico II, (3) University of Tuscia

ID Abstract:

The attention around the topic of greenery in urban areas is linked to the idea of a city suitable for the elderly

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. This connection depends on two specific phenomena: population aging and urbanisation. Therefore an inclusive and resilient approach to greenery, starts from the knowledge of the members of a community that lives in urban spaces._x000D_
Considering that by 2050, according to current estimates, 68% of the population will live in urban areas and that even the elderly will participate in the phenomenon of urbanization, is plausible to think of an urban landscape planning program able to integrate, and understand the connection, solutions regarding climate instability, social inclusion and active ageing, as well as regeneration projects for abandoned urban spaces. It is therefore evident that the well-being of citizens cannot be separated from an adaptation of the city to the elderly, an adjustment conveyed by policies of active participation of the community, young and old, and by the increase in green policies that improve the quality of life. Based on these observations, the survey proposes reflections on possible way for re-design the city and its welfare plan, in consideration of the climate changes that subverts the physical urban environment._x000D_

Virginia Fossatelli
Università degli Studi della Tuscia

ID Abstract: 223

Environmental protection is one of the essential areas of application for the design and maintenance of a Smart City. Particularly critical is atmospheric pollution resulting from the reduction of green spaces and, in particular, from the gases emitted by car traffic, which has an increasing number of vehicles circulating in the city. _x000D_
Therefore, new urban strategies tend towards green solutions that minimise environmental difficulties and favour the health of people and, in particular, of the elderly population living there, which is bound to increase in number every year. _x000D_
In fact, the World Health Organisation (2007 and 2018) identified the smart environment as one of the criteria for compatibility between the age of citizens and the city itself and supports active ageing in the city with age-friendly initiatives. _x000D_
For this, active citizen involvement, the concept of empowerment and ‘cityzentrism’ (Skouby et al. 2014) of the elderly is proposed for the purpose of eco-sustainable urban decoration and redevelopment in cities with the highest level of air pollution. The active contribution of people living in urban spaces can provide data necessary for the development of a digital system to manage geospatial data, identified as urban neighbourhoods in need of redevelopment or non-green, heavily polluted areas._x000D_
As a solution to the problem, functional artistic expressions, typical of green art, such as ‘Airlite’ paint eco-graffiti or Moss graffiti composed of mosses and lichens, are proposed. These forms of street art not only have the task of reducing air pollution, but of raising awareness among citizens to limit harmful behaviour towards the environment and can be translated into educational expressions in favour of urban decorum, such as lettering and signs on city streets.

Miriam Noto
Università degli Studi della Tuscia

ID Abstract: 360

À travers l’analyse des étapes de la territorialisation de l’économie marchande transnationale au centre de Tunis, la communication propose de montrer que les conditions socio-économiques et les arrangements politiques s’articulent pleinement dans l’implantation fragile mais durable d’une activité pourtant toujours reléguée à l’informalité._x000D_
Au centre de la capitale, la médina de Tunis est un espace marchand ancien. C’est pourtant bien en marge des souks traditionnels, dans les quartiers résidentiels et dégradés de la bordure orientale de la ville arabe qu’a émergé une centralité marchande transnationale dans les années 1980 : le souk Zarkoun. Constituée spontanément à partir de navettes migratoires et marchandes transméditerranéennes et transfrontalières, cette centralité s’est ensuite redistribuée dans la ville en plusieurs temps._x000D_
Dispersée par les autorités en 1993, elle s’est d’abord reterritorialisée dans deux sites – les souks Moncef Bey et Boumendil –, dans un rapport distinct aux autorités, entre évitement et collaboration. Le développement de l’importation de produits « made in China » sous l’effet d’arrangements politico-économiques impulsés par les proches du régime du président Ben Ali a ensuite conduit à la mondialisation et à l’expansion de chacun de ces marchés dans les creux de la croissance urbaine. _x000D_
Cependant, la révolution et le changement de régime en 2011 sont venus remettre en cause les arrangements préexistants et avec eux, les conditions de la stabilité et de la prospérité de ces marchés. Cela a provoqué une crise de l’importation en même temps qu’une dérégulation de l’activité et de la territorialisation marchandes

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Son muchos los factores que contribuyen al desarrollo de la disfunción eréctil, incluidas las elecciones de estilo de vida, las enfermedades subyacentes y los problemas psicológicos. viagra contrareembolso 48 horas Este medicamento innovador ha revolucionado el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil, ofreciendo a los hombres la oportunidad de recuperar la confianza en sí mismos y la función sexual..

