The reserach explores the relationship between social inequalities and the energy transition in the Barcelona metropolitan area. Thus, it analyzes to what extent the necessary process of improving energy efficiency and decarbonization can be associated not with a reduction but with an increase in inequalities. On the one hand, it is confirmed that the population with the lowest incomes resides in inefficient real estate parks and has a lower propensity than the average to take measures to improve the said situation. On the other hand, the more affluent areas have a greater propensity to implement self-generated electricity systems, as well as a greater presence of electric vehicles

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. Thus, to date, self-generation facilities tend to be located in a much higher proportion in high-middle-income areas with a dispersed urban configuration than in low-income areas. In a context in which the economic effort that households must make to meet their energy needs is not proportional to their income, this pattern in innovations could result in an increase in social inequalities in terms of access to energy_x000D_
The territorial concentration processes of both situations can come to consolidate social inequality and spatial segregation, which makes it necessary to adopt corrective policies.

Veronica Mejia, Joan Checa, Joan Lopez
Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

ID Abstract: 217

Rural tourism has become a fast-growing industry in recent decades. This development direction is essentially small-scale, relying on local resources, while bringing economic revitalisation and life to depopulated villages, thus it has been recognised and actively applied by rural policies as a panacea for territorial development and solving rural problems. In some regions, such as Toscana and Provence, rural tourism has converted whole areas into small economic miracles

Las investigaciones indican que el orlistat puede mejorar la función endotelial, aumentar el flujo sanguíneo y reducir la inflamación, todos ellos factores cruciales para lograr y mantener una erección sana. xenical 120 mg hard capsules En España, la prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil ha ido en aumento, afectando a la calidad de vida y las relaciones de muchas personas..

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Este aumento puede atribuirse a una combinación de factores, como el sedentarismo, los malos hábitos alimentarios y la predisposición genética.Es esencial que los hombres con diabetes y disfunción eréctil colaboren estrechamente con sus profesionales sanitarios para desarrollar un plan de tratamiento integral que puede incluir cambios en el estilo de vida, otros medicamentos y, potencialmente, tratamientos como Glucophage. glucophage xr.

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Trabajando juntos para abordar los problemas subyacentes que contribuyen a la disfunción eréctil, las personas pueden recuperar la confianza, la intimidad y la calidad de vida en general.En afecciones como el hirsutismo y el síndrome de ovario poliquístico (SOP), Aldactone ejerce efectos antiandrogénicos, mitigando así síntomas como el crecimiento excesivo de vello y los desequilibrios hormonales. aldactone 25mg.

. However, our research shows that the local consequences of the ‘tourism industry’, even for (economically) successful localities, raise a number of economic, social and environmental dilemmas, and dangers too. COVID-19 increased the demand for green areas and private spaces, and many urban dwellers ‘escaped’ to rural areas (especially to their second homes) during the lockdowns. The steady flow of second-home owners into rural areas, however, posed a significant challenge to local infrastructures and the maintenance of public services for local rural communities._x000D_
Our presentation discusses the role of rural tourism in the gentrification of the countryside, its successes, and dilemmas. Aiming a deeper understanding of the processes in the framework of two interlinked research more than 150 semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with key actors, newcomers, locals, tourists, and visitors between 2019-2023 in three different territories of Hungary. In the presentation we will examine the following questions: What are the consequences of the urban upper and middle-class invasion for local society, the economy, culture, and the environment? What was the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the existing processes: does it modified only temporarily the preferences and motivations, or does it reinforced the already steady trend of rural gentrification or new challenges and problems occurred as a consequence? _x000D_

Kyra TOMAY, PhD – Gusztáv NEMES, PhD
Department of Sociology, University of Pécs, Hungary ; Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Budapest, Hungary

ID Abstract: 592

This communication aims to examine the perceptions and level of awareness of Generation Z – also known as Gen Z, ‘post-millennials’, ‘Centennials’ among others – when it comes to sustainable practices in tourism. The results are compared with their previous cohort, Generation Y, also known as Millennials. The role this generation has to play in the future of tourism and sustainable development has been the subject of recent interest among academics and practitioners. However, there is a need for studies that investigate Gen Z sustainable behaviors and practices in the field of tourism._x000D_
To provide an answer to this question, this research work is based on a quantitative approach using surveys. A sample of 266 Spanish individuals was collected, in the Valencian community. The data were collected between February and March 2022. The results show that Millennials and Generation Z are aware of the role they must play when it comes to responsible tourism mobility and tourism consumption. Thus, there are certain differences between Generation Z and its predecessor. Generation Z also shows a greater commitment towards responsible practices. As a matter of fact, it is observed that individual profiles have an impact on this relationship. At the same time, although this generation has made progress towards sustainable development, there are still challenges to be faced to achieve responsible and sustainable tourism practices and mobility.

Francisco Romera ; Eugénie Le Bigot
Falmouth University ; Université de Caen Normandie

ID Abstract: 642

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the tourism industry worldwide. Historic city centres, which are often major tourist destinations, have been particularly affected due to the pandemic restrictions on travel and mobility. In this context, this study aims to explore whether the pandemic has altered attitudes towards tourism in historic city centres using the case of Krakow – a major historic city and city tourism destination in Poland._x000D_
This study employs a mixed-methods approach, including interviews with key stakeholders in the historic city centre. Most important actions taken by particular stakeholders in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and their shifting attitudes towards tourism and its impact on Krakow’s historic city centre are discussed and analysed. The research also aimed at capturing the views of various stakeholders on the challenges and opportunities created by the pandemic._x000D_
The results of the study suggest that the pandemic was a period of time when numerous stakeholders in Krakow’s historic centre were reviewing their attitudes towards tourism and how urban policy should be conducted in this unique area. There was an increased public awareness of the role of conducting quality public consultations and urban discussions involving numerous stakeholders to jointly develop better solutions for post-pandemic tourism in the city. Attention was also drawn to the problem of the increasing tourist gentrification of this historic area and the need for regulations aimed at reducing the tourist-oriented functions in favour of improving the quality of life of local residents._x000D_
Overall, this study contributes to a better understanding of the impact of the pandemic on attitudes towards tourism in historic city centres, using the case of Krakow. The findings from this particular Polish city can be used as evidence and strategic inspiration by public authorities in further planning for tourism development in historic city centres in Europe.

Marek Grochowicz
Jagiellonian University, Krakow

ID Abstract: 682

The new tourism trend of “living like a local” is being strengthened by promoting the value of “solidarity” (Alexova, 2015). That is when a tourist’s motivation and commitment is to engage in volunteer work to help address social, cultural, economic, or environmental challenges of the local destinations (Milne et al., 2018; Brown, 2005). More recently, the concept of Solidarity Tourism (ST) was explored for promoting sustainable models of local and regional development (Phuc & Nguyen, 2020; Benson, 2010)._x000D_
While the Ukrainian Government considers tourism for post-war recovery, already now, in the non-occupied territories, rural communities experience the benefits of safeguarding cultural and agricultural heritage, valorising natural and social capital, and psychological rehabilitation from the trauma of war that tourism brings. Balancing economic objectives with social and environmental ones, ST has the potential to alternate the future of tourism and become the primary tool for promoting the value of solidarity while bringing multidimensional benefits (Dolnicara&McCabeb, 2022). And Ukraine’s rural destinations can become a pilot case for exploring how tourism can help communities recover from the crisis and build resilience while avoiding negative environmental and social impacts. _x000D_
The authors performed a preliminary analysis of the war-induced challenges for the tourism industry and rural communities, including smallholders and farmers, monitored local solidarity initiatives, undertook interviews with key stakeholders. The pilot “Network Cooperation on the Protection of the Cultural Heritage of Ukraine by Means of Solidarity and Volunteer Tourism in War and post-war times” within Kyiv Oblast was implemented with the expert support of the USAID “Economic Support to Ukraine” project. Based on the findings, a Ukrainian scenario for building rural areas’ resilience and recovery through the ST, integrated with multistakeholder network cooperation, will be presented.

Olena Motuzenko, PhD, Associate Professor in constructive geography of the Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Ukraine; Viviana Ferrario, PhD, Associate Professor in Landscape geography of the Department of Architecture and Arts, University IUAV of Venice, Italy; Anna Kanshieva, PhD, Biodiversity Specialist, UN FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia
Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Ukraine; University IUAV of Venice, Italy; UN FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia.

ID Abstract: 858

During the first few months of the Covid19 pandemic in 2020, public attention suddenly shifted from the problems caused by overtourism in cities, to the almost total absence of tourism mobilities. Tourism academics, industry, and activists thus started to debate whether the path towards recovery would involve a return to the old “normal” or a transformation towards a more sustainable paradigm (Ateljevic, 2020)

Xenical, un medicamento comúnmente recetado para la pérdida de peso, ha mostrado resultados prometedores en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil. oferta xenical.

Si está interesado en probar Estrace para el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil, es esencial que consulte con un profesional sanitario en España. estrace Comprender la disfunción eréctil:.

Viagra contiene el principio activo sildenafilo, un potente vasodilatador que aumenta el flujo sanguíneo al pene, facilitando la consecución y el mantenimiento de la erección.Viagra ha demostrado ser eficaz en más del 80% de los hombres con disfunción eréctil, proporcionando una solución segura y fiable a una condición una vez debilitante. viagra.

A medida que España se embarca en un viaje transformador para abordar la creciente prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil, la integración de Orlistat en los paradigmas de tratamiento existentes anuncia una nueva era de esperanza y progreso.Es necesario realizar una evaluación exhaustiva del estado de salud, los antecedentes médicos y las posibles causas subyacentes de la disfunción eréctil para determinar el tratamiento más adecuado. orlistat como funciona.

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Aunque las causas de la disfunción eréctil pueden variar, un factor subyacente común es la presencia de diabetes.Con el tiempo, la diabetes no controlada puede dañar los vasos sanguíneos y los nervios, lo que provoca complicaciones como enfermedades cardiovasculares y lesiones nerviosas. glucophage xr.

Sin embargo, detrás de las escenas, muchos hombres en España están luchando con un problema común, pero a menudo sin discutir: la disfunción eréctil (DE). topamax ficha tecnica El auge del Topamax en España:.

Sin embargo, con medicamentos innovadores como Cialis, las personas pueden superar los obstáculos planteados por la disfunción eréctil y redescubrir la alegría de una vida sexual plena. comprar cialis en españa envio urgente Desvelando la Realidad de la Disfunción Eréctil en España: Cómo Cialis está revolucionando el panorama del tratamiento.

La guía definitiva de Aldactone para el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil en España aldactone diuretico Trabajando juntos para abordar los problemas subyacentes que contribuyen a la disfunción eréctil, las personas pueden recuperar la confianza, la intimidad y la calidad de vida en general..

. In this paper, drawing on qualitative research conducted in London and Paris between July 2020 and June 2021, we explore this question, particularly looking at whether new forms of localised tourism developed as a result of the pandemic, how these were nurtured and encouraged by the tourism industry in London and Paris, and the consequences these shifts may have on the future of tourism in the two cities. The research consisted of an online Delphi study, followed by in-depth one-to-one interviews with selected stakeholders, and complemented by the analysis of media / policy documents. According to our findings, throughout the pandemic tourism sustainability gained attention; however, the crisis did not bring about the sustainable revolution some stakeholders predicted. Nonetheless, in both cities, tourism marketing adopted a new ‘‘hyperlocal’’ approach with the objective of encouraging proximity tourism and involving local residents in the touristic exploration of their own city. In this paper, we also discuss whether this shift in attitude was only a temporary solution to mobility restrictions, or a positive transformation towards new forms of urban tourism, away from old, unsustainable, tourism models.

Dr Ilaria Pappalepore and Prof. Maria Gravari-Barbas
School of Architecture and Cities, University of Westminster (London); IREST, EIREST, University Paris 1 Panthe´on-Sorbonne (Paris).

ID Abstract: 266

The 21st century has witnessed significant changes in the development of tourism, characterized by the democratization of air travel through low-cost flights, the rise of digitalization and the sharing economy, and a global increase in tourist demand. However, these trends have also led to negative impacts such as overtourism, environmental degradation, and social inequalities. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused a dramatic reduction in tourism mobility, resulting in the preservation of natural and cultural heritages but also economic and social crises. This turning point has created an opportunity to rethink the future of air travel and tourism mobility. The rise of low-cost flights has increased tourism mobility but also contributed to the carbon footprint of the industry. Sustainable tourism mobility requires a holistic approach that balances socio-economic and environmental sustainability. Strategies for achieving this balance include promoting responsible tourism practices, developing sustainable tourism infrastructure, and involving local communities in tourism development._x000D_
This research aims to explore the challenges and opportunities for creating a more sustainable and equitable air travel and tourism industry through a qualitative approach based on a review of the literature and analysis of case studies from different regions around the world. Alternative modes of transportation, such as rail and bus, offer more sustainable options for regional tourism mobility. Overall, this research concludes by recommending a range of policy interventions to promote sustainable air travel and tourism mobility provides valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities for creating a more sustainable and equitable air travel and tourism industry. By offering a framework for sustainable tourism mobility, the research provides important guidance for policymakers, practitioners, and other stakeholders as they seek to create a better future for the industry._x000D_

Jocelyne NAPOLI & Sébastien DEPASSE
University of Toulouse

ID Abstract: 331

In recent years, especially after COVID-19, the tourism industry is undergoing tremendous changes. Post-epidemic travelers are looking for outdoor products to enjoy different experiences and make new mobility, and tourists are pursuing non-traditional destinations, changing traditional travel needs and mobility. With this new demand, some new tourism models, such as wine tourism, have become popular after the 1990s, aiming to meet the new demand and mobility of post-epidemic world tourism. This paper presents current data on Chinese tourists’ travel before the epidemic, analyzing their growing demand for «slow tourism» that will break the stereotypes of their travel needs, and highlighting the history of wine development in China and its food and wine culture as a way to introduce them to Spain as a medium-sized The case studies chosen by the author are the few «heroic regions» in Spain, Priorat in Catalonia and Ribeira Sacra in Galicia._x000D_
The main objective of this study was to study in depth the two selected destinations of friendly, rural and natural wine and food, with their interesting and winding historical paths, impressive geographical landscapes, and high quality wines, as well as to analyze the high potential demand for wine tourism in these two regions by tourists from outside of China and the current high economic The author also analyzes the high potential demand for wine tourism in these two regions and the current high economic purchasing power of Chinese tourists from abroad, and compares it with the fundamental analysis of the process of the best wine regions in the world, even in Spain, to determine the planning and adjustments that should be made in these two specific wine regions, and to provide new ideas for other wine regions in the world that are still developing their international reputation, and to provide innovative ideas for the development of new destinations and expansions after the pandemic.

Liao Wei Wang
Universidad de Barcelona

ID Abstract: 352

This research aims to explore and understand consumer attitudes towards the dangers inherent in the holiday purchasing and delivery process in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is important to emphasise that although the impact of the coronavirus on risk perception is strongly represented in our research, we aim to validate the results in similar crises in the current context, but also in «peacetime». As a consequence, in addition to examining risk perceptions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have integrated a number of other risk perception types into the model and have sought to explore other areas in detail in the literature primer and measure them in the empirical research. For this reason, our objectives also focus more on areas beyond coronavirus. For the first research objective question, we will use a qualitative research methodology to explore what characterises consumers’ perceptions and the importance of risk. This will also answer the question raised in the literature (Cui et al., 2016) – which may also be helpful for practical solutions – about which risk perceptions are important when and how important they are in the holiday purchasing process. The second and third questions focus on context and influencing effects. Consequently, quantitative data collection and analysis tools have been used for this part. This method has helped to translate the links identified in the qualitative research into numerical correlations. This was greatly helped by the validated scales used as measurement tools in the research. We were then able to define hypotheses for the correlations based mainly on the literature review results.

László Kökény; Zsófia Kenesei
Corvinus University of Budapest

ID Abstract: 367

In the past few decades shopping has become one of the most favoured activities among tourists and for more and more people it serves as the primary motivation for travelling. It is often stated that shopping tourism has numerous economic advantages especially for destinations such as generating income both directly and through the links to other sectors (multiplier effect), creating jobs, and decreasing seasonality. Realizing these positive economic effects, more and more destinations regard shopping tourism as a decisive tool for tourism development. However, in most cases the focus is on the immediate economic benefits, while relatively little attention is devoted to the social or environmental aspects (not always being positive) of shopping tourism, to possible disadvantages to host communities and in a broader sense to the issue of sustainability

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Al inhibir la absorción de grasa en el organismo, prometía ayudar a las personas a perder los kilos de más y conseguir el físico deseado.Estos efectos secundarios, aunque suelen ser leves y transitorios, pueden plantear problemas importantes a los usuarios, afectando a su calidad de vida y al cumplimiento del tratamiento. orlistat aurovitas 120 mg 84 cápsulas.

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Una de estas soluciones que ha ganado popularidad en España es Kamagra, un potente medicamento conocido por su capacidad para tratar la disfunción eréctil y devolver la confianza a los hombres.Kamagra destaca entre otros tratamientos de la disfunción eréctil por varias razones. kamagra store london reviews.

A medida que avancen las investigaciones, Glucophage puede convertirse en una valiosa herramienta en el arsenal de tratamientos para la disfunción eréctil en España. glucophage españa En este artículo, profundizamos en la prevalencia de la DE en España, exploramos la conexión entre diabetes y disfunción eréctil y destacamos los beneficios de Glucophage como posible solución..

España es un país conocido por su vibrante cultura, impresionante arquitectura y deliciosa cocina. topamax 50 mg – Mejora del flujo sanguíneo: Topamax ayuda a relajar los vasos sanguíneos del pene, lo que permite aumentar el flujo sanguíneo y mejorar las erecciones..

La disfunción eréctil puede deberse a varias causas, entre las que se incluyen factores relacionados con el estilo de vida, como el tabaquismo, el consumo excesivo de alcohol, la obesidad y la falta de actividad física. cialis precio farmacia Para los hombres que luchan contra la disfunción eréctil en España, Cialis representa un rayo de esperanza en su camino hacia la superación de esta difícil condición..

En el vibrante paisaje de la sanidad española, una aflicción silenciosa camina entre las sombras, arrojando un velo de abatimiento sobre las vidas de muchos.Para la comunidad médica española, este fármaco versátil se ha convertido en un aliado formidable en la lucha contra diversas enfermedades. aldactone 25mg.

. In addition, shopping tourism has been facing new challenges due to digitalisation and to the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic accelerated the spread of (cross-border) e-commerce and increased consumers’ reliance on electronic devices and applications to meet their consumption needs. Based on the review of the relevant literature and international practices the presentation will first introduce the notion and forms of shopping tourism and examine its possible positive and negative economic, social, and environmental effects. This is followed by some suggestions for the sustainable development of shopping tourism focusing on well-being and maximising the benefits to host communities. Finally, the future of shopping tourism is assessed and the presentation will argue that retailers should follow an omnichannel strategy and place larger emphasis on (cross-border) online shopping and digitalisation (e.g. mobile applications, contact-free payments) to maintain their competitiveness.

Institute of Tourism and Geography, University of Nyíregyháza, Hungary

ID Abstract: 468