La cooperación interadministrativa es un concepto multiescalar que en el caso del Estado español se puede aplicar tanto a los municipios, provincias, comunidades autónomas como Estados. A pesar de que existen distintas iniciativas y/o programas que a nivel legal favorecen estas cooperaciones, los procesos de desregulación del estado fordista-keynesiano apuntan hacia un mayor dominio de los métodos de trabajo basados en la oposición interadministrativa tanto horizontal como vertical. Estos procesos se empirizan en el territorio a partir del momento de urbanización diferencial que conlleva una creciente fragmentación socio-espacial. La reducida cooperación en la mayoría de las ocasiones apunta hacia una reducida ampliabildiad de las inversiones públicas y es aprovechada por determinados agentes urbanos que observan como la fragmentación del territorio favorece a sus intereses. Desde la perspectiva de la teoría urbana esta comunicación pretende presentar algunas evidencias empíricas sobre procesos de cooperación y oposición político administrativa que se pueden identificar en Cataluña a distintas escalas. El trabajo se encuentra en una fase exploratoria y tienen como objetivo mejorar el encuadramiento teórico-metodológico de la cooperación/oposición transfronteriza.

Lluís Frago Clols
Universitat de Barcelona

ID Abstract: 987

There has been an appreciable growth in cross-border cooperation (CBC) structures over the last three decades in Europe, especially within the European Union (EU). If the legal instruments developed by the Council of Europe in the 1980s account for the so-called second wave of CBC structures, the third can be linked to the impulse provided by Interreg (initially a ‘Community initiative’; today a goal of EU Cohesion Policy), which saw a multiplication of such structures. This has provoked the criticism of scholars, concerned by the apparent opportunistic nature of many of these structures, some (most?) of them, they claim, serving solely to capture Interreg funds and lacking any proper governance, funding and/or administrative systems, among other attributes.
However, in 2006, a Regulation making possible European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (EGTCs) was passed (amended in 2013), providing for the institution of more stable governance structures. The purpose of this session is to discuss the extent to which this has subsequently facilitated the development of a new generation of CBC structures and to reflect on ongoing discussions – see, for example, the Cross-Border Review and B-Solutions – about the persistent barriers associated with borders within the EU. Indeed, since 2015, the creation of a new legal mechanism to overcome obstacles to CBC – one that is more ambitious in scope than the EGTCs – has been debated. This session welcomes critical research findings examining CBC structures at all (including mismatching) scales – Euroregions, Eurodistricts, Eurocities, transboundary protected areas, etc. – irrespective of their administrative/governance situation (i.e. if recognised as EGTCs or not). Additionally, recent discussions centred on EU Cohesion Policy for 2021–2027 have welcomed the use of the concept of the ‘functional region’, identified in the Territorial Agenda 2030 as “often break[ing] with existing administrative delineations” and which, as such, might represent new structures that can initiate new processes of CBC institutionalisation.
The session is conceived within the framework of the TRANSINTER-A project (code PID2021-126922NB-C22), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Spanish Agency of Research (AEI) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). This project aims to benchmark EU CBC institutionalisation experiences and to transfer the lessons learned to instances of cross-border cooperation along the administrative boundaries/borders between Spain’s Autonomous Communities (either historical nations or regions).

Valerià Paül (1); Juan Manuel Trillo Santamaría (1)
(1) Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

ID Abstract:

This paper discusses the taking into consideration of the concept of cross-border living areas in reflections on the lessons to be learned from the health crisis in terms of cross-border cooperation

Durante demasiado tiempo, el silencio en torno a la disfunción eréctil (DE) ha asolado a millones de hombres en todo el mundo, envolviéndolos en la vergüenza y el bochorno.Al promover la pérdida de peso, mejorar la función cardiovascular y reducir la inflamación sistémica, Xenical ayuda a restaurar la salud general y la vitalidad, aliviando así los síntomas de la disfunción eréctil. xenical prospecto.

El estradiol desempeña un papel crucial en el mantenimiento de la salud vascular y la promoción del flujo sanguíneo, que son esenciales para lograr y mantener la erección.Uno de estos tratamientos que ha tenido un gran éxito en España es Estrace. estrace.

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La disfunción eréctil es una condición común pero manejable que afecta a muchos hombres en España.Este potente medicamento contiene citrato de sildenafilo, un potente ingrediente que actúa aumentando el flujo sanguíneo al pene, lo que resulta en una erección fuerte y duradera. cenforce 25mg.

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Al aumentar el flujo sanguíneo a la región del pene, Kamagra ayuda a los hombres a lograr y mantener erecciones firmes, reavivando así la chispa en sus relaciones íntimas.Además, Kamagra es famosa por su alto índice de eficacia, con estudios que demuestran mejoras significativas en la función eréctil y la satisfacción sexual general de los usuarios. kamagra store london reviews.

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Emprendamos juntos este viaje hacia un futuro en el que la disfunción eréctil no sea una barrera, sino un obstáculo que espera ser superado con la ayuda de soluciones de vanguardia como Topamax. topamax 25.

También es bien tolerado por la mayoría de las personas, con efectos secundarios mínimos.Estudios recientes han revelado que un número significativo de hombres en España luchan con la disfunción eréctil, con estimaciones que sugieren que hasta el 25% de los hombres mayores de 40 años experimentan alguna forma de disfunción eréctil. precio cialis 20 mg en farmacia españa.

En medio de esta búsqueda incesante, un rayo de esperanza brilla sobre un medicamento de renombre conocido como Aldactone.Mientras el sol se pone sobre los pintorescos paisajes de España, proyectando un resplandor ámbar sobre sus ciudades históricas y sus vibrantes comunidades, embarquémonos en un viaje de curación y transformación. aldactone vademecum.

. Indeed, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light, in an often-brutal way, the obstacles that hinder the daily life of the inhabitants of increasingly integrated border regions and where the territories on both sides of the borders are interdependent. In France, a derogatory regime was granted by the national authorities to residents of cross-border living areas who thus did not have the obligation to be in possession of an antigenic test for their daily movements across the border. This timid institutional recognition was the prelude to taking into account the reality of cross-border living areas in many reflections and discussions on cross-border realities at regional, national and even European levels. Although the subject is now being addressed at the different levels of governance, many questions remain as to the possibilities of implementing the concept of cross-border living areas in the regulatory frameworks and public policies that govern the functioning of cross-border cooperation. From an undeniable geographical reality, the cross-border living area has become a subject of concern in public policy debates; but to giving it regulatory recognition in Europe and making it an effective instrument at the service of the inhabitants of border regions, the road still seems long.

Christophe Sohn
Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)

ID Abstract: 105

Cross-border cooperation in the European Union has played a key role in overcoming the barrier effect related to nation-state borders and has opened up new ways for the institutionalisation of innovative projects in cross-border contexts. Since the 1980s, the establishment of territorial cooperation policies and programmes has enabled European border areas to change their dynamics, shaping new spaces of functional, economic, social or cultural integration. Thus, cross-border governance has been a key instrument for managing common problems and challenges. In this regard, this research focuses on the analysis of the cross-border initiative «Xareta Sin Fronteras/Mugarik Gabe», made up of four municipalities located at the Western end of the Pyrenees: Ainhoa and Sara, to the north of the Spanish-French border, and Urdax and Zugarramurdi, to the South, respectively in the historical territories of Lapurdi and Nafarroa. This geographical context is part of the Basque territorial area, located on both sides of the border: Northern Basque Country (Iparralde) and Southern Basque Country (Hegoalde). «Xareta Sin Fronteras/Mugarik Gabe» argues that, due to family links prior to its formation, this area has maintained strong cultural ties, regardless of border delimitations. In this way, thanks to European cooperation programmes, a cross-border living area has been shaped, focused on a common culture, identity and even mythology. Based on semi-structured interviews with the local population and the representatives of the initiative, the aim is to reflect on the elements that motivate the development of this cross-border experience on a local scale. In this way, the research will allow us to discuss the relevance of the existence of a previous cultural identity ―Basque, in this case― in the shaping of a structure of this type.


ID Abstract: 983

Most academic research examining territorial borders has focused on international borders, despite the fact that borders are not limited to this sole scale. Indeed, borders are to be found between states, autonomous regions, provinces, counties and/or the administrative and political instances of the distinct government tiers that exist within internationally recognised sovereign countries. These administrative limits have come to be labelled “internal borders” and considered as presenting many of the same obstacles and barriers as those presented by international boundaries/borders. Yet, compared to the well-established framework of European Union (EU) cross-border cooperation – which includes specific funds, such as Interreg, and cross-border governance/government tools, such as the European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation –  there is an apparent dearth of cooperation instruments in the case of internal borders.
This session welcomes presentations on internal borders adopting theoretical and methodological perspectives that seek to understand them by analogy with external borders. Studies are especially encouraged of federal countries (e.g. Austria, Belgium, and Germany), semi-federal countries (e.g. Italy and Spain – whose regions present differences in accordance with their special or ordinary statutes and their status as historical nationalities or regions, respectively) and countries that have experienced uneven devolution (e.g. the United Kingdom, as it affects Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, but excluding England). Recently, the Covid-19 epidemic has shown that, on certain issues, it is easier for cross-border cooperation to be achieved between neighbouring States – for instance, the Spanish-Portuguese strategy adopted in 2020 – than for such emergencies to be managed by resorting to horizontal territorial cooperation – for example, between Spain’s Autonomous Communities. This session seeks to compile experiences, analyses and proposals not only of the barriers associated with internal borders, but also of the initiatives that have sought to construct bridges across internal borders, identifying existing practices, mechanisms and instruments.
The session is conceived within the framework of the TRANSINTER-D project (code PID2021-126922NB-C21), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Spanish Agency of Research (AEI) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). This project studies Spain’s internal borders and seeks to propose solutions to the dysfunctions apparent in these borderlands, by drawing on findings from research centred on institutionalised EU cross-border cooperation.

Joan Tort (1); Juan Manuel Trillo Santamaría (2)
(1) Universitat de Barcelona, (2) Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

ID Abstract:

While the future of the cities seems to be based on sustainable mobility, the effects of climate change are worsening especially in terms of rising temperatures. In the meantime, new strategies are needed to promote soft mobility that considers the effects of climate change designing ‘spaces for mobility’._x000D_
The use of public space changes through the days and seasons due to the influence of different temperatures on our behaviour. High temperatures in cities, which can be attributed to the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect, can reduce mobility acting as a ‘social barrier’ for specific categories of people. Built space materials, especially those dedicated to soft mobility, architectural barriers, and heat waves exacerbate the UHI effect, affecting mobility and slowing down city users. In this context, it is essential to analyse the urban environment to ensure accessibility and preserve the ‘right to mobility’ for all citizens, identifying obstacles and UHI’s triggers and mitigating elements._x000D_
A survey protocol is presented to analyse the space for soft mobility, using a district of Bergamo (IT) as a case study. The protocol is divided into two methodologies. The objective methodology consists of several analyses carried out using public open data and field-collected data. The subjective methodology is based on interviews with local stakeholders to confirm or modify objective methodology results._x000D_
The data are then interpreted and combined, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the area’s walkability system, and offering a comprehensive analysis of the urban public space. Through the analysis of the case study, the paper aims to recognize the main elements for the redesign of mobility spaces to limit the impact of UHI and preserve the right to mobility of the most vulnerable groups._x000D_
Gregorio Pezzoli MSc in Geourbanistics; Emanuele Garda (PhD) Town Planner and Senior Researcher. Both are from the University of Bergamo.

Gregorio Pezzoli, Emanuele Garda
University of Bergamo

ID Abstract: 784

La vitalidad urbana, comprendida como la capacidad de atracción y desarrollo de una ciudad, se ha posicionado como un modelo de ciudad. Investigaciones recientes han establecido su medición por medio de indicadores de densidad, diversidad de usos del suelo, compacidad, proximidad y accesibilidad a equipamientos y servicios. Tanto investigadores como planificadores apuntan a los beneficios económicos, sociales y medioambientales que puede traer el modelo de la ciudad vital para los habitantes. Nuestra pregunta de investigación busca analizar la relación entre las condiciones para la vitalidad urbana y la sustentabilidad social. Usando datos cuantitativos provenientes del Estudio Longitudinal Social de Chile (2019) y el Índice JANE (2021), y datos cualitativos provenientes de la aplicación de un fotovoz a residentes y trabajadores, esta investigación doctoral indaga en la percepción de quienes hacen uso de la ciudad, utilizando como contrapunto la teoría de Jane Jacobs para un nuevo contexto de investigación. El caso de Santiago permite situarnos en una realidad urbana propia de Latinoamérica debido a la histórica segregación y estigmatización de la periferia, la profundización de las brechas sociales bajo la influencia del neoliberalismo, y la reciente construcción de un escenario urbano privatizado en todas las clases sociales que refuerza los patrones segregatorios a un nivel micro. Esta ponencia busca reflexionar sobre cómo puede ser comprendida la vitalidad urbana en un contexto latinoamericano, cuál es la relación entre este modelo de ciudad y la sustentabilidad social en términos de satisfacción residencial, sociabilidad, seguridad y sentido de pertenencia, y, en este sentido, cuáles son los desafíos que enfrentan ciudades como Santiago de Chile ante las actuales dinámicas inmobiliarias, junto a la privatización y el deterioro del espacio urbano

A pesar de la cultura de apertura y cordialidad que existe en España, el tema de la disfunción eréctil sigue rodeado de estigma y secretismo para muchos hombres.Esta afección, caracterizada por la incapacidad de lograr o mantener una erección suficiente para mantener relaciones sexuales, puede tener profundos efectos en la autoestima, las relaciones y la calidad de vida en general de un hombre. xenical amazon.

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A medida que seguimos desentrañando los misterios de este versátil antibiótico, su potencial para mejorar la vida de los hombres que luchan contra esta afección tan común se hace cada vez más evidente.A medida que más médicos españoles reconocen las virtudes terapéuticas de la Doxiciclina, la demanda de este antibiótico sigue aumentando. mycoplasma genitalium doxycycline.

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Revolucionando el tratamiento de la diabetes:Entre los muchos medicamentos disponibles, Glucophage ha surgido como una opción popular para los profesionales sanitarios en España debido a su perfil de eficacia y seguridad. glucophage xr 1000.

**Desvelando la solución para la disfunción eréctil: Topamax se perfila como un tratamiento prometedor en España**.La incapacidad para lograr y mantener una erección satisfactoria puede ser una fuente de gran angustia para los hombres, afectando no sólo a su bienestar físico, sino también a su salud emocional y mental. topamax bulimia.

Aumentando la concienciación, rompiendo tabúes y adoptando soluciones innovadoras como Cialis, podemos allanar el camino hacia un futuro más brillante y satisfactorio para las personas que luchan contra la disfunción eréctil.Sin embargo, a pesar de la prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil, muchos hombres siguen dudando en buscar ayuda debido al estigma social o a la vergüenza. cialis farmacia.

La disfunción eréctil, conocida coloquialmente como impotencia, es un trastorno caracterizado por la incapacidad constante de lograr o mantener una erección suficiente para mantener relaciones sexuales.Al aumentar la excreción de agua y sodio y retener el potasio en el organismo, Aldactone ofrece alivio a las personas que padecen edemas. aldactone diuretico.


Stephanie Madrid-Solorza, Oriol Marquet, Carme Miralles-Guasch, Luis Fuentes
Departamento de Geografía, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona; Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología Ambientales, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona; Instituto de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales, Pontífice Universidad Católica de Chile

ID Abstract: 835

In the early 1990s, Serbia, like other former socialist countries, entered the process of mass privatization of public housing stock resulting in 98% of former socially-owned housing shifted to privately-owned properties. Once an element of the socialist welfare state, housing passed to the market and profit-based sector. Simultaneously, housing shortage and affordability have become growing problems nationwide, leading to new social housing schemes. _x000D_
Over the last three decades, social housing provision in Serbia has accommodated different social groups by employing various physical forms, housing types and spatial environments. Diverse donor-driven housing initiatives were focused on the most vulnerable population (refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs), Roma, and social care recipients). In addition, housing projects implemented through public and state funds were aimed at specific professions (public administration, police, the army, and academia). At the same time, the quality of living environments of implemented housing solutions varied at the neighbourhood and city levels. _x000D_
Although social housing projects were dominantly driven by the state, local factors influenced the implementation and characteristics of given solutions. Based on empirical observations and semi-structured interviews with professionals and inhabitants, we will discuss spatial aspects of social housing structures and complexes in certain Serbian cities from comparative perspectives. Therefore, our study will include cities with notable social housing interventions. These are large cities (the capital city and regional centres) and cities with a significant influx of refugees and IDPs. The goal is to analyze how national policy agendas and local-level plans affected the delivery of different housing types and spatial schemes, thus affecting neighbourhood life and supporting or hindering the creation of vibrant communities.

Zlata Vuksanović-Macura, Marko Filipović, Dejan Doljak and Dragana Miljanović
Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia

ID Abstract: 915

The concept of urban vitality indicates that certain attributes of the built environment (density, land use mix, accessibility, porosity, among others) influence the daily use of the neighborhood and the social interactions between inhabitants (Gehl, 1987; Jacobs, 2011), encouraging what some authors call public familiarity, weak social bonds of recognition that contribute to the sense of neighborhood community (Blokland, & Nast, 2014; Felder, 2020). _x000D_
On the other hand, in recent decades, Santiago de Chile has experienced an important process of verticalization, promoted by the financialization of the real estate sector (De Mattos, 2008) and by neoliberal urban policies (López-Morales et al., 2012), which has radically transformed the built environment of its central areas (Vicuña Del Río, 2020), negatively affecting the public space of the neighborhoods (Pumarino, 2014). _x000D_
This paper asks how such transformations of the built environment affect the sociability patterns of the inhabitants of vertical urban areas, based on the analysis of three neighborhoods in Santiago, Chile through secondary data of the built environment and primary data collected through surveys and focus groups._x000D_
The results show that, although verticalization inhibits social interaction at the building level and hinders the formation of strong ties at the neighborhood level, in some cases, the daily use of public space and local commerce, as well as neighborhood organization, favor the emergence of ties of public familiarity, transforming the traditional idea of neighborhood community._x000D_
Based on these results, we seek to discuss the social impacts of verticalization processes in relation to daily practices in the formation of communities, investigating how an urban development process that prioritizes urban land profit ends up hindering the urban vitality of the city and the formation of communities on a neighborhood level._x000D_

Felipe Link, Andrés Señoret & Christian Matus
Instituto de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

ID Abstract: 629

Places, understood as meaningful locations, are important geographical components for people to organise their everyday lives. Over time and through recurrent experience, people build an emotional bond with places of varying spatial extent and ascribe meaning to them. This attribution of meaning to a location is referred to as the formation of a ‘sense of place’, and scholars from the fields of philosophy, sociology, psychology, and human geography are theoretically concerned with this concept. Largely unexplored, however, is how people translate a complex concept such as sense of place into reductionist representations of places like their geometric spatial footprints. Our planned contribution will explore this connection. Following an established operationalisation of sense of place from environmental psychology and using results from a web-mapping-based survey of Lisbon residents, our study will establish connections between geometric properties of recorded polygons and associated place-related survey responses. The geometric properties considered include shape and complexity measures such as the ratio of nodes to perimeter, the fractal dimensions of the polygons by estimating Minkowski-Bouligand dimensions, inferences about the level of detail of the mapped polygons, and other potential indicators. The results obtained in this way will contribute important insights to the ongoing and growing discourse on place-based information in geographic information science and will help planners and geographers to better understand the nexus between place and corresponding formal representations.

Albert Acedo, René Westerholt
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, TU Dortmund University

ID Abstract: 448