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. _x000D_
Cette dernière recomposition spatiale a accentué la visibilité du commerce transnational dans la ville et la remise en question politique de la légitimité de sa présence dans l’espace urbain post-révolution. _x000D_

Adrien DORON
Université Paris Cité – UMR Géographie-Cités

ID Abstract: 587

Au Brésil, de nouvelles routes de migration internationale sont cartographiées dans des villes de différentes tailles et fonctions dans toutes les régions du pays. Dans la région du Nord-Est, depuis les années 1990, l’élaboration de politiques régionales a attiré des investissements et des investisseurs internationaux dans tous les secteurs de l’économie, mais concentrés dans des villes telles que Salvador, Recife et Fortaleza. La présence de migrants investisseurs a assuré la montée d’une économie centrée sur le capital et le travail migratoire, que Bomtempo (2020) a qualifiée d’économie urbaine de la migration. Les migrants qui structurent l’économie urbaine de la migration sont organisés en réseaux mondiaux dans lesquels ils articulent des personnes et des lieux dans la perspective de construire des coopérations multiples qui se manifestent dans le paysage de la ville. À titre d’exemple, nous présentons les relations multiscales entre les villes africaines et brésiliennes à travers les activités développées par le groupe de migrants africains installés dans la ville de Fortaleza, dans l’État de Ceará. Avec des caractéristiques particulières, l’économie urbaine de la migration de ce groupe est structurée au milieu des synergies entre les migrants et les agents locaux qui agissent à la fois dans le territoire d’origine et dans le territoire de migration. Pour mener cette enquête, des variables analytiques et opérationnelles sont choisies, ainsi que des sources statistiques, journalistiques et institutionnelles, des entretiens avec des migrants investisseurs, des acteurs locaux et des institutions publiques et privées. Il s’agit ainsi de révéler, en conséquence de la mondialisation, le contenu des migrations internationales Sud-Sud qui, de manière coexistante, contribuent à comprendre la circulation et la circularité des personnes, des informations et des marchandises entre les villes africaines et brésiliennes par les investissements des migrants.

Denise Cristina BOMTEMPO; Lucivaldo de Lavor SILVA
Universidade Estadual do Ceará/Brasil

ID Abstract: 663

This paper explores how circulations of cheap objects imported from China affect Mwanjelwa, the main commercial quarter of Mbeya, Tanzania, and its relations with its rural hinterland. The main argument is that the commercial circulation of objects imported from Asia produces specific urban-rural relations and original urban commercial forms. The objective is therefore to shed light on the renewed modalities of integration of urban-rural relations and of a peripheral Tanzanian metropolis into globalization via the trade route of cheap made-in-China. The empirical material is drawn from semi-structured interviews conducted with market actors. First, the paper situates the approach by placing urban-rural relations at the intersection of the field of inconspicuous globalization and urbanization through the flow of goods. It then sheds light on Mwanjelwa’s position from the network perspective, examining the transformations of commercial spaces before analyzing the interrelations between circulations and market spaces. The paper concludes by noting that the original globalization of urban-rural relations, i.e., their integration into more global logics, is the product of network logics, spaces of opportunity appropriated by inconspicuous actors of globalization.

Sylvain Racaud
Université Bordeaux-Montaigne, Les Afriques dans le Monde

ID Abstract: 684

African markets have become economically attractive, given population growth, urbanisation, the availability of a young labour force, a booming consumer market and high annual growth rates of national GDPs. Positive discourses on their strong economic potential accompany global flows that ultimately materialise in markets and other trading places. The presence of so-called informal markets is an essential landscape feature in the cities of the South, from megacities to the most modest rural villages. As part of networks of human, material and financial circulation, these places are a well-studied research object, from the socio-political issues at stake at the local level to the mechanisms of integration into transnational and globalised exchanges at the global level. The urban range of sales outlets also includes tried and tested devices: the supermarket, the shop and street sales. In recent years, it has been complemented by shopping malls. The panel questions how commercial traffic transforms and (re)signifies the urban spaces, including the most modest ones, that follow the trade routes? How do trade flows open up economic opportunities and consumption spaces for African populations ? Adressing the interactions between people, economic activities and urban environments, the panel aims to inform the effects of trade circulations on the production of space and on the daily lives of actors, whether as economic or consumption opportunities. The panel is based on a special issue of the journal «les Cahiers d’Outre-Mer», currently being published. It will be open in priority to the authors of the issue, but also to new contributors.The session will allow each participant to present their work before a final discussion.It will be conducted preferably in French, but English is also possible.

Adrien Doron (1); Anne Bouhali (2); Sylvain Racaud (3)
(1) Université Paris Cité, (2) Université de Picardie – Jules Verne, (3) Université Bordeaux Montaigne

ID Abstract: